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To my respected mother May Yah,

MR. PECK'S LETTER my elder brothers Ko Gyaw, Ko Baudee, Ko Ay, Ko Shway-wieng, Ko To the Secretary of the Bap. Miss. Soc. of Mass. Hmong, my elder sisters Ma Men

Rock Spring, Ilinois, Hla, Mah Thway, Ma-Losan, Ma.

Dear Sir,

Oct. 24, 1829. Hlabaw, my younger sisters Ma-Menbaw, Ma-Men-Oung, my younger bro

I left home, in company with a Bapther, Moung-Shway-0, and the whole tist brother, who wished to travel for circle of my relations and associates. the benefit of his health, on the 5th of

August. For the convenience of carHaving received the following communication rying books and tracts, we travelled in

a dearborn. We made no stop for from a respected minister in South Carolina, we cheerfully lay it before our readers.

preaching till we reached brother

Hunter's, Du-Bois settlement, FrankRAISING $5000 FOR

lin County, fifty miles west from THE BURMAN MISSION.

St. Louis, where I preached at night, The writer of this has lately receiv. Aug. 7th. In this settlement, ten ed a large supply of the Memoir years since, I constituted a church, of Mrs. Judson, at the rate of 75 dol, and baptized between 15 and 20 conlars per hundred. He intends to retail verts, within a few months. For eighthem at 1 dollar per copy, and give teen months past, a precious revival ħas the profits, 25 cents for every volume been felt, under the labors of our missold, to the Burman Mission. He in- sionary, brother L. Williams, and the tends to solicit the aid of some of his young coadjutors that God has raised brethren in surrounding churches and up under his ministry. With this fact, neighborhoods, in encouragipg the I need not add, that even a night sale and circulation of the work. So meeting furnished a very interesting that he hopes in this way, to be able to and animating scene. The unconvert sell considerably more than one hun- ed weeping from distress, and Chrisdred copies. Now who will follow tians weeping for joy, were parts this example? Are there not 200 per of the scene. This revival is now sons in all the United States, who spreading throughout the surrounding would undertake to sell 100 copies settlements. each, and give the profits to the Bur

Saturday, Aug. 8. We attended man Mission ? In some regions, per- meeting with the St. John's church, haps twice that number might be dis- (formerly Du Bois) six miles distant. posed of; but say one hundred upon Here we preached, exhorted, prayed, an average. In this way 20,000 copies and sung with the happy converts and of an invaluable work would be put mourning penitents. in circulation, and $5,000 contributed

On Lord's-day, Aug. 9, I baptized 3 to a noble object, in addition to the persons; two had been Methodists, amount which goes into the treasury and the other, a girl 17 years old. of the Convention to aid the cause of She had never attended a meeting, nor Missions from the profits of the first heard preaching, She had no knowlsale by the publishers. Such a plan edge of God, of Jesus Christ, of sin, of as this, would enable many of our poor, heaven, or of hell, though she had been but pious and benevolent brethren to

accustomed to use these words in profane secure the means of aiding liberally swearing. She went to live in a relione of the most interesting and import- gious family, who soon discovered her ant Missions in the world. And after ignorant and wicked state, and conversall the influence which would be ex

ed and prayed with her. She was most erted upon our Baptist Churches, and powerfully convicted for a few days, upon the pious of all denominatior.s, until she found that Jesus Christ came from so general a circulation of the into the world to save sinners. God work, would far transcend the pecunia- blessed the labors of those persons with ry advantage to be derived from the whom she resided. On Sabbath night, plan proposed.*

several more persons were examined

as candidates for baptism. * The publishers will, with great pleasure, sup- 11. We travelled to Newport, 8 ply the work to any persons desirous to aid in this miles. Here is a small church called benevolent object. Orders addressed to Lincoln Boeuf. It has been nearly broken & Edmands, Boston, with suitable testimonials, down, but is now reviving. Preached will receive prompt attention.

both day and night, to very attentive


took us.

and solemn congregations. I ought to necessarily detained at home, might have noticed that I organized a branch accompany him into the water. In Tract Society, at St. Johns.

this settlement are a number of Roman 12. We started for the Gasconade Catholic families, most of the members country, a western course. After trav- of which were out on Lord's-day, and elling seventeen

through a were attentive hearers, while broken unsettled country, we arrived some others appeared to feel under no at a small settlement on Shepherd's obligation to be quiet at a heretical Creek, where a congregation was as- meeting. They walked about and sembled, to which I preached. No- talked during preaching or prayer, as body ever preaches in this settlement. they felt inclined. People came 10, Very occasionally the people go to 20, 30, 40, and some, as they told me, Boeuf for meeting. They were very even 50 miles, to this meeting. Some attentive, some wept, and they treated told me they had not heard a sermon us with much kindness. Here brother for four years before. A church called Williams, three young preachers, or “ Gasconade," from 15 to 20 miles more properly exhorters, and several south, and higher up the river, has beother brethren from St. Johns, over. come so nearly extinct, and having no

preacher to attend them, we advised 13. We all set forward for the Gas- them to unite with the church with conade hills. This is a hilly or rather which the meeting was held. This mountainous district of country, equal church, (Bailey's Creek,) is now at. in size to Massachusetts, drained by tended by a preacher, by the name of Gasconade river. It is but thinly pop- Coats, from the north side of Missouri ulated, and the people are scattered river, who crosses the river in a canoe, along the Creeks and vallies in small and walks to the settlements once in a and detached settlements. The hills month. South of Gasconade county, are formed of immense beds of flint and higher up the river, is another slone, covered with enough earth to county, called Crawford. There is a produce a stinted growth of dwarfish preacher who lives amongst the hills timber, but not fit for cultivation. in this county, and who preaches ocThere are some millions of acres of casionally. Scattering settlements such land in this part of Missouri. The extend through the vallies pretty high vallies are rich and fertile, but too up the Gasconade. On the waters of narrow to afford commodious settle. Big Pine, a prominent fork of the Gas. ments. At night we reached the set- conade, 150 miles from its mouth, are tlement of Bailey's Creek, where a several saw and other mills. This is three days' meeting had been appoint- the region that furnishes vast quantied by our last Association.

We were

ties of pitch pine lumber for the St. most kindly received and entertained Louis market. The “mills” is a wild by the people during the meeting. place, rarely visited by a preacher of They gave us the best their circum-' any description. This rough and stances could afford. A fastidious tray. mountainous region, abounds in iron eller might have complained, but we ore, and doubtless contains vast quantiwere contented. They had provided ties of lead, though few attempts have seats and a “ Stand,” in the woods, a yet been made to find it. The headmost delightful place, shaded by the waters of the Gasconade interlock with Lofty sycamore, walnut, locust, and those of the Osage, that falls into the hagberry, but they had not time to Missouri, farther west, with White prepare camps, which would have add- river, that runs south, through Arkaned much to the convenience of accom- sas territory, and with the Merrimac, modating a large number of people. that runs cast, and falls into the Missis

14. The people collected at an ear. sippi, 18 miles below St. Louis ; consely hour at the Stand, where a prayer quently, the highest land in Missouri, meeting was held. Preaching, exhor. is at the head of this stream. During tations, singing, and prayer, continued the meeting, I disposed of 6000 pages night and day at the same place. We of Tracts, a dozen Bibles, several only retired to the cabins of the settlers copies of Fuller's Backslider, four for meals and sleep. Lord's-day copies of Jones' Church History, bebrought together a large congregation, sides a quantity of Magazines and which was very solemn. Two persons other pamphlets. were baptized, and another received

J. M. PECK. as a candidate, who chose to defer the Rev. H. Malcom. ordinance two weeks, that his wife,

(To be continued.]



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that you will in future refrain from all

these evils,” said the priest. “I can. It is sometimes supposed that the not do that,” said the young woman, Catholics have renounced



“ the Bible is read in my hearing fretheir ancient errors, and are emerging

quently, and I shall never close my

ears against it ;” so he ordered her åfrom the darkness in which they have way immediately, and neither the long been involved. But in countries mother nor daughter went near him where their influence prevails, the since. I frequently call to see them, Scriptures appear still to be withheld and read for them; indeed, they have

invited me to do so. The old woman from the common people ; and could said she would never ask any of the their influence extend over countries rites of the Church of Rome nor the now enlightened, the melancholy re

services of her clergy, even at her last

hour. She declares that her entire sult might easily be imagined. The confidence is placed in her crucified following statement is made by a read. Saviour, that he alone has atoned for er of the Scriptures, employed by the her guilt, is her only hope at present, Baptist Society in England, for diffus

as he will be her judge at the last day.

[Eng. Bap. Mag. ing light in Ireland.

Coolany, Sept. 11, 1829. A few days ago I had a pleasing conversation with an old person in this vi.

Mr. Yates, from Calcutta, gives the cinity and her daughter, who after being both with the priest a few days be. following intelligence in a letter to Mr. fore, in her confession she (the old wo. Gurney, February 19, 1829. man) told him that she could not be. lieve that the sacrament was Jesus I had the pleasure of baptizing two Christ, and that every representation the first Sabbath after my arrival, the of him must be inferior to him, and one a Bengalee, and the other an Inthat bread and wine were only a com- do-Briton; and we had good congrememoration of him. “I fancy,” said gations both morning and evening. In the priest, “you hear the Scriptures the Native department things are more read.' The old woman said she did. promising than we have ever known “You must now, on your knees, be- them. The inhabitants of a number fore God,” said he, “promise me that of villages, only a few miles from Cal. you will not hearken to any more cutta, have invited us to preach to of that book's instructions, for I fear them the Gospel, and to instruct their it has poisoned your mind, and you children. Brother Carapeit is now lamust do severe penance for what boring among them very diligently; you have heard of it.” “No!” said the and from the attention they pay to the old woman, “I have, I think, done no word, we have the fairest prospect of wrong in hearing its contents, nor am

It is a door opened which I now a proper object to impose penance we hope no one will be able to shut. on; therefore I hope you will have me A school, in which religious instrucexcused.” “Begone,” said his Reve- tion is imparted, has been commenced, rence," I shall hear no more from you and is rapidly on the increase. while you are in such a frame of mind; The greatest advancement has been 1 fear you have imbibed heresy to an made in the schools. In visiting one incurable degree.” The old woman of the native female schools last week, got up from her knees, walked off, and I was quite astonished at the progress did not go to wait upon the priest some of the children had made, not since. Her daughter, after the mother only in their learning, but also in reliwithdrew, went on her knees before gious knowledge. They had mastered the priest, who asked her, “ Pray, Miss two catechisms, and could answer any D. do you hear the Bible read ? ” question that was asked them, and “ Yes," replied the young woman. were learning one of the Psalms of “Do you go to church? " Some David by heart every week, and seemtimes,” said she. “I suppose," said ed quite pleased that they were allow. he, “ you go to hear the preachers, al- ed to learn them. What a change is

“Sometimes I do,” said she. this! About ten years ago I used to “You must now faithfully promise me visit a boys' school not far from the

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80 ?"

same spot, and could not succeed in in- to the abode of one of the native troducing the Scriptures among them; preachers, that he might, as he said, but now female schools, which were own publicly that which he was conthen thought utterly impracticable, not vinced was the truth. This he did by only exist, but the pupils have not the instantly taking up the native preachsmallest objection to read any thing of er's hooka, or smoking pipe, and apply. a religious nature. Little Henry and ing it to his mouth. Thus his caste his Bearer is a great favorite with ceased, and now he appears as a fol. them all. In the boys' schools under lower of Christ. He has recovered our care, similar improvement is ob- from his sickness, and wishes also to servable. In addition to the Christian be baptized. But to him, also, I have instruction which they receive from said, wait a little. He is a young man, the Scriptures, catechisms, &c. during and if he is indeed sincere, I have no the week, inany of them now attend doubt he will be useful among his to receive religious instruction on the countrymen. Sabbath day. We have four boys, the Two women, also, belonging to a sons of native Christians, whom we family which renounced caste for have entirely taken under our care, Christianity some time ago, appear to and they appear to be promising boys. be sincere, and are likewise anxious

Since my return I have been at two for baptism. These I hope to add to public meetings, wbich have afforded the church soon. me much pleasure ; one of the Juve- The new native meeting-house which nile Society, and the other of the Hin- I erected about a year since, being at. doo College. They were both much tended beyond all my expectations, I better attended than I had ever seen am now engaged in erecting another them before, and exhibit marks of im- much larger in a different part of the provement superior to what I could town. Things have taken an amazing have anticipated in the course of two turn. When I came here first, I years.

could not in any way get the people to

let or sell me a piece of ground for LETTER FROM MR. LESLIE.

building; but, in this instance, the Mr. Leslie, from Monghyr, also

ground was openly obtained for me by writes to the Secretary of the English a very influential Hindoo. Baptist Missionary Society, the follow

[Eng. Bap. Mag. ing statement of the progress of the Gospel :

MISSION TO LIBERIA. Within the last fortnight we have Our readers cannot fail to be deeply had the open and deliberate renuncia- interested in the Colony at Liberia, tion of caste by two men, the one a by- where great numbers have removed raggee, (a religious mendicant) and the from Baptist churches in the United other a writer, i. e. a book-keeper to States, and now require encouragethe merchants. The former was on ment and friendly aid. Among the pilgrimage to Juggernaut, but was ar- estimable persons who have fallen vicrested on his way in Monghyr, by the tims to their efforts in Africa, we call sound of the gospel from the lips of one to affectionate recollection the pious and of our native preachers. He has been devoted Holton, from Waterville Colso far affected as to tear off the only lege, Mr. Sessions, a devoted friend to badge of Hindooism that he had, his Africa, the indefatigable colored friend, mala, or religious beads, and throw Lott Carey, and others, who soon finished them openly away, saying, that having their labors, and have entered into their found God he would wear the badge of rest. This field calls for additional laSatan no longer. He has been ex. borers, and we have had the pleasure ceedingly anxious for baptism; but I of an interview with Messrs. Graner have not felt at liberty yet to adminis- and Dietschy, two young men from ter it. A little delay seems to me ne- the Missionary Seminary in Basle, cessary.

Switzerland, who have recently visitThe other man is a tolerably good ed Boston, and are on their way as native scholar, and has a good acquaint Missionaries to Liberia.

A public ance with the truths of the Bible. A- meeting was held at Park-Street bout a fortnight or three weeks ago he Meeting house, on Lord's day evewas seized with fever, and imagining ning, the 13th inst. at which the Misthat his end was near, he the last week sionaries attended, and several address. left his house, ill as he was, and came es were delivered. Christian efforts at



the Colony are of indescribable impor- with much pleasure that prepossessions
tance, as means of extending exist in favor of Americans." He found
Christianity to the Africans who are in all places that an annunciation of
now in the most abject state of igno- his nation was his best passport. This
rance and in the greatest darkness of favorable circumstance will greatly fa-
heathenism. We would mingle fer- cilitate missions from this country, and
vent prayers with the thousands in should excite and encourage efforts to
Zion that every benevolent 'effort for restore the prevalence of the gospel
Africa may be succeeded, and that the in that interesting country.
lives of the young men now embarking
may be protracted for extensive use-


We have received the printed MinINTELLIGENCE FROM ST. SAL- utes of the eighth Annual Meeting of

this Convention, which was held at For the American Baptist Magazine,

Whitesboro,' Oct. 1829. The Conven. Mr. Editor,

tion appears to be successfully prose

cuting the objects of the association. A gentleman of my congregation, The amount of time embraced in the being about to visit the city of St. Sal- returns of the Missionaries for the last vador, in BRAZIL, I gave him a list year, was 8 years and 23 weeks. of questions, soliciting that he would More than 130 believers were bapmake such inquiries, while there, as tized by the Missionaries, and favor. would enable him to answer them. able indications of revivals exist in He has returned, and obligingly furnish- many places. The amount received ed nie with answers to such of them by the Convention the last year, inas he could. Your readers, will, I cluding a balance in the Treasury, the presume, consider them useful; es- previous year, was $4632,62_expendpecially, as the condition of other South. ed, $3392,75. It would be a gratify. American cities would not vary ma- ing article of intelligence, if the Min. terially, in these respects, from that utes of each State Convention could of St. Salvador.

embrace a statistical table of all the Churches,

63 churches in the state, as it would exPriests,

194 hibit the number of ministers, the Inferior Clergy,

unknown. churches destitute of pastors, and vaSchools at the Nation's expense,

18 rious other items of an interesting naDo. private

do. 15 ture. Convents, (supposed to contain 120 females, who have taken the

AWARD OF PREMIUM. holy vow,)

4 Monasteries, (number of monks Twenty-four manuscripts were preuncertain)

6 sented and examined, for the premium “ Recolhamentos,” or

offered by the American Tract Society, Convents,

2 for the best tract to influence young

to abstain from ardent spirits. The population of St. Salvador is men about 130,000, including slaves and The choice of the Committee fell on free people of color. The few English Dickinson, to whom the premium of

the one

written by Rev. Austin and American residents there, would probably support a minister, if he were $50 was awarded; but the reception liberal in his manners and education, was generously declined by him. and orthodox in his creed.



Christ instituted the preaching of MR. ANDERSON'S RETURN FROM

the gospel as the general and efficient GREECE.

means of the conversion of sinners. In Rov. Rufus Anderson, who recently the great object of evangelizing the visited Greece, as an Agent from the world, this point should be kept steadAmerican Board of Missions, returned ily in view. The establishment of to Boston on the 12th Dec. He has schools, the circulation of tracts, or travelled in various parts of Greece, other efforts for civilization, must not and been introduced to men high in be substituted for preaching the gospel. civil and ecclesiastical offices, and states David Brainerd entered immediately


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