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of the Board of Managers, for the Year ending April 28, 1830.

Benevolent enterprise has often Mr. Cephas Bennett, printer, and had to contend with discourage- Mrs. Bennett. Native Assistants. ments even in its first attempts, as Moung Shway-ba, Ko Myat Ryan, the history of nearly every Chris- Mc Donald, Ko-Man-Poke, Moung tian Mission shows. Doubtless, Dway, itinerant exhorter, and there is wisdom in such an economy Moung En, school master. The of Providence, for it draws around intelligence from this place emthe object of disappointed hope, braced in the last report, was of the tenderest sympathy of friends, an animating character, since and awakens more strenuous and which, a connected series of letdetermined efforts for its attain- ters and journals, have fully conment. At the same time, by an firmed the hopes then entertained. early exhibition of the weakness It could scarcely be said that and dependence of human agen- preaching commenced at the Stacy, it suggests to all concerned, tion, until January, 1828; yet withthe necessity of persevering ap- in that year a church was organpeal to the only legitimate source ized, and thirty converts from of success. The lessons which among the Heathen added to it. others have learnt by experience, The work of reformation which we have been taught in a manner began in the boarding school, the most impressive. It is believ- soon spread into the town, subed that no Missions of modern duing in its progress the hearts times, present such examples of of old and young, and swelling personal privation and suffering, the number of joyful disciples on as the Burman, and it is our hum- the 1st of September last, to fortyble hope, that by a discipline so nine! a measure of success in salutary, God has been preparing view of which, all the churches the way for a corresponding ex- should unite in devout thankstension of his salvation. While giving to God. we bow submissively to what has The methods of instruction, so been afflictive in the past, we signally blessed, have been varied would adore the grace which rolls by the Missionaries according to back the clouds that once settled circumstances. For a time, the upon our prospects, and presents brethren confined themselves prinearnests of a bright and prosper- cipally to their zayats, receiving ous day.

and counselling all that called We commence the details of upon them, but afterwards conparticular Stations with

ceived the plan of carrying the

word to the dwellings of the peoMaulmein.*

ple. In execution of this purpose, This Station is on the east side Mr. Wade has visited numerous of the Martaban river, fifty-five villages, accompanied by Mrs. miles from its mouth, and is in Wade, and one or more native asthe immediate vicinity of Sir A. sistants, exciting a spirit of inCampbell's Head Quarters. Mis- quiry, communicating all imporsionaries, Rev. Adoniram Judson, tant truth, and through the blessRev. Jonathan Wade, Mrs. Wade, ing of God, leading some to the

saving adoption of it. It will be *" After many varieties,” says Mr. readily perceived, that in this Judson, “ the above orthography of the way, many are brought under the name of this place is generally adopted influence of the Gospel, who by tho civil and military authorities.” otherwise would not have heard

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it, particularly females, whose hear them one after another in the duties and habits detain them at prayer meetings, calling upon the home, and who are accessible in eternal God, of whom, but a little most cases only by those of their while ago, they had no knowlown sex. To such, Mrs. Wade edge, and to perceive them from found a ready admission, and from day to day growing in grace, and the interest with which they listen- in a knowledge of the Scriptures." ed to her words, she felt an ample To stability and progress in grace, remuneration for all her toils. they unite a spirit of active exer

The native assistants have been tion, which might excite a blush variously employed in the work of in some older Christians. “Ko instruction, either as exhorters, Man-poke,” says Mr. Judson, “is school teachers, readers of the an excellent old man, a considerScriptures, copyists, &c. under able scholar in the Taling lanthe advice of the Missionaries. guage. He has translated all our Some of them have taken long tracts into Taling, and will perjournies into the country, holding haps be encouraged to go on with conversations with many, on the some parts of the New Testament. way, diffusing extensively what We consider him a most valuable they had learnt of the Gospel, accession to the cause. His wife, and distributing tracts. The fruit (Mah Tee) always accompanies of these labors cannot at present Mrs. Wade, and is of inestimable be calculated. A new train of use in explaining things in Taling, thought must have been given to to those who cannot well underthousands who never before heard stand the Burmese, and that is of an Eternal God—of heaven or the case with a great part of hell—and a spirit of investigation British Pegu." awakened on these momentous The Missionaries have indeed subjects.

taken much pains to imbue the The genuine Christian charac- disciples with the spirit of Christer of the disciples who have made tian understanding, that being an open profession of religion, has thoroughly instructed and fully been variously tested, and with established in the truth, they very few exceptions fully confirm- might be prepared to defend it, ed. On the first exhibitions of and engage in holy enterprises serious purpose in any of them for its diffusion. to renounce idol worship, their men have for months been taken friends took the alarm, and urged under their immediate charge, with importunity, every argument and made familiar with the Scripwhich they thought might avail, tures; and at evening worship, to dissuade them from it. When they are accustomed to propose milder means drawn from the questions to all the disciples on considerations of interest, honor the chapter read. They have and friendship failed, they adopt- also a Bible class, attended by old ed measures of severity and mer- and young, who learn lessons ciless persecution. Nothing ap- during the week to recite on the pears to have been left unattempt- Sabbath. These united services ed, which the civil administration must be productive both of intelwould permit, but all without suc- ligence and zeal in the church. cess. They have exemplified The certain, though gradual such patience and constancy un- result of multiplied and untiring der sufferings, as to surprise and labors at the Station on the pubconfound all their adversaries. Jic at large, is indicated in the Speaking of them, June 28th, Mr. following extract : Wade says: “ They seem to be “ The faith of a great many in unusually exercised in mind lately, Gaudama is undoubtedly much and it gives us much delight to shaken, for though greater exer

Some young


tions have been made on the side pupils, and unites piety with inof the priests during this lent, telligence, has answered the exthan ever before, yet the offerings pectations formed of her. So far, have been much fewer; some however, as the boarding school things wbich they had under- is concerned, this arrangement taken, (particularly the repairing may be considered as only tempoof a pagoda,) have been abandon- rary, for so soon as suitable ased in a half finished state for want sistance shall arrive from Ameri. of offerings. These things have ca, it will be resumed and enlarge alarmed the priests and their vo- ed. Its advantages have been too taries to such a degree, that they apparent in the moral influence have lately appointed preachers which it exerts, to allow it to be of their religion in every neigh- relinquished; while the expense borhood, to confirm the people in of sustaining it, is brought withthe faith of Gaudama, and dis- in the most reasonable limits. suade them from listening to the Attempts have been made to esnew religion-a thing which they tablish other day schools, one of have never been known to do be- which, for boys, has succeeded, fore."

while a second for girls, through

the influence of the priests, has Boarding School.

been broken up. But they canAn interesting letter from Mrs. not prevent inquiry, and as knowlWade, who, since the removal of edge advances, parents will avail Mrs. Boardman to Tavoy, has had themselves of it, for the benefit of the entire charge of the boarding their families. school at Maulmein, furnishes the

Translation of the Scriptures. following facts :

The school was in a prosperous Although great labor has been state at the commencement of bestowed upon this department . 1829, and fresh applications were for many years, and the New

made for admission to it; but the Testament has been rewritten already pressing demands on the again and again, still as the motime and strength of Mrs. Wade, ment approached, when the press would admit of no increase. In- was to go into operation, and an deed it became doubtful about entire copy be published, our perthis time, whether the circum- severing brethren, anxious to send stances of the female disciples and it forth in its most accurate dress, inquirers, did not demand more have patiently submitted to anof her attention than was compat- other revision. We do not regret ible with the ordinary duties of this, since the tendency is to inthe school, and whether, being troduce at the beginning an esalone, if one branch of labor must tablished version, admitting perbe suspended till other aid arrived, haps of but few alterations in all it should not be the latter. It was future time. The advantage of finally decided by the concurrent such an authentic translation, the judgment of the brethren to English reader knows well how adopt this course. A part of the to appreciate. Parts of the Old children were sent home, and pro- Testament have been taken up, vision made for the instruction of and progress made in them, and such as remained; together with the hope is cherished that the other day scholars under the work may yet be completed under charge of Mary Hasseltine, for the eye of Mr. Judson. whom a school house was provid

Tracts. ed in the vicinity of the mission premises. The measure has so The vast importance of Tracts, far succeeded well; and Mary, as a means of spreading the knowlwho was one of Mrs. Judson's edge of God and his salvation, is


The press,

well understood by our brethren recognized as a printer to the in Burmab. They have prepared Burman Mission. "He embarked several on important subjects, with his family at Philadelphia, which are now ready for publi- soon after the rising of that body, cation, while two have already and arrived at Calcutta, by way passed through a second edition. of Madras, the 4th of October, No.3, entitled the Golden Balance, in usual health, excepting only or the Christian and Boodhist the occasional sickness of their systems compared, has been cir- child. Here he was detained by culated only in manuscript, but domestic circumstances; but, by met with “unprecedented accep- the latest intelligence, expected to

Some of the numbers reach Maulmein about the comhave been translated into Siamese, mencement of the current year. and all into Taling, the native Every thing, so far as we can delanguage of all parts of British termine, was prepared for imPegu, where they are now loca- mediate operation. ted, and better understood by paper and types, he would have most of the people than Burmese. with him, and a large amount of “Oh it is affecting, (says Mr. copy was in readiness, awaiting Judson in a letter to Rev. Noah his arrival; we may therefore Davis,) to see with wbat eagerness hope, that the work is now in the poor people, men and women, successful progress. Considering listen to the sound of the Gospel however, the power of the press, in their own native tongue; how and the influence it is destined to they sometimes gather close exert in enlightening the heathen; around the reader, and listen with and considering also the magnitheir eyes as well as with their tude of their responsibility, in reears. We keep a Taling copiest lation to the perishing millions of at work all the time, but it is in- Burmah, the Board have recently possible to do any thing towards appointed a second printer, Mr. supplying the demand for Taling Victor S. Blair, of Boston, to join Tracts. Indeed the expense is so Mr. Bennett, without delay. In great, that we do not think of doing this, they have been actuagiving copies, except in the most ted, they trust, by motives which pressing and important cases. all their brethren will appreciate The same is to be said of the and Heaven approve. They are Golden Balance, in Burmese. aware that a generous confidence Oh, we want a thousand copies of and liberal support on the part of this work, to be sent instantly in- the churches, are essential to susto all parts of the country—to Ta- tain the increased expenses; but voy and Mergui, on the south-to it is believed they will be wanting Rangoon, Prome, and Ava, on in neither. To what better purthe north, in all which places, we pose can their funds be applied, have correspondents, or some now that all things are ready for means of communication." it, than to multiply copies of the

We trust that ere this, the press Sacred Scriptures, and place is at work, multiplying these mes- them in the hands of every Bursengers of grace; and if vigorous- man who can read? What better ly sustained, it will afford the service can they perform, than to necessary supply.

furnish elementary books to the Printing Establishment.

young, and teach them to read

the wonderful works of God, that It will be recollected that at the they may rise up a generation for last meeting of the Convention, his praise, and even from their Mr. Cephas Bennett was publicly childhood call him blessed ? JUNE, 1830.



keenest sensations of sorrow, on Tavoy is an ancient Burman a discovery that their confidence city, on the east side of a river of was misapplied. While reading the same name, thirty-five miles the narrative of this apostacy and from its mouth, and is said to con- the grief it occasioned, we were tain more than 9000 inhabitants. forcibly reminded of the declaraMissionaries—Rev. George D. tion, “ Offences will come, but wo Boardman, and Mrs. Boardman; unto him by whom they come.” native assistant, Ko Thah-byoo, Since that period, their prospects a Karen. This Station evidently have brightened again, and fresh possesses some special advantages accessions have been made to the for a Missionary establishment, disciples. In the months of affording facilities for an exten- March and June, 1829, five were sive diffusion of Christian knowl- buried with Christ in baptism, edge. Besides the dense popula- one of whom is a Karen chief, tion of Burmans, the city is the one, the wife of the native assistresidence of a considerable num- ant, and three are members of the ber of Chinese, who being separa- boarding school, making the prested from their own country, are ent number of the church nine. less under the influence of its It will be recollected that an idolatrous superstition, and more early acquaintance was formed by accessible to the Gospel. The Mr. Boardman, with certain Kariver for many miles is skirted rens, who requested him to visit with villages, affording opportu- their village, and give them some nity for the introduction of district instruction concerning religion, schools, while at no great dis- and a certain unknown book left tance, numerous tribes of Karens in their possession some years beexist, all of wbich offer the strong- fore by a stranger, to which they est encouragements to evangel- had paid supreme worship. Beical labors among them. To these fore the circumstances of his famseveral objects, our Missionaries ily would allow him to comply have given a most devoted and with their wishes, the holder of unwearied attention. Mr. Board- the book, accompanied by some man has maintained his zayat in of his followers, appeared again the city, and spent a part of each at the mission house, and with day, when his health would per- great ceremony, delivered up the mit, in conversing with such as object of their idolatry, which came in, and holding forth to proved to be a book of Comther the word of life. At times, mon Prayer.

They renewed the visitors have been numerous, their request to Mr. B. and in with encouraging indications of February 1829, he visited them. serious thoughtfulness; then a- They received him with every gain, but few appeared, and these demonstration of desire to be with heartless indifference. The taught, (see Magazine for March infant church, gathered here, with 1830, Mr. B's. Journal,) preparing such intense interest, has been zayats for preaching, and suspendthe subject of alternate hopes and ing all other engagements to hear. fears. Two of its members, who Some of the head men abode with at the first gave promise of more him day and night, and avowed than ordinary usefulness, soon their full conviction of the truths declined, and drew upon them- of the Gospel. Nor does it apselves the censure of the body. pear that the inhabitants of this As an almost undivided responsi- particular district, differ materialbility rested upon our brother and ly in their dispositions from Kasister Boardman, in the admission rens in other sections of the counof those persons to fellowship; try. “ One of them,” says the they appear to have indulged the Journal, “came from the Prov

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