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that particular object, in the same ests of the aborigines, and who manner that sum was raised the have endured self-denying lalast year, as a new year's gift to bors and multiplied hardships, the Burmans. You are therefore authorised to say, that if nineteen for their civilization. That diffiother persons will pay you $50 culties attend the subject will not each, by the first of May next, an be questioned; and that different individual is ready, and will con

views should be entertained will tribute an equal amount.

excite no surprise. The characA correspondent in Virginia,

ter of the country is involved in

the course which shall be pursued ; Feb. 22, thus writes to the Treas

and the government of the United urer of the Foreign Board.

States will undoubtedly adopt the Mr. M's plan to help the Burman cause by circulating Mrs. measures which shall be dictated Judson's Memoir, pleases me by equity, and kindness. It is much. I have circulated several hoped that ample territory will be copies. My South Carolina cor- appropriated and permanently serespondent (who often writes me) gives flattering accounts of cured, and such liberal provisions the progress of religion in that made both for their temporal comState, and of the deep interest in fort and religious instruction, as the Columbian College.

shall present sufficient inducements for emigration. The sub

ject is now before Congress, and The best means for permanent Committees in both houses have ly benefiting the Indians, is a sub- reported in favor of emigration. ject which is at present agitated Our present limits do not admit of with deep interest in the United a discussion of the subject; but States. Christian benevolence we may advert to it hereafter. has comparatively effected little We insert an extract from each in past years in their favor, and of the reports made to Congress. the benefits procured were of The Committee of the House of short duration. The Christian Representatives thus conclude congregations organized by the their report: apostolic Elliot became extinct, “In the opinion of the Commitand the converts under the labo- tee, if such measures shall be rerious and pious BRAINERD, did not sorted to as will satisfy the Indi

ans generally, that the Governperpetuate Christian principles or

means to treat them with gospel ordinances in their tribes. kindness, and to secure to them a The plan of embodying them in country beyond the power of the a portion of the western territory, the influence of their chiefs can

white inhabitants to annoy thein, without the limits and control of

not longer prevent their emigrathe State governments, has been tion. Looking to this event, it for several years in contempla- would seem proper to make an tion. The accomplishment of ample appropriation, that any volthis object has been anxiously the Indians, of a general dispo

untary indication, on the part of sought by many who feel deep- sition to remove, may be seconded ly interested for the best inter- efficiently by the Government."


In the conclusion of the report

REVIVALS OF RELIGION. to the Senate it is stated :

In the latter part of February, “If they should consent to the Baptist church in Charlesexchange their present places of residence for a country west of the town, in the vicinity of Boston, inMississippi, it is in the power of vited a number of ministers to atthe United States to furnish one, tend religious services with them suited, as the Committee believe, for several successive days, to ento their wants and condition ; deavor to diffuse a spirit of fervent where they can be secured against the intrusion of any other people; piety, and to seek the special preswhere, under the protection of ence and blessing of God. The the United States, and with their meetings were well attended, and aid, they can pursue their plan of furnished a rich repast to the discivilization, and, ere long, be in the peaceable enjoyment of a civil ciples of Christ. Happy effects government of their own choice, have followed the services. A graand where the Christian and phi- cious influence was imparted, a lanthropist can bave ample scope for their labors of love and be pleasing revival of religion exists, nevolence.

numbers have experienced peace Your Committee are of opinion, in believing, and others are inquirthat ample means should be placed ing the way to Zion. by Congress in the power of the President of the United States, to authorize and enable him to have In t'tica, there is at present the country west of the Mississip- some pleasing attention to religion pi, out of the limits of all the States, laid off into as many dis- among different denominations. tricts as may be deemed necessary Mr. Hague has baptized eleven. for the residence of the Indians, now within the respective States, with wbich the United States have treaties; to have those

Jay, N. Y. March, 1830. districts accurately described; Dear Sir, and, also, to make exchanges

Every instance of awakening is and purchases with such tribes or

a matter of joy in heaven, and we parts of them, as may choose to believe it is to all the friends of remove; to give aid in the remov- Zion. The progress of Christ's al, and to contribute for a season kingdom is of such importance to their support, at their new that all information on the subplaces of residence.”

ject ought to be circulated among

friends and foes. So little hope can be entertained In the early settlement of this of giving permanent elevation to town God was pleased to erect the character of the Indians, while the standard of our divine Remingling in a white population, many pleasing showers of divine

deemer, and gave to this church that the emigrating plan urges it- grace. In 1816, our number was self on the attention of the Chris- nearly one hundred; but about tian and the philanthropist, as an

the year 1819, we were by mis

fortunes brought to experience expedient deserving the most se

painful scenes, until the council rious and mature thought, and the declared us not a church in goskindest and most liberal effort. pel order, and advised us to renew


covenant and to consider pone came up from the water and said, members but such as could come Zaccheus, make haste and come in and be received on that condi- down, for to-day I must abide at tion. Following their advice we thy house. It was felt by him found about thirty.

and the assembly, and that evenIn May, 1827, our number was ing he found relief. He was bapabout forty. They increased by tized the next Sabbath, and his baptism, restoration, and letter, wife and one brother. so that at our last Association, the The work appears to be prosecond Wednesday in October last, gressing, though not so rapidly as our return was eighty-one. Short- it has been, but is spreading ly after this, the Lord saw fit to through the town, and has comvisit us in a powerful and pleas- menced in many towns around us. ing manner. Since that time, we O that the Lord would say to the have restored four, received by north, give up; and to the south, letter four, and baptized twenty- keep not back; and carry on this nine. Our present number is one blessed work, until his sons and hundred and sixteen. Many of daughters shall be all brought into our old members have been much his kingdom. engaged in the work. We con- Yours, &c. JOEL PECK. tinued our meetings every evening successively; and many de- The revival of religion in Wilpended on going, every evening lington, Con. progresses in a gratas much as rising in the morning. ifying manner, under the labors of

On one of our baptizing sea- Mr. Mallery. From 100 to 200 sons, a man under powerful con- give evidence of a change of heart. viction, repaired to the water, In some of the schools, prayer and climbed upon a tree, near meetings are beld by the scholars the place. On baptizing the at noon, instead of going out to eleventh, being his daughter, I their recreations.


Account of Moneys received by the Treasurer of the General Convention

of the Baptist Denomination in the United States, for Foreign Mis

sions, to March 20, 1830. From R. R. of Kingwood, N.J. for Bur

For the Burman mission,

man Mission,

For printing the Bible in Burmah, 1,00
From New York, in aid of the At the disposal of the Board, 20,76
Amer. Bap. Board of For. Miss. 6,00

23,78 The Amer. Beneficent Soc. derived from

Mrs. Clouston, Treas. of Fem. Pri. Soc. the following sources for the purposes

in third Bap. church in Charles-St. specified, viz.

Boston, for Burman mission,

31,00 By J. B. Taylor, from Miss. Society,

Received in an anonymous letter, to be
Sussex Co. Va. for African miss. 29,75

applied to education purposes among
J.D.Williams, from Miss. Soc. Sus-

the Karens,

10,00 sex Co. Va, for Burman mission, 12,75

Mrs. Suphia Leonard, being sec-
Fem. Soc. Chester, N. Y. do.


ond payment, for the support Anna Ball, from Fem. Miss. Society

of an Indian boy named Abraham Atbol, Mass. for For, miss. 5,00


Letter from Augusta, Ga. do. 1,00

Mrs. Cornelius, for Bur. mission, 10,00
E. M'Allister, from Fem. Miss. Soc.

Collection at the Bap. church of Al-
near Fayetteville, N. C. for For.

exandria, at the monthly concert Missions,


of prayer for Burman missiou, 7,06
James Garnet, Culpepper Co. Va. 5,00

Forwarded by Rev. S. Cor-
Geo. Zimmerman, Petersburg, Va.

for permanent fund for the sup-
port of the Cor. Sec.

[ocr errors]

nelius, to Mr. E. Lincoln,


Repsellaerville Association, N. Y. for For permanent fund for do. 7,50

printing Bur. Bible, per Mr. E. Lincoln, 35,00 Per Rev. L. Rice, -100,00

Miss Molly Fisher, for Burman Bible, 3,00 Friends of missions in Springville, N. Y.

The Bap. Fem. Juvenile Soc. in Littlefor printing the Bible in Burmah, by

ton, S. S. Brown, Sec. for Indian StaMr. James F. Wilcox,

tions in the U. S. per Mr. P.C. Edwards, 6,00 From Geo. Witherell, Treas. of the Wash. Bap. Association, N. Y. to be

H. LINCOLN, Treas. appropriated as follows, viz.


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Mr. Editor, Occasionally, I have seen in your publication, notices of the lives and deaths of

pious youths. While such have finished their early pilgrimages on earth, and entered into the joy of their Lord, God has, out of the mouths of babes and sucklings, perfected praise. These notices have no doubt cheered the hearts of the friends of God. The young that survive have also, it is hoped and believed, received lasting benefit. In order to assist you in your work, and benefit others, I shall present to your readers some incidents in the life and death of a youth, who was enabled to leave an impressive testimony to the superior value of the religion of Christ. This testimony she bore in health, in sickness, and in the dying hour.


Betsey Brown, the subject of this notice, was the daughter of deacon Samuel Brown, of West Boylston, Massachusetts. When in her ninth year she was brought to hope in the Saviour of sin. ners. It is often thought, that children of her age know little of religion ; and cannot, therefore, give such evidence of a change of heart, as those in maturer years. But this opinion I am satisfied is not well founded. The prevalence of this opinion made her awakening the more unexpected to her parents and to others. The Lord was pouring out bis Spirit on West Boylston at the time that she was converted to God. One morning, while it was yet dark, she came to her father's bed, and asked him if he could tell her what she must do to be saved. He was but partially aroused from the slumbers of the night when this inquiry struck his ears. He did not know till now that she was anxious about the concerns of her soul; and as she was young, he felt such sensations as can better be conceived than described. He was at once awake to such an inquiry, and arose and directed her to the Saviour of sinners. Her convictions were found to be deep and genuine, and in a few days they terminated in her conversion to God. Her MAY, 1830.




Memoir of Betsey Brown.

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views of sin, and of her own sinfulness, were such as those have, who have sinned much longer than she had. Christ was her only hope ; and on his mercy she threw herself, and found peace and joy. Having given full satisfaction to the church, she was in a few weeks after baptized and received as a member. She was, in the proper sense, a lamb of the flock. This conversion was an event of deep and striking interest to the parents and to the church. It is often predicted that such children will go back and unite with the world as they grow up: but she furnished a strik

a ing refutation of such predictions. For about five years, she not only avoided open sin, but literally adorned the doctrine of God our Saviour. The fruit of a holy life furnishes the best evidence we can have, that any person is converted to God ;-this evidence she furnished till her dying day. We do not mean by this that she enjoyed so high a degree of spiritual-mindedness at all times as she did when she first found peace in Christ; but that she was uniform in her life, maintaining secret prayer, and constantly attending the ordinances of the house of God, being an example to many far older than herself. So far as I know, she was not, in the five years, thought worthy of reproof. She was punctual in her attendance at the Sabbath school, and her lessons were recited with correctness and interest. Her punctuality and correctness arose from the pleasure which the exercises afforded her. She spent a great part of her leisure time in useful reading. By this means, young as she was, she had acquired much useful knowledge. In all her deportment, she was modest, unassuming, and retiring. About the first of last November, she was attacked by a slow fever. For two or three weeks, she was not thought dangerous; but afterwards her disorder assumed a more alarming aspect, and on Tuesday the 24th, terminated her earthly existence. Her disorder produced a stupifying effect on her mental powers, so that she seemed little disposed to converse during her illness, till near the close. By what she did say, she appeared composed and trusting in God. She discovered no repining, but was submissive to the will of her heavenly Father. As her complaint became more violent, her mind was wandering. For several days previous to her death, the prospect of her recovery became darker and darker. In these circumstances, her parents and other friends were particularly solicitous that she might possess her reason, and leave her dying testimony as a kind of sacred legacy. In this respect their prayers were remarkably answered. The day previous to her death, her mental powers were enjoyed in an unusual degree. She was sensible that the time of her departure was at hand; but this, instead of giving pain, led her to rejoice that she should soon quit the scenes of life and be with the Lord. Although she desired to depart, yet she was all submission to the will of God. The consideration which operated on her mind to be willing to go was, that if she remained on earth, she should be exposed and inclined to sin ; whereas, she hoped on her departure to be conformed to the holy image of her Lord. But while she was waiting for the coming of the Son of Man, she was anxious to say

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