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ince of Mergui, and states that the Karens in Tavoy, Mergui, and

Day School for Girls. Tenasserim, have all heard of us, There is so little disposition in and are desirous of listening to all the East to favor female eduour instructions." It is happy for cation, that similar difficulties exthis class of people, and for the ist wherever the work is undermission, that the native assistant, taken, and they are only to be Ko Thah-byoo, is of their nation, surmounted by perseverance. and most faithfully devoted to Soon after her residence in Tatheir instruction. He is constant- voy, Mrs. Boardman attempted ly devising means for their im- the introduction of a school sysprovement, and voluntarily itiner- tem, like that which is now coinates for weeks together, to tell mon in Bengal, but met with conthem of the Gospel of Christ. tinued opposition and discourage

ment in her benevolent work, Boy's Boarding School.

until the spring of 1829. She The subject of schools has oc- could not for months find one cupied a large share of Mr. Board- competent person who was willman's attention; and though un- ing to teach, but ultimately sucsuccessful in some attempts, it is ceeded, and has now a most inapparent that much is already teresting and flourishing school gained, and the indications of fur- of 21 scholars, taught by a Tavoy ther success are promising. “The female. The work thus happily boys' boarding school,” says Mr. commenced, under the blessing of B.' “which was commenced in God, may be expected to recomMaulmein, has been in operation mend itself to the consideration of and open for students ever since the reflecting, as it has in other our arrival here, but received the parts of India, and female schools accession of only one person, (a become an object of favor. The Karen youth,) till September 1829, expense of a day school is not yet when a day school was opened in accurately ascertained. Mrs. connection with it, and the Eng- Boardman has adopted a plan, by lish language began to be taught. which the pay of the teacher is Immediately after this, there was to be graduated by what is learnt a considerable increase, mostly by the scholar, but whether the however, of Indo Chinese boys. system can be carried into generSix Tavoy boys only have enter- al operation is unknown. ed the school, and those continued It was just at this point in the but a short time. The day school affairs of the Station, that a fearnow consists of a few Karens, ful rebellion commenced at TaPortuguese, 8 or 10 Indo Chinese, voy; the natives having risen and four others, who accompa- upon the British, to recover the pied us from Maulmein. More Province out of their hands. (See than half of them belong to the Magazine for May.) For a time, boarding school; and it gives me our highly esteemed Missionaries pleasure to add, that the five were in the most imminent danoldest are hopefully pious. Three ger, the balls of the enemy pierceof them were baptized a few days ing their dwelling in every direcsince. It is a circumstance that tion. Instant flight was indispenargues strongly in favor of board- sable to their preservation, and ing schools, that while none of yet to add terror to the scene, the those who are not boarders, scem personal infirmities of Mrs. B. affected with divine things, there seemed to forbid. Her health, is not one boarder of those arriv- which had been wasting for ed at years of reflection, who has months, experienced a sensible not manifested more or less re- shock by the death of her dear ligious concern.

daughter, but just before. How

ever, encouraged by the kind in- here, with many prayers and vitation of the Commandant's tears, was broken and scattered by lady, to take shelter at her house, the violence of war, till few traces she made the attempt, and was of it remained. It seemed for a preserved. During the progress season, as though God had forof the conflict, a steam vessel was gotten to be gracious, and regarddispatched for Maulmein, for ed not the cry of his people ; but troops, and Mrs. B. with others his subsequent dealings have were urged to take passage in shewn that bis mercy endureth her, to which she consented; forever, and his faithfulness to all which measure proved highly generations. A second church beneficial for the entire recovery has been established, and what of her health. We cannot pre- adds much to its interest is, it was tend to give details, and it may be accomplished by native instrusufficient to say that the opposing mentality. On the close of the party was subdued at the close war, Moung Thah-a, an old disof a week, and peace restored ; ciple of the place, returned to but not without the destruction of it, and in the absence of the much property, in which the mis- American teachers, did what he sion premises had a common could to raise again the standard share. It might be supposed, of the cross. He went from vilthat many months must elapse, lage to village, preaching Christ, after such a calamity, before the which drew around him numbers schools and other operations of who before had heard the Gospel, the Station could be reorganized but suppressed the convictions or resumed; but a more favorable excited by it. Their exercises result, under the blessing of Prov- having terminated at length, in a idence, has been realized. A let- settled reliance upon Christ, they ter from Mr. Boardman, after his asked for_baptism, and he conreturn with Mrs. B. from Maul- sented. The work of conversion mein, furnishes the following continued and increased, and gratifying particulars:

others applied for the same privi“We left Maulmein on the 3d, lege, when he declined. It ocand arrived here on the 7th inst. curred to him, that he might be The mission premises, which I acting without that sanction which had repaired before leaving the he ought to receive from those place, (to go for Mrs. B.) had been who were in the ministry before faithfully watched and kept in him, and he repaired to Maulmein order by the young Indo Chris- for instructions. The sentiments tian, and others whom I had ap- entertained by our brethren in pointed. We are all, through di- relation to him, and the course vine mercy, in good health; our they adopted, are best expressed little church are all together; the by themselves. “January 4th, school is larger than ever before, 1829,” Mr. Judson says,

“ We and our worshipping assemblies commence the year with an aubetter attended. About 40 Karens spicious event—the ordination of have visited us, loading us with Ko Thah-a, as pastor of the church presents since our return. None in Rangoon. He has been so were more delighted to see us evidently called of God to the than they.

ministry, that we have not felt at Rangoon.

liberty to hesitate or deliberate

about the matter. But if it had This earliest seat of missionary been left to us to select one of all labor in the Burman empire has the converts, to be the first Chrisfor a time bad no place in our tian pastor among his country, annals. The church gathered men, Ko Thah-a, is the man we


should have chosen. His age, the seed formerly sown in weak(fifty-seven,) his steadiness and ness and tears, spring up and weight of character, his attain- bear fruit. May the last efforts ments in Burman literature, wbich of the one we have lost, whose though perhaps not necessary, setting rays sunk in death beneath seem desirable in one taking up the Hope tree, prove not to have arms against the religion of his been in vain; and may the praycountry, and bis humble devoted- ers that ascended from her dying ness to the sacred work, all con- bed, be yet heard and answered spire to make us acquiesce with in blessings upon Amherst.” readiness and gratitude in the divine appointment.” Subsequent

Converts in the 42d British Regi

ment. ly he adds, “We love him as a brother Missionary, an humble, Being in the vicinity of the arconscientious, faithful servant of my, the Missionaries at Maulthe Lord Jesus." We cannot but mein have lately held occasional recognize in this event, an au- evening meetings, conducted in spicious presage of the rapid English, for the benefit of the spread and final triumph of the soldiers, and though averse to any Gospel in Burmah. Soon after material interruption in their nahis ordination, he took leave of tive work, have found a blessing the brethren, and returned to the on those labors. Three bave rescene of bis appointed labors. ceived the truth in love, and were Successive communications since baptized the 22d of March, 1829. received, show that he is a chosen It was thought expedient not to instrument of God, to carry for- admit them into the church at ward the purposes of his mercy. Maulmein, but to recognize them Thirteen have confessed their as a distinct Christian community, faith openly, and been baptized in his Majesty's 42d Regiment. by him; on the 14th of August May this little one become a last he had thirty hopeful in- thousand. quirers.

Monrovia, on the Western Coast Amherst.

of Africa. The history of this Station re- We need not repeat the views sembles somewhat that of Ran- of the Board heretofore expressgoon.

It is on the Martaban ed in relation to the importance of river, about thirty miles from its this Station, nor the claims which mouth, and was once fixed upon it has upon us; the field is wide, as the principal seat of the Mis- and should be occupied. Since sion. Hither Mrs. Judson was the death of Rev. Lott Cary, no conducted by her husband, after communications have been made the release of the brethren from directly to us, from the Colony, captivity at Ava, when it becaine nor has any Missionary been sent the scene of her last labors; and thither ; but, it gives us great though the mission was after- pleasure to say, that the Rev. Benj. ward removed to Maulmein, the R. Skinner, late of the Theologiseed sown had taken root. Its cal Institution at Hamilton, is now present state may be described, engaged for the Station, and holds by an extract from Mr. Judson's himself ready to embark with his Journal, dated Feb. 22d, 1829. family, at the pleasure of the “We have ordained Moung Ing Board. He would be sent out pastor of the church at Amherst. without any delay, but for the That church consisted of three; consideration of the climate, and to them are now added, the new the comparative safety of arrivpastor and his wife. May the ing, there in the fall or winter, five become five hundred, and rather than in the summer. In


the mean time, Mr. S. may be ad- cious apportionment of the lands vantageously occupied in promo- selected, will give to each tribe, ting the interest of his mission at all that will be necessary for their home.

convenience and subsistence. In From an individual who spent agreement with the views and the last summer in Monrovia, we sentiments thus formed, and in learn that the Mission school at obedience to the instructions of Cape Mount, has been given up by the Convention, the Board has the man who succeeded John Ro- renewed its Memorial to Convey, and that the situation is again gress, asking that provision may open to a teacher, who may be be made for the pupils of their appointed by this Board. He al- various schools, together with so informs us, that the Baptist such others as may be disposed church is in a prosperous state, to join them. The result of this and that two of the Swiss Mis- application is still pending. There sionaries were residing at Mon- can be no doubt, that our petition, rovia, in habits of friendship with if separately considered, would be all around them.

granted ; but being involved with the general question of removing

all the Indians from the States To this important branch of and Territories, no decision has their labors, the Board has de- been made upon it. It will readivoted a large share of attention. ly be perceived, from the facts It has been an object with them, presented, that the present circumto secure the best information stances of many tribes of Indians, which circumstances would allow, must be unfriendly in their asin relation to the condition of the pect upon the Mission establishIndians, and particularly of the ments among them. The details tribes among which they have es- of particular Stations will show tablished Missionary Stations, to- in what manner they are affected. gether with the means best adapted to their improvement. The

Carey. result has been an increased con- This Station is on the river viction of the expediency of pro- St. Joseph, among the Puttawatoviding for them a permanent mies, 25 miles southeast of Lake home without the States and Ter- Michigan, in Michigan Territory. ritories, westward; where under Missionaries—Rev. Isaac McCoy, the fostering care and protection Mrs. McCoy, Mr. Johnston Lyof the Federal Government, they kins, Mr. Robert Simerwell, and might enjoy the rights and exer- Mrs. Simerwell. In the abcise the prerogatives of a free sence of the senior members of people. In this conviction they the family, the superintendence are not alone, but find themselves has devolved on Mr. Simerwell, sustained by enlightened States who has conducted the affairs of men of the present, and several the Mission, with prudence and dispreceding administrations, whose cretion. We are not aware of any opinions were formed from experi- material alteration within the last ence and observation. An impor- year, except that the number of tant question to be settled, was, boarders may be reduced. The whethera suitable tract of country school which was heretofore very could be found for their accommo- large, we believe may now be estidation and comfort. To be certain mated at fifty. It has been under of this, the Board has followed up the charge of a competent teacher, its former investigations, by a expressly provided for the purpose. second survey by Mr. McCoy, The hopes of the Missionaries, who reports that there is no doubt have occasionally been raised, upon that subject--that a judi- by indications of religious thought

fulness in the children, but no expecting to join this Station in conversions bave taken place. the month of June.

It was stated in the last report, that nearly all the lands of the

Valley Towns. Puttawatomies, had been pur

This station is on the head wachased by the Government, shut- ters of the Hiwassee, Cherokee nating them up on a small reserve tion, North Carolina. about ten miles square. Antici- Missionaries-Rev. Evan Jones, pating that even this must soon Mrs. Jones, Kaneeda, or John be relinquished, no ambition exists Wickliffe, licensed Exhorter, John in them to cultivate the soil, and Timson, Interpreter. The Boardthey are consequently destitute ing School at this place, chiefly of the comforts, and often of the under the instruction of Mrs. necessaries of life. The only hope Jones and her daughter, has been that remains for them is, in a re- kept up at the full number of 21, moval to a situation, where they and gives evidence of patient lashall feel themselves at home, and bor on the part of the teachers, where they may be taught the and of successful application by utility of husbandry, and feel the the pupils. The following extract usual inducements to its prosecu- from the Report of the Superintion.

tendent in relation to two of them, Thomas.

fully corroborates this opinion :

“ Ann Judson, a Catawba, is just This station is among the Otta- removed from us. She is a memwas, on Grand River, of Lake ber of the church, can read, write, Michigan, about 40 miles from its and cast accounts; works well at junction with the Lake. Missiona- her needle, can spin and weave, ries, Mr. Leonard Slater, Mrs. Sla- and is ready at house work. ter, Mr. Jotham Meeker, and Miss We are well satisfied with her

an Thompson. The Boarding experience and conduct. Eliza School averages at present from Greene, a full Cherokee, fourteen 15 to 20, but arrangements are years of age, can read, write, and making for its enlargement. The cast accounts; works well at the location of this tribe justifies the needle, is able to cut out and make expectation, that they will remain up any garment worn by Indian as they are, at least for several men or women; can knit, spin, years, and of course warrants the weave and cook well. She learns adoption of measures to introduce readily when at school, but is too agricultural habits among them much attached to the old Indian where they are. Some have pro- customs when at home, which vided themselves with comfortable greatly retards her progress.” houses, and within the last year, a The District School, at Nottely, grain and saw-mill have been sixteen miles distant, has been erected, partly at the expense of taught about one half the time the Indians.

for the last year; but some famiWe have reason to believe that lies having removed, who patronthe Missionaries are unwearied in ized it at the beginning, it has betheir exertions to diffuse religious come less an object of interest to instruction around them, though those who remain. The arrangeno animating fruits of their labor ments adopted by the Board at yet appear. They have made this station, recommend themsome progress in the language selves by every year's experience. within the year; which, when ac- Their Missionary is unincumberquired, will give them a decided ed with any considerable farming advantage in all appeals to the establishment, and devotes himheart and conscience. Two fe- self to evangelical labors, since male assistants, and a farmer, are which a special blessing has at

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