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books, which are best calculated to their way to Richmond, Va. where awaken the mind and inspire the heart they will be publicly designated to to seek more diligently after a holy conformity to the will of God and the missionary labors, a committee of outexample of Jesus Christ our Saviour. fit having been appointed in that city. I beg an interest in your prayers, that He is expected to sail in a ship to be God would not only make me useful despatched by the Colonization Socieamong the heathen, but grant me that lively exercise of grace, which shall ty, from Norfolk, in October. From be to me an unerring testimony that publications in the Religious Herald, my name is in the book of life. We at Richmond, we are gratified in nolong to see the time, when the Holy ticing that a deep interest on the subSpirit shall be poured out more pow. erfully, and hundreds be converted as ject pervades the minds of our Baptist in our native land.”

friends in Virginia; and we trust that

the public services will extensively “ Look back, my dear friend, on past life, and say, have you ever found promote a spirit of benevolence, and happiness below ? Have you ever seen

Christian zeal. a day which was not imbittered with The Herald remarks: “ We look some trial? Or if there has been such forward with emotions of pleasure to a day, was it not when you enjoyed this interesting day—the day of Mr. most of the presence of the Saviour, and felt most of the love of God in Skinner's ordination. We trust that your soul? And what is it that hath the services of the ablest and most desupported and comforted your mind under all trials : Has it not been the voted friends of the mission cause will love of God, the presence of the Sa- be called in requisition; and every efviour, and the hope of heaven? If so, fort used to give interest to this affectyou can conceive how the comforts ing and imposing ceremony. It canarising from these sources would be not fail to awaken a stronger and more increased, how your heart would overflow with joy, could you fully resolve permanent feeling in behalf of this noto live only to Christ; to do nothing, blest and best of all causes—the mis. say nothing, think nothing, but what sion cause.” is agreeable to his holy will as taught

The climate of Africa indeed is unin the Holy Scriptures and admonished by conscience. Our natural hearts favorable, and has proved fatal to maare so fallen, so depraved, that without ny; but it may be hoped, that as acconstant restraint, without daily and commodations are increased, and a hourly self-denial, we cannot attain to that holy state to which our blessed knowledge acquired of the diseases of Saviour calls us, nor enjoy the unin. the country, the difficulty of making terrupted comforts of religion. Much efforts for Africa will be diminished. of our life has been mispent, and our

There are certainly many favorable time wasted; we must be more faithful in secret prayer, and all the dus circumstances for introducing the gosties of religion, or we shall find our pel in this benighted region, some of death bed imbittered with the sting3 which are named in the communicaof a guilty conscience.”

tion before alluded to.

“An earnest, anxious desire génerally prevails amongst the Africans, to

have schools established, that their The Baptist Board of Foreign Missions children may become acquainted with have appointed the Rev. Mr. Skinner the white-man's knowledge. In this a Missionary to Africa. He was edu- respect there is a pleasing difference cated at the Hamilton Seminary, and between a mission to Africa and alhas been for several years successful. most every other part of the globe. ly engaged in the Christian ministry. No deep-rooted, long-consecrated sysMr. and Mrs. Skinner are now on tem of heathenism is to be overcome.



No selfish priesthood to contend with. EXTRACT OF A LETTER FROM REV. No tyrannical despot to keep them eve


THE ry moment in fear of their lives, or of


ED TO THE COR. SEC. being forcibly driven away and obliged to suspend their labors, when the har

Homer, June 25, 1830. vest is ripening for a precious ingather- Rev. and dear Sir, ing. In Liberia, a missionary is secure

In March I attended an adjourned not only of protection, but of respect and meeting of the Seneca Auxiliary Soattention. A tribe of the natives, num: ciety, at their particular and urgent bering at least one hundred and twen. request. That Society is located in a ty-five thousand souls, have recently embraces men of information and in

rich and flourishing country; and it placed themselves under the protec- fluence. I had the happiness to find tion of the Colony.

in my visit to them, that God was It is truly cheering to witness the visiting some of the churches with the

reviving influence of his Spirit; and bright and enlivening prospect which they seemed to think they could hear is now dawning on this land of dark- and understand the subject of Misness. The establishment of a news.

sions better than before, and a livelier

interest seemed to be taken in the For. paper, conducted by a well educated eign Missions. I attended the Black and qualified editor, the attention paid River, and Franklin Baptist Associato education, the recent emigration of tions lately, as your agent, and found individuals calculated to strengthen ticipated. In the Black River, they

things as pleasant as I could have anthe colony, the enterprise manifested have already a Mission Society formby the colonists, and the want which ed, which embraced in its constituhas long been felt of a competent tion, the Foreign, as well as the DoChristian teacher being now about to less yearly into your treasury: but

mestic; and they have sent more or be removed, presents altogether a pic- they have not felt themselves pledged; ture on which the Christian and the and the State Convention needing Philanthropist may dwell with pleas. much, and the weak churches in the ure.”

new settlements upon their borders having large claims, they have been somewhat inattentive to the relation they held with the Foreign Mission. Upon bringing the subject fairly before them they most cheerfully en

gaged to act as an Auxiliary in future, Rev. Lee Compere has been ap- least one hundred dollars yearly to the

and pledged themselves to forward at pointed by the Board of Foreign Mis. treasury of the Foreign Mission, and sions, to act as an agent in Alabama, to hold and sustain the relation of an under the direction and in concert with Auxiliary, and represent themselves

as such, if possible, in the triennial the Convention of the State. We are meetings of the Convention. They happy to learn from communications re- invited me to preach, and take a collecceived by the corresponding Secretary, tion for the Foreign Mission, and I did

I left with them the collection, that the prospects of exciting a mission

(about twenty dollars,) to augment ary and public spirit are very gratify: their funds as an Auxiliary. I left ing. In one tour fifty-six dollars were them with something more than one contributed, and annual subscribers ob- hundred dollars, which they will soon

forward to you.

In the Franklin Astained to the amount of forty-seven sociation I obtained the appointment of dollars. Three or four hundred dol- a committee on the subject of Foreign lars are expected to be cheerfully fur- Missions, who reported in favor of nished in this State from the first forming an Auxiliary, and introduced

a constitution for that purpose; and at year's effort.

the close of the session, the Constitu






tion was signed by a goodly number, A few months since, Messrs. Hamwho appeared warm in their affection mond and Griffin, Mrs. Stannard and toward the object, and an Auxiliary Miss Walton, took their departure from was organized on the spot, under encouraging prospects. I left them with Boston for the Thomas Station, by ap$64 in their treasury, and twenty-five pointment of the Baptist Board of Misor thirty more pledged, and a zeal en- sions, to reinforce the laborers, who kindled which will not fail to do something. There has been six hundred have there endured the burden and and twenty-two persons added by bap- heat of the day. We are happy to tism to that body the year past; and learn that these friends have safely many of these youth were present to reached the station, and that their head the communications made, and seemed to be much impressed in view of presence and aid have exhilarated the claims which the heathen world the spirits of the missionaries. As have upon us.

I felt much disappointed in not be great efforts have been made to ing at Hartford this spring with the promote civilization among the IndiBoard; but it was not possible for me ans, too large a portion of the time of as things were at home. There has the few persons at the station has been been thirty-five added to us by bap- absorbed in secular arrangements. tism this spring, and some by letter, and more will be baptized soon. It The additional aid now furnished at is yet a pleasant time with us. It is the Thomas Station, one person being now a time of remarkable excitement a farmer, will enable the brethren to in many places in this country, and the make more vigorous efforts of a decidchurches are refreshed.

In seven towns in this county there is a reforedly missionary character than has mation now in progress. Blessed be hitherto been in their power, as will God.

be seen by the following communicaYours in the gospel of God,

tions just received. ALFRED BENNETT.

A number of boxes of clothing have

been recently forwarded by the Board, INDIAN STATIONS.

which have been kindly furnished by

benevolent friends, an acknowledgAlthough dark clouds have envelopment of which we publish in the presed the efforts made at many stations in ent Number, and for which the Board behalf of the aborigines of our coun- of Missions tender their cordial thanks. try, yet some cheering prospects en- Additional supplies are solicited. courage perseverance.

Our obliga

The following letters will be read tions to seek their good are very nu- with interest by the friends of the Inmerous and very imposing. Every dians. citizen must feel a deep solicitude, that all the engagements to which our gov.

Thomas Mission Station, ernment stands pledged by treaty, may Rev. Sir,

July 18, 1830. be faithfully executed, and all the

Yours dated Apr. 13, and May 29, protection be given to their rights, were received. Your request of se. which they have been encouraged lecting a child to whom the name of to expect. And every Christian Henry Martyn may be given received

attention. His former name, Nejipeshould feel, that not only the gen- newash wish, will be known in future eral command to evangelize the under the appellation of Henry Martyn. world requires effort, but our peculiar He was received into our family on the circumstances, in relation to the first 4th inst. by a written indenture by his

father, to remain for the space of five occupants of our soil, should excite years. This, with other instances of the ardor of benevolence particularly receiving patrons, serves as encouragein their behalf.

ment in our arduous labors. The unit


ed concert for prayer, of the Congre- they would assist us in hoeing our cora. gationalist and Baptist churches in the The following day about 20 came with city of Detroit, who contribute the sun countenances indicating joy at the of $12 annually, for the support of prospect of so useful a machine to be Henry, receive our grateful thanks; constructed for them. We have spent while we solicit an interest in their six days labor on it, and it will be comprayers, that we may be made instru- pleted to-morrow. This machine will inents of good to the child, so that he answer to wash their clothes and full may with others early have the grace their cloth. We humbly hope the of God implanted in his soul, and time is not far distant, when our dear thus the object of their patronage with friends will provide the means for them others be realized. We cannot but to commence manufacturing their own indulge the hope that ere long these cloth. Should there be but a few doldear youth committed to our charge lars expended in the purchase of looins will become blessings to their country- and wheels, for spinning wool and linmen.

en, for domestic manufacture, they On the 28th ult. brother Griffin will soon learn the benefits of civilized reached us by the way of the wilder. life; and the want of skill and power, ness, leaving his associates at Detroit to which hitherto has appeared as mouncome by water.

tains, will soon vanish away: We On the 11th inst. brother Hammond, must cherish the belief that the poor and sisters Stannard and Walton arrivo Indians have some friends, who would ed to our great joy and satisfaction. A readily aid them in acts of benevolence, deliverance from the dangers to which could their wants be known. The they were incident excites joy and grat. Indians are desirous to raise flax and itude to God, who hath preserved them sheep. It will be remembered that a that they reached us in safety. This communication was sent you from a addition to our number will enable us General Council of Chiefs, concerning to give greater scope to our missionary their disposition in regard to the introoperations. We indulge the hope that duction of looms and wheels, for domesthe event which we have longed and tic industry. We hope some flax, and prayed for, has come, that our hearts cotton and woollen yarn, may be sent will not be so much grieved by observ- them, and some money devoted for the ing the natives, without any privilege purchase of one loom. The male comafforded us to speak to them on their munity of the natives have made consouls' concerns.

siderable advances in civilization. Our boarding school consists of 20; Their fields are pretty extensive, while twelve of whom are males, and eight many are preparing themselves framed females. Their gradation is as follows: houses. They possess increased attach7 in the New Testament, the most ment to their mills, availing themselves of whom write a legible hand. One of the privilege of grinding their corn, has made some progress in Arithmetic. and building themselves houses. About 7 in easy lessons of reading, 3 in two 60 natives, a short time since, for two syllables, 2 in monosyllables, and 2 in successive days, labored at their mills, the alphabet. The school could be en- repairing the dam. They milk several larged, provided means could be secur- cows daily, and are very fond of it. ed for its support. One of our larger While the men are making improveboys commenced this season improving ments, it is highly necessary that the land, and will soon rear himself a house. females should rise from their degraded He possesses a desire to live as do the state. We may conclude that no genwhites, and we hope his decision may eral good will be effected till the influhave an important influence on his ence of female economy is brought into countrymen.

action. To render our visits to the InOn account of the constant calls for dians useful, it will be necessary for the attention on the farm, no time has been female missionaries to accompany us. allowed as yet, to recommence the Though additions to our band have reschool at the village, or to afford re- cently been made, we could say that ligious instruction to the natives ex. twice the number who are present, cepting on the Sabbath. It was pro- might be usefully engaged among the posed to the Indians that assistance natives. What is to be done for the poor would be given by us towards erecting natives must be done soon; they are a washing machine to be carried by fast wasting away.

Soon our good water power, at their mills, provided friends will not be called upon to offer

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their prayers and alms, for they will That sister Slater spend a part of her become extinct, unless improvements time at the village near us, in teaching be effected. I cannot forbear shedding the women to cut, sew, and make many tears over their moral desolation. clothes, knit, wash, &c. as well as to Do not conclude that efforts to teach converse on religious subjects. them the religion of Christ will be of That sisters Thompson and Walton no avail. Though we have spent about attend constantly to domestic concerns. four years among this people, we can- We have also decided that as not satisfy ourselves with the belief much time as possible be devoted, that proper exertion has been made to by us all, to the study of the language; promote their spiritual interests. and that we, unitedly, use our ut

We are in immediate want of cloth- most endeavors, by the grace of God, ing. Should we not receive clothing to make this station wear more of the before cold weather, we must dismiss appearance of a missionary station our school. We hope to have an in- than it has hitherto done. We feel terest in your prayers. As a family much encouraged, and call upon ourwe are enjoying good health.

selves and all that is within us to bless I am, sir, yours affectionately, and praise the Lord, that he has heard

L. SLATER. our cries and sent additional laborers to Rev. L. Bolles, Cor. Sec.

our relief. May the Lord direct us in such a way as may result in his praise, and to the spiritual good of the poor In

dians. As brother Slater will write Thomas, July 17, 1830.

you, I shall say no more at present

about our affairs at the mission. Dear brother Bolles,

As ever, I am, and wish to remain, Since the arrival of our brethren your affectionate brother, and humble and sisters from the east, we have at servant, a missionary meeting, unanimously

JOTHAM MEEKER. agreed that our future labors be direct. ed in a different way from what they have formerly been, provided said arrangement shall meet the approbation of the Board, to wit:

That brother Slater take the general superintendence of the mission estab- Valley Towns, June 17, 1830. lishment; that he be considered, by the Indians and children, as the head of the Rev. and dear Sir, mission family; that he comnience a I have the pleasure to inform you school at the Indian village three quar- that on Sabbath day last, two more full ters of a mile from us as soon as a suit. Cherokees, Johnson and his wife, Tsaable house can be erected; and that yuga, followed our blessed Lord, in the in the mornings and evenings his time ordinance of baptisın. They had previ. be devoted to imparting religious in. ously given a very satisfactory relation struction to the Indians, either in the of the work of the Holy Spirit on their school house, in their private dwellings, minds, eolightening and convincing or at the mission house.

them of sin, and leading them to such That brother Meeker make it his a dependence on the blood of Jesus, constant business to travel among the as caused them to rejoice in prospect Indians, from village to village, from of eternity. When they related their house to house, to converse with the experience, an overwhelming sense of Indians on the subject of religion, and the divine presence seemed to pervade to publish the gospel to all whom he the assembly. They were baptized shall meet or fall in company with. about twenty miles north-east of this

That brother Hammond take charge place, at the foot of the immense bed of the boys while out of school, and of mountains lying between this and during school hours that he be engaged North Carolina. at labor on the mission premises.

The Indians had prepared a very That brother Griffin labor on the convenient place for the administration farm.

of the ordinance; and it was attended That sister Stannard teach the school, by a very solemn and attentive conand take charge of the girls while out gregation. I trust this is but the beof school.

ginning of good days. Our brother SEPT. 1830.



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