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Zech. xii. 10. And I will pour upon the Houfe of David, and upon the Inhabitants of Jerufalem, the SPIRIT of GRACE and of SUPPLICATIONS, and they fhall look upon him whom they have PIERCED.,

In what manner we are to prefent our Supplications.

Matt. vi. 5. When thou PRAYEST, thou shalt not be as the HYPOCRITES are: for they love to PRAY ftanding in the Synagogues, and in the Corners, of the Streets, that they may be feen of Men. Verily, I fay unto you, they HAVE their REWARD.

6. But thou, when thou PRAYEST, enter into thy Closet, and when thou haft fhut thy Door, PRAY to thy Father which is in SECRET, and thy Father which SEETH in SECRET, fhall reward thee openly.

7. When ye PRAY, ufe not VAIN REPETITIONS, as the Heathen do, for they think that they fhall be heard for their much speaking.

8. Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what Things you have need of, before you ASK him.

9. After this manner therefore PRAY ye: Dur father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Fame.

10. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven.

11. Give us this Day our daily Bread. 12. And forgive us our Debts, as we forgive our Debters.

13. And lead us not into Temptation, but Deliver us from Evil: fog thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glowy, for ever.


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Chap. vii. 7. Ask, and it fhall be GIVEN YOU: SEEK, and ye fhall FIND: KNOCK, and it fhall be OPENED unto you.

8. For every one that ASKETH, RECEIVETH and he that SEEKETH, FINDETH: and to him that KNOCKETH, it fhall be OPENED.

9. What Man is there of you, whom if his Son ask BREAD, will he give him a ŠTONE?

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10. Or if he ask a FISH, will he give him a SERPENT?

11. If ye then being Evil, know how to give GooD GIFTS unto your Children, how much more fhall your Father which is in Heaven give * GOOD THINGS to them that Ask him?

Chap, xviii. 19. I fay unto you, that if two of you fhall agree on Earth, as touching any thing that they fhall ASK, it fhall be DONE for them of my Father which is in Heaven.



Chap. xxi. zz. All Things whatsoever ye shall Ask in PRAYER, BELIEVING, ye fhall RECEIVE

Mark xi. 24. I say unto you, what Things foever ye DESIRE when ye PRAY, BELIEVE that ye RECEIVE them, and ye fhall have them.

Luke xviii. 1. And he fpake a Parable unto this End, that Men ought always to PRAY, and not to


2. Saying, there was in a City a Judge, which FEARED not GOD, neither REGARDED Man;

3. And there was a Widow in that City, and fhe came unto him, faying, Avenge me of mine ADVER



And he would not for a while; but afterward he faid within himself, though I fear not Gop, nor regard Man;

5. Yet because this: Widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, left by her continual coming fhe weary me. 6. And the LORD faid, Hear what the unjust Judge faith.

7. And shall not GOD AVENGE his own ELECT, which CRY Day and Night unto him, though he bear long with them ?

8. I tell you that he will avenge them fpeedily.

9. And he fpake this Parable unto certain which trufted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others: i

10. Two Men went up into the Temple to PRAY, the one a Pharifee, and the other a Publican.

11. The Pharifee ftood and PRAYED thus with hime felf; GOD, I thank thee, that I am not as other Men are, EXTORTIONERS, UNJUST, ADULTERERS, or even as this Publican.

12. I FAST twice in the Week, I give TITHES of all that I poffefs.

13. And the Publican ftanding afar off, would not lift up fo much as his Eyes unto Heaven; but fmote upon his Breast, saying, GOD be merciful to me a Sin


14. I tell you, this Man went down to his House JUSTIFIED rather than the other: for every one that EXALTETH himself fhall be ABASED; and he that нUмBLETH himself, fhall be EXALTED.

Chap. xx. 46. Beware of the Scribes,

47. Which devour Widows Houfes, and for a SHEW make LONG PRAYERS, the fame fhall receive greater DAMNATION.

Chap. xxi. 36. WATCH ye therefore, and PRAY always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all


thefe Things that fhall come to pafs, and to ftand before the SON of MAN.

Chap. xxii. 40. And when he was at the Place, he faid, PRAY that ye enter not into TEMPTATION.

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46. And he said, Why fleep ye? rife and PRAY, left ye enter into TEMPTATION.


John iv. 23. The Hour COMETH, and Now IS, when the true Worshippers fhall worship the Father in SPIRIT and in TRUTH: for the Father SEEKETH fuch to worship him.

24. GOD is a SPIRIT, and they that WORSHIP him, muft WORSHIP him in SPIRIT and in TRUTH.

Chap. ix. 31. Now we know that GOD HEARETH; not SINNERS: but if any Man be a WORSHIPPER of GoD, and doth his WILL, him he HEARETH.

Chap. xiv. 13. And whatsoever ye fhall ASK in my Name, that will I Do, that the Father may be GLORIFIED in the Son.

314 If ye fhall ASK any thing in my Name, I will


Chap. xv. 7. If ye ABIDE in me, and my WORDS ABIDE in you, ye fhall ask what ye will, and it fhall be DONE unto you. :

Chap. xvi. 23. Verily, verily I fay unto you, Whatfoever ye fhall ASK the FATHER in my Name, he will give it you.

24. Ask, and ye fhall RECEIVE, that your Joy may be full.

26. At that Day ye fhall ASK in my Name: and I fay not unto you, that I will PRAY the Father for you.


Acts x. 1. There was a certain Man called Cornelius, a Centurion of the Band called the Italian,

2. A devout Man, and one that FEARED GOD, with all his Houfe, which gave much ALMS to the People, and PRAYED to GOD alway.

30. And Cornelius faid, Four Days ago I was FASTING until this Hour, and at the ninth Hour I PRAYED in my House, and behold, a Man stood before me in "BRIGHT CLOTHING;

31. And faid, Cornelius, thy PRAYER is HEARD, and thine ALMS are had in REMEMBRANCE in the Sight of GOD.

Chap. xii. 5. Peter was kept in Prifon, but PRAYER was made without ceafing of the Church unto GOD for him.

Chap. xvi. 13. And on the Sabbath we went out of the City by a River fide, where PRAYER was wont to be made.

Chap. xxi. 5. And we departed, and went our Way, with Wives and Children, till we were out of the City; and we KNEELED down on the Shore, and PRAYED.

Rom. viii. 26. The SPIRIT alfo helpeth our INFIR MITIES: for we know not what we should PRAY for as we ought; but the SPIRIT itfelf maketh INTERCESSION for us, with GROANINGS which cannot be uttered.

Chap. x. 12. There is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the fame LORD over all, is RICH unto all that CALL upon him.

13. For whofoever fhall CALL upon the Name of the LORD, fhall be SAVED.

14 How then fhall they CALL on him, in whom they have not BELIEVED?


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