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propriety, I have to-day listened, and tered the zayat for the first time, yes. heard with satisfaction, the two oldest terday, has to day professed his decided in succession.

belief of the gospel. I fear his goodJuly 14. Kee Keang, the young ness will be like the morning cloud, Chinese, came again to-day, and gave and the early dew. Several persons increasing evidence of true piety. listened with apparent candor. Sundry Visitants.

On returning home, I found some

Karens waiting for instruction. They July 17.

Ko-moung was present, had heard of me, and came on purpose and listened attentively to all that to converse with me. was said. Moung Youk, an Ava man, appears to relish the Gospel a little. Letters from America. He told me he was in suspense; but Lord's day, 27. A good number of he afterwards told Moung Shway- young persons listened to the gospel bwen, the Siamese Christian, that he to day, but I fear no lasting impreswished to be my disciple. I hope well sion was made. Towards evening, we of him.

had the pleasure of receiving a parcel 18. Not having beard any thing of letters from Bengal and America. from Moung Bo for several days, I We hope that more parcels are on sent to know where he was, and learnt the way, as we understand a vessel that he was confined at home, with ill. has been stranded near the inonth of

But being a little better, he the river, which contains a box for us. came to the house, and his conversa- 28. At evening a gentleman of the tion gave me additional

to place brought us a parcel containing think him a true convert. Moung letters from our dear parents and a Youk, the Ava man, was present all few other friends, also the Magazines the afternoon, and said to me as we and Heralds up to the last of Septemparted, “I shall probably join you ber. He had picked them up on the

beach, near the wreck of the vessel 20. Lord's day. Moung Bo, and mentioned yesterday. Moung Youk came early in the morn

[To be continued.] ing to the house, and appeared well. The latter said he wished to attach himself to me for life. He professes a

REVIVALS. great fondness for hearing about Christ

EXTRACT OF A LETTER FROM REV. and his salvation. He is an unlettered, plain, and poor man, and does not

LISHERS. yet know much of the Gospel.

21. Had a candid discussion with Halifax, N. S. March 11, 1829. several men of learning, and I hope I cannot persuade myself to omit the some good impression was made. best information which our day affords. Moung Youk was present, and ac- The best of causes is advancing. The companied me to the house, to attend Lord has been tavorable to us in Chesworship in Bų man. I begin to hope ter. I have baptized twenty-nine; that grace has reached his heart. three of them heads of families,-the

22. Fifteen or twenty persons at others single persons. In Sherbrook, the zayat. Moung Youk staid all the a settlement back of us, for the first afternoon, and gave additional evidence time in that place, I baptized eleven; of true conversion. Moung Bo is still in Antegonish, five; in Trackida, fifconfined at home with ophthalmia. teen colored people. Brother T. S.

23. A large company of hearers. Harding has travelled more extensiveMoung Bo was present, and boldly ly in the Eastern Section, and brings avowed himself a believer in Christ. good news from that destitute region, He is a most eloquent reasoner. There and has baptized 37. I suppose you is not, perhaps, his equal in Tavoy. have heard of the good work progress

Two or three persons seemed deep- ing for more than a year past in Yarly impressed with the force of truth. mouth, where the church' has taken a May the Lord carry on his own work! good stand, and more than two hun

24. Moung Bo was with me all dred souls have been added. Since day, and appeared more reserved, less last September, a glorious work has talkative, and on the whole, exhibited been progressing in Aylesford, west much more of the meekness of achild part of Cornwallis, 2d Church in Nicthan yesterday. One man, who en- tau, Wilmo!, Dalhousie, Pleasant River, August, 1829.










Brookfield, &c. I have not had a particular account of the number baptized. I spent the second Lord's day in Feb. in Nictau, with Elder T. H. Ver. in stating a revival of religion, in

Rev. C. W. Hodges of Shaftsbury, Chipman; it was a most interesting

a letter to the editor of the Vermont season ; 12 candidates, I think, were received on Saturday. In Halifax

Telegraph, July 9, 1829, gives the fol

lowing pleasing information. “ When the rising cause excites grateful emo

our Sabbath School was commenced in tions.

May Jast, only one teacher was a member of the church, and one more

acknowledged a hope. I can now say, Middletown, Con. July 4, 1829. and with joy and gratitude be it spoken, “We have enjoyed a season of re

the teachers are all hopefully pious; freshing from the presence of the Lord five of them were baptized yesterday. since I wrote you. About thirty of One of the scholars has been baptized ; our congregation have been hopefully another, about ten years old, gives ev. converted from the error of their ways, idence of a change of heart, and others within the last 14 weeks, 16 of whom are inquiring what they shall do to be have been baptized, and next Lord's saved.” day, I expect to go down into the water with other willing followers of BAPTIST the Lamb."







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Rev. Noah Davis, Agent of the

May 24, 1829. Baptist General Tract Society, has “I have baptized seven students given public notice, that the Society lately, making eight in all, since the have resolved to supply gratuitously School commenced. Probably not less than 12 or 15 others will look back in

one copy of each of their tracts, from eternity to Rock Spring as their birth 1 to 54, to every Baptist Church in the place.

United States, not already furnished ; From the Pastor of the Baptist and the several agents of the Society's

Church in Charleston, S. C. to the Tracts, are authorized to furnish them Treasurer of the Baptist Board

to the order of the Pastors or deacons. for Foreign Missions.

July 6, 1829.

It is hoped that the churches will pro“ We have great reason to bless God cure this supply, as specimens of the that he does not suffer his word to re- Society's publications, and the result turn to him void. Our communion

will probably be, that every church season came on the 2d Lord's day in June ; 27 were baptized, 10 white will immediately organize an Auxiliapersons, and 17 colored. Their ex- ry Society. We also earnestly recomperiences were remarkably clear and mend that the Females or Auxiliary satisfactory. A concourse of people Societies in the several churches, make assembled to witness the solemn scene, and it seemed as if the Lord were their pastors life members, by contribpresent to heal them. Since March, uting ten dollars to this object. Their 1826, the period of my connexion with pastors will then be entitled to draw this church, I have baptized 227. May you join with me in humble out 6000 pages of tracts for distribution. gratitude and say, What hath God The Baptist General Tract Society, wrought!

under the exertions of its zealous and We are happy to learn that a pleas- persevering Agent, is exerting a highing revival of religion exists at the ly beneficial influence on the denomiCentral Baptist Church in Middleboro.'

nation and on the community at large, The commodious meeting house lately erected is filled with attentive and it is hoped that the public liberality hearers. Sixteen were baptized in will not only sustain the Society in July, and a considerable nuinber more this generous effort for supplying all are waiting to follow the Saviour in the churches with a copy, but also the ordinance of baptism. A spirit of inquiry is extending, and the inquiry furnish adequate means greatly to exmeetings are interesting.

tend its benevolent operations.

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CELEBRATION OF THE 4th of who shone with lustre in a dark peri

od, as an able and successful advocate A pleasing feature of the present of this natural and inalienable right. • age is exhibited in the manner of cel- A religious meeting was also held at ebrating the political birth day of our Park Street meeting house, by the nation. It has of late occurred to Evangelical Congregational churches, Christians, that as the inestimable and by the Methodists at the meeting blessings enjoyed in this free and hap- house in Bromfield Street. py land, called especially for devout These services are so happily adaptthanksgivings to the Giver of every ed to keep alive a sense of obligation blessing, it would be appropriate annu- to God for our civil and religious blessally to spend a portion of the nation's ings, it is fervently hoped that they birth day, in public devotional exerci- may long be continued. ses. The day has now for several years

The following note, received by the been celebrated by religious services

Treasurer of the Baptist Missionary among different denominations, in various sections of the country, and these Society of Massachusetts

, also exhibits

a commendable observance of the day. services appear to be attended with increasingly happy effects.

July 4th, 1829. The late anniversary was observed

Dear Sir,-I send you enclosed $12, by various religious societies in Bos- for the Baptist Missionary Society of

Massachusetts, it being one dollar per The Sabbath Schools attached to the month from July 4, 1828, to this day.

A friend to Missions in Roxbury. Baptist societies in Boston, assembled with their teachers at the Baptist

Prince Abduhl Rahahman, lately a Meeting House in Federal Street, at 9 o'clock, A. M. when an address was

slave in the United States, who recentdelivered by Rev. Mr Malcom, the ly visited Boston, and sailed for Liberia, pastor of the church. In a familiar has ascertained that his brother is king

of Tremboo, and manifests a deep in. and captivating style, calculated deeply to interest the children, he exhibited terest for his relations in slavery. the religious and estimable character of our ancestors, recapitulated the prominent points of our national history,

Interesting Resolve. and stated the reasons which led to

The American Bible Society have the observance of the day. A crowd. Resolved, That this Society, with a ed congregation witnessed with pleas- humble dependence on divine aid, will ing emotions, an assemblage of nearly endeavor to supply all the destitute one thousand children, who attentive families in the United States with the ly listened to instruction, instead of de. Holy Scriptures, that may be willing voting the whole day to amusement.

to purchase or receive them, within At 4 o'clock, P. M. the Baptist the space of two years, provided means churches and societies assembled at be furnished by its Auxiliaries and bethe Baptist meeting house in Charles nevolent individuals, in season to enaStreet. An impressive and appropri- ble the Board of Managers to carry ate address was delivered by Rev. Dr this resolution into effect. Sharp, in which the rich blessing of This resolution has awaked a deep religious liberty was eloquently de- interest through the United States, picted, and a just tribute of respect and called multitudes to an effort corpaid to the memory of Roger Williams, responding with the magnitude of the





object. At the meetings of State Bic churches generally, the public will ble Societies, increased zeal and ar- look for examples of total abstinence, dor for the circulation of the Bible which is obviously the only mode of have been apparent, and it is not attacking successfully one of the most doubted but that means will be fur- potent foes to the welfare of man. nished to carry the resolution into effect. The city of New York has given a noble example. A public

In a number of instances, pious meeting was called, and the last accounts stated that about fourteen thou- mothers have associated for the intersand dollars had been raised for the esting object of mutual instruction, in

relation to religious education, and for purpose.

ascertaining the most successful means of awakening in their children a prop

er solicitude for their eternal interests. The Rev. Mr. Hewit, agent of the Maternal affection is calculated to Temperance Society, has spent a few awaken in a pious mind a holy zeal on weeks in Boston, and in strains of elo- this subject: and we have heard of quence addressed numerous congrega. several instances where happy effects tions on the important objects of his followed these associations, in the agency. An awakened attention exists awakening and conversion of the on the subject. When considering the young. Although no Christian parent imminent danger to which all classes can in private repair to a throne of of society have been exposed in past grace, without bearing the case of years from the practice of temperately children in fervent supplication, yet drinking ardent spirits, each one who the same reasons exist for associating has escaped their fatal infection, in united prayer on this subject, as in may with admiring gratitude raise concerts of prayer for revivals of relithanksgivings to the Almighty for gion in general, and for the success of preserving him from so tremendous Missionary efforts. Christians do not an evil. As the subject has now awa- limit their prayers for these objects to kened a just anxiety on the public mind, the periods when uniting with others; they who do not banish this enemy but it may be hoped, that these united of human happiness from their habi- seasons rather impress the subject tations, must incur a degree of guilt with greater weight on the mind, and much increased by the light which increase the fervency of private deis beaming on the community.

votion. In the same manner, MaterA high and responsible duty de- nal Societies will be calculated, not volves on the ministers of the gospel, only to call forth at their meetings in relation to this subject. Constantly united prayers for the conversion of mingling with the people of their children, but will also fan the heavencharge, and addressing them in public ly flame at the domestic altar, and in and private on the most interesting the retirement of the closet. We are subjects, they may successfully raise therefore pleased to learn that societhe warning voice against this arch ties of this character are multiplying; fiend. The preposterous opinion that and we present the Constitution and ardent spirits are necessary for public Report of the Society in the Federal speakers, to restore the system after Street Baptist Church in Boston, as the exhaustion of public labors, is now, they may give encouragement and aid we trust, exploded by the ministers to others who wish to form similar as. of Christ. To them, and to the sociations.

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CONSTITUTION OF THE FEDERAL the money to be appropriated to the

STREET BAPTIST MATERNAL formation of a select library, for the

use of the inembers, and such other Preamble.

purposes as may be necessary to the

promotion of our object. Deeply impressed with the impor. RULE 8. When any member is tance of bringing up our children in removed by death, it shall be the duty the nurture and admonition of the Lord, of the Association to pay as particular we, the subscribers, in reference to a attention to her children, in furnishing judgment to come, and the eternal them with books, bringing them to the well-being of our beloved offspring, quarterly meetings, &c. as circumstanagree to associate for the purpose of de- ces may render proper. vising and adopting such measures as

Rule 9. The officers of this Asmay seem best calculated to assist us

sociation, shall be a First and Second in the right persormance of this duty. Directress, Corresponding and RecordWith a view to promote this object, we ing Secretary, Librarian and Treasur: agree to adopt the following rules.

The duties of First and Second RULE 1. This Association shall Directress, shall be the same as in meet on the first Thursday of every make such minutes at every meeting,

similar Societies. The Secretary shall month, at three o'clock, P. M.

as the Association think proper. The RULE 2. Every meeting shall be Librarian, to take care of the books, opened and closed with prayer.

and the Treasurer, to take charge of RULE 3. The time allotted to the No order to be presented to the Treas.

the money belonging to the Association. monthly meetings, shall be spent in reading select portions of Scripture, the Directress.

urer, except bearing the signature of and of the most valuable works on the subject of education; in conversing on

RULE 10. No person shall be adthe subject, and in prayer for Divine mitted to this Association, without the assistance, and a blessing upon our ex

consent of two-thirds of the members, ertions, especially that God would ac. having been previously proposed. cept of the prayerful dedication of our Rule 11. It is recommended to children to him, and teach them by the members, to spend the anniversary his Holy Spirit, and qualify them for of the birth of each child, in fasting future usefulness in his church. and prayer, with particular reference

to that child. RULE 4. The members of this Association shall have the privilege of

RULE 12. No alteration shall be bringing to the place of meeting their made in the above articles, except at children, inale or female, alternately, the Annual Meeting. once in three months-males not over May he who "giveth liberally, and the age of twelve years.

upbraideth not,” ever preside in our RULE 5. Every member of this meetings, and grant each of us a teachAssociation shall be considered as

able, affectionate and humble temper, sacredly bound to pray for her child

that no root of bitterness may spring ren daily, and with them, as often as up, to prevent our improvement, or convenience will permit, and to give interrupt our usefulness. them from time to time, the best relig. his own spirit

, so that our children may

May Christ enable us to shine with ious instructions of which she is capable.

never have occasion to say to us, “what

do ye more than others ?” RULE 6. It shall also be considered the indispensable duty of every

OFFICERS. member, to qualify herself by prayer, First Direct. MRS. MALCOM. and as opportunity may allow, by read- Second DIRECT. SHELTON. ing, for performing the arduous duties COR. SECRETARY,

O'BRIEN. of a Christian mother; and to suggest Rec. SECRETARY, FORBES. to her sister members such hints as


HAVEN. her own experience may furnish, or


“ CUMMINGS. circumstances seem to render necessary.

Report of the Board. Rule 7. The sum of fifty cents In presenting the First Annual Reper annum, shall constitute a member; port of the Federal Street Baptist Ma

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