go on' We must now take our leave of Dora, wishing that she may comfortably and satisfactorily at Loftus-town, and that she will profit by the admonitions and prayers of the affectionate and pious ELLEN HENESSY. "NOBETTER THAN WE SHOULD BE ; or, Travels in Search of Consistency." By Andrew Marvel, Jun. Addressed to all Christians, Patriots and Philanthropists. 2nd Edit., pp. 168. Bulman. We have here something for everybody. Its design is the laudable one of inculcating principles of true Christian Catholicism. It exposes some of the great fallacies of the day, and its style is such as cannot but make it attractive. We give a specimen : "On passing a fine building, I saw a placard-'The Intellectual Society for the Discussion of Great Questions hold their meetings here every Monday evening. Subject, on Monday next, Woman's Rights.' I went in at once, and secured a ticket for a quarter of a dollar, and at the appointed hour made my appearance. I gave my card to the secretary, and said I should feel obliged to him if he would place me in such a part of the building as would enable me to hearken to the discussion with the greatest advantage. Most politely he introduced me to the president, and I was once more on the stand, with an immense crowd in the body of the hall, several reporters, and perhaps twenty persons on the platform. I whispered to the secretary, and asked if all their discussions were always thus well attended. He said the interest had been well sustained from the beginning, but that the talent of the city would be brought out that night, and that the mental contest would be tremendous. Thus excited to the highest pitch, I waited for the opening of the evening's business. The chairman calmly and intelligently introduced the subject, and said he believed no one knew his opinions on the subject to be discussed, and that the secret he would cautiously conceal, in order that the utmost impartiality should be observed, and that no bias might be given to either side of the question. Having urged the audience to avoid all kinds of demonstrations of approval or otherwise, and stated that each speaker would occupy twenty minutes, and that three hours would afford the opportunity of eight addresses, thus giving himself twenty minutes for concluding remarks, he commended truth and candour to the earnest combatants and to the large assembly. The first speaker was what is called an out-and-out woman's rights man, and he therefore threw the gauntlet most nobly down in their defence. He said, woman in every age and country has been oppressed. He established this by quotations from ancient history, as to the Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, and other nations. He said no country had ever done her justice, or given her a fair sphere for the employment of her capacities and influence. The Jews had done much more for her than any other ancient people; Christianity had done more still; but yet, even in the most advanced nation in Christendom, she was still the subject of unmanly tyranny and oppression. The reply to this was somewhat feeble, as the speaker said he did not intend to dispute the main portion of the previous speech, which had referred mostly to ancient nations, and those nations under pagan influences; but he denied that in Christendom now that woman was more oppressed than man, and that, in fact, she was in full possession of every right and privilege that could either tend to her honour or happiness. He said, 'Female sovereigns occupy the oldest thrones in Europe; female writers stand foremost among the influential minds that wield the press; womanly zeal and piety have full scope in the church of God; and that in the United States this was emphatically woman's golden age, or Eve's Paradise regained.' The third speaker said, he rejoiced that the condition of woman was vastly ameliorated, and that her present position was unspeakably better than in any preceding age; 'but,' said he, 'should woman in any sense occupy a place of inferiority to man? Shall she not be his helpmate, his companion, his friend, his equal? If her constitution is more delicate, her mind is more elastic; if her weakness is physically more apparent, her moral energy is more conspicuous; if home be her cabinet, yet the wide world is her dominion; if her situation is more retired, yet she educates and sends forth, to do the deeds of the world's bidding, her sons trained by her side. From what privilege is she then debarred? from what office excluded? of what right deprived ? The fourth speaker endeavoured chiefly to dwell on the fitness of things, and said that woman was evidently subordinate in her very constitution was destined to be governed-that to give her a more public position would be to sin against nature, and would be as incongruous as to give authority to the moon to rule by day, or rather to place the sun and moon in the same centre, and as co-equal in light and influence. 'The moon,' said he, 'is the emblem of woman; she shines by borrowed rays, and must derive her light and glory from man, the created orb of day. To this flourish of tropes and figures the fifth speaker, evidently a wit, replied, 'If I have any light at all, I got the first rays from an intellectual mother: where she got them I forgot to ask before I left home. The secondary enlightening influence I had from three unselfish intelligent sisters. It is true my father toiled and got me books and education, and gave me a business, but the kindling up of my mind, the gentle culture of my intellectual powers, I owe to my mother. At college, too, I never knew a bright smart man but owed his superiority to his mother: I never read of a father, however great, who could make an intellectual son without the aid of a mother; and I say that the old adage, however true, that the child is the father of the man, is not half so true, speaking morally and mentally, as that the mother is the father of the child. Now,' said he, 'I guess that here we have the best evidence of woman's fitness for any office or privilege that man should occupy; surpassing strange that woman's elevation should be kept down by the iron hoof of prejudice and oppression.' The sixth speaker said, that the last speaker's praises were indisputable, but the inferences false; it is just because woman is to be the educator of children, that she should be confined to that sphere-there she ought to reign and rule-there is ample scope for all her talents and appliances. Bring her forth to public gaze, and home is neglected, domestic enjoyment destroyed, and the rising age exposed to ignorance, irreligion, and ruin; not only would these be the inevitable results, 'but,' said he, 'woman herself would become a wreck in this unnatural revolution.' The seventh speaker said: 'We may discuss the subject in this way until doomsday, and leave the whole question unsettled. I calculate,' he said, 'we had better try and understand one another; I go,' continued he, 'for woman's rights the whole hog, tail and bristles as well; for the senate, for the bar, for the hall, for the pulpit, and for the battle-field too; let her have a fair chance to develope her powers, to exhibit her genius, to try her skill, and to exert her influence.' He then quoted proofs, historical and divine, of women rulers the most 'equitable, of women prophets the most exalted, of women generals the most courageous. He described an African army of women as the most warlike and terrible, and added, 'if she is adapted for that, I guess it would take an argument as wide as the Atlantic and back to say she is not fit for any station or office in creation."” I. "THE GENERAL ATLAS," a Series of Twenty-nine Maps, drawn and engraved by William Hughes, F.R.G.S. With an Index. National Society. 1855. II. "THE SCHOLAR'S ATLAS," containing Fourteen Maps, drawn by W. Hughes, F.R.G.S. National Society. THE first of these is just published. It will supply a desideratum that teachers have often felt. It is neither cumbrous nor too small for practical purposes. The price is such as will place a really good atlas within the reach of many who could not afford to purchase expensive ones. The second is one of the wonders of school literature-an atlas for twopence! Surely we need say no more to induce teachers to encourage the more frequent use of atlases by pupils, even in national schools. ** We much regret that want of space prevents us from noticing other works this month. [Evans's Boar's-Head Cotton, No. 50.-Boulton's Crochet-Book, No. 24, for this and all succeeding Honiton Lace.] LACE being so very fashionable just now, especially that termed Honiton, I trust that the patterns now given will be generally acceptable, as they are equally available for collars, veils, sleeves, and every other article in which lace is usually employed. The mode of engraving adopted, which shows at a glance the number of stitches employed in each part, will be found to render these designs very easy of imitation. The terms employed are doubtless well known to every one of my readers, having been employed for some years past in every crochet design in the "Family Friend," "Home Circle," "Lady's Companion," &c. |