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Resolved, That we recommend the Book Agents to publish a small collection of hymns, mostly from our Hymn Book, for use in Sunday-schools and in Social Worship. W. H. HUNTER, President. Feb. 11, 1875. M. J. TALBOT, Secretary.


In compliance with the above resolution of the Book Committee, we requested Rev. H. W. Warren, D.D., to select the hymns, and Eben Tourjée, Mus. Dr., to edit the musical department, of the accompanying work. NELSON & PHILLIPS.


The Hymns in our Standard Hymn Book are not only doctrinal, but unusually expressive of strong devotional feelings, and of the fullest and richest spiritual experiences. They are as profitable for devotional reading as for private and public worship. This Collection could have no higher commendation than is furnished by the fact that the Hymns are mainly selected from our official Hymn Book; and I think, selected with good taste and judg ment. It is of the very first importance that the children in our Sunday-schools should know the Hymns in common use in our public worship. This will prepare them to join in the singing in our social meetings, and to take part in the devotional services of the sanctuary. It will be an incentive to them to attend public worship, because they will be prepared to share in its exercises. These Hymns will furnish them with sentiments and spiritual songs that will be useful to them in hours of penitence, of temptation, of adversity, of religious joy, of closet devotion, and when dying. O! how different from those flippant, sentimental, semi-religious songs used in so many of our Sunday-schools! The importance of having the same hymns generally used at our family altars, in our Sunday-schools, and in our public congregations, cannot well be over estimated. This Collection, published by the Book Agents upon the recommendation of the Book Committee, by its cheapness, by the skill with which it has been compiled, and by its simple music, provides admirably for meeting this great desideratum, not by superseding our general Hymn Book, but by leading to its higher appreciation and more general uso.





THE object of this book is manifold :



1. To aid in giving unity to the Church, Social Meeting, and Sunday-School. The Sunday-school pupil should not find the Social and Church Singing an unknown realm. "Ariel," Harwell," 66 Coronation," "Almost Persuaded," and a hundred other ringing or tender tunes, are as appropriate for the Sunday-school as for any other assembly. The glorious old hymns of the ages should vibrate through every department of the Church, and the vivid, vital hymns of faith that have been born of latter-day Pentecosts, that have thrilled camp-meetings, love-feasts, and prayermeetings, should spread both ways into Church and Sunday-school. Then the child and the oldest saint will feel at home in every department.

2. To put, at the lowest possible price, a large variety of sterling standard hymns, unaltered and unabridged, whose meaning is well understood and approved, within the reach of all.

3. To suggest a great variety of tunes, both old and new. Leaders are apt to fall into the habit of using a very limited number of tunes, to the great detriment of spirited singing. To print this great variety in our limits would be impossible. We have, therefore, given the melody, or a part of it where it is well known, of over two hundred tunes, and referred, for the convenience of the organist, to the page in the TRIBUTE OF PRAISE where the harmony is to be found. The hymn will usually be found in the " Tribute" associated with the first tune mentioned. The first number given refers in each case to the melody at the back part of the book.


1 (1)


C. M.

Northfield, 80: T.P. 55. Marlow, 76: T.P. 57.
FOR a thousand tongues, to sing
My great Redeemer's praise;
The glories of my God and King,
The triumphs of his grace.

2 My gracious Master, and my God,
Assist me to proclaim,-

To spread, through all the earth abroad,
The honours of thy Name.

3 Jesus! the Name that charms our fears,
That bids our sorrows cease;
'Tis music in the sinner's ears,

'Tis life, and health, and peace.

4 He breaks the power of cancell'd sin,
He sets the pris'ner free;

His blood can make the foulest clean;
His blood avail'd for me.

5 He speaks, and, list'ning to his voice, New life the dead receive;

The mournful, broken hearts rejoice;
The humble poor believe.

6 Hear him, ye deaf; his praise, ye dumb, Your loosen'd tongues employ;

Ye blind, behold your Saviour come;
And leap, ye lame, for joy.


Abba, Father, 136.
Adoption and Assurance, 133-
138, 323.
Aspiration, 134-136, 193, 205,
262, 294.

Atonement, 34, 49, 52, 53, 82,

Awakening, 91-95.

Backsliding, 204–207.
Baptism, 229, 338, 351.
Benevolence, 244.
Bible, 171-174, 284.

Christ, death and sufferings
of, 33-42.

[ocr errors]

incarnation of, 30-32.
66 intercession of, 46-53.
Church, 63-66.
Closing hymns, 257-261.
Communion with God, 211-
222, 277, 279, 339, 350.
Confession, 10, 201, 293, 300,
Consecration, 247, 263, 265,
266, 268, 294, 306, 313, 314,
330, 338.
Country, 243, 286.

Death, 167, 198, 251-253.
Depravity, 86-90.

Divine perfections, 25-29.

Funerals, 187, 230, 234, 248-

God, perfections of, 25-29.
Gospel, provisions of the,
70-85, 332.

Growth in grace, 191–203.

Holy Ghost, the, 54-60, 321,

Incarnation of Christ, 30-32.
Intercession of Christ, 46-53.
Introductory, 1-24.

Inviting, 96-107, 274, 289, 304,
336, 347.

Judgment, 254, 255, 267.
Justification by faith, 126-132.

Lord's Supper, the, 33-42,
215, 256, 355, 356.
Love Feast, 175-179.
Love to Christ, 287, 312, 317.

Missionary, 235-238, 273.
New Year, 246, 247.

Patience in trial, 185–190.
Penitential, 108-125.
Pilgrims, 278, 302, 311.
Praise, 50, 60, 177, 264, 269,
271, 272, 295, 327.
Prayer, 156-170, 276, 318.
Prospect of heaven, 223-234,
280, 292, 293, 297, 303, 305,
310, 354.

Redemption, 290, 291, 308,
309, 312.

Resurrection of Christ, 43-45.

[blocks in formation]

1 (1)



C. M.

[ocr errors]

Northfield, 80: T.P. 55. Marlow, 76: T.P. 57.
FOR a thousand tongues, to sing
My great Redeemer's praise;
The glories of my God and King,
The triumphs of his grace.

2 My gracious Master, and my God,
Assist me to proclaim,-

To spread, through all the earth abroad, The honours of thy Name.

3 Jesus! the Name that charms our fears, That bids our sorrows cease; 'Tis music in the sinner's ears,

'Tis life, and health, and peace.

4 He breaks the power of cancell'd sin,
He sets the pris'ner free;

His blood can make the foulest clean;
His blood avail'd for me.

5 He speaks,-and, list'ning to his voice, New life the dead receive;

The mournful, broken hearts rejoice;
The humble poor believe.

6 Hear him, ye deaf; his praise, ye dumb, Your loosen'd tongues employ;

Ye blind, behold your Saviour come;
And leap, ye lame, for joy.

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