Imágenes de páginas

ternal Society, your Board have to re

ORDINATIONS, &c. mark the goodness of God manifested particularly in preserving the lives of

April 16, A Baptist Church was all our members and of all their chil- constituted at Arkwright Village, R. I. dren.

and C. S. Weaver ordained Pastor. In the review of the operations of Sermon by Rev. Mr Warne. the Society, we find cause for grati

The new Baptist Meeting House in tude to God, for the success which has Danvers was opened with appropriate attended our efforts.

religious services on the 3d of June.

Introductory prayer by Rev. Dr. Commencing with a desire for mu- Sharp of Boston. Selectivns of Scriptual improvement and instruction, we

ture were read by Rev. Mr Babcock. trust our labor has not been in vain. Dedicatory Prayer by Dr Bolles. SerOur members have generally been mon by Rev. Mr Drinkwater, Ps. 96, punctual in their attendance, and an increasing interest has been manifested Mr Bramin, of the North Congrega.

8, 9. Concluding prayer by the Rev. in the objects of the Society. The re- tional church in Danvers. quirements of the Constitution to which June 4, Mr Israel Robards was orwe have pledged our names, have had dained at Milford, Otsego Co. N. Y. a happy tendency in arousing the Sermon by Elder Chamberlain. slumbering energies of our hearts, June 10, The new and elegant and in awakening within us a spirit of Meeting House belonging to the Bapprayerfulness. We have been per- uist Church in Deposit, N. Y. was mitied to take sweet counsel together, opened for religious worship. and to derive fresh aid and encourage- June 10, Mr Levi Tucker was orment from our combined exertions, dained to the pastoral charge of the and mutual sympathy in the discharge Baptist Church at_Deposit, N. Y. of our pleasing but solemn duties. Sermon by Rev. S. P. Griswold. Entire harmony and good feeling have June 10, Mr Joseph Thacher was pervaded our meetings. Mutual in- ordained at Plainfield, Vt. Sermon by struction, we believe, has been attain- Rev. E. J Boardman. ed, and while our feelings have been

June 18, A Baptist Church was conmore awakened to the responsible du- stituted at Tonawanda, N. Y. consistties of a Christian mother, the books ing of 21 members, 6 white persons we peruse on this subject at our meet.

and 15 natives. Two more natives of. ings, and the concentration of experi fered themselves for baptism, and were ence we then enjoy, has in no small received. The prospects at the station degree informed our understandings are pleasing: on this momentous subject.

June 23, Mr. Norman Atwood was The duty of social prayer with and ordained to the Christian ministry at for our children, we trust will not be

Litchfield S. Farms, Conn. Sermon forgotten; as we value their immortal by Rev. Lyman Birch. souls, we shall pray for them; as we

June 26, A Baptist Church was conregard the.r future character and re

stituted in No. 8, Hancock Co. Me. spectability, we shall instruct them; Sermon by Eller John Roundy, as we would wish for their usefulness July 5, A new Baptist Meeting and our happiness, so should we labor House was opened at West Meredith, with them, that they may be nurtured

N. Y. Sermon by Rev. Mr Chamin the Lord, and become as plants

berlain. around our board, and as pillars in the

July 8, A neat and commodious church of God.

Meeting House was opened by the

Baptist Church in Northampton, Mass. In conclusion, we would express Sermon by Prof. Chase of the Newton our cor:fidence in the great Head of Theological Institution. the church, that he will bless the

A Baptist Meeting House is now feeblest efforts of his childrer; and building in the southern section of Boshope that another year will bring ton, and will shortly be completed. brighter evidence of good resulting

At Hingham, fourteen miles from from this Association ; and still more

Boston, where preaching has been cheering facts to encourage us. maintained by the Baptists for several

years, a meeting house is to be imme. In behalf of the Board,

diately erected in the centre of the

town, on a beautiful site, the foundaP. H. FORBES, Secretary. tion of which is laid.

Providence, August, 1829. To the Editors of the American Baptist Magazine.

As this month is the anniversary period of the decease of our greatly lamented Rev. Dr Gano, whose praise may truly be said to be in all the Baptist churches, you are requested to register an inscription which was prepared for his tombstone, as recording an event deeply afflictive to the churches in this town and vicinity, while it gives some traits in the character of the deceased, and shows bow consoling the gospel proved, during a long confinement previous to the solemn and final event.

His memory is cherished with respectful and affectionate remembrance by none more than

N. B.

¥n Memory of the

Pastor of the First Baptist Church in this Town. He was Son of the

Rev. John Gano, of New York, and was ordained in that City in 1786, under a Sermon preached by his Uncle, the Rev. JAMES Manning, then President of Rhode İsland College.

Dr Gano removed to this Town in 1792, to preach to the ancient Baptist Society, and continued his faithful and affectionate Labors

the time of his death, nearly thirty-six Years.

His Soul was devoted to the cause of his Divise Master, and Preach

ing was his great delight, enforcing in the most pathetic and affectionate nianner the great Doctrine of the DivinitY OF THE Saviour and his Aroning SACRIFICE as the theme of his Ministry; and during a tedious and distressing Indisposition, he frequently stated that the Doctrines he had preached were his only Hope of

Acceptance with GOD.
He was naturally of a robust Constitution, and often

travelled among his extensive Acquaintance, and his unwearied Faithfulness as a Minister of the Gospel has produced lasting Impressions on many Hearts.

His conciliating Manners and Advice, his sound Judgment and Fidel

ity in Friendship, endeared him greatly to his own Denomination, by whom he was often consulted as a Father.

In the War of the Revolution, Dr Gano was attached to the Medical

Staff, and shared in the toils and struggles of his Countrymen at

that eventful period. His disorder was an affection of the Heart, and he died on the 18th of

August, 1828, in the 66th year of his age, and forty-second of his Ministry.


Account of Moneys received by the Treasurer of the Newton Theological

Institution, from April 1, to July 18, 1829. Joseph White, West Boylston, dolls. 25,00

Lewis Thayer, Randolpb,

1,00 C. H Snow,

100, do.


Michael Shepard, Salem, S Newton,


Dea. Putnam,

S, Dea, S. Brown, jr.

D4. Upham,

5, 32

co. J. Ball, do. S. W. Shepard,

S J. Curtis, do.

T. Dodge,

do. N. Baker,

do. do.

Capt Dudge, C. Winter, do.


Rev. J. 0. Choules, Newport, R. I, Ezra Newton,

do. do.


Wm. Lovie, Amos Lowell,

do. 2,

Benj, Marsh, A Howe, do.

do. 2,

Dan C. Denham, Interest on above not being paid when due, ,75

Milton llall,

do. 50,75 A Friend,

do. Collected at an inquiry meeting, by the hand of

Miss Nancy Frost, Framingham,

50, Rev. C. P. Grosvenor,

12, Michael Webb, jr. Salem, Dea. Peres Lathrop, Newton,

5 Friend, Rev. H. Jakson, Charlestown, for the library, 25,


Framingham, Rev. Wm. T. Brantly, Phlladelphia,


LEVI FARWELL, Treas. Rufus Thayer, Randolph,



5, 4, 10, 5,



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8, 10, 1)

Account of Moneys received by the Treasurer of the Ge Convention of

the Baptist Denomination in the United States, for Foreign Missions, from June 22, to July 22, 1829. By cash from the Black River, N. Y. Rap. Miss.

H. B. Rounds, Esq. Treasurer of the Utica Soc. per Jesse Ellit, Sec. of which 9,23 is

For. Ming. Soc per Mr E. Lincoln, bay. for printing the Bible in the Burman lan. 40 00 ing been received as follows, viz. From Phineas Phillips, Great Valley, Penn.

Avails of mission box contributed by Fefor the Burman Bible, per Rev N. Davis, 10,00 males of Newport Church, N. Y. for Levi Morrill, Esq Treas. of Penobscot Aux.

education of Burman Females, per For. Mias. Soc. per Mr Joshua Albott, per

Miss Amelia Rounds,

3,34 Mr E. Lincoln, having been contributed as

Children in Denmark, for education of follows, viz.

Burman children,

1,50 For Burman Mission,

20,16 From Newport Pri. Soc.

4,02 Bangor Female do.

25,90 6,CO Dexter Primary, do.

Collected at the Union Prayer.meeting in 4,36

Malden for translating the Bible into the Dover do. do.

14,37 Sangerville do.

Burman language, by Dea. Wait, per Mr E.


10,00 Corinth do.

6,57 Charlestown,

Archibald Smith, Treas. of the York Bap. As.

sociation, per Mr Joseph Emerson, contribCharlestown Female do.


uted at the York Bap. As. for Burman Collected by Elder Robinson, on a mis. sion at Etna and Dixmont,

Miss, as follows, viz. 1,75

By a friend in Cornish, A friend to missions in Dexter for print.

5,00 ing tracts in the Burman language, 20,00

By Mr Gillpatrick,

1,00 Mrs Maria Keen, Dexter,


8,15 Mr Thomas Ham, Ripley,

From Miss N. Coffin, for printing the Bible in Collected at ann. meeting, Dover, 6,00

the Burman language, per Rev. Dr Sharp, 2,00 85,35

From Mrs Sally Vanderpool, Treas of the From Sarah M. Holloway, Hamburg, S. C. from

Newark, N 5. Female Soc. *

50,00 Female Friends, per Rev. Dr Balles, 25,00

Twenty-five of which is a donation by From the Franklir. Bap Ass. per Rev. J. Peck, 50,00 an individual to aid in the publication of From friends at Newton, for the Burman Bi

the New Testament in the Bur language. ble, per Mr E. Lincoln,

1,50 From female friends, West Dedham, for BurFrom a friend to the Burman Mission, per

man Bible, per Rev. J. Aldrich,

9,00 Mr E. Lincoln,


H. LINCOLN, Treas.




* Interesting communications to the Treasurer often accompany the freewill offerings of our female friends We insert the following Note, addressed to us, from the Treasurer of this Society, under date of July 15, 1829.

Dear Sir,-Above is a remittance of Fifty dollars ; twenty-five of which is a donation, by an individual who has directed that sum to be specifically applied to aid in the publication of the New Testament in the Burman language. The remaining twenty-five dollars is for the use of the Board as its exigencies may require, In a humble confidence on that God who has said, “Cast thy bread upon the waters, for thou shalt find it after many days," is this sum sent, believing that through the instrumentality of his children the Gospel. of the kingdom shall be published unto every nation on the earth.

The Treasurer of the Executive Committee of the Massachusetts Baptist Education Society has received $1922,00, since Jan. 1, the items of which will be published in the annual account.

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A Letter on Communion at the Lord's Table ; addressed to a mem

ber of a Baptist Church. By the Rev. Edward D. Griffin, D. D. President of Williams College.

The whole of this letter we transfer to our pages, that our readers may be furnished with a specimen of the arguments and representations which are commonly employed by the opposers of re stricted communion.

Williams College, March 25, 1829. Dear Sir,

In our late interview you professed yourself an advocate for open communion, and requested me to give the reasons which operate in my mind in favor of that practice.

I do this with the more pleasure because some of my earliest associations attached me to the members and preachers of your communion, and awakened feelings of kindness which have accompanied me through life. I have repeatedly exchanged pulpits with your ministers. I have dismissed members from my church to join your churches. I have always considered baptism by immersion as valid ; and were I imperiously called upon by the conscience of an applicant, and could do it without offence to others, I should have no hesitation in administering the ordinance in this form. In short, I regard your churches as churches of Christ. The question is, Is it reasonable in them so to regard us?

The separating point is not about the subjects of baptism, but merely the mode. If we could be considered as fairly baptized, our Baptist brethren certainly would not exclude us merely because we apply the seal to infants. Many greater mistakes, allowSept. 1829./


ing this to be one,) are made by those whom we do not exclude from our communion.

I agree with the advocates for close communion in two points : (1.) that baptism is the initiating ordinance which introduces us into the visible church: of course, where there is no baptism there are no visible churches: (2.) that we ought not to commune with those who are not baptized, and of course, are not church members, even if we regard them as Christians. Should a pious Quaker-so far depart from his principles as to wish to commune with me at the Lord's table, while yet he refused to be baptized, I could not receive him; because there is such a relationship established between the two ordinances that I have no right to separate them ; in other words, I have no right to send the sacred elements out of the Church.

The only question then is, whether those associations of evangelical Christians that call themselves churches, and that practise sprinkling, are real churches of Christ; in other words, whether baptism by sprinkling is valid baptism.

İn my subsequent remarks I will assume (though I do not admit,) that immersion is the better form of baptism, and that we have misjudged as to the most suitable mode. The question is, Is this mistake so radical as to destroy the validity of the ordinance ? I offer the following reasons against the exclusive system.

(1.) In the nature of things the validity of the ordinance cannot depend on the quantity of water, for the end is essentially answered by less as well as by more. Water, if the ocean were applied, could not wash out sin. It is only an emblem; an emblem which, voluntarily used, is a profession of faith in a purifying Saviour. Now if water le applied to the body, (though only to a part,) as an emblem of purification, and as a profession of faith, and from sincere respect to the authority of Christ, what more emblem do? What more could immersion do, unless to render the emblem still more significant ?

(2.) We have authority for saying that an emblem of purification applied to a part of the body, is as effectual as if applied to the whole body. It is found in what our Saviour said to Peter on the occasion of washing his feet: “Peter saith unto him, Thou shalt never wash my feet. Jesus answered him, If I wash thee not, thou hast no part

[Meaning, If I do not produce that inward cleansing of which this is an emblem.] Simon Peter saith unto him, Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my head. Jesus saith unto him, He that is washed, needeth not save to wash his feet, but is clean every whit;” (John 13. 8–10 ) that is, is stampt with a full emblem of universal purity.

(3.) If the exact form of baptism were essential to its validity, the form would have been so clearly defined that no honest mind could mistake it. The old dispensation was a dispensation of ceremonies, and therefore the validity of its ordinances depended on an exact adherence to the forms prescribed. Nadab and Abihu were slain for burning incense with fire taken from the hearth instead of the altar. (Lev. 10, 1, &c. Numb. 8, 4.) Every thing



in me.

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