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had assumed. But do we ever find her, so much as faltering in her purpose to pursue the course, to which she had pledged herself? or blenching at any dangers, to which the prosecution of her original design, might be expected to subject her? When she re-visited, after long absence, her native shores : when she sat down, once more, under the shelter of her paternal roof, and by a beloved and revered father's fire-side,-that very centre of earth's sweetest, purest, holiest joys;-and looked away across the wide ocean, to the shores of a far distant and a barbarous land; and thought of going back again to that land of strangers, to toil, and suffer, and die there; did her faith fail her ? Did her Christian principles, even in this struggle, with some of the most powerful impulses of nature, yield and give up their controlling power in her heart? When, after a short intercourse, succeeding long, long absence, she pressed a venerable father's band for the last time; and saw a fond mother's irrepressible yearnings over her; aud exchanged the parting salutation with dear, much loved sisters; and turned her face, a second time, from the home of her youth; and knew that the ship from which she should soon be looking back, and watching her native shores as they receded from her view, would be conveying her in all probability, finally and forever from the loved circle of objects which she was now leaving; did she, even then, repent of her choice, and feel disposed to give up the enterprise of Burmah's redemption ? No! Notwithstanding all the endearinents from which she is separating herself, she feels that there are objects dearer than those: she feels the power of other and higher claims on her affections. The dark minded Pagan, she longs to see brought into the light and freedom of the gospel. The honor of her Saviour,—the glory of God,-the salvation of men, now destitute of the Christian's hopes and consolations ;-these are the objects of stronger claim ;-these are the things that are drawing her away to her far distant destination over the waters. Now, in view of a simple statement of facts like these, we would urge upon the attention of our readers, the inward moving principles, which are fitted to produce such conduct as this—to invite them to look at the energy and the excellence of these principles, and to request them to remember that these are Christian principles; not peculiar to the missionary, but the elements of Christian character whorever it is found, and belonging in some degree, to every sincere disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ.

“A second reflection to which the work before us has given rise, relates to the OBLIGATIONS, on the part of all Christians, to practise greater self-denial, for the purpose of bringing mankind universally under the influence of those principles, of which we have been speaking.

“ All men cannot be missionaries. All men cannot bear the cross of Christ, and exhibit the Christian character, in the sight of the unchristianized and remote portions of our race. But they may bear the cross at home. They may let it be seen here, what principles lie at the foundation of Christian character. And there is a sense, in which they may exemplify the true missionary character, without going to Burmah, or even beyond the limits of their native land. They may practise moro self-denial. They may feel more of the spirit of Christian pbilanthropy. They may act inore as strangers and pilgrims on earth. They may be willing to make greater sacrifices for the benefit of mankind. They may think less of this world, and more of another. They may set up for themselves a higher standard of Christian effort, in the cause of human happiness. Their supplications at the throne of Divine Grace may be more frequent, more fervent, and more in the spirit of Christian faith and love. Their life may come up nearer to the primitive pattern. Their charities may be greatly augmented. And the whole character of the whole Christian community, may come to partake more largely of that spirit of self-denial which, at present, seems to be looked upon as appropriate only to the missionary, and which, in relation to ordinary Christians, is regarded by many, as supererogatory, and quite out of place.

“Now what may thus be done, appears to us, we confess, to imply obligation that it should be done. It appears to us, that the gospel requires it to be done—that the peace and welfare of mankind require it-that the vows of the Christian church are virtual engagenients, that, on their part, it shall be done and that, sooner or later, it must be done, if the world, with its hundreds of millions of idolaters, is ever to be converted to God. We see no way in which, for a long period to come, if ever, the necessary funds can be procured, and the necessary tone of feeling in the bosom of the church can be produced, and the great missionary enterprise be urged forward to a happy consummation, except through the increase and the wider diffusion of evangelical self-denial. On a subject of this nature, we would not, we trust we do not, throw out hasty and ill-considered opinions,-the crudities of a careless, unreflecting benevolence and zeal.

Some thought we have bestowed on this subject. We have endeavored to look at it carefully and on every side ; and, as the result, it does appear to us, that ere the light and the blessings of Christianity, in its power to sanctify and save mankind, can be universally diffused over the earth, and the gross darkness with which so many of the nations are yet covered can be dispelled, the tone of self-denial in the bosom of the whole redeemed church below, must be greatly elevated beyond what it now is. More is wanted much more-of the spirit of the Christian confessor at home, in all who have avowedly taken up the cross, and pledged themselves to be the followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. And more of this spirit there must be, or the progress of redemption in our world must be very slow and discouraging, and centuries may yet pass away, before the millennial reign of the Redeemer shall take place. We do indeed, often hear of the rapid approach of that happy period, and are sometimes told that its blessed light is already beginning to illumine the east, and to spread itself upon the mountains. And this may be true—in a loose sense, it not improbably is true. And most sincerely do we rejoice in every additional indication of its being true. But we fear that hopes and expectations, in relation to it, have been entertained, which at the present ratio of increase in the spirit of evangelical self-denial among Christians, will not very speedily be realized. We repeat itmore of the spirit of the Christian confessor is wanted at home. Between the spirit of the faithful missionary abroad, and that of the great body of professed Christians at home, there is a wide, we fear an ominous incongruity. When shall it be done away! When will Christians at home, learn to regulate their conduct more in conformity to those great principles of self-denial, which they require in their representatives to the unchristianized portions of mankind! It is in the bosom of the church herself, that we need more of the benevolent self-renunciation, which she requires in her missionaries to the heathen. And more of it, we believe, must be seen, before what is now regarded as the auroral promise of an approaching brighter period, to the world, shall be accomplished ; and the light of the morning upon the tops of the mountains, shall descend and cheer every valley and region of the shadow of death.

« And here, to be a little more definite, we beg leave to suggest to all those under whose notice these remarks may chance to fall, and who desire the speedy prevalence of Christianity over the earth, whether something might not, and ought not to be done, by way of retrenchment in the present style of living among professed Christians, for the purpose of doing good to others. The temperance reformation, which has been so auspiciously begun in various and nearly all parts of the land, shows with what facility a more extended system of self-denial and retrenchment, in respect to many existing customs and habits, might be adopted and put in operation: and we cannot but regard the reformation just referred to, as being in fact the commencement of such a system. Whether this sball prove to be true or not, we see nothing visionary in the hope that it will be so, and that hope is certainly a grateful one. Indeed, one of the most interesting aspects of the reformation referred to,-interesting in every view as it is—appears to us to be its tendency to lead on to farther and more beneficial results, beyond those which were in the immediate contemplation of its early and its most zealous advocates and friends. It will have taught men, not only that they can, advantageously, deny themselves in one respect, but that, when duty demands, they can carry their self-denial still farther. At the same time, it will naturally suggest cases, in which (if such cases there be) duty will seem to require that it be carried farther : and in that way, it may be connected ultimately with an extended and important system of retrenchment, the bearing of which upon the happiness of many, here and hereafter, would be of the most auspicious kind.

“Now, we beg leave to inquire, whether for the purpose of giving at home and abroad, and every where on earth where human beings are found, a wider scope and a more effective operation to the distinctive principles of the gospel, a little more self-denial, in the particular here brought to view, might not, and ought not, to be practised ? With those who live themselves, and who view others as living only for this world, the inquiry here proposed is indeed already answered Let us eat and drink, for to-morrow we die.' But, with those who believe in the immortality of the human soul, together with its sinful character and lost condition out of Christ; and who regard the cordial reception of the gospel as the only method of insuring a happy immortality to any man, beyond the dark confines of his present existence; there cannot, we believe, be any serious doubt, as to the course which duty prescribes, in relation to this subject. There ought to be, there must be—ere long, we trust, there will be a more decided, general, operative spirit of benevolent self-denial, discovering itself in the particular referred to, and leading mankind to change many of their present habits for the sake of doing good upon a wider scale. And we think that such publications as that before us, must lead those who read them, both to perceive the necessity of there being more of the spirit of which we have been speaking among men, and also to seek to possess more of it themselves. In this view, as well as in many others, we hail such publications as being auspicious to the best interests of mankind."

FOR APRIL, 1830.

SUBSCRIPTIONs and donations to the General Convention of the Baptist Denomination in the United States, for Foreign Missions, &c. should be transmitted to Heman Lincoln, Esq. Treasurer, at the Baptist Missionary Rooms, No. 52, Washington-Street, Boston.



By the late arrival, we have the

pleasure also to learn, that Mr. We have the pleasure to announce, that intelligence of an en- last autumn, for the purpose of

Cephas Bennett, who sailed the couraging character has just been

printing the Scriptures in Burmah, received by the Corresponding has safely arrived at Calcutta. Secretary, from the missionaries

With the recent communicaat Maulmein.*

Fifteen persons tions, the Secretary also received have been baptized since our pre- the celebrated “Book” referred to vious dates. A church has been in Mr. Boardman's journal, which recognized at Amherst, and a na- had been superstitiously worshiptive pastor ordained. There are ped by the Karens, and was given now two ordained natives, who to our missionaries, with the promare regularly laboring in the Chris- ise of receiving in its place, a tian ministry, with

very favorable

portion of the Scriptures. prospects. The Board has appointed three

MR. JUDSON'S JOURNAL. additional missionaries, who are to Jan. 11, 1829. Thah-a took sail at an early date, to join their leave of us for his charge in Ranbrethren in ministerial labors in goon. We love him as a brother

missionary—an humble, conscienBurmah. A printer, and some tious, faithful servant of the Lord others, will probably accompany Jesus. During his visit, he bas them. The fields invite laborers, endeared himself to us all, and we and our friends have long been

should gladly detain him here,

were he not evidently called to soliciting a reinforcement. It is labor in another part of the vineincumbent on the disciples of yard. May he be made faithful Christ to offer fervent prayers, unto death, and then receive the that the number may be greatly

crown of life. multiplied, till the wilderness and

Converts baptized. the solitary places of Burmah

25. Last Lord's-day, another shall become as the garden of the god Ram, (see Nov. 30) was divestLord.

ed of his attributes, and rose out

of the water plain John. He is a * The name of this station has been Talinga man, but understands Taspelt Maulamying; but we follow the mul enough to join with the other example furnished in the last commu. Hindoos who speak that language. nications from this place.

To-day, we expected another Hin

doo, but he was detained for some bear fruit. May the last efforts of
reasons unknown to us, and we the one we have lost, whose set-
made up a small female party, ting rays sunk in death beneath
consisting of Mah See, Mah Ga- the Hope tree, prove not to have
tee, and Mah Kyan, all decided been in vain ; and may the prayers
and hearty in the cause, amid a which ascended from her dying
torrent of threatening and abuse. bed, be yet heard and answered
The first is the wife of Moung in blessings upon Amherst.
San-loon, 2d, but her elder broth-
er, and her priest, and other ac- Success at Rangoon.
quaintance are all alive on the oc-

26. A letter from Moung Thah-a casion. The husbands of the oth

of Rangoon.

He states that he er two are both opposers, and have threatened their wives with has long given satisfactory evi

has baptized Ko Thah-doke, who every thing bad if they enter the dence of piety; and that two othnew religion. They expect to

ers, relatives of Moung Kywetsuffer, as soon as their husbands hear of the deeds of this day. We nee, (one of the three baptized up feel most for Mah Kyan, who has tism, and their case is before the

the country,) have requested bapa child at her breast, an only child; church. He divides bis time beand her husband has declared that he will not only turn her off, of Kam-bet and Anan-ben, where

tween Rangoon and the villages but take the child away from her, the later converts live. and provide it another nurse.

Mar. 5. Several other letters After they were baptized, they from the members of the church said that their minds were very in Rangoon: and among the happy; come life, come death, rest, one from Mab Ing, mentionthey were disciples of the Lord ed in the last pages of the History Jesus Christ for life and forever.

of the Burman Mission, in the Feb. 8. We baptized Moung year 1822, but not heard of for Zu-thee, who has been an inquirer several succeeding years. several months, but has only lately given us much encouragement, the teacher Thab-a, and receiving

expresses her joy on meeting with He appears now to have embraced instruction from bim concerning the religion most cordially. 22. We baptized Thomas, the she professes to have maintained

the religion of Christ, to which 2d, (referred to, Jan 25.) He has been kept back a month, through

a permanent attachment.

8. We baptized Mah Zu-gathe opposition of certain Roman len, a blind woman, related to Catholics, with whom he was in Mah Tee, a person of good sense some way connected.

and decided piety.
Native Preacher ordained, and
Church constituted.

Church in the Army.
We have also ordained Moung 22. Three English soldiers fol-
Ing, pastor of the church at Am- lowed their Lord and Master into
herst. That church consisted of the watery grave.

They have three ; Mab Loon-byay, who was been in the habit of attending cerbaptized while we lived there, and tain evening meetings in which has never left the place ; Mah Kai, we have lately indulged ourselves and her daughter, Mee A, who a little, thongh averse to every inhave lately moved thither. To terruption to native work. These these are now added Moung Ing, soldiers we have not received into and his wife, Mah Lan. May the the Maulmein church, but have five become five hundred. May recognized them to be the Baptist the seed formerly sown in weak. church in his Majesty's 45th reginess and tears yet spring up and ment.


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