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• With the hope of obtaining a school the metropolis, and its vicinity. In for a native Christian female, a person Islington we have had a day much to was employed by the Society at a be remembered. It was overwhelmsmall expense, to teach her to read. ing to see the numbers that focked By her diligence, the good woman together for prayer at 7 in the mornwas soun qualitied, but did not suc- ing, at noon, and again at night. The ceed in raising a school. She, how good fruit has already begun to apever, being desirous of doing good, pear, and most of our churches have employed her talents in reading, as been favored with accessions since she found opportunity, the word of that time. In my own, nearly all the God to her neighbors. After a short members of one family were impresstime her labors were blessed to one of ed at that season, which impression, I them, who became a very serious in- trust, has issued in true conversion. quirer; and eventually, being convinc. We bave just received, as members of ed that there was salvation in none the church, the father and mother, other than the Son of God, was bap- one son and two daughters. tized a few months ago, and has since Rev. H. F. Burder, of Hackney, lived in a very consistent manner. (England) writes: 'In several of our

“ The husband of this individual has churches—and I am thankful to be also abandoned idolatry, in conse- able to say in my own—we have much quence of the conversation and exam- cause for gratitude and encourageple of his wife ; attends Christian wor- ment. I do hope that the spirit of ship regularly in company with her, prayer for the heavenly gift, and of and furnishes, by his general de port- increased exertion, is beginning to ment, good reason to hope, that event prevail here, and that it will be folually he will become a genuine Chris- lowed by a corresponding conveyance tian character. These persons are of the “ unction of the Holy One.” now instructing their little boy, a child of seven years of age, in the knowl. An extract of a letter from the Rev. edge of evangelical principles. Hence Jesse Hartwell, jr. Sumter District, it appears, that a whole family have

S. C. dated June 29, 1829, to a been rescued from Hindooism by the

Friend in the Newton Theological instrumentality of this Society.

Seminary. “To their respected American friends, the Committee present also their sin- state. In the lower part of this dis

“ The Lord is doing wonders in our cere thanks, for the very liberal and trict, many have recently made a prodisinterested manner in which they session of their faith in the Lord Jesus have helped forward this good cause; Christ. and beg to inform them, that another three at the Moriah church in one

In April, I baptized fortyremittance, amounting to seven hundred and fifty dollars, or one thousand five day. I have baptized there since the hundred and fifty-seven rupees, has and twenty persons. Truly may we

Charleston Association, one hundred recently been received by the Liver.

say, What hath God wrought! pool packet.'

A good work is going on in a number of other churches. Brother Mallo

ry is enjoying a good harvest of souls. REVIVALS.

He has baptized nearly a hundred

since the South Carolina Convention. The deep interest which is at pres. Brother Burdett has also baptized one ent apparent in the English churches hundred since that time. Brother relative to revivals of religion, has fre- Dossey of Society Hill, has baptized quently been adverted to in our pages: about fifty in the course of the last The means employed for obtaining this

month." inestimable blessing, have in many instances been crowned with success. By a letter from J. H. Dwyer, data

Rev. Mr Lewis, of Islington, Lon- ed Moriah, N. Y. June 1, 1829, we don, writes: "The shower of divine learn that the revival of religion in influence, we trust, is approaching us. this place continues. On the 3d of In Wales, thousands have been brought May, ten candidates were baptized ; to the knowledge of the truth, and and the season was peculiarly refreshadded to the church, within the lasting. On the fourth Sabbath in May, few months ; and we are praying and the church met at the lake, at Port expecting that something like it may Henry; heard experiences in the take place amongst the churches in morning, and attended baptism at 12

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o'clock. The day was fair, and the MIDDLESEX BAPTIST MISSIONARY spectators numerous. On the last

SOCIETY Sabbath in May, twelve individuals

The sixth Anniversary of this soci. followed their Lord in the ordinance

ety was holden at the Baptist church of his appoiotment: and the season is in Lowell, on the 10th of June, 1829. described to have been peculiarly grat

An appropriate discourse was delivifying. Since this work of grace com- ered by Rev. Bartlett Peace, of Dunmenced, fifty-five have been baptized. stable,'n. H. from the words of John Extract of a letter from Rev. Mr the Baptist—" He must increase," afStubbs, Marlboro' District, S. C.

ter which the Society transacted its

annual business. April 16, 1829.

Rev. JOHN PARKHURST, was chosen Pres. * In November last, some tokens of E. W. FREEMAN, Cor. Sec.

AMASA SANDERSON, Rec. Sec. mercy began to appear, vital godli

Bro. CALVIN BLANCHARD, Treas. ness seemed to revive in the hearts of

Executive Committee. God's children, and a few of the

Deacon Eliakim Hutchings, Dea. John Farthoughtless were hopefully converted well, Dea. Joseph Douse, Dea. William Blodget, to God, and followed himn in his way Brother Josiah Kendall, and Brother J. C. Morrejoicing In December, the work seemed to increase; and from that Renewed the following resolution, time till the present, our churches which was adopted at our last Annihave been enjoying the outpouring of versary, viz. the blessed Spirit of God. For such

Resolved, That we will use our enmercy may every power of our souls deavors individually to have paid into arise in thanksgiving to God. As the the Treasury at our next annual meetresult of this revival, ninety-six have ing, at least double the amount receive been added to four of our Baptisted by the Treasurer at this meeting.* churches. I had the pleasure to bap

The next Anniversary is to be holdtize two old revolutionary soldiers, one

en with the newly formed church at of whom is seventy-six years of age. Tyngsboro', on the second Wednesday In another case, I baptized a house. in June, 1830, at o'clock, P. M. hold on one day, consisting of nine The meeting was conducted with professed believers.” Col. Star.

much harmony of feeling. It is hop

ed this Society will continue to inA season of refreshing is enjoyed by crease, and that its measures will be the church in Broadalbin, N. Y. Twen. so efficient, as that distant and dark ty-two have been baptized and added places the earth may he made to the church, principally young per- abundantly joyful by its efforts. sons, three or four only being heads of In behalf of the Society, families.

E. W. FREEMAN, Cor. Sec. We are pleased to learn, that a re

* The Society felt encouraged to

this resolution, in consequence of the favorable vival of religion is now enjoyed in consequences of its adoption at our meeting in Olammon, a settlement in Penobscot 1828. We have been enabled, by the blessing of county, Maine, under the labors of God, to raise an amount during the past year near

year before. Rev. Jacob Hatch, of Dexter, who ly triple that which was raised the

The Treasurer's account shows that he has rewill be recognized as an acceptable ceived, during the past year, one hundred and and useful missionary.

seven dollars. It is hoped that four times this sons have been baptized, and the or

amount will be exhibited in his account at the ganization of a church is soon antici

next Anniversary. pated. “The wilderness and solitary place are glad, and the desert blos

HAPPY EFFECTS OF FEMALE INsoms as the rose."


From the 10th Report of the Calcutta We learn from our western papers,

Bap. Miss. Soc. 1828. that the Kentucky Baptist Education

Eight natives have been baptized Society have agreed to locate a College following account is given :

at Doorgapore, of one of whom the in Georgetown in that State, and that . From the simple and pleasing acthe Corporation are already Trustees of count she gave, it appears that the about fifty thousand dollars for the ob

Christian deportment of one of the fe

male members of the church, and ject, without having made solicitations who had been taught to read at the for donations.

expense of the Female School Society,


Fifteen per


together with her direct endeavors to and been reminded how desirable it
impart to her the knowledge of salva- was that she should be able to read
tion, was the means of her conversion. them herself, she immediately applied
Whenever she visited at her dwelling, to the task, and from the proficiency
the Bible was produced, a portion of it she has hitherto made, it is likely she
read and commented on, and her at- will soon be able to “read in her own
tention directed to the only way where- language the wonderful works of
by a sinner can be saved. Nor was God." She has also evinced much
she directed in vain; for under a deep anxiety about her husband, and is in-
'conviction of guilt, occasioned by bear- defatigable in her efforts to lead him
ing her friend read and explain the to the knowledge of God in Christ :
parable of the rich man and Lazarus, in consequence of which, he has re-
she looked to the Saviour, thus made nounced idolatry, and accompanies
known to her, and found rest to her her to family and public worship.'
soul. When she removed to Doorga- To the Christian females of our own
pore, she could not read; but having country, wej say, “Go thou and do
discovered the worth of the Scriptures, likewise."

To a

MRS JUDSON'S MEMOIR. From various sections of our country, creditahly performed. His preface, connecting we are gratified by the intelligence, spicuous, often spirited, and always pious.”

remarks, and occasional observations, are perthat the perusal of this interesting and valuable Memoir has awakened The Editors of the New Baptist new fervors of piety, and created or Miscellany, for July, observe: deepened a conviction of the imperi- • This is one of the most interesting pieces of ous obligation of Christians to send the female biography which has ever come under gospel to the heathen. The anniver

our notice. Mrs Judson possessed far more than

ordinary claims on the esteem, affection, and
saries of Associations in the United gratitude of the Christian church, and her name,
States, many of which will be cele- we doubt not, will long be embahned in the mem-
brated in this and the following months, ory of those by whom she was knoxen.
will furnish very appropriate seasons high degree of inental acuteness she united great

susceptibility of feeling and strength of religious
for inviting attention to the work. Ef-

principle, and was thus eminently qualified to forts for circulating it in sections where devise and to execute things which are excellent. Christian benevolence has not been

* Having entered on the field of Missionary op

eration, her life was a scene of continued inciextensively awakened, may confer the

dent. For a considerable period she passed, in most important benefits on the cause company with Mr J., from place to place, seeking of missions, and the interests of Chris- with unconquerable perseverance some station tianity.

which mighi be occupied with advantage to the

church of Christ. At length they were compellThe publishers early forwarded a

ed, in order to escape the suspicious vigilance of
copy of ihe first edition to the Baptist the East India Coinpany, to repair to Rangoon,

which become the scene of their loture residence.
Missionary Society in London, and we
are pleased to notice, that an edition of distant and benighted portion of the heathew

of their labors, trials, and sufferings, in this the work was immediately printed. world, the volume before us furnishes a highly inIts circulation will undoubtedly fan teresting account. The war which speedily took the flame of benevolent effort which dis- place, between the British and Burman govern

ments, exposed them to the suspicions of the laltinguishes the land of our ancestors.

ter, and entailed on them an amount of suffering From the reviews of the work in to which there has been no parallel in the history the London periodicals, we make the

of modern missions. No quotation which our following appropriate and interesting and we must therefore refer our readers to the

limits can allow would do justice to these facts, extracts.

volume itself. The Baptist Magazine for June, re- • In closing, we cannot too strongly express our marks :

approbation of this work. It possesses all the

interest of fiction, the stirring qualities of roWith the name of Judson, we have for a con- mance. It excites emotions of the intensest or. siderable time been accustomed to connect more der, while it communicates those principles of of missionary enterprize, endurance, and achieve- wisdom and piety which are of the highest imment, than with that of missionaries in general; portance to ihe happiness of man. From what and the perusal of this Memoir has refreshed and we had previously known of Mrs J. we exstrengthened the conviction which had previously pected a volume of no ordinary kind; and, now taken possession of our mind. We have no doubt that we have gone carefully through it

, we hesithe “ 'Memoir of Mrs Judson," including, as it tate not to say that it has surpassed our anticipadoes, the history of the American mission to We need not, therefore, formally recomBurmah, from its commencement to the present mend it to our readers; but shall content oortime, will receive a meet cordial and universal selves with remarking, that it ought to be immewelcome. The part of the compiler is very diately added to every family library.'

IT Ordinations, Accounts of Moneys, &c. deferred to our next Number.


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Messrs Editors,

The article on prayer, in your number for August, I read with pleasure and with profit. There is one sentence in the opening paragraph, to which I wish to call the attention of the churches through the medium of the same publication. It is the following : “ The volume of inspiration abounds in assurances that prayer ascending from believing hearts shall be heard."

To the truth of this sentiment I presume all your readers will readily subscribe; but I cannot dismiss the apprehension, that very many who subscribe to it, are the subjects of a sinful incredulity, and that in this lies the real cause why so many of their petitions are unanswered. Spiritual blessings are conferred upon men on the principle on which sight was imparted to the two blind men, Matt. ix. 29. According to your faith be it unto you." These men had, just before, professed faith in the Redeemer's power to relieve them, and he who“ knew what was in man,” saw that their profession was sincere ; but to furnish the witnesses with a proof of its sincerity as well as to teach us the principle on which he imparts his favors, he makes their healing to depend on the genuineness and strength of their faith. This connexion between a vigorous faith in the petitioner and the communication to him of extensive spiritual blessings is very forcibly expressed by the apostle James, "Let him ask in faith, nothing wavering; for he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea, driven of the wind and tossed ; let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.”

The indispensable necessity of an unshaken faith on the part of a petitioner, is shown in our Lord's conversation with Peter, respecting the withered fig-tree. When Peter expressed surprise at the suddenness of the event, our Lord took occasion to urge the Ост. 1829.


necessity of believing when we pray, that what we ask shall be imparted to us. “ Have faith in God; for, verily, I say unto you, that whosoever shall say to this mountain, le thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea, and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass ; he shall have whatsoever he saith. Therefore I say unto you, what things soever ye desire when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.Mark xi. 22—24.

This passage may, it is true, be perverted into a warrant to pray for unlawful things, or for things lawful in an unlawful manner; but, rightly understood, it can have no such tendencies: on the contrary, it will be found one of the most encouraging passages to the duty of prayer that the word of God contains. This declaration and command suppose some things and have some limitations which do not appear on the face of the passage. These must be known in order to our intelligently availing ourselves of the encouragements which it suggests.

First, the passage supposes some things. It supposes that what we supplicate are promised blessings. It can never be imagined that our Lord enjoins on us the exercise of an unwarranted confidence; for unwarranted confidence is presumption. But a confidence which is warranted, must be based on a divine testimony or promise; and must have distinct reference to Christ as him in whom the promises of God are Yea and Amen. Hence it appears that the passage supposes the applicant to the throne of grace to be a believer in Jesus, and the petitions he offers to be warranted by promises in the word of God to bestow the blessings they specify.

The passage supposes further, that the petitioner rightly understands the promise he pleads. The promiser is obliged to fulfil his promise in the sense in which he intended it to be understood ; not in any sense in which it might be misunderstood. Now doubtless God intended men to understand his promises in the right sense, that is, in the sense in which he intended to fulfil them ; it is, then, no impeachment of his veracity that men's expectations have not been realized, even when their expectations were based on his promises, if they were such as God did not intend to excite, and such as arose from a misapprehension of his promises. Let me illustrate the case : A person in business is considerably straitened for money; he receives from a correspondent a draft on the bank of the United States; overjoyed, he presents it for payment, and it is honored. But to his inexpressible disappointment, instead of being, as he supposed it, a draft for $1000, he finds it was only for $100. Here, the bank is good, the check genuine, the claim actually made is recognised and met, and yet the merchant is disappointed ; but his disappointment arises froin his misunderstanding the purport of the draft, what he expected was not promised. Now the promises of God's word are drafts on the bank of Heaven, drawn in favor of poor sinners; but though the bank is good, and the drafts are honored, it sometimes happens that the presenter is disappointed, because he read them incorrectly. Hence we may learn how important it is for us deeply to study the sacred volume, and

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