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and with two others who were in my Spring Hill Baptist Church in this ví. cabin, cried unto the Lord, and he cinity. The conversion of one sinner, brought us out of our distress. After occasions joy among the angels in prayer, I was enabled to sing with heaven, and in the hearts of saints on com posure these lines

earth. And the joy is proportionably “Begone, unbelief, mny Saviour is near,

great, when a number of rebels are And for my relief will surely appear ;

made to submit to the sceptre of the By prayer let me wrestle, and he will perform, King of Righteousness. With Christ in the vessel, I smile at the storm. Although not favored with such His love in time past forbids me to think a copious effusion of the Divine Spirit, He'll leave me at last in trouble to sink; as has been enjoyed in different parts Each sweet Ebenezer, I have in review, Confirms his good pleasure to help me quite

of the country, yet a pleasing work of through."


has been manifest for some time

past. Since the second Lord's day in “ Almost immediately after we had May, I have had the unspeakable closed these exercises, we heard that satisfaction of baptizing twenty-one the glass had risen considerably, which professed believers in Christ

, who, I indicated that the storm would soon humbly trust, will appear one day, as subside. This was considered by us

the monuments of superabounding as an immediate answer to prayer, and confirmation of the Scripture, This grace. May the work become stil poor man cried, and the Lord heard places, until the Gospel and its con

more powerful here, and in other him, and delivered him out of all soling influences shall be felt from pole his troubles. Just as the storm was

to pole, and righteousness go forth as beginning to subside, our tiller broke, brightness, and salvation as a lamp that by which the helm became use- burneth. less, and the ship ungovernable. Had this' happened at an earlier period, it Extract of a Letter from a friend in was the opinion of the captain, that we

Ohio, to the Editors. could not have been saved.

“ From the welcome entrance I Delaware, Ohio, Aug. 10, 1829. have found, I am ready to anticipate “The Lord has been pleased to a blessing on my future labors. I shall bless this region, and to cause the desbaptize two persons to-morrow; one ert to blossom ; very many who, one a native, the other an Anglo-Asiatic.

year ago, were in the broad road to de. struction, have been sweetly forced

to embrace the offers of redeeming REVIVALS OF RELIGION.

love. At our monthly meeting, in

Sept. 1828, I baptized one. Since that Extract of a letter from a friend at time, forty-six have been added to the Society Hill, S. C.

church by baptism. Our meetings Aug. 14, 1829. have been characterized by solemnity “We have had precious times in. and good order; the distress of mourndeed. The good work still progresses,

ers has, in a few instances, prevented and additions are making to the church.

any religious exercises for a short inOver 120 have been added since Jan terval—but nothing like confusionuary last, and there are some candi

“ 'Twas as the general pulse of life dates now ready to be buried with stood still, and nature made a pauseChrist in Baptism. It is expected our

an awful pause, prophetic of her end." Pastor will administer the ordinance At such seasons, the realities of an the day after to-morrow. A large pro- fore the congregation, while anxiety, in

awful eternity seemed to ne spread beportion of those, who have made a pro- bold relief, was visible in almost every fession, are of the white population."

countenance. Oh, Sir, it has been, Intelligence from North Carolina, and still is, a time of rejoicing; but

in a Letter from Rev. J. Monroe to we weep over many who have been the Editors.

convicted, but we fear not converted. Montpelier, Richmond Co.

The greatest number of converts are N.C. Aug. 20, 1829.

from ten to twenty years of age; a

goodly number from 45 to 50. In Dear Brethren,

a judgment of charity, about one hunTo the praise of the riches of Divine dred, in this settlement, have been the Grace, I have to record, the merciful happy subjects of this revival. А dealings of the Lord, toward the number still linger about Jordan, tear

ing to plunge beneath the rolling venerable father in the ministry, Rev. wave. Those who have submitted to Joseph Grafton, by request of the Modthis heaven-born rite, have, as yet, erator, delivered a closing address, regone on their way rejoicing. Ohio plete with the most important sentipresents an extensive field-Oh! for ments, and fraught with appropriate more laborers."

Christian counsel.




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This body held its eighteenth Annual Meeting at the Federal Street Baptist Meeting house in Boston, Sept.

Thursday, Sept. 10th, was the An16 and 17. The Rev. James D. niversary of the Newton Theological Knowles delivered the introductory attended at the Baptist Meeting-house,

Institution. The public services were sermon, peculiarly appropriate to the

which was filled at an early hour.

To the occasion, from Eph. iii. 10. intent that now unto the principali

The following was the ties and powers in heavenly places, ORDER OF EXERCISES AFTER THE might be known by the church, the

EXAMINATION. manifold wisdom of God. A collection was taken for the families of de

SINGING. ceased ministers, amounting to ninety

PRAYER. dollars. Dr Sharp was chosen Moderator, Ebenezer Nelson, Clerk, and Essays by the Middle Class. Henry Jackson, Assistant Clerk. The

1. The Use of the Imagination in Association consists of 21 churches, nearly all of which were represented. expounding the Scriptures. J. HALL.

2. Exposition of 2 Pet. i. 20. It comprises twenty-six ordained min

E. BAKER. isters, and contains a total of three thousand one hundred and fifty-one

3. Knowledge of the Hebrew Poemembers, of which one hundred and try, a Help in the Interpretation of the


J. S. LAW. seventy-nine were added by bap

4. The Man of Sin,' 2 Thes. ii. 3. tism the last year. The letters from

F. Mason. the churches evinced an establishment in the doctrines of grace, a general Remarks.

5. Translation of Psalm cx.; with

A. MORSE. state of prosperity, and an engagedness in the great and interesting objects in Chapter of the First Epistle to the Co

6. The Reasonings in the fifteenth which the Christian community are


F. A. WILLARD. engaged. On Wednesday evening, a meeting

SINGING. was held for free conference, on the

Address before the Society for Miggreat subjects connected with the Re

H. Fittz.

sionary Inquiry. deemer's kingdom; and a number of addresses were listened to with deep

SINGING. interest. The nature and importance of revivals of religion, the interesting

Essays by the Senior Class. subject of Home Missions, and State 1. The Babylonian Captivity. Conventions; the great utility of reli

W. W. HALL. gious tracts, and the benefits of circu- 2. The Christian Minister's Motives lating and reading the valuable reli- to Diligence.

B. C. WADE. gious works which issue from the

3. Rise of Papal Power. H. Fittz. press, were, with pious zeal, and in an 4. The Critical Study of the Bible emphatic style, urged on a numerous the vital Part of a Theological Educaassembly, and will doubtless be pro- tion.

W. HAGUE. ductive of happy results, in exciting Prayer, Singing, and Benediction. an increased ardor in prosecuting objects of usefulness.

At the close of the services, ProOn Thursday, at 11 o'clock, the Rev. fessor Chase delivered to the Senior Mr Warne delivered an interesting Class certificates of their commendasermon, from Psalm cxlv. 10–12; and ble deportment, and of their regular at 2 o'clock, the business having been discharge from the Institution, to enter closed, the Association adjourned. The on the active and highly responsible



duties of the Christian ministry. He Stuart's Hebrew Grammar, and forty addressed them in a dignified, affection- pages of the Hebrew Chrestomathy ate, and paternal manner, well calcu- by the same author. lated to awaken a tender recollection of the interesting scenes through which they had passed during their theological studies, and to make indelible impressions on their minds of the ele. vated services and pious efforts which should occupy their future years, till

The Massachusetts Baptist Educathey shall meet the general assembly tion Society has been for a number of and church of the first born in heaven. years in successful operation, and a

The compositions, which were read large number of young men have by the students, were listened to with been assisted by its funds to obtain an fixed attention; and they manifested, on education for the Christian ministry, the part of the young men, talents and who are profitably occupying fields of industry, and reflected honor on their labor in different sections of our couninstructers. The Trustees of the In- try. The increasing number of applistitution—its pious and liberal patrons cants, however, have exhausted the

- the friends of our churches, and the funds of the Society, and two thousand friends of evangelical truth in general, dohars debt has been incurred. The could not fail to offer thanksgivings to Executive Committee, conscious of God and cherish elevated hopes, in the Macedonian cry from all parts of witnessing the gratifying progress of wir

country, and deeply impressed this interesting Institution. To fur: with the importance of giving the addish to candidates for the ministry, vantages of education to those who such advantages as are here presented, are coming forward in the ministry, many departed fathers prayed, and invited by circular letters, a meeting toiled, and furnished contributions ; of numerous friends through Newand it is earnestly hoped that succeed? England, to devise means for more en. ing ages may derive all the benefits larged operations. A large collection from the Institution, which have fond of friends accordingly assembled at ly been anticipated.

the vestry of the First Baptist church The next term in this Institution, in Boston, Sept. 15, on the evening will commence

on Friday, 23rd of previous to the meeting of the Boston October. Persons who are intending Baptist. Association, to deliberate on to enter, should present themselves on the subject. Rev. Joseph Grafton was or before, that day. For the informa- chosen Moderator, and Mr N. R. Cobb, tion of such, the following articles are

Clerk. here inserted froin the Rules and

Rev. Henry Jackson, Corresponding Regulations of the Institution.

Secretary, gave a succinct statement 1. The Institution shall be adapted of the progress of the Society, the to the instruction of graduates and benefits resulting from it, and its pres. others, whose attainments enable them, ent means, consisting of donations and along with graduates, to proceed pro collections, besides a fund which yieldfitably in theological studies.

ed about nine hundred dollars per an. . 2. It shall be open for the admis. num, and exhibiting a present balance sion of those persons only, who give of about two thousand dollars against evidence of their possessing genuine the Society. Dr Wayland, Rev. E. piety, with suitable gifts and attain. Nelson, Prof. Chase, and a number of inents, and of their being influenced others from the various States in New by proper motives in wishing to pursue England, gave most animating addresstheological studies, and who, moreover,

es on the occasion, and produced a present certificates from the churches deep and awakened interest on the of which they are members, approv. subject, which will undoubtedly lead ing of their devoting themselves to the

to the most happy results, and furnish work of the ministry.'

for the important object more ample reAfter the ensuing year some acquaint- sources.

It was ance with the Hebrew language, will 1. Resolved, That it is the duty of be required in order to entering the In- the Baptist denomination to make vigstitution. For, and after, the year orous efforts for enlarging the means 1830, candidates for admission will be of educating young men called to the expected to have studied Professor Christian ministry.

2. Resolved, That the Trustees of July 29, Rev. G. F. Davis, late of the Massachusetts Baptist Education South Reading, was installed pastor of be requested to procure an alteration the Baptist Church at Hartford, Con. in their charter, so as to embrace at Sermon by Rev. Howard Malcom, of least New England.

Boston. 3. Resolved. To take immediate

Aug. 12, Rev. S. S. Mallory was inmeasures to liquidate the debt of the stalled pastor of the Baptist Church in Society.

Willington, Con. Sermon by Rev. G. Dr Sharp proposed, in behalf of the F. Davis. Charles-Street Baptist Church in Boston, to furnish two hundred and fifty dol- dained pastor of the Baptist Church in

May 28, Mr George Catt was orJars, provided the two thousand were procured in ninety days. Various other Brooklyn, N. Y. Sermon by Rev. S. donations and subscriptions were also

H. Cone. obtained. It is earnestly hoped, that Aug. 18, Professor Whitman, of the many friends who were not present, will Hamilton Institution, was ordained as forward liberal donations to the object. an evangelist. Sermon by Rev. Na

The executive Comınittee were au- thaniel Kendrick. thorized

procure a modification of the charter, so as to embrace an en

Aug. 18, Mr Edward Mitchell was larged plan of operations, and the Trus- ordained as an evangelist, at Hanotees adjourned to meet at the sitting of ver, N. H. Sermon by Rev. Ira Perthe Massachusetts Baptist Convention at son, Newport, N. H. Newton, on the 29th of October. The Sept. 9, Mr R. E. Pattison was orimportance of the subject, it is most dained pastor of the 20 Baptist Church ardently hoped, will deeply awaken in Salem. Sermon by Rev. Jonathan an interest in the community, and lead Going, of Worcester. to' the obtaining of funds, as ample as the exigency of the case requires.


July 4, The corner stone of a new

Baptist Meeting-house was laid in JafIt must be highly gratifying to the frey. N. H. friends of total abstinence from ardent

Aug. 2, A new Baptist Meetingspirits, to witness the efforts that are house was opened in Mott Street, New constantly increasing through all our York, by the church under the pastoral States, for the suppression of intemper- care of Rev. Samuel Eastman.

Religious associations and churches are now exerting their in

Aug. 10, Religious services were fluence on this important subject. The attended at South Boston, at the comBoston Baptist Association, at its recent mencement of raising the frame of the session, adopted the following resolu- Baptist Meeting-house for the Branch tion :

Church, located in that section of the

city. Prayers were offered by Rev. Resolved, That we are gratified Mr Grosvenor, and an address was with the success which has attended delivered by Rev. Mr Knowles. efforts to promote Temperance; and that we recommend that the Churches

Aug. 11, The corner stone of the as Temperance Societies, and their Mariner's Church, iu Boston, was laid, members as individuals, adopt such and an address delivered by Rev. Dr measures as shall secure universal and Jenks. entire abstinence from inebriating Aug. 12, A new Baptist Meeting. liquors."

house was opened at Northeast, Dutch.
es Co. N. Y. Sermon by the pastor,

Rev. Thomas Winter.

Aug. 20, A new and commodious

Baptist Meeting-house was opened, May 20, Mr Ebenezer Mirick was and a Church constituted at Augusta ordained as an evangelist, at Sedgwick. Centre, Oneida Co. N. Y. Sermon by Sermon by Rev. James Gilpatrick.

Rev. Elon Galusha.




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Account of Moneys received by the Treasurer of the Newton Theological

Institution, viz. Lewis Fisk, Lowell, $5,00 Sally Morrill, Lowell,

1,00 Elisha Hathaway, do.

Louisa Bailey,

M. M. Tewksbury, do.
5,00 Abigail Seaver, do.

1,00 Timothy Bailey, do. 2,00 Deborah Kimball, do.

1,00 Wm. Wentworth, do.

Elizabeth Vickery, do.

Silas Dean,

Jane Moore,

1,00 Jona. Crane,

Julian Lewis,

John Chase,


Ann Chapin.
A Friend, do.

Lavina Rice,

do. S. S. Richardson, do.


Rebecab Prescott, do.
Esther Oliver,

J. C. Morrill,

Ann Parks,
1,00 Sophia Rice, do.

,50 L. Keyes, do. 1,00

-$51,00 Sally Penein, do. 1,00 Josiah Bacon, Esq. Newton,

10.00 Dolly Churchill, do. 1,00 A Friend, Framingham,

1,00 Miriam Smith, do.

Widow's Mite, by Rev. J. O. Choules, 10,00 Eunice Robbins, do. 1,00 Sundry Individuals, by do.

6,00 Lucy Rowe, do.

Rev. H. Archibald, by Rev. J. Going, 2,00 Ann Prentis, do,


LEVI FARWELL, Treas. Betsey Osgood, do.


1,00 ,50 ,50 1,00

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Account of Moneys received by the Treasurer of the General Convention of

the Baptist Denomination in the United States, for Foreign Missions, from July 22nd, to Sept. 24th, 1829. From the Oliver street, N Y Bap. For. Miss.

From Norman Warriner, Esq. Treas, of the E. Soc. contributed by Dea. William Colgate,

vangelical Benev. Soc. in the westerly part for the support of Muung Ing, (a native Bur.

of Massachusetts, per Rev. J. Going, to be man preacher) from July 4, 1829, to July 4,

appropriated as follows. Viz. 18 30, per Rev. S H. Cone,

General purposes,

14,34 From Sunbury Fem. Cent Soc. (Geo.) by Rey.

Berman Bible,

10,00 H. J. Ripley, per Mr E. Lincoln,

Burman Missions,

$4,15 From Rev. Jesse Mercer, Washirgton. Geo. to

Indian Schools, aid in the translation of the Scriptures, and

Foreign Missions,

13,50 their publication in Burmah, per Mr E. Lin

95,1s coin,

50,00 From Mrs Eliza Carter, Scottsboro', Geo, for From Rev. Levi Willard, Treas. of the Miss.

printing the Burman Bible, per Rev. N. DaSoc. connected with the Dublin N. H. Asso.

vis, ciation, per Robert Pratt, for the Bur. Miss. 48,00 From Rev. Otis Converse, Treas, of the WorFrom the Baptist church in Troy, N. Y. per

cester County Baptist Char. Soc. 100,00 Rev. S. H. Cone, 10,00 From Do. for the Bur. Schools,

1,00 From the Saratoga Bap. Asociation, per Dea. I.


Do. for publishing the Bible A Waterbury, Treas. for the Bur. Miss. 90,00

in Burman,

34,41 From the Fem. Miss. Soc. of Saratoga Springs,

-135,41 being a donation for the Burman Miss. per

From the Bap. church in Situate, (1 dollar of Miss Sarah Wayland,

10,00 which was from Francis Mason, and i doll. From a lady at Saratoga Springs for the Burman

from Rev. Warren Bird, of Foxboro') for Bible, per Mrs Wayland,

4,00 Burman Mission, by Mr H. White, per Mr From Elder James Shannon, pastor of the Bap.

E. Lincoln, church, Augusta, Geo to aid in publishing

From the Leyden Association, for Bur. Miss. the Bible in Burmah, 50,00 per Mr. Thompson,

25,00 From W. H. Turpin, Esq. Augusta, Geo. to aid

From the female Miss. Soc. Sardinia, N. Y, 8,00 in publishing the Bible in Burmah, 50,00 From the Famale Miss. Soc Eden, NY.

7,54 from the Lake George Association, per Nor

From the Holland Purchare Baptist Association, man Fox, Corresponding Secretary,

5,00 being a Collection at the annual meeting, From the Spring Hill Fem. Miss. Soc. Richmond

Aug. 27, Aurora, N. Y. by Rev. W. Metcalf, County, N. C. Catharine White, President,

per Mr E Lincoln,

12,46 Saran Monroe, Treasurer, IS,00 From John Gray,

5,00 From Mr Samuel Millard, for the Bur. Miss.

» William Furgerson,

5,co From Mrs Olive Paine of Ward, to be appro

T. Cathcart,

2,co priated to the support of Female Schools in

» Peter Norton,

2,00 Burmah, per Rev. C P. Grosvenor,

P. Norton,

5,00 From a friend to the Indians, to assist in pub.

A Female Friend, a piece of gold, lishing the Scriptures for the Cherokees, 10,00

the worth of which to be equally From Elder Drake, Ohio, for printing the Bur

divided, in support of the Bur. man Bible, per Rev. Irah Chase,


man Mission and Tracts in Bur. From Rev. Charles Tupper, of Nova Scotia, per

mab, by Presbury Norton of Tis. Mr E. Lincoln,

bury, per Mr E. Lincoln,

Less, exchanging the money,

25,30 29,44 HEMAN LINCOLN, Treasurer.



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