Imágenes de páginas

labor bestowed, and means ex- doubtless settle in villages, and pended, has not been great. It is take with them the best informed feared that this will continue to of the tribes, who have had the be the case, in most instances at advantage of the schools taught least, while their situation remains in them, and are already familiarwhat it is. Inroads are constant- ized to the arts of husbandry, in ly made upon them by our extend- consequence of which the large ing settlements, and the policy of farming establishments kept up the State governments, to incorpo- by the Missionaries may be disrate the Indian lands within their pensed with. When the Missionrespective limits, and spread over aries, in single families, shall be them the influence of their laws. allowed to sit down among the

The result, as might be expected, Indians in their respective settlehas been to unsettle the minds of ments, free from secular cares, it the Indians, and expose them to is believed that far more good the worst prejudices and passions will be realized in their spiritual Aware of such a state of things, instruction and improvement. and believing that the only reme- In referring to particular stady would be found in procuring tions, we shall commence with for them a permanent home, the Carey on the St. Joseph, 25 miles Board presented a memorial to south-east of Lake Michigan, in Congress in the session of 1827–8, Michigan Territory. soliciting that the subject might be taken into their wise consider

Carey. ation, and a location assigned. Missionaries, Rev. Isaac M'Coy, The opinions and movements of Mrs M'Coy; Mr Johnston Lykins, the officers of government, who teacher; Mr Robert Simmerwell, had in charge the Indian depart- Mrs Simmerwell; Mr Joseph Bey. ment, were in happy coincidence At this place, the Commissionwith the views of the Board, and ers of Government, in September a survey of a territory at the last, negotiated a treaty with the west for the object was ordered. Puttawattomies, by which all the On this survey, our Missionary, surrounding country, with the exRev. Mr M'Coy, was appointed, ception of ten miles square, was has executed the trust assign-, ceded to the United States. Withed him, and made his report. in the reserve, is the site of the Probably no man could have been Mission, concerning which a proselected for this service, so well visionary article was incorporated qualified to discharge it with the in the treaty, providing an indemhope of success, as having the nity, when the station shall be confidence of the Indians from given up. This event furnishes his long residence among them, another example, showing the aband being fully acquainted with solute necessity of seeking a home what their exigencies require. On for the Indians far to the west. this Report, Congress has not def- In the meantime, this tribe will be initely acted, owing to a press of principally shut up on their small business, but it is fully believed reserve. If any advantage is to they will at their next session, be looked for from such a posture and not merely provide the home of their affairs, it must arise from required, but furnish such Indians their proximity to the Missionaas are disposed to remove to it, ries, within whose influence they with the means of so doing. will be more directly placed. When this shall be accomplished, The number of children in the it is probable the plan heretofore school has been about seventy, pursued of conducting missions and nothing special of a religious among them, in its most expen- nature has occurred till lately, sive parts, may be materially va- when four of the men engaged on ried. The first emigrants will the farm were hopefully brought


to the knowledge of the truth. somed Indian through eternity This event displays in a strong bless God for the labors of your light the sovereignty of divine Missionaries ! grace, since it transpired in the absence of some of the Missiona

Thomas. ries, on whom the station princi- This station is among the Ottapally relied for Christian instruc- was, on Grand river of Lake tion.

Michigan, about 40 miles from its A deeply interesting account junction with the Lake. Teachhas also been received by the ers, Mr Leonard Slater, Mrs SlaBoard within the year, of the death ter, Mr Jotham Meeker, Miss Suof Anthony Rollo, at the station. san Thompson, Miss Richardson. He was a half-breed Puttawatto- The school at this place may be mie, whose mind his father had reckoned at 25, its numbers varydeeply imbued with the Catholic ing at different times. It has more superstitions; nor was he willing particularly beea reduced within that his son should be placed the last season by sickness, which, within the religious influence of though not fatal, was for a time the Missionaries. After the de- nearly universal in the mission mise of his father, a train of inci- family, and obliged them to disdents conspired to bring Anthony miss many of the children. At to the school, though imbittered the last intelligence, health was in his prejudices, and fully fortifi- generally restored, and wonted ed in his resolution against Prot- labors resumed. Besides the estant Christianity. After resid- Boarding School, the teachers ing here for a time, a revival com- bave commenced in the vicinity menced in the establishment, à district day school, which apwhich terminated favorably for proved itself to the natives, and him. He early became a subject has been well attended. They of conviction; but his former views have also endeavored to qualify greatly obstructed his coming to themselves for greater usefulness, Christ, till at length he saw there by acquiring the Ottawa language, was no other refuge. “ The 6th in which they have made conof Jan. 1825,” says Mr M'Coy, siderable progress. There can

was a day long to be remember- be no doubt of the ultimate advans ed. It was on the evening of this tage of a measure of this kind. day, that Anthony desired an interview with some of the Mission- Valley Towns, on the head waters aries, and gave them reason to

of the Hiwassee, (N. C.) believe that he exercised genuine Rev. Evan Jones, Missionary, faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Mrs Jones, John Timson, InterHis views of himself as a poor, preter. The new arrangements justly condemned sinner, were at this Station have been carried very clear, and his hopes of heav- into full effect for the last year, en were based alone on the mer- and promise the best results. The its of the Saviour. He became Boarding school has averaged fully convinced of the absurdity of more than 20 pupils, has received his old Catholic ceremonies, and the unwearied labors of Mrs often entreated Catholics whom Jones, with occasional assistance he met in this country to read the by her daughter and husband, Scriptures.” During a protracted and is in a prosperous state.

Bea illness, he gave the most unequiv- sides this establishment, a school ocal evidences of genuine faith, has been organized, under the inand died “leaving not the smallest struction of Rev. Mr Morrison at doubt in those who had known Nottely, about 16 miles distant, him for the last three years, that and is well attended. The Indis he was carried by angels to Abra- ans in the vicinity provided the ham's bosom.” How will this ran-school-house, and have contribute


ted something in provisions, to-sidered very doubtful; probably, wards sustaining the teacher, while however, but in small degree, and his salary is paid by the Board. that under the influence of better The number of children is proba- men than their advisers, they bly about 30. A third school has might have been induced to adopt been set up at Gatugidsee, by the a different conduct. About this natives, and though not supported time, Mr Compere received an from your funds, is visited and en- invitation to become the pastor couraged by Mr Jones with no of a church, and the Board apless promise of benefit from his proved of his accepting it; and religious counsels than the others. resolved to suspend the Mission

The attention of Mr Jones for for the present, or until the pleasthe year, has been chiefly directed ure of the Convention should be to the acquisition of the language, ascertained. and to evangelical labors. He

Tinsawatta. has not confined himself to the station, but established preaching

The school kept at this place, at Nottely, Gatugidsee, and Gun- has been removed to Hickory-lognee, or Long-Bullet ; at all of town in Georgia, where there is which there have been indica- a prospect of about 30 scholars, tions of special divine influence. under the instruction of Rev. Two have been baptized, and Duncan O'Briant. Rev. L. Meeks, others evince a spirit of solemn who has been accustomed to visit inquiry.

the station once a quarter, is ex

pected to continue his supervisWithington.

Several of the members of This Station was commenced the Tinsawatta church reside among the Creeks on the Chata- here, and will, with others, rehoochee river, within the limits of ceive the pastoral labors of Mr Alabama. It has never appeared

O'Briant. to be an object either of desire or

Sault De St. Marie, Michigan Terfavor, by the principal leaders of the Tribe, who have counteracted

ritory, (15 miles below the S. E. the efforts of your Missionary, Rev.

end of lake Superior.) Mr Compere, almost invariably. The establishment at this place They have not attended preaching, was commenced the last year, by or been willing that others should, Rev. Abel Bingham, whose famithough their hostility has not ly is expected to join him this broken out into acts of open vio- spring. It is intended for the lence till within the last year. Chippewas; and, by its location, During that period, they have promises the best advantage to prohibited even their slaves from them, while it will afford the ophearing the gospel, and prevented portunity of usefulness to the U.S. such of them as had become pious garrison in its immediate vicinity. from attending even privately on Mr Bingham has been received the means of grace, without ex- and treated with much kindness posing themselves to severe pun- by Col. Schoolcraft, and by the ishment. On one occasion, sever

officers of the garrison. On openal of the latter were insolently ing the School, it was attended by seized and scourged at the mission more than fifty children, though house, in the presence of Mrs the average number will not Compere, and in the absence of probably exceed forty. Beher husband. Measures were sides preaching every Sabbath to adopted by your Missionary and the Indians, Mr Bingham regularthe Board, to procure toleration, ly performs one service among but without success. How far the other inhabitants in the settlethis spirit of opposition is to be ment, with encouraging prospects traced to the Indians, may be con- of success. Already has the


word excited a spirit of deep in- stantly informed of the leading terest and inquiry in some of the facts and details in Missionary lahearers.


The Columbian Star, and AmerChoctaw Academy.

ican Baptist Magazine, are the This institution at Great Cross- property of the Convention, and ings, Scott County, Kentucky, is well worthy of extensive patronin a flourishing state. Its Princi- age. Several thousand copies of pal is the Rev. Thomas Hender- them are issued; but it is highly son, who appears to be happily desirable that the number should qualified for the station he fills. be much increased. The Memoir The pupils are from various In- of Mrs Judson, just published by dian tribes, and have increased to the Board, is rich in every thing ninety-eight, all of whom are sup- that interests the heart. No work, ported by annuities from govern- it is thought, which has come be

The Lancastrian system fore the public, has been received of instruction has been introduced with more favor.

The Biograhere, and is thought to be “ad- pher has more than answered our mirably adapted to promote or- highest anticipations; and having der, and excite emulation.” A completed the service assigned most happy revival of religion him, made a generous surrender has recently been experienced, of it and all its proceeds, to the and twenty-six youths have be- cause of Christ. An edition of come hopeful subjects of grace, 3500 copies was taken up in about fourteen of whom have united six weeks, and a second edition, with the Baptist church. This of 4000 copies, nearly prepared event must be hailed as highly by the publishers; and it is hoped auspicious in its aspect upon the that no family will be without future welfare of their respective so valuable a treasure. tribes. Col. Richard M. Johnson, lately of the Senate of the United

State of the Treasury. States, exercises a special care The Treasurer has received from over all the concerns of this Sem- Apr. 1828, to Apr. 1829, $16061,90, inary, and is its responsible pa- and paid out 13764,64, leaving an tron.

apparent balance in his hands of

2297,21. But the claims now existPublications of the Convention.

ing against the Treasury, amount It is a fact well ascertained, to more than the surplus funds ; that the disposition steadily and so that in fact, the Board is enefficiently to promote Missionary tirely destitute of means for prosand other benevolent operations, ecuting its important objects. It is graduated by the amount of cor- must be obvious to all, that the inrect information which individu- come of the Board is every way als and communities possess. In inadequate to the fair demands this view, the religious journals of which are made upon it. They the day, are exerting a powerful represent a vast body of the Chrisand refreshing influence. They tian church, and realize that the are widening their circulation, heathen world has a proportionand awakening new interest eve- ate claim on them for their amount ry week.

Many inquire after of labor in carrying the gospel to them, and are unwilling to be de- every creature. The Missionanied their perusal; while others ries they now have in employ, are less acquainted with what they merely an earnest of what should contain, require to be invited, be in the field, and serve rather to and even urged to read them. descry and report the wants, than Every minister, and other intelli- to supply them. So urgent have gent friend, will take care that been the solicitations from them those around him, are kept con- for assistance, that the Board de



termined some months since, so to diffuse evangelical sentiments, soon as suitable brethren should the spirit recently displayed at offer, to send out, at least, three. Maulamying, leaves us too much Under such circumstances, they reason to suppose, that had he deem further measures indispen- been successful in making consable, to

public senti- verts, the strong arm of authority ment, and call the energies of the would instantly have repressed Denomination into action. What bis efforts, and cut short his prothose measures shall be, the Con- gress. As it now is, the labors of vention, they trust, will delibe- brethren are no way retarded by rately consider. It is at present the spirit of hostility which has believed, that no plan promises arrayed itself against the successsuch certain and effective sup- ful march of truth, and all who port, as the formation of auxilia- have been subjected by it. ry societies, within convenient

2. The

which has distances, through the medium of crowned the labors of the Miswhich every church may forward to the General Treasury, the

sionaries, while it is calculated to amount raised by it. Where the holy ardor in the work, has been

inspire gratitude, confidence, and object is presented in this distinct conferred in a way to exclude all shape, unclogged by an alliance self-reliance and boasting, and with any other benevolent pur- lead us directly to God. How pose, it is more certain of its due long have our best efforts been share of attention, without diminishing the amount raised for oth: applied, and to how little apparent er Missions. Were all our minis- purpose, till the Spirit of the Lord ters and churches to combine in

was poured out.

Yet we now the system, a comparatively small

see, that it is not a vain thing to amount from each would supply

serve God, and are rebuked for all that is now required :--and will ed. Our eyes should be directed

all the misgivings we have indulgnot every church feel itself sacredly bound to bear its propor- work; and while they are, we

to him in the prosecution of every tion?

should neither faint nor be discouraged, but be assured, that in due

season we shall reap. Nothing is Reflections on the Mission to Bur- too hard for God, and though the mah.

vision tarry, wait for it, for it shall 1. The friends of this mission surely speak, and not lie. may most distinctly recognize the 3. Such is the character of the hand of Providence, as indicating late converts, as clearly to suggest by recent developements, great the duty of enlarging our plans savor towards it. In this light, and expectations. They intimate must be viewed the transfer of that more is to be accomplished so large a portion of Burman ter- by the Mission than we had anritory with its inhabitants, to the ticipated. We have been thinksovereignty and protection of ing, to benefit the Burmans chiefBritish laws. For a season, the .ly if not exclusively, and although aspect of the war was most dark this is the prominent and worthy and unpromising to all our opera- object, we are invited by events, tions, while it actually became the to contemplate the salvation of source of severe and protracted others also, as no less important. sufferings to the Missionaries; but On the borders of Burmah are it is now apparent that God meant China and Hindostan; and occait for good. Notwithstanding the sionally the natives of those vast seeming change indicated in the empires, intermix, and swell the policy of the monarch, in permit- population of Burman towns and ting Dr Price without restraint, districts.

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