Imágenes de páginas


To-day, also, was our communion ing the people not to embrace this reseason ; we had twenty communicants ligion; but no power, no persuasion present, who formerly worshipped can resist God. As many as are oridols.

dained to eternal life will hear and beOct. 6. Yesterday, four persons re- lieve. lated their Christian experience be- God seems to have commenced a fore the church, were accepted, and work in Letha-Mahzoo, (the upper to-day followed their Lord in the sa- part of Maulamying) and at the sugges. cred ordinance of baptism. Their tion of some of the people of that names are as follows, viz. Oo Bay, an neighiborhood, we have erected a small old nian, between fifty and sixty years zayat which is just completed. of age; Mah Kai, inother to one of the girls in the female school ; Mah Toon, daughter to one of the disciples, and sister to one of the girls in the school ;

MR WADE'S LETTER TO THE CORMah Lan, wife of Moung Ing, the native assistant preacher.

Maulamying, Jan. 31, 1829. Itinerant preaching among the Vil. lages.

Rey, and dear Sir, Nov. 9. I have spent the last two I have now the pleasure of acknowlweeks in visiting and preaching in the edging the receipt of your kind letter, neighboring villages.

dated, May 27th, 1828, together with 12. Visited the village of Kyouk- other coinmunications, Magazines, tan ;-found a zayat, in which I spent Heralds, &c. for which I feel greatly the day, reasoning with, and persuad- obliged to you. ing all who came, to turn to God and In our public labors, we divide our be saved. This village is about six time and attention in preaching in the miles from Maulamying, on the south, neighboring villages, in the district of and contains between forty and fifty Letha-Mahzoo, and in revising the houses.

translation of the New Testanient in [Mr Wade here mentions twelve God has begun to pour out his Holy

Burman. In Letha-Mahzoo, we hope villages, which he visited for the pur; Spirit. pose of diffusing the light of the gospel.]

On the 12th inst. one person wag 29. Visited Kenyaw, an inland vil- baptized, and on the 25th, three others. lage, about eight miles from Maula- of those last baptized, one is the wife mying, on the south-west, containing of Moung Sanloon, the 20.; the other between twenty and thirty houses. two were from Letha-Mahzoo. The Mrs Wade accompanied. All the vil. evidence of a real work of grace on Jagers gathered around us, and seem- their hearts, is rendered unquestionaed very cordial.

We told them of the ble by the manner in which they sustruc God and the way of life. They tain persecution; one of them has promised to consider whether the things borne the reproach of being a disciple we told thein are true or not.

of Jesus for several weeks past, though Dec. 1, Lord's-day. Two more per- not actually baptized; the other was sons, viz. Moung Shoon, and Matthew, turned out of door by her husband, as were examined, and unanimously re- soon as he was informed she had really ceived as candidates for baptism. In received baptism; he took from her the afternoon, they, with Moung Dway, every thing, even her sucking child, received baptism. The Lord grant but she bears all quietly, and is full of they may be faithful unto death, and joy. A tew days since, one of us went be an honor to the holy religion they down to Amherst, preached there on have this day professed.

Lord's-day, and returned on Monday. 31. Have spent the last ten days Mah Kai, one of the disciples living as usual, in visiting and preaching in in that place, was absent; the other the different villages, and in assisting two, Mah Loon-bya, and Me Aa, he brother Judson in revising the trans- saw, and exhorted them to persevere lation of the New Testament. Mrs in their profession and strive to grow Wade accompanies me to converse in grace. Every Lord's day, Me Aa, with the women, whenever the duties (one of Mrs Wade's scholars) reads of the native female school will permit the Scriptures to the others, and to all her to be absent from home. The who will listen, at the same time expriests are extremely busy in persuad- plaining what she reads, as far as she is able. Mah Loon-bya, has a share of a great and Almighty Saviour. Oh, in the blessings of persecution and re- that he may prove a chosen vessel. proach for Christ's sake; her enemies “We have lately had many applicaare chiefly of the Catholic order, to tions from villages eastward of Calcut. whom she formerly belonged. Some ta. One or two of us have been there of her family seem to have become with brother Carapeit, and I am happy hopefully pious and desire baptism. to inform you that every visit has been Mrs Wade finds so much to do a- more and more pleasant.

We are mong the women, that I expect she having two Bungalows built; one to will be obliged to abandon the school, serve for a school-room and place to unless other females come soon to her preach in, and the other to afford acassistance.

commodation to any who may go there. Let the Board, and every one who The people are poor fishermen, but desires the Gospel to spread in Burmah, very desirous of instruction.

We hope continue to pray for us, day and night, it is one of those doors of usefulness the for the Lord will answer their prayers. Lord sometimes opens to his servants. More help is greatly needed; we can- O pray for these villagers, and the atnot, if we labor with all our might, do ternpt made to turn them from darkhalf which we see to be done. The ness to light. I spent one day there printer and press ought to be this mo- with brother Carapeit, and intend shortment at work here.

ly to go again. With great respect to the Board, I “I was much affected when there, remain your servant in Christ, at seeing the earthenware gods put in

J. WADE. the fields near their dwellings; and

also at looking into two idol houses in

another village. In one of these an ENGLISH BAPTIST MISSION. Mr Thomas, a Missionary at Calcut- image was placed that is nothing more ta, thus writes to the Secretary:

or less than a personification, or rather

deification, of the cholera, that disease Feb. 18, 1829. “ From the observations I have been Two other figures were painted over

by which thousands are yearly taken off. enabled to make, the prospects of use this, representing two persons ill with fulness are brighter than ever; and the cholera, and the act of vomiting; could there be more undivided atten. tion paid to the Hindoo and Mussul. idol, as an offering to it.

an old cocoa-nut was placed near the man population, I am persuaded there would be a return that would gladden after a long and rough passage, our

“You will be pleased to learn that, every heart. But there are so many dear brother Yates has safely arrived things that press on the few hands in India, to the no small joy of us all

. here, that the time and attention given We feel, I trust, sincerely grateful to to labors among these classes of peo- the Giver of all good for having preple, are far from adequate. Still there is good done. I hope among

the Mus served him in going out and returning

home, and that he has not only brought sulman hearers, inquiry is progressing him among us again, but in such an and convictions take place. Among others, there is a man who has calles improved state of health. He is noth

ing like the same person; so far as on me twice, and attended the means a good while, who has read the New appearances go, he is likely to live and

labor with pleasure to himself and Testament and other portions of the Word of God with considerable atten- the Lord of Missions grant that our

profit to others, for many years. May tion. He called on me on Saturday last, and occupied a good deal of time hopes in this respect may not be blast

ed; but this is such a health-destroying in reading and conversing about Jesus

climate that we rejoice with trembling. Christ. He had marked down some pas. It is, however, delightful to reflect sages from the New Testamentin which that the Lord reigneth, and that clireferences are made to some part of the old, which he had not seen, and asked mate is subject to his government, and

diseases and death are entirely subject me respecting them. He seems to

to his control. have little or nothing to say about Ma. hommed, and owns that he can find

"Not a single shaft cap hit, no traces of him, or prophecies relating to him in our Scriptures. I endeavor. By brother Yates' coming, I trust ed to impress his mind with a sense of I shall be in great measure freed from the evil of sin, and the need we have English preaching, and be enabled to Dec. 1829.


Till the God of love sees fit.'





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apply myself inore directly to mission- hundred have been brought to hope in ary objects.

the pardoning mercy of God, within a « I have been for some time engag- few miles from this place.” ed in revising two or three Hindoostanee tracts, and correcting the proofs. I find this very useful. I have also been preparing a tract on the th, resurrection, and ascension of Christ. It is a kind of harmony of what is said

On the 28th and 29th of Oct. last, by the four Envangelists on these im this Convention held its anniversary at portant subjects. I hope the tract will Newton. Special Committees were prove useful to many. I before in- appointed, on the State of Religion-on formed you of operations likely to be Religious Publications on Sabbath commenced in villages eastward of Schools-on Ministerial Education-on Calcutta; they are now begun, a Foreign, Domestic, and Home Missions. school is just opened. It commenced Rev. T. Barrett preached the annual on Sabbath morning with 11, and on

After the Reports of the SecMonday afternoon there were 32. retary and Treasurer were read, the Brother Carapeit went on Saturday, delegates gave accounts of the state of

The and has continued there till now. He religion in their Associations. writes me that he has many inquirers, reports of the special Committees were and is constantly occupied. May the accepted and ordered to be printed. Lord make bare his arm!”

The next session will be holden at [Eng. Bap. Mag.

Southbridge, on the last Wednesday of
Oct. 1830. Rev. A. Beach was ap-

pointed to preach the annual sermon, NOVA SCOTIA BAPTIST ASSOCIA- and Dr Sharp his substitute. The

President closed the session with an By the Minutes of the Nova Scotia appropriate address. Its officers are Baptist Association, which held its ses

Rev. Daniel Sharp, D. D. Pres. sion on the 22nd and 23d of June last,

Abisha Samson, V. Pres. we learn that this body of Christians

Jona. Going, Cor. and Rec. Sec. consists of about 40 churches, and up- Dea. Nathaniel Stowell, Treas. wards of two thousand members. Sey.

The Executive Committee is comeral instances of a revival have been posed of eleven gentlemen, consisting experienced among them, particularly of one from each of the Associations in at Nictaur, Chesterhove, Cornwallis, the State. Rev. Thomas Barrett was and Halifax. They have recently formed an Education Society, for dit appointed by the Committee, an Agent fusing the principles of a correct and the ensuing year.

and missionary among our churches scriptural education among the youth of that increasing population; and to which will be attached a department BOSTON BAPTIST EVANGELICAL especially adapted to those devoted to ministerial engagements. They have The annual meeting of this Society already purchased about sixty acres of was holden on the evening of the 29th land at Horton, with some buildings of October, in the vestry of the First upon it, for this purpose—have procur. Baptist Church. Rev. J. D. Knowles ed the Rev. Asahel Chapin, from Am- in the chair. By the Report of the herst College in Massachusetts, to conduct the Seminary; and about fifty years in which it has been in operation

Board we learn that during the eight young persons, of various ages, have this Society has accomplished, in a good already entered.


degree, the objects for which it was

designed; and has constantly supportREVIVAL-LETTER TO THE ED

ed Sabbath Schools. For the last two years,

its efforts have been principally

confined to South Boston, where a New Hampton, Nov. 20, 1829. branch church has been formed, con“ The Lord is manifesting the riches sisting of 41 members, who have erectof his grace in the conversion of sinners ed a commodious house of worship un. in this and the adjacent towns; seven. der the most encouraging prospects. teen have obtained a hope in New It is the object of the Society soon to Hampton, within four weeks, thirteen recommence itinerating preaching in of whom belong to the Academy. One the centre of the city.




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The following gentlemen were James Cooper, William Kieth, Hiram chosen officers for the year ensuing : Jacobs, Horace S. Edmauds, and John Ensign Lincoln, Chairman.

Benjamin Spaulding, Sec'ry.
Ichabod Macomber, Treas.
Committee.-G. Vinal, S. Lothrop,



S. G. Shipley, J. Converse, S. Hill,

B. Converse, Jacob Flinn, J. Urann,
Benjamin Smith.

This Society held its annual meeting

at the Lecture Room of the FederalYOUNG MEN'S EDUCATION SOCIETY.

Street Baptist Meeting-house,

on Thursday evening, Nov. 12. The This interesting Society held its important object of missions tenth annual meeting in Boston, on

earnestly set forth by those who adMonday evening, Nov. 9, last. Rev. dressed the meeting, and they dwelt Mr Leverett, of Roxbury, made the with much pathos on the flattering Introductory prayer. The Secretary's prospects of the Burman Mission. Report was then read and accepted. In moving its acceptance, Rev. Mr for the ensuing year:

The following officers were chosen Leverett made some striking remarks on the important objects of the Society.

Rev. Daniel Sharp, Pres. Rev. Mr Malcom seconded the motion,

C. P. Grosvenor, V. Pres.

J. D. Knowles, Cor. Sec'ry. and made some judicious observations on the salutary influence of education.

Mr Wm. Manning, jr. Rec. Sec'ry. The Treasurer's report was then read.

Dea. James Loring, Treas. Mr Grosvenor's motion for its accep

Trustees.-Rev. H. Malcom, Dea. tance was seconded by Dr Sharp. The J. Carleton, Dea. Thomas Kendall, E. remarks of each of these gentlemen Lincoln, N. R. Cobb. were calculated to inspirit the mem- On the following Lord's-day evening bers of the Society to prosecute with Rev. Mr Malcom delivered the annual vigor the important objects before sermon, in his meeting-house, from them. It will be recollected that Dan. ii. 44. The God of heaven shall some time ago, a generous friend sub- set up a kingdom which shall never be scribed $100 towards raising $1000, destroyed. After the speaker, in his to found a scholarship in the Newton happy style and forcible manner, had Institution, on condition the remaining mentioned the rise and fall of the ancient 900 should be subscribed by others, monarchies, he spoke with animation before the first of January next. This of the triumphs of grace, which were generous offer has produced the desir. spreading over the earth by the be. ed effect. By the Treasurer's Report nevolent efforts of Christians, and we learn thai 512 dollars were raised which shall result in the establishment last year; and such was the benevo- of a kingdom never to be destroyed. lent impulse of the Society at this meeting that 310 dollars were promptly sub

ABDUHL RAHAHMAN. scribed : Thus rendering it sufficiently certain that the scholarship will be

This Blaek Prince sailed froin Norfounded. This fact will encourage the folk last spring, and arrived at Liberia, young men of our denomination to in- where, with 30 others, he soon died. stitute similar Societies in this and the His interesting story will long be readjoining States. A vote of thanks to membered; and his late tour through the Rev. Mr Babcock, of Salem, for

our chief cities for contributions to his excellent discourse delivered on the obtain the freedom of his family, will preceding evening in the meeting not soon be forgotten. house of the First Baptist church was passed, and a copy for the press was ORDINATIONS, &c. requested. The following officers were chosen

Oct. 27, Mr Amos C. Tuttle, was for the year ensuing :

ordained at Ticonderoga, N. Y. as an Rev. James D. Knowles, Pres.

evangelist. Sermon by Rev. M. MrJ. A. W. Lainb, V. Pres.

Knappen, of Sudbury. Mr John Putnam. Sec’ry.

Nov. 3, Mr William Hague was 'orMr Henry P. Freeman, Treas. dained pastor of the Second Baptist

Directors.-H. H. Jones, Gustavus Church in Utica. Sermon by Rev. B. Horton, S. H. Mason, s. J. Adams, T. Welch, of Albany, from Acts v. 20.



Oct. 22, the new Baptist Meeting. Oct. 6, a Baptist Church was consti- house was opened in Willington, Con. tuted in Litchfield, Con. and called the Sermon by Rev. S. S. Mallory, Second Baptist Church in Litchfield. Oct. 24, the First Baptist Meeting.

Oct. 14, a Baptist church, consisting house in Charlestown, Penobscot Co. of 30 members, was organized in Ma. Me. was dedicated. Sermon by Rev. riaville, Me. Sermon by Rev. Mr Thomas B. Ripley. Gillpatrick, of Bluehill.

Oct. 29, the Meeting-house erected Nov. 1, a new Baptist Church was by the Baptist Church in Londonderry, organized in the city of Williamsburg, N. H. was opened. Sermon by C. Ó. Va. Sermon by Elder Goodall.

Kimball, of Metheun, Mass. from Psl.
Ixxxvii. 2. The house is well finished,

and contains 40 pews. A new Meeting-house was dedicated

Nov. 11, the new Baptist Meeting. to the service of God, for the use of the house at Cato, four Corners, was openBaptist Society on the western branch ed. Sermon by Rev. Mr Gilbert. of Elizabeth River, Va. on the 19th of Nov. 12, a new Baptist Meeting. October

house was opened in Warwick, R. I.


Account of Moneys received by the Treasurer of the General Convention of

the Baptist Denomination in the United States for Foreign Missions.




Received from Dr Chandler Smith and lady of

Princeton, Mass. for printing the Bible in

Burmah, per Dea, J. Loring,
From the Albany Baptist Mission Society, for

Bur. Mis. per W. S. & E.C. McIntosh, 100,00
The Baptist Missionary Society, Salisbury,

Province of New Brunswick, for Burman
Miss. by Robert Smith, Sec. per H. Blake.

Mr Calvin Blanchard, Treas. of the Middle-

sex Bap. Miss. Soc. it having been collected during the past year in the monthly concert of the First Bap. Ch. in Lowell, by Rev. E. W. Freeman, Pastor,

100,00 Baptist friends at Barnstable,by Rev. Mr Bal. lard, per Dr Sharp,

12,50 Wendell Society for Missionary purposes, for

Burman Mission, per Rev. E. Andrews, 47,83
Mr Nathan Sprague, Templeton, per Rev. E.

Females friendly to the cause of Christ in

Burmah, being the proceeds of two rings and

a breast pin, per Rev. Mr Grosvenor, 1,00 Male Pri. Soc. Buckland, Mass. per Rev. Mr Grosvenor,

15,55 Fem. Pri. Soc. Buckland, Mass. Lawson Long, Sec. per Rev. Mr Grosvenor,

13,45 Widow Lavinia L. Putnam, for Bur. Mission,

being the proceeds of a gold necklace which
she consecrated to God a few months previ.

ous to her husband's death,
From her children,
From a female friend in Buckland, per
Rev. Mr Grosvenor,


5,78 J. Billings, jo, Esq. Treas of Vermont Baptist State Convention,

200,00 Trom J. Conant, Esq. it having been collected

by him as a part of the bequest from Benj.
Stevens' Estate, late of Cornwall,

43,00 Salem Bible Translation and For. Miss. Soc.

by J. Moriarty, Esq. Treas. to be appropri.
sted as follows, viz.

For printing the New Testament in

Printing Tracts in Bur. language, 30,00
Burman Schools,

50,00 Foreign Missions,


500,00 Mrs Susanna Hobart, Ashburnham, Bur. Miss. 2,00 A young Lady, for Bur. Miss. per Mrs. Lincoln, 3,00 Burman Bible Box, for printing Bur. Bible,

per Rev. Mr Hodges, of Shaftsbury, Vt. ,82 Bap. Miss Soc. in Essex Co. N. Y. by Rev. Co.

nant Sawyer, Keesville, per J. Conant, Esq. 10,00 A friend from Milton,

,25 Nathan Alden, Esq. of East Bridgewater, for Bur. Miss. per Mt E. Lincoln,

5,00 Rev. Emory Osgood, Henderson, N.Y. It hav

ing been collected by him on account of
arrearages due for Columbian Star, per Mr
E. Lincoln,

18,00 Rev. Isaac Sawyer, being a contribution taken

at the Meeting of the Essex Baptist Asso-
clation at Crown Point, N, Y. per Rev. I.
M. Allen,

11,35 Female Miss. Soc. of Foxboro' and Mansfield,

Auxiliary, &c. by Mrs Martha Allen, Treas. 8,20
Dea. J. Loring, Treas. of the Boston Aux.
iliary, &c.

Do. for the support of Heathen Fem.


41,59 A friend in Westboro', for Indian Missions,

per Mr Thomas Simons,
Rev. C. D. Mallory, in part of annual sub.

scription for 5 years, for Bur. Bible, per

Rev. N. Davis,
Phineas Phillips, Great Valley, Pa. to aid in

printing the Bible in Burmah, per Rev. N.


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11. LINCOLN, Treas. BOSTON, Nov. 23, 1829.

The late intelligence from Burmah, which occupies the Register this month, renders it necessary to defer Mr Boardman's plan of extended operations till the next Number.

The Agents and other friends of the Magazine in the different States, are earnestly requested to use their efforts to increase the number of subscribers, and procure more efficient aid to the work.

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