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come within the range of his benevolence. He rejoices that all the happiness which he himself does or can enjoy, may be possessed by every individual of his race. For his every effort to diffuse this happiness, he feels an instant reward. What others are made to enjoy through his agency, becomes, as it were,

his own.

He continues his exertions for their benefit, gaining at every step re. newed vigor and encouragement, having present recompense in what he sees, but looking constantly forward to the richer harvest of glory which is to come.


KNOWLEDGE diffused respecting missions, and correct views thus formed respecting the objects proposed and the methods of operation, will give permanency and constantly increasing vigor to missionary exertions. For these exertions will rest manifestly on the basis of truth. The motives which prompt to these exertions will be drawn from feelings and principles which form the noblest part of our character ;—from feelings and principles which, being cherished by the genial rays of truth, will push themselves out with a vigor and firmness, that will give them the control of our conduct. And the subjects proposed are not those which, at the moment of our near approach, elude the grasp ; nor are they such as derive a false show of value from being viewed at a distance, but, as we gradually advance, chill the ardor of pursuit with disappointment. They are objects of real, permanent value, adapted to fill the highest expectations, and to awaken ever increasing ardor in the pursuit. Let them be fully presented, and they will do it.

We know, indeed, that men are sometimes roused to most powerful exertions by the objects which error, under a fair name,

points out to them. Motives are addressed to their grosser passions. These passions kindle into a blaze. A phrenzied ardor is excited ; and the objects presented are suited to feed the flame. Imagination, heated to a feverish delirium, arrays these objects, airy and empty as they are, in a gorgeous splendor. The pursuer presses on with the utmost eagerness. But just as expectation is raised to the highest pitch, just as the happy moment is at hand, the bubble bursts, the phantom vanishes. The defeat of his hopes sinks him down into sullen indifference. As an illustration of what has now been said respecting the influence of error to rouse men, for a time, to the highest efforts, I need only name the crusades; -expeditions fitted out from Europe to recover the holy land from the hands of infidels.

But such is not the influence of truth, either in its beginning or in its termination. Those who march forward under the conduct and auspices of truth, of evangelical truth,—though at first they move with less celerity and with less bustling activity, yet move on with firmness. Though their confidence in their leader may at first be wavering, yet every successive encounter gives them

stronger and stronger proof, that he is able and skilful and resolute to carry them triumphantly through.

Though the objects sought may, in the beginning, attract but feebly, and though distance may obscure their beauty and their glory, yet every onward step strengthens the attraction, casts off retarding weights, and displays more fully the lustre of these objects. Possession ere long crowns the highest expectations. And every point gained leads to still greater achievements. Yes; knowledge diffused respecting missions, will give

. not only permanency, but ever increasing vigor to missionary exertions. The champions in this cause are an immortal band. Sometimes indeed its ranks have been thinned; but not by those who have fallen valiantly, in the face of day. No; let those who stand in the ranks of this band proclaim aloud the grandeur of the objects at which they aim; and if they fall, let it be in manfully sustaining their cause. Then every vacancy will be supplied with tenfold increase; and gaining continual accessions in numbers and strength, they will move successfully on, to the issue of all their toils, till every tongue and kindred and people shall become the dutiful subjects of the King of Kings.



In concluding, I may be allowed to address a few observations to the members of the society before whom I now speak.

If so many and important, brethren, are the advantages of thorough information respecting missions, let us prosecute vigorously the objects for which our association was formed. And let us rejoice that we are coming upon the theatre of action at a period, when a spirit of enterprise is awake; when a new impulse has just been given to the march of those enlisted under the Christian banner; and when so many are employed either in achieving conquests abroad, or in strengthening the posts at home, and raising new supplies for foreign service. Yet let not our rejoicings be like the acclamations of the multitude, who witness the pageantry of a triumphal procession, as if the victory were already won; nor like the shouts of encouragement raised by those who are distant and inactive spectators of the pending contest, as if the ranks were already full, which are marching on to the achievement of victory. No; what is already achieved is but the prelude to the final triumph ; nor are the ranks yet filled, which are able to bring the enterprise to a successful issue. While standing, therefore, as the uuconcerned spectators of the scene, our notes of exulting will grate harsh discord on the mutual cheers of those who are marching forward.

Something more then than mere approbation, however loudly expressed, will be required as a test of our friendship. As our names stand enrolled, we must show ourselves ready to promote the spread of the Gospel, in whatever sphere Providence may call us to act.

Let this, then, be our rejoicing, that the way is prepared ; that the path has been opened through our western forests; that the track has been marked across the ocean, and to the islands of the sea; that the standard of the cross has been already planted on every quarter of the globe ; and that all things are ready for our immediate and efficient co-operation, as soon as our term of preparatory training is completed.

And as a part of this previous training, I say again, let us vigorously prosecute our inquiries respecting missions Let us know the achievements that have been already made, and to whom pertains the honor of making them. Let us learn, also, the modes of operation which have been attended with the happiest results. Let us survey the countries that yet remain to be possessed ; and the strength and numbers which stand in hostile array. Let us fix upon the points that afford the fairest prospect of being assailed with success; and, as not least important, let us learn also the most effectual means to swell the numbers, to heighten the enthusiasm, and to call forth the energies of those who are engaged in promoting this noble enterprise. Thus, in whatever place, or in whatever capacity we are called hereafter to act, we shall be prepared to perform manfully our part.

Does Providence indicate that we are to labor among the heathen? we shall be able to count the cost of the enterprise ; we go forth to our work with a full knowledge of the obstacles that will oppose our progress. Our knowledge will prepare us to meet them with fortitude, and will give us skill in selecting the means best adapted to remove them from our way. We shall go forth prepar. ed estimate how essential to our success are the sympathies and co-operation of our brethren whom we leave behind ; and, while prosecuting our more appropriate labors, we shall feel the importance of transmitting full and accurate reports of our labors, and of the condition of the people among whom we are placed. We shall be prepared to judge how far it falls within our sphere to transmit ihose kinds of information relative to unknown countries, which are interesting to men of science, to philosophers, to those who are curious to examine the various aspects exhibited by different portions of our race; and how far this will be adapted to recommend the missionary cause, and to augment the means of its advancement. But are we left to watch over the interests of the churches at home, the prosecution of our inquiries will both show us the importance and give us the ability to exert an influence in their favor here. The pulpit surely will not be degraded nor perverted from its proper use, by imparting clearer views, and infusing a right spirit on this subject.

Nor would the monthly concert of prayer for the success of missions be less interesting or less useful, if the giving of information respecting missions were a part of the exercise. And the periodical journals of missionary intelligence, those messengers welcome to the heart of every friend of Zion, which bring reports of her welfare, which convey to us the sighing of the devoted missionary when the heathen tage against him, and shut him out from his pious labors; but which more frequently convey to us the joyful overflowings of his heart at the success of his exertions ; those vehicles of knowledge in


dispensable to awaken and sustain, and to awaken still more an interest in behalf of missions; these journals, (with their columns enriched, it may be, with the effusions of our pens), we may extend into a wider circulation, and make them the means of still greater usefulness.

A knowledge of the history of missions will also help us to exhibit more clearly the firmness of the foundation on which the truth of Christianity rests. The progress of Christianity from its commencement to the present time, running counter to all the feelings and passions of depraved men, assailed, as it has constantly been, by foes from within and foes from without, and still surmounting every obstacle, constitutes another miracle to be added to the number of those which at first bore testimony to its divine origin. A flame," says a late writer, "a flame living on the very bosom of the deep, opposed by all the winds of heaven, often obscured, nearly extinguished, always resisted, yet rising from apparent exhaustion and decay, into new brightness, enlarging the circle on which it shines age after age, and smiling on the elements which are battling against its existence, must be sustained by etherial fires."

Once more I repeat, in view of the advantages to be derived from knowledge respecting missions, let us vigorously prosecute our inquiries, not indeed as an ultimate object of pursuit, but both as an incitement to ourselves, and as a means of inciting others to press ardently onward in all the noble undertakings, which the age peculiarly calls us to promote, discharging all the duties which the word and the ways of Providence show are binding upon us, and fulfilling all the charities to which we are prompted by the worthy example of the pious, by compassion to our fellow men, and by an enlightened and grateful regard to the honor of our Redeemer.


I beg leave to be allowed the privilege of requesting my correspondents and friends, through the medium of the American Baptist Magazine, and the Columbian Star, no longer to apply to my name, the title which was conferred on me, in the year 1823, by the Corporation of Brown University, and which, with all deference and respect for that honorable body, I hereby resign.

Nearly three years elapsed before I was informed of the honor done me, and two years more have been suffered to pass, partly from the groundless idea that it was too late to decline the honor, and partly through fear of doing what might seem to reflect on those who have taken a different course, or be liable to the charge of affected singularity, or superstitious preciseness. But I am now convinced that the commands of Christ, and the general spirit of the gospel, are paramount to all prudential considerations; and I only regret that I have so long delayed to make this communication.

A. JUDSON. Maulaming, May 9, 1828.


The Memory of the Just : a Discourse delivered in the First Bap

tist Meeting-house in Providence, R. I. August 20, 1828, at the Interment of Rev. Stephen Gano, A. M. late Pastor of the First Baptist Church in that town. By DANIEL SHARP, Pastor of the Third Baptist Church in Boston.

It is gratifying to recall the virtues and the services of a good man who has finished his course. His friends are consoled ; and they are excited to diligence in the various duties of life, and to the pursuit of glory in heaven. And who, though a stranger, can contemplate the recorded example of a good man, and the expressions of the hope which cheered his descent to the grave,

without acknowledging the value of Christianity and the wisdom of cultivating the meekness, and the purity, and the benevolence which it enjoins, and of placing confidence in Him who is the resurrection and the life? With the author of this šermon, we wish indeed rather to hear how a man lived, than how he died. Yet when a life of piety has been terminated by a peaceful death, the fact may profitably be made known, so that a good man, though dead, may yet speak.

The sermon named at the head of this article, is from Proverbs x. 7. The memory of the just is blessed. The sentiment of the text is illustrated by three propositions; I. The retrospect of a pious man's life creates the most delightful emotions. II. The beneficial influence which the example of a just man has diffused, causes his memory to be blessed. III. We follow the just in our thoughts from a life of devotion and benevolence on earth, to the rewards of the righteous in heaven. In expatiating upon each of these propositions, the author adverts to the character and services of the deceased; of whose conversion, ministerial labors, and death, a brief account is also given. The sermon is concluded by appropriate remarks to the children of the deceased, and to the members of the church and society of which he had been for thirty-six years the pastor. Our limits admit of only a few extracts.

“Those who have been so unwise as not to pursue a course of virtue, but have allowed their appetites and passions to have the ascendency over them, cannot withhold their respect and admiration from one whose life has been a practical illustration of the principles of Christianity. When a person has not only been temperate and upright, but imbued with the spirit of piety and philanthropy ; when we can follow him in our recollection, to the habitation of the widow and the fatherless; and see him mingling his tears with theirs, and hear him offer up his supplications, and impart to them the best advice, thrilling sensations of joy fill our bosoms. Although we may have derived no direct benefit from him ourselves, yet we cannot contemplate his character, without being conscious of the most lively satisfaction. And those who did participate in his favors, and feel that they have lost a valuable friend, must experience unutterable emotions of sorrow, associated with feelings of a cherished gratitude.


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