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John Wickliffe delivered a lively and the young persons of our denomination impressive exhortation on the occasion. in this city, who care for the best in

I am, Rev. and dear Sir, your obedi- terests of their country and the proent servant in the gospel,

gress of the Redeemer's kingdom. EVAN JONES. With this view we have come together P.S. Brother Wickliffe has enter

to-night, desiring to make it known to ed on his work in the service of the

them, and to engage them in its zeal.

ous support. Board. I trust the prayers of the Lord's people will be offered up on his behalf, bosom of our Society, not for the sake

We would draw them all into the that he may be a burning and a shining light among his people.

of their subscriptions, though every cent contributed tells well, and in a good cause, but that they may be early in

duced to take an active part in misBAPTIST YOUTHS' ASSISTANT MIS

sionary enterprises, and feel that they 810NARY SOCIETY, NEW-YORK. have an interest in the success of mis

sionary labors. We lately noticed the annual meet.

Our Society commenced its existence ing of this Society, and we learo with at a period when the Christian world great pleasure that the young friends had not yet learned the efficacy of es. in New York are making systematic

tensive union in benevolent efforts;

and being retired in its operations, has and increased efforts in the missionary very partially accomplished the ends enterprise. The following Report, of its formation. But now, when good presented at the last annual meeting,

men are every where collecting into

bands to encourage and counsel each having been kindly forwarded, we

other in labors of love, the success of present it to our readers, with the hope those around us has taught us what we that it will excite the young in other may do, and thrown light upon the places to associate for missionary ob. sphere of our duty.

We hope from this time to date an jects. The ardent spirits of the young

era of enlarged success; and with the prompt them to action, and it is of the peculiar claims which we have upon highest importance that their associa- the favor and sympathies of the Baptist tions be formed for valuable objects, public, to be enabled to start with re

newed vigor in our career. and that the pecuniary means they In these claims we say nothing of possess should flow in the channels of the wants of our whole country; the Christian benevolence.

call from every district for pious and

faithful ininisters of the gospel of Christ; REPORT.

the importance of a regular ministry At this, the first public anniversary to the prosperity of any church; the of the Baptist Youths' Assistant Mis- absolute necessity of strengthening and sionary Society, it has been thought enlightening the feeble and scattered appropriate to present the design and churches of our denomination in the expectations of the institution, rather interior; the probable happy results than a detailed report of its past opera- of animating our churches everywhere tions. For what has been done, suf- with a spirit of active devotion to the fice it to say, that the Society was Master's cause ;-we say nothing of formed more than twenty years ago, these reasons for vigorous efforts in doAuxiliary to the New-York Baptist mestic missions, because they are comMissionary Society, and has annually mon to many institutions equally with poured into the treasury of that Insti. But we think this Society detution between one hundred and fifty serves to be fostered and cherished by and three hundred dollars.

every Baptist church in New York, But it has hitherto embraced but a because it promises to repay to every small number of those whom it was church a hundred fold all the benefits intended to unite in its holy cause ; and kindness it may now extend. It and its silent exertions have been is all important that those who are unknown to many who might and growing up to fill the posts of our fawould have aided and extended them. thers in society and in the church For the future, it looks forward to no should be alive to their duties, their ca. less than raising efficient aid to our pabilities, and their opportunities; domestic missions, and combining all should know the real interests of them

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selves and their fellow-men, and should ers will not remain unanswered. The
be accustoined to seek the advance- sons will be taught the first lessons of
ment of these interests. in a short benevolence by the precept and exam-
time those who are now active to do ple of their fathers; but they will go
good will have finished their course be- on and perfect their knowledge, till
low, and be called home. 16 their they become wiser than their teachers.
children are not trained to follow in We press the Society whose anniver-
their steps, the great spirit of charity, sary is now celebrated, upon the atten-
which has breathed over christendom, tion of our brethren with the following
will be spent, instead of freshening ultimate and exalted views.
and swelling, as we all hope, until it They are entertained bumbly and
encompass and purify the whole world. with a fearful, yet firm reliance upon
Now our society is designed to antici- the Spirit and Providence of him, who
pate and prevent this evil. It aims to is gloriously unfolding the clouds which
enlist the energy and buoyancy of have long encircled his throne, and
youth—that age of feeling and action- wrapped in darkness his sovereign de.
in the cause of Christ.

signs. We believe that “the kingdoms This Society would introduce into of this world will become the kingthe great machinery of human means, doms of our Lord and his Christ.” which God vouchsafes to use, this elas. We believe that this will be brougbt tic spring, which will press without about chiefly by the instrumentality of relaxing, and keep up its regular and preaching. We believe that the teaproper motion.

If the energies and then must receive preachers from a resources of the four hundred thousand Christian land, and that the Baptists of professing Baptist Christians in this the United States, might, without saccountry were aroused and devoted to rificing a necessary cornfort, fill the the end which they ought all to pray benighted realms of the pagan world for and ardenty desire,-the conver- with ministers of the word of God. sion of the heathen to the God of 1s. We believe that they must, sooner or rael; if their hands gave liberally, and later, learn their responsibilities, and their hearts prayed fervently for the act in harmony and strength, to fulfil blessing of Heaven on what they gave, them. We believe that although nothmight we not expect that all the people ing is to be left untried to win all to which sit in darkness would see great activity in this cause, yet there is most light, and the glory of the Lord would probability of success with the young. arise upon them? The faithful and We believe that the plan of associations prayerful efforts of a very small part among thein for religious benevolence of this host enrolled under the ban- is to be promoted, as the most promisner of the King of kings, have ob- ing ineans of realizing the desired end; tained a footing in Burmah, that strong and that a large city affords peculiar hold of the prince of darkness, and facilities for beginning such a system already the throne of Gaudama is of measures. And is all this belief unshaken. Oh that we could see the founded, upscriptural, irrational ? If whole army contending at once for a otherwise, we may well urge this Sopure faith and holy life at home, and ciety upon your regard. Will you not moving in concert against the realias lend us your countenance, and bid us of ignorance and superstition and wick. God speed? You can, (we speak conedness abroad. Oh that they would go fidently to every individual,) you can up in a body to carry the word of life do much for our prosperity. Young through the regions of desolating cru- men and maidens, we want your active elty and benumbing sensuality. How efforts and persuasion in obtaining subshould we see the Dagons of idolatry scribers and extending our force. Old fall before this ark of the testimony of men and matrons, we want you to the living God! How should we see bring in your children, and to throw the spirit of life clothe and animate the into our scale your influence and your dry bones, which whiten the great counsel. You, who are rich and revalley of the pagan world!

spectable, give us the wealth you That the present generation will pass would otherwise appropriate to luxuaway from our churches, before they ries, or amusements, and by your name have all learnt, that their time and and favor, secure for us the confitheir talents are the Lord's, and that dence and respect of society. You they are only stewards of the wealth who are poor and neglected among he gives them, we fear is almost cer- men, think not that we have no need tain. Yet still we trust that our pray- of you. You shall prove our best,

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our most efficient friends ; for we want A little girl of five years belonging you to pray for us to the high and lofty to one of the members of this AssociaOne, who hath respect unto the lowly, tion, has exbibited Christian attain. and dwelleth with him that is of an ments of no ordinary character. It is humble and contrite heart.

very evident that the Spirit of God has Believing as we do, that our little for some time been operating upon her, institution may be the instrument of but more effectually and sensibly for great good, we call upon every member the last two or three months. She early of every Baptist church to remember evinced a reverence for the Sabbath, its existence, and pray for its success; and took pleasure in reading the Scripand upon every minister to remember tures. She was in the habit of observ. its object, and to point to it the youth ing stated seasons for prayer, and used of his charge.

frequently to retire with her brother, younger than herself, and pray with him. One Sabbath morning, on awak. ing, she reminded her sisters that it was God's holy day, and endeavored to

make them feel it their duty to observe STREET BAPTIST MATERNAL 80- it religiously. After conversing and

praying with them in her child-like

manner, she desired to see her mother. With pleasure we avail ourselves of Finding her in tears, her mother inthe customary privilege of coming for- quired the cause of it; she replied, I ward on the returning anniversary of don't want to live in this wicked world this Society, to announce the success any longer; when I look up to heaven, which has attended its operations the and think God is there, and Christ, and past year.

the holy angels, I don't wish to stay By a reference to the records of the here. Her mind continued to attain a Society, it will be perceived that in more heavenly frame, but her health numbers and in usefulness it continues gradually declined, and for a while her to increase. Were the inquiry sug- recovery was doubtful. Through all gested, What is the most momentous her sickness she has been an example concern which can engage the atten- of patience. At one time, when suftion of parents professing godliness ?fering extreme pain, she observed,“O what mother would hesitate to reply, mother, look to heaven and pray God The salvation of the souls of my chil. to send me relief, or give me grace that dren. If then the care and culture of I may bear my pain patiently." the immortal minds of our beloved We need not, nor can we present children be a work of such unspeaka. greater proof of the utility of Materble importance, it is no wonder we feel nal Societies, than that they have been --yes, deeply seel--our extreme defi- blessed as the means of saving souls. ciency. In view of which, a resolu. Few instances of conversion, we action was passed at our last annual knowledge, have occurred, compared meeting, that our respected Pastor be to what might have been, had we been invited to preach a sermon particularly faithful to the trust committed to our to mothers, in order to aid and qualify charge. It is true we have, in some us in the better fulfilment of our ma. measure, planted and watered; but it ternal duties, to excite a deeper and is God that giveth the increase, and to more general interest, and to stimulate him belongeth all the glory. to exertions more effectual. This and In conclusion, your Board would acother measures equally successful have, knowledge with thankfulness the presas subsequent facts have shown, pro- ervation of the lives of all the officers duced the happiest results.

and members the past year. Two of At the meeting in January, one of our number since our last anniversary the members took occasion to speak of have been called each to give up bethe blessings which accompanied her loved infants into the arms of that instructions, in answer to the prayers Saviour who said, “suffer little chilwhich were offered up for her little son dren to come unto me, and forbid them four years old, who had died some years not, for of such is the kingdom of since. Even at that tender age, he ex- heaven;" but having already given up hibited daily that purity and simplicity their children in faith, they were comwhich can be attributed only to the forted with that sweet hope which bework of the Holy Spirit,

reaved parents are allowed to enter. tain, that they should again behold uges, and bringing multitudes to the their beloved little ones at the last day. foot of the cross, crying, “ Men and In behalf of the Board,

brethren, what shall we do?” P. H. FORBES, Sec’ry. The revival now extended into the Boston, 1830.

Presbyterian congregation, and was soon prevalent in every part of the

town. More or less in every meeting REVIVAL OF RELIGION.

were under such pungent convictions Willington, Aug. 12, 1830. for sin that they were unable to refrain

from tears and audille cries for mercy. Mr. Editor,

In concluding our lectures and conPermit me through the medium offerences, half an hour was spent in your Magazine to communicate to the supplications for the conversion of sin. friends of Christ some further intelli- ners, previous to which the anxious gence respecting the recent revival of were invited to come forward and be religion in this town. It may be proper seated by themselves.

For many previously to remark that the Baptist weeks in different parts of the town, as church in this place has existed only soon as this invitation was given, from about a year and a half. It was or. ten to thirty persons were seen prosganized in Dec. 1828, soon after Rev. trating themselves before the Lord, H. Loomis and a part of his church while Christians were importunately became Baptists. It is now a little pleading that he would have mercy on more than a year since I accepted the them. Frequently when meetings invitation of the Church and Society were closed, at the usual hour, scarceto the pastoral office. My installation ly an individual would leave the house, occurred a year ago to-day. Some few and when an honr or an hour and a hopeful appearances had been discov- half longer had been employed in ered a few days previous to this; but prayer for the wounded in spirit, it was they assumed an 'aspect so much more only by my urgent request that they encouraging afterwards, that on the were prevailed upon to retire. On Sabbath following I was strongly im. these occasions their cries, "O pray pressed with the belief that the set for us”-Do pray for us”—“O God time to favor Zion had come. I ap. be merciful to me a sinner,” were pointed an inquiry meeting for Tues. enough to move a heart of stone. day evening, at which there was one The scene was peculiarly affecting present wishing to join the church, and sometimes when the grey-headed and three who were distressed and alarmed the children of nine and ten years with a sense of their guilt and danger. were kneeling together for prayers. These in a few days obtained hope, and I recollect hearing a man say, when were rejoicing in God their Saviour. relating his experience to the church, Others were convicted, and our inquiry that when he knelt down to be prayed meetings soon became full and pecu- for beside some little children, he felt liarly solemn. About this time a num- as though the time had come when the ber of Christian friends, whose ininds lion and the lamb should lie down tohad been revived, entered into a mu- gether. tual engagement to spend a certain por. Our baptizing seasons have been fretion of time individually in their clos. quent, pleasant, and impressive; and ets every morning at the rising of the in every instance, I have witnessed a sun, in prayer to God for the outpour. becoming solemnity and decorum. ing of his Spirit.

Thirteen months in succession, I have The excitement increased in such a had the pleasure of leading willing manner as to leave no wantof evidence converts into the baptismal waters. that united and fervent prayer availed Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget much. Converts and inquirers were not all his benefits. The whole num. multiplied, and meetings were frequent ber added to the church since the reand crowded. The progress of the vival commenced is one hundred and work was gradual until the 20th of sixteen-one hundred and two by bapDecember, when it suddenly became tism, and fourteen by letter from other much more powerful and extensive. churches. The Spirit of God at this time in sev. The principal means which have eral neighborhoods seemed to come been blessed in the promotion of this down as on the day of Pentecost, like work have been, preaching and the a mighty rushing wind, bearing down prayers and exhortations of Christians, all opposition, sweeping away false ref- and especially those of young converts.


The ordinance of baptism has also been ORDINATIONS, &c. made instrumental in awakening eight

June 15. Mr. Ray G. Lewis was ordained in or ten persons. Several school teach

the Baptist church in Junius and Tyre, N. Y. ers were brought to the knowledge of Sermon by Rev. E. W. Martin. the truth. In every school in town July 1. Homer Smith was ordained at St. Ar. there were found some of the youth mand, Lower Canada. Serinon by Rev. Ezra

Fisher. who expressed a hope in the Saviour.

14. Mr. Bradley Miner was ordained at Fall In one district the instructer and fif- River, Mass. Sermon by Rev.

G. B. Perry. teen of his scholars were delivered from 29.' Rev. James Barnaby, late of Anesbary, the power of darkness in one week. was installed pastor of the Baptist church in DanThe revival has had a happy influence

vers, Mass. Sermon by Rev. Rufus Babcock, jr.

Aug. 19. Mr. Ambrose Day, jr. was ordamed on our Bible Class and Sabbath school. to the work of an evangelist, in Westfield, Mass. Fifty-three of the youth and children Sermon by Rev. H. Archibald.

June 23. A new Baptist Meeting-house was belonging to the Sabbath school have been baptized and added to the church. Opened in Geneva, N. Y. Sermon by Res. e. The unusual excitement has subsided, 30. A new Baptist Meeting-house was opened but the state of religious feeling in the at Jaffrey, N. H. church is still interesting, and the opened in the north part of Bradford, N. H. Ser

July 7. A new Baptist Meeting-house was converts remain steadfast in the liberty mon by Rev. Lelaud Howard, Windsor, Vt. of the gospel. Two young men from among the converts think it their im. OPENING OF THE WATERTOWN perious duty, if Providence open the way, to enter the ininistry The number added to the Presby

On Thursday, Aug, 19, a most interian church under the pastoral care teresting religious service was attend. of Rev. B. Wood, is forty-eight; five ed at Watertown in the vicinity of by letter, and 43 by profession. One pleasing circumstance among

Boston, three important objects being many others I cannot forbear to relate. happily combined—the dedication of a In visiting from house to house in the neat and commodious house of worship, commencement of the revival, I called the recognition of a Baptist Church, on a man who, with his wife, had in and the installation of Rev. Peter dulged a hope for several years, but had never made a public profession of Chase, as Pastor. religion. They had, for the most part Baptist ministers have occasionally of the time, lived in a cold and back- preached in Watertowa for many slidden state. After spending some time in urging them to come out from years, particularly Mr. Grafton the the world and establish family worship, aged pastor of the Newton church, I closed the interview with prayer. who has been now for forty years After my departure, he called his fain. stationed in the vicinity; and at some ily together, confessed his neglect of duty, and for the first time attempted periods a regular lecture was mainto pray in their presence. This was tained, to which large assemblies rethe means of awakening his oldest paired. Many individuals in Waterdaughter, nine years of age, who is town, who at different periods experinow with her parents a member of the church. Froin this circumstance [ enced religion, became members of the was led to see on the one hand, how Newton and Cambridge churches, much parents are in danger of stand- About two years ago, tbe Trusters ing in the way of their children's sal of the Baptist Missionary Society of vation ; and on the other, how much they can do, by the blessing of God, in Massachusetts established a lecture on bringing their offspring froin darkness Lord's day evenings, which being well to light. In view of this glorious display of Lord's day, which were supplied by

attended, led to regular services on the grace, we desire as a church humbly to adore the riches of divine goodness, the Newton Theological Institution, by and devote ourselves more fully to the ministers in Boston, and the neighbor. cause of Christ.

hood, and for the last few months, by Desiring an interest in your prayers, Rev. Peter Chase. Sabbath Schools I remain, yours in gospel bonds,

SAMUEL S. MALLERY. have also been successfully prosecut

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