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FOR JULY, 1829.

SUBSCRIPTIONs and donations to the General Convention of the Baptist Denomination in the United States, for Foreign Missions, &c. should be transmitted to Heman Lincoln, Esq. Treasurer, Boston. Persons visiting the city, to whom it may be more convenient to call at a central place, can lodge their communications with E. Lincoln, No. 59 Washington-Street, who is authorized to receive moneys for the Treasurer.


ing with independence and conscienTION.

tiousness, without previous concert. We have received from a valued But these differences related principal

ly to modes of action, rather than to meascorrespondent, and insert with much

ures; and the decisions to which the pleasure, the following notice of the discussions led were almost uniformly late meeting of the General Conven- unanimous. In regard to the proceed

ings of the Board of Managers, and to tion.


the leailing operations of the ConvenThe Convention held its sixth trien- tion, entire approbation was manifesto nial meeting at Philadelphia, on the ed: and it may, we think, be safely 29th of April, and after a session of a affirmed, that at no previous period week, adjourned, to meet in the Oliver since the formation of the Convention, Street Meeting-house, in New York, was there a more perfect confidence on the last Wednesday of April, 1832. reciprocally felt by the members of The Minutes of the meeting, and the the Convention towards each other, Report of the Board of Managers, were

and towards the officers and managers. published in the preceding number of This is a token for good, which dethe Magazine.

mands gratitude to God, who has shed The meeting was a very pleasant abroad a Saviour's love in the hearts one. The number of delegates pre- of his servants, and thus kindled sent was not as great, as at some pre- theirs towards him and each other. vious sessions ; but it was sufficiently A considerable portion of the time large, to furnish a fair representation of the session was occupied in devotionof the views and feelings of the whole al exercises; and several evenings Atlantic portion of the country, in- were allotted to public conferences, in cluding the interior of the great State which the interests of the denominaof New-York. From the vast regions tion, the state of our literary institubeyond the Alleghany mountains, no tions, the progress of revivals, the best delegate was present. It is hoped, modes of ministerial actions, &c. were that before the next Convention, the the topics of discussion. Much benefit numerous Baptist Churches in the will result, it is hoped, from these statewestern States, will be enlisted with ments of facts, and this interchange of their eastern brethren, in the work of views. Scarcely any thing has respreading over heathen lands the tarded the prosperity of our denominaknowledge of our Lord.

tion more,

than a want of concert among The session was delightfully har- its distant members. There has been monious. Perhaps no equal number little strife, and that little has been of brethren, many of whom had never local and temporary; but there has also before seen each other, ever met for been little of mutual knowledge and legislation, on important questions, who co-operation. Our churches have were more perfectly joined together been a vast multitude of units, standin the same mind and the same judg- ing alone, instead of being combined, ment. Differences of opinion existed, to produce, by their union, a mighty and were expressed freely and fully; sum. They have been single and but these were no greater than might small detachments of the great hosts be expected from intelligent minds, act- of God's elect, inefficient, because JULY, 1829.


they were single; and feeble, because blended, commended his children to they were small. The Associations, the protection of his father and their and State Conventions, have done some- father, of his God and their God. It thing towards marshalling these de- was a scene long to be remembered ; tachments into combined, active, and and it gave a sweet and most approefficient array. The General Conven- priate finish to the session of the Contion has been of the utmost service, in vention. The savor of these services preparing the way for a perfect and will, it is hoped, long remain in the general co-operation. We may hope, ' hearts of the members. that there will be a rapid advance to

Mr and Mrs Bennet, and child, have wards this desirable result; and that since sailed from Philadelphia for Calthe numerous Baptist Churches, in our cutta, where they will proceed to land, while they stand fast, in their Maulaymiog. May the Lord speed individual independence, in the liberty them on their way, and may the Bible wherewith Christ has made them free, soon spread its light over the darkness will also stand firm in affectionate con- of Burmah, cert in the service of our Lord.

The prosperity of the Burman mission shed a delightful confidence and BURMAN MISSION. hope over the minds of the Conven. tion. It animated their prayers, and MR BOARDMAN'S JOURNAL. gave vigour to their measures. It was

(Continued from p. 273.). felt, that God calls on the Convention for ardor and more vigorous efforts in Visit of Myat Poo and others. his cause. It is hoped, that many

April 26. Myat Poo (see journal prayers will ascend to God, for more for 19th inst.) was here last evening, laborers, and that our young men will and is with me again to-day. He has inquire earnestly whether it is not gained much light and knowledge since their duty to serve their Redeemer as

saw him first, and avows himself a Missionaries among the heathen. decided disciple. Indeed, he gives

The presence of Mr M'Coy, our in- very satisfactory evidence of possessing defatigable Missionary among the In

true grace.

Bless the Lord, for so dians, and his statements, produced early a display of his grace in Tavoy.

uch sympathy for the condition of 27, Lord's-day. A congregation of those unhappy men; and much desire about twenty persons, and among them that the measures for their removal to were several whom I saw at the funersome permanent home, where the go3- al on the 22d. I spoke a few words pel may be preached to them, under from John iii. 16. The people listened more favorable circumstances, than it rather attentively, and was glad to can now be, Inay soon be accomplished. find when I had done, that they un

The last evening before the Con- derstood pretty well. They staid an vention separated, Mr Cephas Bennett, hour afterwards asking questions. I whom the Board had appointed a print- hope some little good inay attend these er to the Burman Mission, was, with my first, and very imperfect essays at his wife, set apart by prayer and by public teaching in the Burman lanother services. The scene was deeply guage. As the people come of their affecting. Mr Bennett gave a brief own accord, and request me to speak to and modest statement of his conver- them, I dare nat refrain, though I did sion, and of his views and feelings in relation to the Burman Mission, end- ship till after the present rains.

not propose to commence public woring with the words of the excellent and lamented Wheelock: "To Bur. Description of the Karens. mah would I go; in Burmah would I May 1, 1828. Received a visit from live ; in Burmah would I toil; in Bur- about thirty Karens, with whom I had mah would I die, and in Burmah would some conversation on religion. Their I be buried.”

remarks confirmed the opinion I had The father and mother of Mr Ben- previously entertained, that, as a peonett were present; and it touched ple, the Karens are atheists in the every heart to see these venerable fullest, largest sense of the wordparents about to take leave forever of that they acknowledge no being their son, and his wife and child. The whatever, as an object of worship. father, in a prayer, in which the over- Some few of them, from their connexflowings of strong natural affection, and ion with the_Burmans, have become submissive faith in God, were strongly Boodhists. But the general mass of

the people are absolutely destitute of nature and precepts of the Christian any kind of religion whatever. They religion. I intend to comply with are called by Burmans, “ Wild men," their request. I gave them a tract, because they have no written lan- and they engaged to get some person guage, no religion, avoid the cities, and to read it to them. somewhat like the Aborigines of Lord's day. May 4. Upwards of America, dwell in the wilderness, in thirty persons collected for worship tomountains and vallies. They are day. They listened, and appeared to averse to war, and in general are said understand a part of what I told them. to be a better race of people than the Several of them were persons who Burmese. One of their inost common came last Lord's day, which is encoursins is intemperate drinking; and as aging. One of them was an aged they manufacture their own liquor, female religious mendicant. She listhis sin is very prevalent. The people tened attentively, and asked several live in small villages, five, ten or fif- questions. teen miles apart, but are all linked in a sort of brotherhood. The following Deputation from the Karen teacher. story, related by my visters to-day, May 13. The messengers from the will show the credulity of these people, Karen teacher (mentioned May 1st) and also suggest an idea of the facility arrived to day. They are all relatives with which alınost any religion, true or

of the old man, and are probably false, may be introduced among them. among the learned of his tribe. One More than ten years ago, a man in the of them reads Burman very well; a habit of a religious ascetic, visited one qualification which very few Karens of the Karen villages several times, possess, though many of them can and preached to the people that they speak it a little. In most cases, howmust abstain from certain meats—such ever, I am obliged to employ the Kaas pork, fowls, &c.—must practice cer- ren Christians, with me, to interpret. tain ceremonies, and worship a book The messengers first exhibited their which he left with them. He also present, (14 duck's eggs) and then detold them there was one living and livered the following message: true God. About half of the villa

“ The Karen Teacher has sent us to gers, who were, perhaps, thirty in all, say that he is very ill, and cannot visit believed the teacher, and espoused the English teacher at present. After his religion. When he had gone, one

the close of the rains, he will come of the villagers, more devoted than the and bring his book to be examined. rest, and possessing a more retentive He desires that his relative, one of the memory, became teacher to his breth- messengers, may be allowed to remain ren, and although he cannot read a with the English teacher two or three word in the book which they so much years, to learn the western languages, venerate, and knows not even in what that he may become a skilful expoundlanguage it is written, he is their living er of the divine law. He has received oracle, and the defender of their faith. the tract which the English teacher In consequence of their devotedness to sent, and on hearing it read, he believ. this new religion, the poor villagers ed it heartily, and wept over it. With have suffered much persecution from his son, who understands Burman, he their Burman neighbors and oppressors, goes from house to house, and causes and their lives have been put in jeop- it to be read, to the people. Several ardy. The teacher has ventured out others, also, believe. It would afford to the city only once since he embrac. great joy, if the English teacher or ed this religion. The persons who re- one of the Christians with him, could lated the story, said that as the English come out, and explain the Christian were now the inasters of the country, scriptures; many would believe.” the Burmans would not dare to offer I have conversed with my visiters them any violence, and accordingly at some length, and they profess firmthey promised to request their teacherly to believe our doctrine, and to worto bring his book out for me to ex- ship our God. They propose to spend amine. As one of the men was the chief three days with me, and then to reof the village where this sect resides, turn. Their village is three days' I suspect I shall, before long, have an journey from Tavoy. They say that interview with the venerated man. my doctrine is much the same My visiters requested me to go out to theirs ; but I apprehend, that though their village, and if I could not go, they their great teacher told them of an begged I would allow one of the na- eternal God, the other things he taught tive christians to go, and explain the are very different from what I teach,




I proposed to send out one of the ing worship. This encouraged me to Christians who are with me, as it is hope that my discourses are not so unimpossible for me to go, during the intelligible as I feared ; and also that rains.

truth may have a salutary effect on the

hearts of the boys. One of them also Baptism of a Karen.

related part of an address which I deMay 16.

Repaired early in the livered at family worship three days morning to a neighboring tank, and

ago. It was truly gratifying to peradministered Christian baptism to Ko ceive how correcily he remembered Thah-byoo, the Karen Christian who ac

even slight incidents and occasional alcompanied us from Maulamying. May lusions and references. The new we often have the pleasure of witness- Karen scholar, who is about 20 years ing such scenes.

of age, seems determined to make up The three Karen visiters were pres, in diligence and perseverance, what ent. They appear to be impressed is wanting in soundness and acuteness with the truth of our doctrine, and say of intellect. they are resolved to worship the eter- Lord's day. 20. Ko Thah-byoo nal God. I begin to feel almost per- finding the rains very violent, and suaded to believe there is a spark of the brooks much swelled, was obliged sincerity in them, and that we shall

to abandon his plan of visiting the Kayet see them walking in the ways of

ren teacher's village. He returned truth. They have urged Ko Thah- last evening. During his absence, he byoo to accompany theni, so that I have

several people, to whom he left it for him to choose, whether he spoke as he was able. Many of them will go or stay. He has concluded to heard with attention, and two of them go. Perhaps God has a work for him accompanied him on his return, in orto do among his countrymen. He is der to gain further instruction. They very zealous in the cause of declaring profess a readiness to receive the Goswhat he knows. The visiters say they are so persuad- pel, and wish me to visit them after


rains. ed that we are right, that they are willing to leave the merits of their Karens, whom Ko Thah-byoo saw in

28. Last evening, two respectable book to my decision. If I pronounce his late tour, called for further instrucit a bad book, they say they will burn tion. They live a day's journey from it. They also propose to erect a large Tavoy. They profess a full belief of zayat, and to invite me out after the the truth of the Gospel. May their rains, when they will call the Karens professions prove to be sincere. together from the various quarters, to hear the Gospel. I have a little hope Buildings, &c. in Tavoy. that God is about to do a great work among these sons of the wilderness. June 2. In order to decide on the One of the Karens remains with me

best place for building a zayat, and a as a learner. The rest leave this dwelling house, I have lately surveymorning. May the Lord go with ed the town, going through the length them.

and breadth of it. My spirit has been Lord's day. 18. Fewer people than somewhat stirred at witnessing the usual at worship to-day; but one per. idolatry of the people. A priest told son who has attended several times me the other day, that the city conbefore, said to the Siamese Christian, tains about 50 kyoungs, which are in“ I can see no benefit to be derived habited by about 200 priests. To nearfrom. worshipping a dead god, like ly all the kyoungs, one or more temGaudama; but from worshipping the ples are attached, which are stored living God, which you tell of, some with images of Gaudama, and various benefit may arise. The Burman priests relics of idolatry. Some of these imapreach the law of a dead god; this ges are 20 feet high, built of brick, man, (meaning myself) the law of the plastered and gilt throughout. Some living God.”

are of wood, and many of alabaster.

This beautiful stone is found in large Encouragement among Children, &c. quantities in the vicinity of Ava, and

After worship, in conversing with wrought hy the bands of the artificer the school-boys, I was surprised and into objects of worship, an sold into gratified to find that one or two of various parts of the Burman empire. them could repeat correctly a consid- Some of these images are larger than erable part of the remarks I made dur- the life, of one solid piece. In one of


these temples, I counted 35 images, of rounded by a row of more than 40 which about one third were of alabas- small pagodas, about six feet high, ter. It ought in justice to be said of standing on the same elevated base. the images of Gaudama, that they are In various piches round the not obscene and disgusting, as many of tral pagoda, are small alabaster imthe Hindoo images are, but though dif- ages. Both the central and the surfering in a few respects from a perfect rounding pagodas, are gilt from the human figure, they are neither gross- summit to the base, and each one is ly disproportioned, ugly or monstrous. surrounded with an umbrella of iron, In many cases, the idols with their which is also gilt. Attached to the thrones or pedestals, are set with an umbrella of the central pagoda, is a immense variety of ornaments, so as to row of small bells or jingles, which present a very dazzling appearance, when there is even a slight breeze, especially to the eye of an eastern keep a continual chiming. A low idolater. The furniture of the tem- wall surrounds the small pagodas, out ples, though ill arranged, is so set off side of which are temples, pagodas of with looking glass, gold paper, and various sizes, and other appendages other tinsel decorations, as to impose of pagoda worship, sacred trees or upon ignorant persons, and excite their thrones, sacred bells to be rung by highest admiration. No small degree worshippers, and various figures of of taste (oriental taste to be sure,) is fabulous things, creatures and perdisplayed also about the kyoungs and sons mentioned in the Burman sapagodas. The kyoungs are the largest cred books. Around these is a high buildings in the city, some of them wall, within which no devout worbeing supported by 120 or 130 posts, shipper presumes to tread without besides those connected with veran- putting off his shoes. It is considered dahs and stair cases. These kyoungs holy ground; outside this wall are as well as the temples, are filled up perhaps twenty zayats and a kyoung. with an immense variety of images, The whole occupies about an sacred relics, &c. &c.


of ground. The north-east corner of the city is The whole number of pagodas in appropriated almost exclusively to sa. Tavoy isincalculable. Large and small, cred edifices. Mango, jack, and other they probably exceed a thousand. Befruit trees, are thick set throughout the fore leaving America, I used to pray town, so as to present the appearance that pagodas might be converted into of an extensive grove, with a few Christian churches. But I did not scattering huts; but in the north-east know that they were solid monuments corner the grove becomes a forest, in- of brick or stone, without any cavity tersected by innumerable paved foot. or internal apartments. They can paths leading to various sacred spots. become Christian churches only by Alinost every object the visiter be. being demolished and built anew. holds——the wells, the walks, the build- Besides the pagodas in town, there ings—all exhibit marks of idolatry- are vast numbers in all the surroundemblems of the deity whom the city ing regions. Almost every mountain, worships. Even many of the trees, and hill, and rising ground, is tipt with especially the banyan, have thrones a pagoda. The Burmans seem to dea of brick six or eight feet square, and light, like the worshippers of Baal, in four or five feet high, inserted under groves and high places. They build them; and on worship days, the sacred on high mountains and places difficult trees and thrones are loaded with of access, that the merit of the build. lilies and flowers offered principallyers and the worshippers may be the by females, in hopes of obtaining an- greater. nihilation. The pagodas are the most When I look at all these strong holds prominent and expensive of all the of sin and idolatry, my sinking heart sacred buildings. They are solid says, “Baal's prophets are many, and structures, built of brick, and plastered. I am alone. What can I do against so Some of them are gilt throughout, many?" whence they are called golden pago- But the Scriptures sustain my spirits, das. The largest pagoda in Tavoy, is, by assuring me, that more are they I judge, about 50 feet in diameter, that be with us, than they that be and perhaps 150 feet high. The pa- with them. Relying on the divine goda inost frequented is not so large. promises, I can rejoice in the full It stands on a base, somewhat elevated conviction that ere long the praises above the adjacent surface, and is sure of our God will be sung over all these

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