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children, and to throw out the offspring of Christian parents into the ungodly world, from their very birth, without any provision for their protection, support, or religious education.

'It will be perceived in the preceding interpretation, that the phrase your children is taken in a different sense from that which it obtains in any of the interpretations usually offered. It is here supposed to refer to the whole church. Had the Apostle designed to speak of those children only, who have one parent a believer, and the other an unbeliever, he would have said, their children, instead of your children. In addressing the church, and in giving general precepts, he uses the pronouns ye and you. See preceding chapter throughout, and verses 1 and 5 of this chapter. But in v. 8, where he gives directions applicable to particular cuses, although be introduces the phrase, “ I say to the married and widows,” he makes reference to these persons, not by the pronoun you, but them : " It is good for them to abide, even as I.” The same mode of speaking he continues to use as far down as to the verse in question : “let them marry,- let him not put her away,--let her not leave him.” After the same manner he would have said, “ else were their children unclean," had he intended only the children of such mixed cases of marriage as are referred to in the preceding part of the verse. What further confirms this opinion is, that in the original text, the substantive verb is in the present tense ; “your children are unclean,”- -a mode of speaking more suited for the stating of a parallel than a dependant case.

"The general principles of the preceding interpretation fall in precisely with the course of the Apostle's argument, commenced in the 5th chapter. When these principles have been established, it is not of vital importance to the sense of the passage to determine the translation of the preposition sy. Many have translated it to, as it is in the very next verse. This sense accords well with our interpretation. The unbelieving husband is sanctified to the wife, just as it is said in Titus i. 15," unto the pure all things are pure.” But perhaps the more literal rendering, in, (or by,) will give the Apostle's sense more accurately. That the Jews considered Gentiles unclean, may be proved from various passages of scripture. See Acts x. 28, xi. 3. John xviii, 28, Gal ii. 12. Dr Adam Clarke states in his note on John xviii. 28, “The Jews considered even the touch of a Gentile as a legal defilement."

• It is clearly implied in the Apostle's argument, that all the children of the Corinthian Christians, had no nearer relation to the church, than the unbelieving husband of a believing wife. He declares that their cases are parallel ; and that rules of intercourse, which would require the believing husband to separate from his unbelieving wife, would require believing parents to separate from their children. But there is no conclusiveness in this argument, if the children had been consecrated to God in baptism, and brought within the pale of the church ; for then the children would stand in a very different relation to the church, and to their parents from that of the unbelieving husband or wife. Therefore, unless we charge the Apostle with arguing most inconclusively, infant baptism, and infant church membership were wholly unknown to the Corinthian church, and if to the Corinthian church, unquestionably to all the churches of those times.

A note appended to Wilson's Scripture Manual exhibiting the same general view of this text, concludes thus, “The Apostle in effect says, If it is unlawful for a member of the church to dwell, keep company,




or eat with, or touch an unbeliever, then it is unlawful for you to dwell, keep company, or eat with, or touch, your children; and conquently the care, support, and especially the religious education of them must be wholly neglected.' The laws of the commonwealth of Israel, are not applicable to gospel churches, because of their different organization. That children are not members of the latter, is the very fact upon which the Apostle seizes, for the foundation of his argument in this text, which is therefore decisive against infant baptism.”

Mr Frey has a judicious preliminary Essay, entitled,' General Observations on Positive Laws, shewing the difference between a Positive Law, and a Moral Law;' and it exhibits principles that are of vital importance in regard to other subjects, as well as in regard to baptism.

The author of these Essays has been extensively known in this country, and in Europe.

“The reader,' he remarks in his preface, 'is probably already informed that I was brought up in the Jewish faith, until I was twentyfive years of age. Some time after I had made a public profession of the Christian religion, I was received a student in the Missionary Seminary at Berlin, in Prussia. In 1801, I went to England, at the request of the London Missionary Society. A few months after my arrival in London, the directors resolved that I should preach to the Jews. To prepare myself for that work, I was sent to their Seminary at Gosport, under the care of the late venerable Dr Bogue. Here I spent the four happiest years in my life.

During this period my time was taken up with the investigation of the general doctrines of Christianity, and particularly the subjects of controversy between Jews and Christians. Baptism was considered, a subject of comparatively little importance. In the Doctor's MS. theological lectures, the arguments in favor of sprinkling, and infant baptism, are represented in a strong light, whilst those of the opposite party are but slightly mentioned. The view given of the subject as analagous to circumcision, and to the sprinkling of water and of blood, was peculiarly pleasing to my natural attachment to Judaism, and prevented any farther inquiry into the truth of the statement.

• The fact of my being a convert of the Jewish nation, together with my situation as a missionary or agent to promote the conversion of the Jews, has called me so often to travel and to preach, as to leave me but little or no time for the study of any subjects besides those connected with my immediate labors.

“The subject of baptism might still have remained unexamined by me, had it not been for the following occurrence:-At the christening of one of my children, together with others, the minister exhorted us to bring up our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.' This scriptural, solemn, and affectionate exhortation, was enforced by observing, These children are now members of the church, adopted into the family of God,&c. &c. These declarations were forcibly impressed upon my mind, as if I had never heard them before. They appeared to me at that moment, inconsistent with the doctrine of perseverance; I resolved, therefore, not to present another child of my own, nor to baptize the children of any others, before I had thoroughly investigated the subject. . . . . . . Accordingly, I gave myself to reading, meditation, and prayer. After carefully comparing the best books, on both sides of the question, with the word of God, I came to the

full conviction, that believers are the only subjects of baptism, and that immersion is the only scriptural mode. Therefore, I proposed myself as a candidate to the Baptist church in New York, under the pastoral care of the Rev. A. Maclay, by whom I was baptized on Lord's day, August 28, 1827...

• To avoid every expression in the least calculated to give offence, has been my desire and care; but as perfection cannot be expected in this life, I hope the reader will ascribe every failure in this particular to inattention rather than intention. The persuasion of my friends, a conviction of duty to give a reason' for my conduct, and a desire to be useful to others, have prevailed with me to publish these Essays. Should this humble attempt prove a blessing to the reader, the glory shall be given to Jehovah, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, world without end. Amen.'


Lectures to Young Men, on the Formation of Character, fc. orig

inally addressed to the Young Men of Hartford and New Haven, and published at their united Request. Third Edition ; with an additional Lecture on Reading. By Joel Hawes, Pastor of the First Church in Hartford, Ct. 18mo. pp. 172. Hartford : Cooke & Co. 1829.

We rejoice in an opportunity of commending this little volume to the attention of our readers. Neatly printed on good paper, bound in boards, with cloth backs, trimmed and lettered, it is sold, if we mistake not, at thirty seven and a half cents a copy; a price which must bring it within the reach of every young man who desires to read it; and it may be procured at various bookstores, from the Atlantic border to our great western rivers. It is neither a fine book, nor a coarse book; but it is happily adapted to the wants and wishes of those for whose use it was designed, whatever may be their situation. It contains six Lectures on the following subjects : Claims of Society on Young Men; Dangers of Young Men; Importance of Established Principles; Formation and Importance of Character; Religion the chief Concern; Choice of Books, and Manner of Reading..

These subjects are treated with a benevolence, and wisdom, and earnestness, becoming their nature. Intelligent and affectionate pastors, and parents, and guardians, we are confident, will most heartily encourage the reading of this book. We hope it will soon belong to the library of every Sunday School, and Bible Class, and neighborhood in the United States; and that many an individual who is able, will present copies of it to young men of his acquaintance, as tokens of his affectionate interest in their temporal and their eternal welfare. In its character, as to style and sentiments, it is neither tinsel nor lead ;-it is a solid mass of precious metal, seven times purified; or, to adopt the beautiful language of the Holy Scriptures, it is apples of gold in pictures of silver.

Our readers will recognize, with pleasure, the hand from which the following stanzas have been most obligingly communicated.


“God hath not called us to fear."

Fear ye beneath the torturing power

Of stern disease to moan?
Faith can illume its darkest hour,

And hush its deepest groan.

Ye shrink from sorrow!-Can


With what benign intent,
Into the bosom's secret cell,

By Heaven's decree 'twas sent?

Man's judgment hath a fearful face !

Approach ; its might declare ;
Pursue ; behold, its dwelling-place,

Its element, is air.

With many a thorn our pilgrim path

Adversity may sow-
Is there no Hand to check its wrath,

To mitigate its wo?

There's peril even in prosperous days!

God shall their sway control,
Ere to destructive folly's ways

They lure the cheated soul.

There's fear in death!-No, not to those

Who feel it burst their chain,
And bear them high o'er all their soes,
From weeping, change, and pain.

L. H. S.
Hartford, Conn.



Subscriptions and donations to the General Convention of the Baptist Denomination in the United States, for Foreign Missions, &c. should be transmitted to Heman Lincoln, Esq. Treasurer, Boston. Persons visiting the city, to whom it may be more convenient to call at a central place, can lodge their communications with E. Lincoln, No. 59 Washington-Street, who is authorized to receive moneys for the Treasurer.



In the last Magazine we gave Mr

Chinese Youth. Boardman's letter, containing an ac- Tavoy, Aug. 1, 1828. Another incount of the school established at Ta- terview with the Chinese youth, so of

ten mentioned in the journal for July. voy, in which he referred to a more

Every interview with him strengthens extended plan of operations in relation my conviction that he is truly convert to education, which would soon be ed. communicated to the Board. This ar

At the zayat I had thirty or forty ticle has been received, but is deferred tively, and took away portions of our

hearers, some of whom listened attento the next Number, for the purpose Scriptures. Some, however, inanifestof inserting his journal for August. ed a disposition to compare our doctrine The reader will peruse, in this journal, with that of Gaudama, and to conwith deep interest, the desire express- grees or agrees with the dogmas of

demn or approve, according as it disaed by one of the native converts, that that aspiring atheist. Thus the Burmore Missionaries may be sent to the mans, on first hearing of an eternal stations. Let the expression of this God and Saviour, immediately arraign

him before the tribunal of Gaudama. desire from one recently enveloped in 2. A spirit of serious inquiry perheathen darkness, awaken a deepened vaded the congregation to-day, and one interest in the minds of Christians in man seemed deeply impressed with

the exhibition of divine truth. this land, and lead each one to imitate the woman in the gospel, of whom it Baptism administered. was said, She hath done what she 3, Lord's day. Having repeatedly could. In churches where Primary the two persons who applied for bap

examined Moung Bo, and Ke-cheang, Societies are not organized, let some tism last month, we have felt that we one be excited to originate and put could defor their case no longer; and them in successful operation. Where to-day has been fixed upon for adminthey are already organized, let zeal- after worship, a little band of us, pass

istering the ordinance. Accordingly, ous efforts for accessions be made, ing through that part of the town most that adequate means may be furnish- sacred to Gaudama, bent our way aed for an extension of the Mission. mong pagodas, temples, and kyoungs,

-alike unheeded and unheeding—and Especially, let united prayers be offered entering the high pagoda road, we passto Heaven, that missionary ardor may ed on till we arrived at the baptismal

Near the tank was a tall pagobe given to those among us, who are tank. qualified to unsurl the banner of the da, pointing its gilded head to the

skies. It being Burman as well as cross in heathen lands.

Christian worship-day, the multitudes Nov. 1829.


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