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were gathered around to pay their de- holding a prayer-ineeting with the votions at the gilded shrines. In that school at the same time. Afterwards tank, under the shadow of that pago- we had public worship in Burinan, and da, and in sight of their former com- then I catechised the schoolboys. Afpanions, who now gazed with mingled ter dinner, at 2 o'clock, went to the astonishment and malice, the two zayat, when we had an attentive conyoung disciples solemnly renounced gregation. Two persons, in particutheir vain idols, and put on the Lord lar, professed to be convinced that the Jesus Christ. O, it was a joyful, mein- gospel is true, and begged for Chrisorable occasion. Some of the heaven- tian books. After tea, had Burman ly host, I doubt not, gazed on the sight worship, as usual. Two Karens from with approbation; and He who prom- the jungle were present. It is propoised to be in the midst of two or three sed to commence, at sunrise, to-morassembled in his name, was, I trust, in row, a daily devotional exercise, at the midst of us.

which the Burman Christians and the Aug. 4 and 5. No hearers at the schoolboys are to meet me at the zayat. Moung Shway-bwen says house. May the Lord vouchsafe to us the opposition to us has greatly in his gracious presence! creased since the baptism. As he

12. The two persons mentioned on passes the streets the people point at the 9th inst. came again and affordea him and say, " That is a heretic-be encouraging signs of an inquiring, if I is crazy, he is a wicked wretch that may not say, of a believing mind. has renounced the religion of his fathers,” &c. But he adds, “ I can bear Public Support of Schools. it. My mind is decided. I fear not death for Christ's sake, for it would be Provinces, I mentioned the subject of

To the Civil Commissioner for these infinite gain.” The whole town seems to be in an uproar on account of Moung native schools, and he assured me that Bo’s baptism. May we be kept from

a day school for native boys should “ rendering evil for evil.”

be supported by government. This 7. Had the unspeakable pleasure of appears to be a favorable opening, as hearing froin America by letters and the boys of the boarding school can be magazines. Bless the Lord, O my and can still enjoy the same advan.

taught gratuitously in the day school, soul, for the glorious news of the pros- tages of Christian instruction as at perity of the Redeemer's kingdom.

Moung Bo came and told how hap- present. py he was, although persecuted in ev- Incident of a Native Christian. ery quarter. Many listening hearers at the zayat. There seems to be some

To-day, one of the native Christians shaking among the dry bones.

finding a book which he had been 8. This morning received the joy his mind, (to use his own expression)

writing with much care, torn to pieces, ful intelligence of the effusion of the Holy Spirit at Maulamying; in the

to an unwarrantable pitch. Beafternoon, hail a very attentive con- ing engaged at the time, I knew no. gregation at the zayat. Yesterday

thing of the affair till he had left the and to-day are among the most pleas- the poor penitent came and related the

house. As soon as I was disengaged, ant days of my life, and the most encouraging as respects usefulness among

whole story to me. He was so asham. the heathen. o that the shower of ed of his anger, that he could not grace which has begun to fall at Mau: look me in the face. It only made me lamying, may soon reach Tavoy. I love him the more. He is generally seem to see the day dawning. Rise,

of a most humble and quiet spirit. I thou Sun of righteousness, with heal.

can cordially forgive him, and I doubt ing in thy wings.

not God has forgiven him. But he

Several 9. It being Burman worship-day, I could not forgive himself. had but few hearers. Those few,

hours after he said to me, “My mind however, paid good attention to the is still hot, on account of my sin.” On word spoken, and two of them took my telling him that God would show away books to read. May the Lord mercy to those who confess and foraccompany his own word with a di- sake their sins, he seemed relieved. vine blessing. 10. Lord's-day. Had worship in

Description of Lord's-day Services. English with my partner and the Chi- 17, Lord's-day eve. The past may nese Christian, the Burman Christians perhaps be considered a fair specimen


of the manner of our spending the as “accompanying Moung Bo, and Lord's-day. At 6 o'clock we have thinking like him.” He now professes Burman worship with the Christians a firm attachment to the gospel; and and the school. After this, till break- we have reason to hope he is sincere. fast at eight, we spend the time in Six Chinese came to-day, to con. retirement and English reading. The verse with Ke-Cheang. It appears scholars, meanwhile, are taught the that ten or twelve persons, are almost catechism by a Burman Christian. Af- daily in the habit of visiting him at his ter family worship and breakfast, my lodgings, to converse respecting the dear partner and myself, with the Chi. gospel. These circumstances, togethnese Christian, have worship, and a er with a letter I have recently perusprinted sermon is read. At the same ed, from a friend in Singapore, entime the Burman Christians hold a courage me to hope, the Holy Spirit prayer-meeting with the school in an

is about to be poured out on “the disadjoining roon. After this, public pecsed" of this interesting people. worship in Burman, and catechising

Hopeful case of a Karen. the boys. After dinner, at 2 o'clock,

Aug. 26. About a month since, a I go to the zayat, and remain till dark. very interesting young Karen was After tea, Burman family worship, found by Ko-thah-byoo, in the niche when one of the native Christians of a pagoda, where he had been fasting prays. From eight till ten o'clock, two days. Knowing only the religion read Scripture, perform evening de- of Gaudama, which he had heard from votions, &c. &c. Mrs Boardman is the Burmans, he had embraced it so engaged in the afternoon and evening far as to practise this austerity, in the in family cares, and in giving religious hope of obtaining a great reward in a instruction to the scholars and domes- future state. Our Karen Christian extics. To-day, while I was catechising plained to him the folly of fasting, as the boys in the hall, the Burmans practised by the Burmans, and invited were holding a religious meeting in the young man to our house, where he the west verandah, and the Chinese paid a very serious attention to ChrisChristian explaining the gospel to a tian instruction. After learning the company of his countrymen in the east' verandah of our house. One of took a Christian book and returned to his

way of the Lord more perfectly, he the Chinese has become so far enlight- native forest. Our prayers accompaened as to refuse to worship images, nied him. We all remarked something by which he has lost his situation. peculiarly interesting and amiable in But he says, “God will take care of


appearance. I have often wished

to have him live with me, in hope Inquirers multiplied.

that he might becoine a Christian, and a

herald of the gospel. Yesterday, this Aug. 20. Many Chinese came to con

young man returned to us, with three verse with Ke-Cheang on religion.

of his relations, to receive further in21. Moung Shway-Ken, the young structions. After conversing with me man mentioned on the 11th of July, for some time, and attending Burman called at the house. He has expe- worship with us, he went to Ko-thahrienced opposition for listening to me, byoo's apartment, where I heard them and has sought relief by laboring out talking of the gospel till near midnight; of town, for a month. During all this and at break of day, this morning, the time, he has been thinking of the gos- conversation was renewed. This afterpel, and is almost persuaded to be a

noon, he expressed a wish to live with Christian. O, that he were altogether me, in order to learn more fully about


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the true God and Saviour. 22. Moung Shway-Bwen relates

inquiring how long he would be willing that a very respectable Burman called

to stay for this purpose, he replied, “ten at the zayat, and professed a convic

or twelve years, till I can learn fully tion of the truth of the gospel. He about God and Christ. Many of the first heard the truth from Moung Bo, Karens will also come. He is a ten days ago, and has since been con- youth of good understanding, quick apstantly employed in considering it. He prehension, and amiable manners. He professes to be a decided believer.

says, he wishes no longer to worship 24. One of my hearers at worship heaps of brick," but to know and serve to-day, was Moung Shway-Kyah, a

the everliving and true God. reputable and intelligent young man, mentioned in my journal for July 7th,

The pagodas.

On my

Expense of heathen worship. 8th, and permit me to assure you, that To-day, I attended the funeral of a its contents not only afforded " instrucChinese, who had become a Bood- tion,” but also gave me real pleasure. hist, and had expended 15000 rupees Fancy what it must be, to live here in in erecting and gilding pagodas in this this dark pagan land six months, withplace. When will Christians do as out seeing the face of a single female, liberally for the true God, as these excepting these poor uncivilized Bur: heathens do for their gods of brick and mans, and you will form some idea of mortar ?

the joy with which again and again I

perused your very welcome letter. Macedonian cry from a Karen Con. But do not let me convey the idea that vert.

I feel discontented, for I am really Aug. 27. After evening worship in happy in the station in which kind Burman, the Karen Christian having Providence has placed me, and can related the adventures of the day, said say with the greatest sincerity, that I to me, “ there is one subject on which was never more cheerful, and would I wish to await your decision: I wish not exchange my situation for any you would write to America, for more that my dear native country could preteachers to be sent out.” It is not a sent. little singular, that the same subject There are three women now learnhad rested with much weight on my ing to read in the girl's school. One own mind nearly all the day. Indeed, of the number, is Mah Lah, who was we are in very great need of at least baptized some time since, and has two additional missionaries in the prov- made such proficiency in knowledge ince of Tavoy.

of divine things, as gives us a great

deal of pleasure. The other two, are Brief retrospect.

hopeful inquirers. Could you spend Aug. 30 and 31. We are not left one day with the young converts, or wholly without encouragement. Our even attend one of their little meetings, school is in a more flourishing state and hear them all pray, I am sure you than at any former period; and one of would feel delighted, and more than the boys appears somewhat impressed repaid for all your benevolent exertions with a sense of divine things ;-many to support the school. You will hear Karens have heard the gospel and from the journals, of Mai Nyo, who is professed to embrace it; and we hope upwards of eighty years old, and was that in the course of the last two baptized with Mary Hasseltine, and months, since the zayat was opened, Me A. She walks near a mile, tbree one or two persons have been savingly or four times every week, to see us converted. Several others appear to and get religious instruction.

The be inquiring; and the gospel has been girls who have been baptized, are very heard, and the Scriptures read, by sev- much attached to her, and she is eral hundred persons. “God's word equally fond of them, and seems to rewill not return to him void.” In the quire the same kind of instruction, so divine promises alone, our hopes are that she is always counted in the class fixed and firm. Whatever of good may of young converts. The delightful have been, or may hereafter be done, task of leading forward these little should be wholly ascribed to the ones in the “divine life,” with the time operation of the Holy Spirit. To that usually devoted to the Christian woblessed Agent's care I commit the in

men and inquirers, together with the terests of truth in this place, and a school, must, you will readily suppose, dopt the language of the praying pro- occupy all my time, so that I find it phet, “O Lord, revive thy work; in necessary to exclude myself from all ihe midst of the years make known; in English Society. I hardly need obwrath remember mercy.”

serve, that I every day feel my need GEO. D. BOARDMAN.

of the advice and assistance of our dear and much lamented sister Judson. How dark the dispensation, and how mysterious the Providence which called her away at this interesting period

of the mission! But we all desire to Maulamying, Sept. 22, 1828.

bow in humble and silent submission, Respected and very dear Mrs B.

resting assured that the salvation of Your kind and very acceptable let- souls is a cause infinitely dearer to ter of January last, was received July Christ than ourselves, and though his



throne is often surrounded with blindness, with regard to spiritual
“clouds” and “thick darkness," yet things, are now earnestly seeking the
we know it is still accessible to sin- path of life.
ners, and that all these dark scenes Yesterday, another full Cherokee
will finally show forth his wisdom and female, gave a satisfactory account of
glory, and enhance our eternal felicity. her faith in the Lord Jesus. She seem-
But we have many things here to re-ed to be deeply sensible of the malig-
mind us, that the days of our pilgrim- nant nature of sin, and her own total
age will be very few, and that it is depravity, and expressed an humble
extremely desirable that others should and grateful trust in the sufferings and
be ready to take our place. Are not death of the Son of God.

She was
other Missionaries already on their baptized in the river Hiwassee, in the
way to join us ! May they come to presence of a great number of her
us with such feelings as the great people. A considerable number from
Apostle to the Gentiles expresses when her own town (35 or 40 miles distant,
he says, “ And I am sure that when in the mountains,) came with her, to
I come unto you, I shall come in the witness the ordinance. Several of
fulness of the blessing of the gospel of these persons are under serious impres-
Christ.”. Should any Society or indi. sions, which I trust will issue in a
vidual like to make up a box for the sound conversion. The inquirers are
school, I would observe, that needles, very anxious to become acquainted
thimbles, scissors, sewing cotton of all with the word of God, and read, with
kinds, ink-powder, slates and pencils, eagerness, any portion they can get
together with work bags, all kinds of hold of. I am glad to find, that this de-
boxes, &c. &e. not forgetting emory sire is likely to be gratified in some de-
bags which are indispensable in these gree, by the publication of the Gospel
hot countries, would be very valuable of Matthew, in the Cherokee lan-
and acceptable. The number of schol- guage. It is translated hy Mr Elias
ars is now sixteen, besides the three Boudinot, under the direction of the
women, and Moung Shwa-ba, their Rev. S. A. Worcester, and printed at
teacher, which makes the number of the expense of the American Board.
my Burman family twenty. I am hap- I have received from Mr Worcester,
py, and I trust, thankful, that I can a copy as far as the 27th chapter, and I
say that my health was never more presume the remainder is struck off by
perfect than at present. I think I feel this time. I trust the Lord will put it
some desires to give up the world, and into the hearts of his people, to furnish
take up my.cross daily and follow after us with the means of circulating this
Christ. Pray much for me, my dear portion of his word, among those who
sister, that my feeble exertions may be are perishing for lack of knowledge.
owned by Christ, and that the remain-

We have this morning commenced der of my life may be entirely devoted a little Society, for the purchase and to him. That the choicest of Heaven's distribution of Cherokee books. But blessings may rest upon you and yours, the people being generally poor, in this until we shall meet in a happier state, region, we cannot expect much more is the sincere prayer of your affection- than a manifestation of their disposition ate friend,

to receive and distribute the word of

Through the liberality of some
Christian friends in Kentucky, transmit-

ted by our late excellent brother, the

Rev. Sugg Fort, and brother John
Pendleton, we have been furnished

with two hundred Cherokee Hymn
CORRES- books, which are so highly prized,

that many of the Hymns are already

become as familiar as some of the more Valley Towns, Aug. 17,


popular English Hymns of Watts and Rev. and dear Sir,

others. I have great pleasure to inform you

Our school is full; and the pupils that the work of the Lord is going on appear to be more interested in their among the Cherokees. The divine in- learning than usual, especially the fluence is producing powerful and rad- females. We are frequently obliged, ical effects on many

minds. Numbers with painful sensations, to reject apwho, a short time ago, were in total plications for admission.

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If some kind friends should be dis- published. Mr Tomlin remarks, posed to send us some of the improved That the barrier to a truly sound and aids for Sunday School and Bible Class scriptural education seems to be crum. instructions, they would be very ac- bling away. Indeed, in some places, ceptable. And also, any plain practi. Penang for instance, parents have cal works, calculated to enlighten and come forward to request that schools establish young Christians and others which had been shut for a season, of limited information, in the doctrines might be re-opened for the instruction and duties of the gospel. Books are of their children. May the day soon extremely scarce in this country. dawn and the day star arise in this

Yours, &c. EVAN JONES. dark region.


BURNING OF WIDOWS IN BENGAL. The immense empire of China, con- As the English Government is pertaining millions of souls, enveloped in manently established in Bengal, the thick darkness, has long occupied the long protracted and murderous pracanxieties of the church of Christ, and tice of burning widows with the bodies called forth their fervent supplications. of their deceased husbands, might well Various efforts have been made to dif- excite surprise through the civilized fuse the light of truth among them; world, were we not enured to existing but they have generally concealed evils in every land. It is believed by themselves from its brightness. We competent judges, that very little opare pleased to learn, that the American position would now be made by the Board of Foreign Missions, which held natives of India, if the English governits annual meeting at Albany, October ment were to prohibit the practice, 7, have made arrangements for com- which humanity and duty imperiously mencing a mission to China, and that urge. Petitions are presented to ParMr Bridgeman is about to sail from liament for legislative interference. Dr New York as the first American Mis. William Johns, who resided several sionary to China.

years in India, in a letter to the Editor The American Seamen's Friend So. of the London Baptist Magazine, reciety, of New York, have also appoint- marks : “To extinguish the dreadful ed Mr Abeel, to be located at Canton, fires which burn throughout the whole as a preacher to the many seamen year in Bengal, and its adjacent provinvisiting that port, and to the resi- ces—fires which are kindled to desdents there. It is stated that an A- troy the bodies of the dead, and to immerican missionary may preach to A. molate the surviving widows, requires merican seamen at Canton, without but a word, the breath of an enlightenany molestation from the government, ed government. Let us hear no more as all foreigners are allowed the en- of our philanthrophy and Christian joyment of their religion.

zeal, until, by presenting our respectAn American Mission to China is ful petition to Parliament, we shall have highly interesting, and will engage wiped off the stain of blood which atthe prayers of the disciples of Christ taches to us as a nation. In vain do of every name. The labors of the we disguise the fact; we palliate a estimable Dr Morrison have long been crime, and are partakers of it, if indefatigably directed to this portion of when in our power we do not use the the heathen world. Some encourag- only means at coinmand to do away ing statements occasionally reach us with the responsibility, the odium, and in relation to the efforts which have the guilt.” been made in this empire. A letter At a Quarterly General Court of from Mr Jacob Tomlin, which has Proprietors of East India Stock, in Lonappeared in several of the periodicals, don, Dec. 17, 1823, the subject was dated Singapore, Sept. 4, 1827, re- introduced. It appeared from the remarks, that the translation of the ports presented, that on an average, Scriptures into Chinese, and their dis. about fifty widows had been burned a persion through various channels, af- month in the Presidency of Bengal, ford a sure pledge that the labor of the during the years 1824, 1825, and 1826. servants of the Lord shall not be in Mr Poynder remarked, that he thought vain; that the prejudices of the peo- the attention of that court, and of the ple are diminishing; and that they public at large, ought to be called to the have a readiness to receive and can continuance of this iniquitous' and undidly read the books which have been necessary system. Mr Hume observ

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