A FORM of PRAYER, AND A New Collection of PSALMS, FOR THE USE OF A CONGREGATION O F PROTESTANT DISSENTERS IN LIVERPOO L. PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY; AND SOLD BY CHR. HENDERSON, under the ROYAL EXCHANGE, LONDON; AND BY JOHN SIBBALD, Bookfeller, in LIVERPOOL. M DCC LXIII, THESE Compofitions are not the hafty production of any one perfon, but the joint labour of feveral, improved by the judicious remarks of many. The Society, for whose use they were drawn up, have now made them public; and hope they will receive many farther improvements, from the candid examination of those who have not yet perused them. Until fuitable offices are compofed for BAPTISM, and the LORD'S SUPPER, these rites will be administered as ufual among PROTESTANT DISSENTERS. མན MORNING SERVICE. ¶ The Morning Service is to be introduced by the following Address, from the Minifter to the People, the congregation rifing up. Minifter. BE joyful in the LORD all ye people: ferve the LORD with gladness; and enter into • his courts with praise. Know ye that the LORD he is GOD; it is he who hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving: let us give unto the • LORD the glory due unto his name. For the LORD is GOOD; his MERCY ' is everlasting; and his TRUTH endureth to all generations.' |