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pate if we were to supply the funds which our circumstances might justify, and which the necessities of Burmah and of other countries actually demand. Multitudes of our brethren, and of whole Churches, do nothing. What is furnished, is contributed by a very few.

It is time that we awake to our duty-awake to the appeals of dying millions—awake to the claims of Him who was nailed to the cross. Let the Board of the General Convention despatch some competent person to Greece to survey the ground, and ascertain the most favorable points at which to commence operations. Let his expenses be defrayed by special contributions for the purpose. Let some of our pious and intelligent young men prepare to enter without delay, upon the work of teaching and preaching among the Greeks; and let an effort be made so to multiply the funds of the Board, that they may be able to proceed to the execution of measures which shall look not only to the intellectual and religious improvement of Greece, but to the salvation of the benighted millions who inhabit the regions beyond. We fondly hope to witness the period when our ministers in Greece shall inform us of their “first fruits” in Achaia-of the baptism of households at Corinth and Philippi—of the general spread of the gospel in that land of ancient and modern wonder. And dying, we hope to rejoice in the assurance that our own brethren have done their proportion in contributing to this desirable result.

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AMONG the recent publications to Denomination in the United States, at
which we have been particularly de- Philadelphia, April 29, 1829. By Dan-
sirous of calling the attention of our iel Sharp, Pastor of the Charles-Street
readers, are the following:

Baptist Church, Boston.
1 Obligations of Christians to the 2. The Moral Responsibility of Civ.
Heathen; a Sernon Dreached before il Rulers; a Sermon, addressed to the
the General Convention of the Baptist Legislature of the State of Connecticut,



at the Annual Election in Hartford, Church Government in the said SemiMay 6, 1829. By Benjamin M. Hill, nary. 12mo. pp. 423. Pastor of the Baptist Church in New

7. Mental Discipline; or Hints on Haven.

the cultivation of Intellectual and 3. A Sermon delivered at the Dedi. Moral Habits ; addressed particularly cation of the new Meeting.House of to Students in Theology and young the First Baptist Church and Society, Preachers. By Henry Forster BurUnion-Street, Boston, June 18, 1829. der, M. A. 12mo. pp. 126. By Cyrus Pitt Grosvenor, Pastor of the

Both of these works ought to be in Church and Society.

the hands of every minister of the gosThe subject of Dr Sharp's Sermon, pel, and of every candidate for the and that of Mr Hill's, are indicated on ministry. the title pages; and that of Mr Grosve.

8. Elements of Mental and Moral nor's is equally elevated and appropri. Science; designed to exhibit the

His text is Rom. xi. 36. For of Original' Susceptibilities of the Mind, Him, and through Him, and to Him, and the Rule by which the Rectitude are all things; to whom be glory for of any of its States or Feelings should

be judged. By George Payne, A. M. We have wished not merely to say 8vo. pp. 451. From the English that these discourses are worthy of the Edition. New-York: J. Leavitt. Bosimportant occasions on which they ton: Crocker & Brewster, 1829. were delivered, but to exbibit some of

This is a production of no ordinary their prominent features, and to con

merit. tribute what might be in our power

In presenting a lucid, and,

with very few exceptions, a satisfactowards extending and deepening the tory statement of the most interesting salutary impressions which they are

particulars in the great subjects of adapted to make. This service our

which he treats; the author, with limits now forbid our attempting.

much candor and acumen, frequently 4. Wisdom's Voice to the Rising gives a review of the opinions of Locke,

Reid, Stewart, Brown, and others. Generation; being a selection of the best Addresses and Sermons on Intem

He adopts, for the most part, the perance, from Dwight, Rush, Kitter. principles and representations of Dr edge, Porter, Beecher, Sprague and Brown; but when he dissents from others. By Abner W. Clopton, and him, he assigns his reasons in a manner Eli Ball, ministers of the gospel, Vir- that must command the respect, and ginia. Philadelphia. pp. 172.

awaken the thinking powers of the

reader. 5. Spirituous Liquors Pernicious and 9. The Works of the Rev. Henry Useless; an Address, delivered in the Scougal, A. M. S.T. P. containing the Second Baptist Meeting-house, Boston, Life of God in the Soul of Man; with April 9, 1829, the day of the Annual Nine other Discourses on important Fast. By James D. Knowles, Pastor subjects. To which is added a Sermon of the Second Baptist Church, Boston. preached at the Author's Funeral, Lincoln & Edmands. pp. 24.

by George Gairden, D. D. 18mo.

pp. 272. Boston: Pierce & Williams. Let productions like these be widely 1829. circulated, and immense benefits will follow.

No Christian can read this book, es

pecially the Life of God in the Soul 6. Letters on Clerical Manders and of Man, without desiring to have more Habits; addressed to a Student in the of the divine life in his own soul, nor Theological Semioary at Princeton, without loving the amiable author, N. J. By Samuel Miller, D. D. Pro- and longing, with some special ardor, fessor of Ecclesiastical History and to meet him in heaven.

EDITORS' ADIEU. HAVING resigned the trust committed to us as editors of this Magazine, we now take leave of our readers, with fervent prayers for their present and their eternal welfare.



SUBSCRIPTIONs and donations to the General Convention of the Baptist Denomination in the United States, for Foreign Missions, &c. should be transmitted to Heman Lincoln, Esq. Treasurer, Boston. Persons visiting the city, to whom it may be more convenient to call at a central place, can lodge their communications with E. Lincoln, No. 59 Washington-Street, who is authorized to receive moneys for the Treasurer.

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was baptized he would not go about

the neighborhood, proclaiming that A considerable time having elapsed Gaudama is not the true God, as oth

ers who enter the new religion are apt since we had received any fresh com

to do. munications from Mr Judson and his The second is the mother of Mee associates, we began to feel anx. Aa, of whom the daughter was ious to hear whether the flattering much afraid, as mentioned under Aug.

Soon after that date, Mee Aa prospects of success which their last

came trembling one morning to Mrs journals and letters presented, con- Wade, with the alarming news, that tinued to encourage their hands and her mother had just arrived at the cheer their hearts. It is, therefore, landing place, with the intention,

doubtless, of taking her away by force; with much pleasure that we are able and what should she do? She was to give our readers the following in- told to go and meet her mother, and telligence from them, lately received to pray as she went.

But the poor girl by the Corresponding Secretary; the need not have been alarmed. She had

been incessantly praying for her mothencouraging nature of which must dis- er ever since she had learnt to pray pel the doubts of the timid, and give for herself; and God had heard her new ardor to the persevering support. prayers, and softened her mother's

heart. So when she heard that her ers of this interesting Mission. It

daughter was actually baptized, she must, too, we think, induce many of only made up a queer face, like a person our brethren to come forward and join choking, and said, It was so, was it those who have so long been engag- der the operation.

not? I hear that some quite die un

This speech we ed in this great and important enter- all considered encouraging. And acprise.

cordingly, she soon settled down a

mong us, drank in the truth from her MR JUDSON's JOURNAL. daughter's lips, and then followed her Oct. 6, 1828. We baptized 00 Pay,


The third is the eldest daughter of Mah Kai, Mah loon, and Mah Lan. Mah Lah; and the fourth, wife of our The first is a respectable man, about assistant, Moung Ing. sixty years of age. He was obliged to leave his house day before yester- Native Church in Rangoon.' day, and take refuge with us, his wife and family made such an uproar about Nov. 2. Ko Thah-a arrived from his heretical intentions. But last night Rangoon. His story is rather intera pressing message came for him to esting, but too long to be given in dereturn, upon which he made them a tail. At the close of the war, in the visit, and they promised to behave bet- year 1826, he spent a few months at a ter. They only begged, that after he large village in the neighborhood of

Shway-doung; and there, devoting very happy couple for twenty-five himself to the preaching of the word, years, she told him that this was a bu. he produced a very considerable ex- siness which concerned her eternal in. citement. Several professed to believe terests, that she believed in Christ with in the Christian religion; and three of all her heart, and could not wait for the most promising received baptism him; and upon this he gave a reluctant at his hands. Some others requested consent. She appears to have attained the same favor; but he became aların- an uncommon share of divine grace. ed at his own temerity, and declined 14. We baptized Thomas, (making their repeated applications. The vile the thirtieth received this year) a Hinlagers, in time, returned to the vicini. doo of the same class and character ty of Rangoon, whence they had fled, with Matthew, mentioned above. at the commencement of the war. The four Hindoo converts having all He also returned to Rangoon, his for- taken Burman wives, without any cermer residence, and continued to dis- emony of marriage at all, we thought seminate the truth, but in a more cau- proper to require them to be married tious and covert manner. He has now in a Christian manner; but none of come hither to inquire what he shall their wives give any evidence of bedo with those who wish to be baptiz- ing piously inclined. ed, and to get some instructions concerning his own duty. He says that

Ordination of Ko Thah-a. he cannot stay long; for when he Jan. 4, 1829. Lord's-day. We caine away the converts and inquirers commence this year with an auspibegged him to return soon; and his cious event—the ordination of Ko heart is evidently with his little flock, Thah-a, as pastor of the church in which he has left in yonder wilderness. Rangoon, to which place he expects Let us pray for Kó Thah-a, and the to depart by an early conveyance. He remnant in Rangoon. For though the has been so evidently called of God tree seemed for a time cut down, the to the ministry, that we have not felt stump of the roots was left in the at liberty to hesitate or deliberate a. earth, with a band of iron and brass, bout the matter. But if it had been in the tender grass of the field.

left to us, to select one of all the con

verts, to be the first Christian pastor Baptisms in Maulamying.

among his countrymen, Ko Thah-a is Nov. 30. We baptized Moung the man we should have chosen. His Dway, Moung Shoon, and Matthew. age, (fifty-seven) his steadiness and Moung Dway is a native of Arracan, weight of character, his attainments in formerly a gross reviler and blasphem- Burman literature, which, though not er, but now zealous for the truth. perhaps necessary, seem desirable in Moung Shoon is a merchant of some one who is taking up arms against the property, and very respectable con- religion of his country, and his humnections. Matthew (alias Ram Sam- ble devotedness to the sarred work, all my; that is, god Ram) is a Hindoo, of conspire to make us acquiesce with the same class with Pandarram, men- readiness and gratitude, in the divine tioned September 21. We have not appointment. A. JUDSON. been in the habit of changing Burman names, as they are generally destitute of any bad signification ; but the

POSTSCRIPT TO THE MEMOIR OF names of the Hindoos are sometimes (as in the present case) utteriy aboininable, and require to be cast off, with Maulamying, Jan. 28, 1829. all their o her aboinin ions.

The mystery that enveloped Mee Dec. 7. We baptized Mah Tee, Shway-ee's birth is, at length, unfoldwife of Ko Man-poke, who has been ed; and it turns out that her tormenta very hopeful inquirer for nearly a or, Moung Shway-ike, was no other year, but cannot yet fully make up than her brother! The father of his mind. Mah Tee would have join. Moung is now living in ed the party last Lorl's day. bail not this place, and has confessed to us, that her husband, poor man, ben unwill- Mee Shway ee was bis own daughter, ing to have her go before him. She by a second wil , now in Rangoon. It has been very anxious about it several seems that the father and son were days; and though she is of a inoita ni ashained of the child, and disowned able disposition, and they have been a the relationsnip; and the son, being of


a diabolical disposition, and having a woman above eighty; and the othsome authority, determined to put her er two were girls about twelve years to death by inches. The father is of old, both belonging to the native female Musselman descent, a man of consid- school. Several other girls of the erable mind, but shattered by intem- school are hopefully pious; others are perance. His confession is confirmed still under deep distress on account of by the testimony of another person, now their sins. The work in the school living in this place, who declares, from is evidently the work of God. Our her own personal knowledge in Ran- hearts are made glad, by witnessing the goon, that such was the birth and paren- outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the tage of the poor tortured slave-girl, heathen. The revival is of the same Whom now we hope in heaven to see,

stamp as those we have seen in America. A sainted seraph, Mee Shway-ee.

We pray that it may spread from the A. J. school to the neighbors around. If the

work should become as powerful aMR WADE'S JOURNAL,

mong the neighbors as it is in the

school, it would be a marvellous work Sent to the Corresponding Secretary. indeed.

Since the date of my last letter to Opposition of heathen mothers to you, my time and attention have been

their daughters. occupied, as usual, in the labors of the zayat. Among the Burmans, a zayat received by the church as candidates

Aug. 4. Yesterday four persons were is the proper place for preaching the for the ordinance of baptism. One of gospel, there is no restraint, every them whose name is Moung San-loon, one feels himself at home. God has lives near brother Judson's zayat, and been very gracious to us, in that he is the fruit of his labors. The three has permitted us to be the instruments others are girls, belonging to the naof gathering a few souls to Christ from tive female school. The mothers of among the heathen. June 20, 1828. Commenced trans- for wishing to embrace the Christian

the girls are very angry with them lating the Memoirs of Mee Shway-ce, religion. The three girls were bapthe little Burman slave girl. 21. Moung Bong, (mentioned in Christian experiences.

tized immediately after relating their

To-day, the the last number of my journal) spent mothers, having heard what had transsome time at the zayat, and listened pired, came and treated their daugh, as if he really had some love for the

ters in the most abusive and cruel truth. One other person listened with manner; but the young disciples bore marked attention, and on going away all without uttering a complaint, or took a tract. 29. Moung Bong has been at the makes their strength equal to their

even answering a word: truly God zayat but once during the last week. day. Moung Shan has been nearly every

Baptisms continue. day. Some others have listened atten

10. tively and taken tracts.

Three persons baptized, viz. July 13, Lord's-day. A greater

Moung San-loon, Moung Shan, and number than usual at worship to-day, Me Pike; the last of them is a girl and nearly all of them hopeful inquir

belonging to the school. ers; the truth is most evidently gain

17, Lord-day. To-day was our communion season,

and on account of ing ground.

20. The present is a most interest- there being ten new communicants it ing time with us. Moung Shway

was indeed a precious season, such an bay's daughter, Mah-ree, who is about

one as we have never before experitwelve years of age, after being most enced in this heathen land. deeply convicted of sin, and distressed

24, Lord's-day. Me Youk, another with the fear of hell, was, two days of the girls of the school, was received and comfort of the gospel; all the in a meeting

of the church, three persince, brought into the glorious light by the church and baptized.

Sept. 20, Lord's-day. Last Friday, larger girls of the school, (six in number) are under deep conviction.

sons were examined and received, by

the unanimous vote of all the members, Baptisms commence, and a revival of as candidates for baptism. To-day, Religion enjoyed.

they were baptized; surely we are 27, Lord's-day. Five persons baptized thankful, and ought to be more so, for -a native Hindoo, Moung Shway Pan, the late additions to our little number.

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