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on this great work, when on his mis. mittee of this Society announces the sion to the American Indians, and mul. following subjects for discussion : titudes were the happy subjects of grace. May there not be an error at

Among the first of the subjects for present in the efforts for the Indians, writers of known talents and piety, are

original composition, to be treated by by devotiog a greater portion of funds and of labors for civilization, than for

the following: The Importance of their awakening and conversion ? Right Sentiments of Church Gov

a View of the State of Danger may also exist in cherishing too much zeal and expending too large the World at the time of our Saa portion of funds to erect places of

viour's Appearance; the Constituworship, instead of employing mis- tion of the Primitive Church; the sionaries to visit places which are

Spirit of Primitive Times; the Hisdestitute of a stated ministry. By the tory of Christianity to the age of English Magazines, we perceive that Constantine; the History of the Westconsiderable attention is now excited

ern and Eastern Churches; the Eccleto preaching in the open air, and thus siastical History of England ; Lives of finding access to persons who do not the most important Individuals


the successive Periods of Ecclesiasti repair to places of worship.

A writer in the Evangelical Maga. cal History; on the Deficiencies of the zine remarks on this subject :-"The Reformation; the History of Christiexample of Wesley, Rowland Hill

, anity in North America ; on EstablishMatthew Wilks, John Hyatt, should

ments of Religion. operate as a stimulus; also that great

Ainong the reprints to be earliest inand illustrious example of ministerial troduced, and adapted for general cir. zeal, the immortal Whitfield, who, on

culation throughout the congregations,

will be found selections from the wri. one occasion received notes from nearly 1000 persons, who were pricked to tings of such men as Owen, Henry, the heart, and led to cry out, “What Delauny, Pierce, Graham, and various must we do to be saved from the ef. of the Reformers. fect of his preaching in one day in

F. A. Cox, LL. D. Hackney, Moorfields."

or University of London, The expediency of preaching in the J. BENNET, D. D. City Road, Secs. open air will be determined by existing R. VAUGHAN, Kensington, circumstances; but that increased efforts T. PRICE, Spital Square, should be made to extend the preaching of the gospel, must be apparent to every Christian. Faithful ministers should more frequently visit neighborhoods and villages where the truth is not ex

Advice to a young Christian, on the hibited, and thus carry the rich bless importance of aiming at an elevated ings of the gospel to men's doors. Ef- standard of piety. By a Village Pastor. forts of this nature, have often resulted

With an Introductory Essay, by the in the awakening of sinners, and the Rev. A. Alexander, Ď. D. Princeton. establishment of Christian churches. Mr. Carne, the popular Author of Christ says to his minsters, “ Be thou Letters fruin the East, is about to profaithful unto death, and I will give duce a third volume of that work, emthee a crown of life.”

bracing Anecdotes and Descriptions from personal observation, of great interest, as regards Sacred History.

Elements of Natural History, or, An Introduction to Systematic Zoology. By

John Howard Hinton, A. M. London. The dissenting denominations in

Sympathy; or, the Mourner comEngland are making commendable efforts for diffusing information on reli- forted and advised. By the Rev. John

Bruce. London. gious subjects, with a view to give stability to the principles of dissent from The History of the South Sea MisEpiscopacy, and to scatter the dark sions. A Discourse by Wm. Orme, ness of Papal superstition. A society Foreign Secretary to the London Mishas been formed, comprising the dif- sionary Society. "London. ferent denominations, for the purpose The Correspondence and Diary of of circulating publications adapted to Philip Doddridge, D. D. illustrative of accomplish their object. The Com- various particulars of his life, hitherto





unknown. Edited from the original Society, Union-Street, Boston, on the MSS. by his great grandson, John Dod- Day of Public Thanksgiving, Nov. 26, dridge Humphreys, Esq. 2 vols. 8vo. 1829. By Cyrus P. Grosvenor, Pastor. London.

Published by request. Boston: True Annals of the Poor; containing Dai- & Greene. ryman's Daughter, Negro Servant, The Claims of Education Societies ; Young Cottager, &c. . By Rev. Legh especially on the young men of our Richmond. A new edition, enlarged and country. A Sermon, delivered in the illustrated; with an Introductory Sketch First Baptist Meeting House in Boston, of the Author. By Rev. John Ayre. Nov. 8, 1829, before the Boston Young Boston: Crocker and Brewster.

Men's Baptist Education Society. By A Dictionary of important Names, Rufus Babcock, jr. Boston: W. Col. Objects, and Terms, found in the Holy lier and Lincoln & Edmands. Scriptures. Intended principally for Infidelity, some of its modern feaYouth. By Howard Malcom, A. M.

A Discourse delivered in the Boston: Lincoln & Edmands.

Meeting-House of the First Baptist The proper mode of conducting Mis- Church and Society, Union-Street, sions to the Heathen. A Sermon de. Boston, on the evening of Lord's day, livered before the Society for propagat- Dec. 6, 1829. By Cyrus P. Grosvenor, ing the Gospel among the Indians and Pastor. Published by request. Bosothers in North America, Nov.5, 1829. ton: True & Greene. By Benj. B. Wisner. Boston: Putnam

In press, Memoir of the Life, Let& Hunt.

ters, and Pulpit Recollections of the National Blessings of Christianity. A late Alexander Waugh, D. D. By Discourse delivered in the Meeting- Henry Belfrage, D. D. and James Hay, House of the First Baptist Church and A. M. London.


ORDINATIONS AND MEETING-HOUSES OPENED, Sept. 1, Nathaniel Copeland was or- On Thursday, Dec. 3, the Baptist dained to the work of an evangelist at Meeting-House recently erected in Albion, Me. Sermon by Elder Bow- Hingham, about 16 miles froin Boston, ler, of Palermo.

was opened with appropriate religious

services. It is a neat edifice, containNov. 7, Mr. John O. Birdsall was ing about 60 pews, with a tower and ordained to the gospel ministry, at bell, and is beautifully located on risPlainfield, Con. Sermon by Rev. Wm. ing ground in a central situation. The Palmer, from Phil. i. 17.

weather was pleasant, and the interestNov. 16, Mr. D. A. Nichols was or- ing scene called together a very dained pastor of the Baptist Church, at crowded audience, who listened with Auburn, N. Y.

peculiar interest to a Sermon by Rev.

Dr. Sharp, presenting a lucid exhibiNov. 29, Thomas L. Garrette was

tion of the genuine nature and effects ordained to the work of the gospel min- of true religion, from Rom. xix. 17, istry at Chesnut Hill Meeting House, Virginia. Sermon by Elder Edmund drink, but righteousness, and peace,

“ The kingdom of God is not meat and Goode.

and joy in the Holy Ghost.” AnumDec. 3, Rev. Joseph A. Warne was ber of the Pastors of Churches in Bospublicly recognized as the Pastor of ton, and the vicinity, engaged in the the Baptist Church in South Reading. services on the occasion. The Rev. Sermon by Rev. John Peak, from Acts Hervey Ball is statedly preaching here, XX. 24.

with encouraging prospects. Dec. 10, Mr. Benjamin C. Wade was Dec. 3, the new Baptist Meeting. ordained pastor of the Baptist Church House in Rowley, Mass. was opened in Woburn. Sermon by Rev. Rufus with appropriate services. Sermon by Babcock, jr. of Salem.

Rev. Rufus Babcock, jr. of Salem.

DEATH OF DR. STAUGHTON, This eminent scholar and minister died at the city of Washington, Dec. 12, on his way to Georgetown, Kentucky, to take charge of the College recently established in that place.

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(Continued from p. 16.) The following extracts can scarcely fail of being interesting to all our readers.

But we would recommend them as deserving the special attention of Theological Students, and Ministers of the Gospel. They will see what may be performed, besides the ordinary duties of a Pastor, when a person is truly devoted to the cause of Christ, and the spirit and manner which is most likely to be honored with the divine blessing.

WE now resume the history of Mr. Cockin, and commence at the time when his narrative terminates. The transition from the disgusting conversation, and the insulting behaviour of profane men in a work-shop; and from the scenes and bustle of military life, to the society and the avocations of an Academy, must have been highly gratifying to his feelings. Formerly he had worked with despatch that he might seize opportunities, early in the morning or late in the evening, for the pursuits of study, and the exercises of devotion ; but now what had been his pleasure became his business; and what had occupied his leisure, demanded his principal time and attention.

The number of students in the Academy at Heckmondwike, varied from eight to eleven. They were under the care of the Rev. James Scott; a man of whom we know just enough to make us wish to know more. His deportment to all who were in his house was mild, affable, and condescending; and, in the business of education, he possessed, in a high degree, that patience which suffereth long, and is kind. His manner was well adapted to encourage a timid character, and to help forward a dull scholar. Besides the lessons which he taught professedly, he imparted wisdom very freely in general conversation, and in familiar intercourse. The dinner service always continued a full hour, and the principal part of the time was spent in friendly, and sometimes animated discussions on interesting subjects.

One event which happened during the first vacation, shows the man, and deserves a place in his history. He wanted employment FEB. 1830.


on the Sabbath-day, and he determined to preach at Almondbury, in the central part of the village, where three ways meet, and where disorderly people usually herded together. This was a daring attempt, and had been perilous enough to those who had only attempted to preach in a house. One had been ordered down by the Constable and Churchwarden, who were sent on this ungodly errand by the Clergyman; another had his coat torn in two pieces and one half was taken from him; and a third was dragged down from his pulpit eminence by his hair. Soldiers say that in all dangerous cases the boldest plan is the safest ; and perhaps the maxim is as true in ministerial as in military warfare. r. Cockin's early essay in preaching was bold enough, and he got safely through it. A great multitude assembled ; and, with the exception of some noisy work at the beginning, they behaved more quietly than could have been expected. The courage and spirit which could prompt any man to preach at all in such circumstances, would certainly prompt him to preach with peculiar energy and vehemence, especially when his feelings were enlivened, and his powers were invigorated, by the presence of nearly the whole population of the place. At the conclusion of the service, the crowd followed him on his way towards Huddersfield. This he did not like, but he minded to keep in the front rank; and when he got to the brow of Almondbury bank, he turned about, took off his hat, and said, “Good night, and God bless you,” and escaped from them by running down the hill with all his might.

Such work he sought, and engaged in eagerly when his academical studies were suspended, and he was left to himself; and such a beginning indicated what inanner of man he was, what motives predominated in his mind, and what might be expected from him. Peradventure this narrative may fall into the hands of some readers who may think it a low scene, a vulgar business, and that a young professional man, who had his fortune to make, and to get on in life, should not have let himself down in such a way.

Such language is strange indeed from Dissenters, who ought to know what sort of men their ancestors were, and by what means their congregations were collected, and their chapels were built. The Dissenting interest has not been raised, and is not very likely to be kept up, by those effeminate young gentlemen who will not go beyond the precincts of genteel life, and who shrink from hardship in the service of Jesus Christ.

On another occasion Mr. Cockin was sent to Howden, a town in the East-Riding of Yorkshire, where the enmity of the carnal mind assumed the most hideous aspect, and produced the most baneful effects which it can do in a free country. He was hooted as he passed on the way ; he was threatened to be pulled down if he stood up to preach; and he heard imprecations of hatred, and denunciations of vengeance. All this vapouring had no other effect than to energize his mind, to harden his courage, and to stimulate his exertions. He told the multitude that he was violating no law of God or man in what he did ; that he was come to preach, and would not be hindered ; and that if

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they drove him from where he was, he would go and take his station at the market-cross. When they saw that violence did not intimidate him, they jeered at him ; told him he must be dry with speaking so much; and held him liquor to drink, which he fully expected would be thrown in his face. Hostility, in all its forms, he encountered with unshrinking firmness, and stayed in the town until he saw the place of worship little disturbed, and well attended. When he had labored, other men entered into his labors; his fellow-students followed him, and one of them, became the resident minister of the new Independent congregation. He paid similar visits to other places, and with the like success; but many of his labors, and some of those perhaps most deserving of commemoration, cannot now be rescued from oblivion.

The fears and agitations of a young preacher, brought up in humble life, destitute of early advantages, and unaccustomed to genteel company, must at times be many and most painful, when he is sent to public places, and is introduced to the higher ranks of society. “Perhaps even guilt itself does not impose upon some minds so keen a sense of shame and remorse, as a modest, sensitive and inexperienced youth feels from the consciousness of having neglected etiquette, or excited ridicule." In such situations, Mr. Cockin probably suffered much more than he did, when he had to set his face like a flint against the vulgarians of Almondbury and Howden ; but there were instances in which he gave people credit for more than they possessed, and suffered needlessly in consequence. He was once sent to one of the great towns in the North of England, and was entertained at the house of an aged gentleman, whose sage, venerable appearance, and grave deportment, produced a great effect upon his mind. In the Sabbath-morning sermon, he was full of solicitude about the correctness of his pronunciation, the accuracy of his language, the conclusiveness of his arguments, &c. and when he had done, he reflected much how far he was open to criticism. At noon his host would read for the instruction of his family, and, in reading, he came to the name of Xenophon, the Grecian commander. He made several awkward efforts at the word, and at last pronounced it Eksnophon. In relating the story, Mr. Cockin said, “ Never surely did so little a matter produce a greater effect. From that moment my shackles fell off, my fears vanished, my spirits rose, and I preached that afternoon with unrestrained freedom."

In 1777, Mr. Cockin was settled at Kipping. The scattered friends of the place were soon collected, and the spirit of discord was hushed to silence. The praises of his hearers interested their neighbors, and an influx of new-comers filled the pews. ever ready to work, and he followed up the labors of the pulpit with continual excursions to the remote parts of the congregation ; preaching in houses, in barns, in school rooins, or in the open air; and often preaching in his best manner at those seasons. quired no urgency of invitation, for a man is easily persuaded to do what he likes ; he wanted no convenience of travelling, for he walked ; and he cost little in accommodation, for he was content

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