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SUBSCRIPTIONs and donations to the General Convention of the Baptist Denomination in the United States, for Foreign Missions, &c. should be transmitted to Heman Lincoln, Esq. Treasurer, Boston. Persons visiting the city, to whom it may be more convenient to call at a central place, can lodge their communications with E. Lincoln, No. 59 Washington-Street, who is authorized to receive moneys for the Treasurer.


which is now opened under the auWe alluded, in the Magazine for spices of the local government, be un

der the careful superintendence of a November, to Mr. Boardman's plan for missionary, and be considered a central extended operations in education at school, where young men shall be Tavoy, which we now lay before our taught in such branches as shall quali

fy them to become teachers in vilreaders. The views here presented,

lage schools. As fast as suitable and exhibit the need of an increased num. well disposed youths are qualified, let ber of laborers, and will excite the them be employed as school-masters in prayers of Christians, and lead to an the village schools. Thus, in a few enlargement of the means for effect- schools may be supplied with teachers

years, an indefinite number of village ing the objects of the mission.

trained up under our own inspection.

Each of these schools would cost from MR. BOARDMAN'S PLAN OF EXTEND

10 to 15 rupees per month. If this ED OPERATIONS IN EDUCATION, plan is commenced soon, I am enIn a Letter to the Corresponding Secretary. couraged to hope the government

would lend it patronage. Out of these Dear Sir,

Taroy, Sept. 29, 1828. schools, the more promising boys may - In a letter of the 8th inst. I gave be selected, and sent to the central you some account of the boys' schools school for a more thorough education. under our care. In this letter I pro- Let the books used, be such as will pose to lay before you a plan for more tend to elevate and enlarge the mind, extended operation in this department inform the understanding, eradicate of missionary work. Omitting for the previously imbibed errors, and lay the present, any remarks on the other parts foundation for a superstructure of of our duty, allow me to suggest a plan Christian instruction. Let a self denyfor a wider range of operation in the ing missionary undertake the business department of Natire Schools. From of superintending these schools, and a village about 15 miles above this preaching in the different villages; and city, to another about 30 miles below, let him bend all his energies to effect is a regular chain of villages on both a total reformation of moral and relisides of the Tavoy river. The popula- gious instruction throughout the villation of the different villages, varies ges. Here it should be mentioned, from 50 to 300 or 400 souls. The age that on the east side of the river, a few gregate population, exclusive of the miles back from the Daway villages, city, is about 18000. In these villages, is a corresponding chain of Karen setthere are but few Kyoungs, and the tlements. In these settlements, are boys are growing up in a great degree more than 2000 souls, who have no ignorant of even that knowledge which books, no written language, no object Burman priests can impart. It is my of worship, and no religion, but many wish to see schools established through of them are expecting a religion soon out these two chains of villages, as to be given them. Already a large well as in the city: My plan, in sub number of them have heard the gospel, stance, is this : Let the day-school and appear disposed to embrace it. Let

the itinerating missionary visit their EXTRACTS FROM MR. BOARDMAN'S settlements, give them a written lan.

JOURNAL FOR SEPT. 1828. guage, establish schools, and with the help of Karens now in the boarding

The visit of the Karen teacher, school, furnish some elementary books, which is stated in the following ex. preparatory to the translation of the tracts, has been before communicated Scriptures into their language. Meanwhile, he can preach to them in Bur- in a letter from Mr. Boardman, and pubman, and Karens who understand the lished in some of the American PeriodBurman language, can interpret for icals. But reference having been made the rest. Under a divine blessing, to the subject in Mr. Boardman's forme without which nothing can be done successfully, we may hope for great

er Journals, we now insert the account. and happy results from such a system of operations. Nor is Tavoy alone to ship at the house, as usual. În the

Sept. 7, Lord's day. Morning worbe benefitted. Not only the Provinces of Yay and Amherst on the north, and evening, on returning from the zayat, Mergui on the south, but Arracan and

I found my house thronged with KaPegu, and ultimately, Burmah Proper, Teacher had arrived with his much

rens, and was informed that the Karen we may reasonably hope, will partake of the benefit, and become scenes of venerated book. After tea, I called similar operations. It should also be them up, and inquired what they wishmentioned that Tavoy is near the bor- ed. The teacher stood forward and ders of Siam, to which country, the said, “ My Lord, your humble servants Board will, we trust, be ere long send- have come from the wilderness to lay ing Missionaries. Thus, Siamese,

at your lordship's feet a certain book, Daways, Karens, Taliengs, Burmans,

and to inquire of your lordship whethArracanese, and Chinese, will proba

er it is good or bad, true or false. We, bly send their sons to our schools, and Karens, your humble servants, are an it is not too much to hope that some of ignorant race of people, we have no the boys on their return home, will books, no written language, we know take with them the gospel, not only book was given us, we were charged

nothing of God or his law. When this printed on paper, but engraven on their hearts. Especially may we hope for this to worship it, which we have done for in regard to those who enjoy the addi- twelve years. But we know nothing tional advantages of the boarding school

. of its contents, not so much as in what Nor should the Burman Chinese boys, language it is written. We have heard of whom we have now a number in of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and are the school, be forgotten. These boys know if this book contains the doctrine

persuaded of its truth, and we wish to are generally more intelligent and ef. ficient, than the common Burman of that Gospel. We are persuaded that boys, and as they will speak English your lordship can easily settle the and Burman, and in soine instances, question, and teach us the true way of Chinese, we may hope that if divine becoming happy.” I requested them grace is imparted, some of them will to produce the book, when the old man become heralds of salvation, not only opened a large basket, and having reto the Burmese, but to the nunerous

moved fold after fold of wrappers, he Chinese who are dispersed through volume. It was none other than the

handed me an old tattered duodecimo the Burman dominions. in due time be sent as missionaries to

“ Book of Common Prayer, with the China.

Psalms,” published at Oxford. It is a It will be readily seen, that in order good book, said I; but it is not good to to carry this plan into effect, an addi

worship it. You must worship the tional missionary is immediately need

God it reveals. We spent the evening ed; and I take the liberty to add, that in instructing these simple foresters in I very much need an associate to live

some of the first principles of the Gosin Tavoy, and divide with me the muls pel. They listened with much attentiplied and arduous labors now pressing tion; but the old teacher, who, it

is a kind of sorcerer, seemed upon me. With sentiments of much respect obtained no claim to heaven by wor

disappointed at the thought that he had and esteem, I am, dear Sir, yours in shipping the book so many years. the service of the Gospel,

Some may

9. The Karens left us for their naGEO. D. BOARDMAN. live forest. It was a source of regret



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to us all, that Ko-thah-byoo was not fail in this one thing, the failure is innpresent to facilitate our intercourse by mense. As to gold or silver, or world. interpreting for us. Just before leav- ly riches, they last but a moment, but ing, the old sorcerer put on his Joger's the pains of hell, and the joys of heavdress, given him, he said, nearly twen- en, are interminable. Repentance in ty years ago; and assumed some self- hell may be pungent, but it will be unaimportant airs, so that one of our native vailing. Now is the time to repent, Christians went and told him there that we may be saved.” On my inwas no good in wearing such a dress, quiring whether he thought he could and advised him to lay it aside altogeth- keep the law of supreme love to God

“If,” said the sorcerer, “God and of love to man, he said, “Of myself will not be pleased with this dress, I I can do nothing at all. If Christ am ready to send it afloat on yonder grant me his grace, I can fulfil the will stream."

He then presented his re- of God.” He said many other things prover with his wand, saying he had no of an encouraging nature, but I fear further use for it*.

it may all have arisen from some other

cause than the influence of the divine Hopeful case of a Scholar.

Spirit. Sept. 9. Evening. For several days

A new Inquirer. past we have observed a happy change in the largest of our boarding scholars. and amiable young man who has visit

Sept. 13. An interesting, intelligent, He has been more sedate in his deport- ed me several times, and taken some ment, more attentive to study, and has often been heard in the night, and at portions of scripture, called again to

day, and gave me some reason to hope break of day, praying alone. He. reads the scriptures much of the time, He wishes to study the English lan

a work of grace is begun in his heart. and in a few instances, has been heard recommending the gospel to his school- guage, that he may understand the mates and to the heathen; and once

Scriptures better. he has spoken to me, of his own ac

30. Moung Oo-lah, the interesting cord, on the subject of religion. This young man mentioned on the 13th inst.

called at the zayat. Divine light evening, he has conversed with me somewhat freely; and I hope God is

seems to be gaining admission into his about visiting his soul in mercy. I mind; and, to use his own words, he was speaking of my intention to visit begins to believe the gospel, but is unthe Karen settlements, when he said, from error. I was much pleased with

able of himself to distinguish truth “ I should like to accompany you, sir.” “ Were you a believer in the gospel several passages of scripture, where we

his childlike spirit, and directed him to yourself,” said I, “it might be well

are taught to distrust our own reasonfor you to go; but as long as you are an ings, and to ask wisdom of God. He unbeliever, you cannot profitably re

seemed much affected at the thought commend the gospel to others.” “I do believe the gospel with my heart,

of God's enlightening the mind, and sir, and I pity the poor Karens, and

changing his heart.

GEO, D. BOARDMAN. want to tell them of the Saviour. For the last nine or ten days, I have been thinking of my former bad conduct, MOUNG SHWAY-BWEN'S LETTER. and my ill deserts; I have felt per

We insert this Letter to exhibit a specimen of the suaded, that if I die an unbeliever, I current of thought in a Burman lately emergmust sink to hell, where there is no ing from heathenism. deliverance. I see my past sins and follies, and repent of them. I have no

To my mother May Yah, my elder hope but in Jesus Christ, who died to brothers, my elder and younger sissave lost sinners. His mercy is very ters, and the circle of my relatives great in not only delivering from hell, but in imparting endless bliss in heav

and companions who live in Ngyen. O, how great is his grace! He

oungben village, in the Tseeyen did not spare his own life, but laid it cluster, Maulamying city.-Greetdown for us." When I reminded him

ing. of the danger of self-deception and its dreadful consequences, he said, “ if we The eternal and most glorious God, * We have since been informed, that on his

who is replete with infinite power and way home, he ture his dress in pieces, and threw wisdom, and all other inconceivable it into a brook.

divine glories and perfections, who, af

ter having enjoyed, from eternity, a fe- sidered, and became convinced, that licity and bliss which men can neith- the existence and destruction of the er conceive nor sufficiently admire, world, the heaven and earth, the sun, did, in order to make rational beings moon, stars and constellations, the happy, create the world, the heavens great and small islands, the forests, and earth, the sun, moon, stars, and mountains, and seas, rational and irraconstellations; the great islands and tional animals could not occur in uni. the small, the forests, mountains, and form succession without a controlling seas, together with the various orders agent, (as the Bood hists suppose,] but of men, and irrational animals; and that, as God only created, so he is the the Lord Jesus Christ, the dispenser of sovereign possessor of all things; and grace, who with a divine love and that when he wills that any thing be pity, which sought to avert the pun- destroyed, it must be destroyed; and ishment of sin which men deserve to when he wills that any thing be probear, having relinquished the divine duced, it must be produced ; and that felicity which he enjoyed, and come although I should, during my whole down to the abodes of men, was con- life, keep without violation, the five, ceived by the power of God in the the eight, and even the ten precepts, womb of a virgin, and was born a [of Boodhism] yet as I have sinned man,-who, after having fulfilled the against the sovereign Creator, I should divine law, become the substitute for still have no merit, and my own rightmen; and by having endured the eousness would not stand.

Hence, greatest of sufferings, poverty, and dis. fearing lest, when remaining no longtress, and even death upon a cross, res- er in this life I should depart, I must cues all his disciples from hell, and suffer the pains of hell forever; and raises them to heaven, the golden being in great distress of mind, while country and kingdom :--and God, the I was praying and making supplicadivine Spirit, who dispels the evil pas- tion, the Spirit of God descended from sions, the anger, ignorance, and pride heaven, and instructed me, and pointwhich are prolific in evil designs and ed out, showed and taught me the true thoughts in the corrupt, base, vile, and religion. Upon this, I went to the wicked nature which men have assum- missionaries, and made a complete sured,—who disciplines, teaches and in. render of inyself, my very heart... structs (men,] and mercifully imparts which they accepted and declarand implants a good mind, with good ed to me a manifestation of the charintentions, and points out the true acter of an eternal God, saying that God, and the true religion. These “men's religious opinions are various-three united, being inconceivably and that one realm and another, one coun. mysteriously the one only Supreme, try and another, one city and another, Most High God over all, most reve- one village and another, one house and rently worshipping, I Moung Shway- another, one individual and another, bwen, your son and servant, who live bear mutual malice, quarrel, and fight; in the city of Tavoy, send love and that men, by living in the practice of salutation :

drunkenness, fornication, adultery, evil Respected mother, elder brothers, inventions, sorcery, false witness and elder and younger sisters, younger idolatry, (all which originate from evil brother, and the whole circle of my passions, from anger, ignorance and relatives and associates: As to me, pride,) neither know God nor keep his your servant, having heard the preach- law-do not consider that God created ing of the missionaries who came from them, but suppose that they exist natAnierica, the great West Island, and urally, without a producing agent. being disposed to consider and discuss And so, because they neither know [their doctrine,) and having asked lib- nor worship the eternal God who creerty of my mother, brothers, sisters, ated and supports them, and have sin&c. I left you; and on arriving at ned against their divine Benefactor, Maulamying city, not finding the mis- they must, when they die, if there be sionaries, (only I found Moung Shway. no Saviour, suffer for ever in hell fire ; bay, one of their assistants,) I could that the Lord Jesus Christ seeing this, not fully discuss the subject; but was moved with divine love and comwishing to obtain a book, I asked for passion, and from a desire to bring one, and he gave me a tract, with those who neither know nor worship which I returned home ; and on care- God, nor observe his law, to worfully reading and examining it, I un- ship him and keep his law,—and also derstood its meaning, -and then I con- to save those men who should believe,

. descended and empty religion; and feeling a loving came to the abodes of men, was con- and compassionate desire to rectify ceived by the divine power in the their religious opinions, was removing womb of a virgin, and born of her,- from Maulamying to Tavoy, I accomthat while he wrought no evil nor panied him; and till my arrival, I was, wicked thing, but only that which was through the power and goodness of the good and pure, and preached the di- eternal God, in health, and very happy vine law, some believed not the Lord; in my mind. But as I am much eni

those that believed not, demand- ployed, partly in studying the English ed, with a design to vex him, that he language, and, from a desire to preach should show them some miracle, won- the Gospel of the eternal God, partly der, or sign. And although he wrought in reading and studying the Scriptures, miracles of healing, cleansing, and re- and partly in copying them, and partly storing on the sick, the dumb, the maim- in teaching the children who come to ed, the blind, the deaf, the deranged, the missionary to receive instruction, I and the dead, they, [his enemies,] all cannot at present visit my mother, said he was not the Son of God, which brothers, sisters, &c. but pray and bewhile he knew, he delivered up his seech and intercede that the Spirit of precious life into the hands of the mul. God may descend upon my mother, titude, and according to his prediction, brothers, &c. When, however, the uttered previous to being put to death, time shall arrive, that it shall be God's viz. “ that he should continue in the will, I will visit you. Now from the mansions of the king of death only day when I first fled to and trusted in the three days and then revive.” So on merits of the Lord Jesus Christ, I fear the day when he was put to death, not death, but am of a courageous there was total darkness over the whole mind. I live in the hope and anticipaland; and on the third day he revived; tion that at the instant when I die, I and after having preached the law to shall not fall and sink to hell, but men during the space of forty days, he through the grace and merits of the mounted on a cloud of the sky, in the blessed Lord, come into the presence sight of many men, and ascended in- of God, where, free from sickness, old to heaven;

that false religion age, death, transmigration, and annihihaving vanished away, the religion of lation, in which there is no notion of the Lord Jesus Christ will spread a God or of religion, I shall have a throughout the whole world ;—that clear vision of God's face, and shall men, seing their sins, and [convinced] forever enjoy eternal and unearthly rethat on account of having sinned a- wards, happiness and peace, which gainst the eternal God, their most esti- men can neither conceive nor suffi. mable benefactor, they have no merit, ciently admire. Accordingly, it is my and so with repentance flee to and desire that my mother, brothers, sistake refuge in the Lord Jesus Christ, ters, &c. would consider that, in disand are baptized, will, when they cussing and comparing the blessed recome to die, not sink to hell, but on ligion of the eternal God which the account of the grace and merits of the missionaries preach, with the traditions Lord Jesus Christ, come into the pre- of our ancestors, it is not good to be of sence of God; where, free from sick. a mind hard and unyielding like a ness, old age, death, transmigration, mountain's centre, thus clinging only and annihilation, will live world with- to the traditions of our ancestors, but out end in the enjoyment of happiness, considering and meditating with a and peace, and the rewards pertaining mind tender, soft, clean, and white like to the eternal state: As the missiona- cotton, you may pray and entreat, that ries declared these things, I embraced having fled to and taken refuge in the [the doctrine) with my heart, renounc- merits of the Lord Jesus Christ, who ed the traditions of my ancestors, and can save from hell, you may live in I received baptism; and as one of the the hope and expectation that [hereafmissionaries knowing that the Taliengs, ter] you shall behold with open face Burmans, Kalahs, Hindoos, Malays, the divine effulgence of God's blessed Cochin-Chinese, Siamese, Chinese, countenance; and free from sickness, Daways, Arracanese, Karens, and old age, and death, you may live forother people who live in the city of ever, and enjoy unearthly rewards and Tavoy, are of a very light, loose and peace. JAN. 1830.


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