Imágenes de páginas

of judging, appear to be well informed REVIVALS OF RELIGION. and ready to co-operate in all the benevolent institutions of the day, as far It is with peculiar gratification that as their pecuniary circumstances will we record in our pages the instances enable them. I found that the Star, the of revivals of religion which occur in Watchman, the Baptist Preacher, and different parts of our country; and we Baptist tracts, were generally circula- solicit from the pastors of churches, ted; they are principally emigrants and other friends of the Redeemer's from Connecticut."

kingdom, early statements of these gracious visitations of the Holy Spirit.

We are happy to notice in many of BAPTIST GENERAL TRACT SOCIETY. the public journals, that a number of It gives us pleasure to state, that an

churches are at this time enjoying seaincreasing interest is apparent in our

sons of refreshing from the presence of

the Lord. churches in promoting the objects of this useful society.

Auxiliaries are

A respectable minister who has reincreasing in this vicinity, and the chusetts, and the vicinity, informs us

cently visited West Boylston, Massa. quantity of tracts demanded at the that a most pleasing and interesting atBoston Depository is constantly aug- tention to religion now exists there, menting. We cordially recommend to and many are inquiring the way to

Zion. Several schools have participatall the churches, to form auxiliaries, ed in the blessing, in some of which as a very small sum from individuals, nearly all the children are awakened will procure a quantity sufficient for to a solicitude for their spiritual intereach society. The members of every

ests. Thirteen were baptized Jan. 7. church should constitute their Pastor A friend from Portsmouth, New a life member, by contributing 10 dol- Hampshire, informs us that the Lord lars. All societies will receive tracts at

is graciously visiting that place with

tokens of his presence, and that in sevthe rate of 1200 pages for a dollar, who eral congregations, the most pleasing make donations of one half of their indications exist of an awakened atfunds to the General Society; and this tention to the concerns of the soul. plan is recommended to be universally Rev. S. S. Mallary, Willington, adopted, as the society greatly need Connecticut, writes to the Rev. Ĝ. F. funds to increase the number of tracts. Davis: “I am happy to inform you From the Columbian Star, we learn that the revival with which we are fa

vored, is still progressing. Last Sabthat the General Society held its An- bath evening, at our lecture in the nual Meeting, on the 6th of Jan. The north-east part of the town, where no receipts for the last year exceeded instance of awakening had been dis

covered; the work commenced in a 5,500 dollars—the number of life mem

powerful manner. Five or six were bers and directors has increased to so alarmed in their consciences on ac240—the issues of tracts have amount. count of sin, as to weep and cry aloud ed to 446,750, making nearly five mil. for mercy. Last night I preached in lion of pages.

the same neighborhood. At the close

much larger number came forward, The whole number of tracts pub- and knelt down to be prayed for. Belished since the formation of the So- tween thirty and forty have been hope. ciety, is one million three hundred and fully renewed; twenty-four have been

baptized and added to the church.” ninety-four thousand. Twenty-six new tracts have been added to the series, In Marblehead, Massachusetts, the many of them possessing a superior Lord is graciously pouring out his degree of merit.*

Spirit, and gathering in his people.

Heads of families at advanced ages, * Lincoln & Edmands, 59 Washington Street, and the young at sixteen, are followBoston, have constantly on hand an assortment ing the Saviour in the ordinance of of tracts, for the supply of Auxiliaries and Indi- baptisın. About fifty are stated to viduals.

have been the subjects of this work.

[ocr errors]

A gentleman in Glasgow, Kentucky, Extract of a Letter from a Baptist states, “ There has been a great revi. Minister in New Hampshire to the val in this part of the country. Be- i Editor, Dec. 8, 1829. tween fifteen hundred and two thous. and have joined the Baptist churches

“We have experienced no general in the bounds of the Association in revival in this place the past summer which I live, within the last twelve and fall, but have received some mercy months.”

Rel. Her. drops. Since my ordination, in July

last, it has been my privilege to bapIn the revival now enjoyed in Wind- tize ten, who have been added to the sor, Vermont, thirty-two have been church-most of them heads of famibaptized, among which are ten teach- lies ; part of them have hopefully ex. ers in the Sabbath school, and five perienced renewing grace within a scholars, which is calculated to en· few months past; others dated their courage those who are engaged in experience years back. There are a these benevolent institutions.

few others who have recently indulg.

ed a hope, that have not made a pubIn Plattsburgh, New York, a revi- lic profession. One of our Sabbath val is enjoyed, and twenty-six have school scholars in her fourteenth year, been baptized. On Thanksgiving day, gives pleasing evidence of a change of the first Thursday in December, the heart. The principal means appears members of the Society voted to erect to have been the Sabbath school libraa Meeting House, unanimously select- ry. There are some who we trust are ed a site, and secured sufficient money still inquiring the way to Zion—some to defray the expenses.

Ver. Tel. who have been trying to believe in

Universalism. Our meetings on the It is stated that seven hundred mem

Sabbath and other times are well atbers were added to the Georgia Asso- tended. The missionary spirit appears ciation by baptism the last year.

to be increasing with us. Our inonthIn Abbott, Maine, there was till re

ly concert last evening was quite incently no church established, and on

teresting. The Memoir of the lamently two or three male professors. As ed Mrs. Judson has been read by numit was difficult to obtain preaching, instance in particular, has been very

bers and produced a happy effect. One prayer-meetings were held weekly, and society meetings on the Sabbath. pleasing to me, and I think would be The Lord' blessed these efforts, and gratifying to others. There is a progranted a revival of religion. A church fessional gentleman in this town, (who

is not a professor of religion,) who, was established, consisting of ten memhers, to which sixteen have been add- from various causes, had imbibed preed since October last; and four more

judices against missions. But after have been baptized, and stand ready that his views were changed. And as

reading this Memoir, he informed me to be received. This token of divine approbation should encourage church

a practical evidence of this he came es who do not enjoy pastorai labors, not forward and joined our Missionary So. to neglect the assembling of themselves ciety, Auxiliary to the State Conven

tion; and subscribed five dollars annutogether.

ally, besides contributing several times In the Nova Scotia Baptist Associa: privately within a short period. Dear tion, three hundred and fifty-eight brother, pray for me and my people, were added the last year by baptism; that what we have experienced may and in the New Brunswick one hun. be but as a few drops before a plentiful dred and three.

shower." From an article in the Christian Sec- Extract of a Letter to a young gen. retary, we learn that a season of re- tleman at the Newton Theological freshing is granted at Bristol, R. I. and Institution. about 20 are supposed to have experi

Prairies, near Montgomery, enced religion. As the Baptist church in this place long felt the pressure of

Alabama, Dec. 21, 1829. adverse circumstances, other churches “In the neighborhood of the Fork will cordially unite in prayer, that church God has been doing wonders. this gracious season may be protracted, Aged professors, who for å long time and the church enlarged and establish- had been walking in forbidden paths, ed.

have been led to see their error. "Sin

ners have been brought to the feet of church was organized. Since that mercy; and the church of God has time six have been added by bapincreased.

tism; and others have been brought In Montgomery there is a sign of to the saving knowledge of the truth. better times. Through the instrumen- Backsliders have been reclaimed, and tality of Mr. C. a church has been those sheep who were made partakers constituted, a Bible Society formed, of Christ under the ministry of the late and it is hoped there will also be a Rev. W. Batchelder, and who had long Missionary Society shortly formed ago 'hanged their harps upon the wilthere. Brother Bradshaw has been lows,' and almost despaired of ever preaching there the past year.” having their captivity turned,' have Extract of a Letter to the Corres- been, and still are, greatly revived in

their religious feelings. They have ponding Secretary.

taken down their harps, and tuned Cape Neddoc, (York,) Me. them to the praises of Immanuel. The

Jan. 7, 1830. language of their hearts is, 'God hath “ It will doubtless be cheering to done great things for us, whereof we you to hear that the Lord is working are glad.' A number at this time apsalvation in the hearts of sinners in pear to be troubled on account of their this place. I commenced preaching sins, and anxious to obtain pardoning here last May, having engaged to sup- mercy. I trust some accessions will ply them one year.

In August a

be made to the church shortly.

Account of Moneys received by the Treasurer of Newton Theological Insti

tution. From Hezekiah Chase, Lynn,

100,00 Isaac Styles, Malden,

7,00 George Lovell, Barnstable,

5,00 John Haraden, Malden,

3,00 Samuel Beal, Boston,

50,00 First Baptist Church and Society, Haverhill, by Rev. Geo. Keely, for the purchase of books,

46,63 Young Men's Education Society, Boston, Aux. to the Mass. Bap. Ed. Soc. to found a Scholarship, LEVI FARWELL, Treas.


Account of Moneys received by the Treasurer of the General Convention of

the Baptist Denomination in the United States for Foreign Missions, to

Jan. 20, 1830.
From Rev. Daniel Bartlett, of Warren, Me. a donation,

10,52 The Mount Desert Female Missionary Society,

3,45 Mrs. A. Page, Amherst, N. S. for Burman Mission,

1,00 Dea. Abner Freeman, Orleans, for Foreign Missions,

1,00 Per Mr. E. Lincoln,

5,45 A. C. Smith, Charleston, S. C. Treas. of the General Committee

of Bap. churches in that State for Missionary purposes, it having
been received at the Association, as sent up by churches con-
nected with the Charleston Bap. Association, viz.
For inissionary purposes,

For printing the Bible in Burman language, 21,00

- 344,56 New Gloucester Female Miss. Soc. for Foreign Missions, by Rev. A. Wilson, per Mr. E. Lincoln,

6,93 H. B. Rounds, Treas. of Utica For. Missionary Society : For Burman Bible,

7,25 Mrs. Wade's school,

2,11 Per Mr. E. Lincoln,

9,36 A Friend, for Burman Mission, do.

1,00 John Conant, Esq. Brandon, Vt. being a part of the bequest of Benj. Stevens, for Bur. Miss. per Mr. E. Lincoln,

58,00 The Misses Kimball, for printing the Bible and Tracts in Burman language, by Rev. Mr. Freeman, per Mr. E. Lincoln,


From Mrs. Elizabeth Raymond, Ashby, for Bur. Miss. per Mr. E. Lincoln, 2,00 A Friend, being half the amount of savings for the last year, for benev. olent purposes, by Rev. Mr. Knowles, per Mr. E. Lincoln;

10,00 Female Miss. Soc. in Jay, N. Y. per Mr. E. Lincoln,

10,00 Mr. Jabez Briggs, Colrain, for printing the Bible in Burmah, or for aid

ing the school for the instruction of females, per Mr. E. Lincoln, 1,00 Edward Siter, Esq. Radnor township, Delaware Co. Penn. for printing the Bible in Burmah,

5,00 Daniel Abraham, Esq. as above, for Burman Bible,

10,00 John Justin, Philadelphia, for Burman Bible,

2,00 Wm. H. Richards, do. for do.


22,00 King and Queen County, Virginia, for Burman Bible, viz. From Thomas Garnet,

1,00 Dr. John Duval,

1,00 P. B. Pendleton,

1,00 R. S. Pendleton,

,25 Richard Bagly,

5,00 John C. Richards,

1,00 Henry Harrod,

,50 James Smith,

,50 Hugh Campbell,

1,00 Friends,

1,50 Josiah Ryland,

1,00 William Fleet,

,50 Alexander Fleet, Esq.

5,00 Lee Bowlware,

1,00 John Kidd,

,50 Mrs. Elizabeth Motley,


21,75 Mrs. Hannah Davis, Chester Co. Penn. per Rev. W. T. Brantly, 10,00 A friend in Aurora, Ohio, by Rev. John Seward, per Rev. S. H. Con 5,00 Geo. Bodie, Nash County, N. Carolina, tor Luminary, per Rev. L. Rice, 3,00 Nath'l Harris, Rome, Indiana, for Luminary,

5,00 John Green, for do.

2,00 Solomon Lamb, for do.

3,00 By Solomon Lamb, per Rev. L. Rice,

10,00 Rev. Charles D. Mallary, Columbia, S. C. in full for $10, his first

annual subscription for 5 years, to publish the Bible in Burmah, 1,50 Rev. Jesse Hartwell, Sumpterville, S. C. first annual subscription for five years, for Burman Bible,

10,00 Phineas Phillips, Great Valley, Peon.

10,00 Miss Catherine O'Neill, Philadelphia, Rev. Noah Davis, Philadelphia, first annual subscription, for five years, for publishing the Bible in Burmah,

10,00 Great Valley, Penn. For. Miss. Soc. Joshua Jones, Sec. Edward Siter, Esq. Treas.

40,00 Per Rev. Noah Davis, Philadelphia,

-71,75 York Baptist Missionary Soc. Auxiliary, &c. A. Smith, Jr. Esq.

Treas. it having been contributed as follows, viz. Cornish Female Primary Society,

3,00 York, Cape Neddock, by Rev. 0. Barron,

16,50 Wells, by Rev. 0. Barron,

7,68 Kennebunk and Kennebunk Port, by Rev. David James, 20,53 John Twambly, Berwick,

1,00 Alfred and Waterborough,


58,00 A Lady in Morrisville, N. Y. for Bur. Miss. per Mr. Sears,

1,00 A friend, per Mr. E. Lincoln,

2,00 Male and Female Missionary Society, Andover, Vt. per Mr. Joel Manning,

13,59 H. LINCOLN, Treas.

, 25

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The following Charge was lately delivered at the Ordination of a young Min

ister at W. It is submitted for insertion in the Magazine, in the hope that it may benefit others who have just entered into the ministry. EUMENES.


There are times when the ear is open to instruction, and when the heart is prepared to receive the best impressions. To a Minister his Ordination is one of these times. When he considers the greatness of the work on the one hand, and his own unfitness on the other, he feelingly exclaims, “Who is sufficient for these things?” He is sensible that much will be expected of him, and how to perform it he knows not. He therefore prays for divine teaching, and looks wistfully to his seniors in the ministry for the benefit of their counsels and experience. He not only receives with gladness, the significant pledge of their confidence and affection in the hand of Fellowship, but knowing his own weakness, he is desirous of being reminded of the duties of an office with which he has been solemnly and publicly invested.

Such, I am persuaded, my brother, are your thoughts and feelings, on this occasion. No hour in your previous life can have been so interesting as this, except that in which you committed yourself to Christ. You have entered on a new and important connexion. In the presence of God, and of his people, you have taken upon you the duties and cares of a pastor. You have, no doubt, been anxiously asking yourself--How shall I fulfil these duties, and be sustained under these cares ? Permit me, my brother, to give you a few directions.

A great portion of a minister's life should be employed in acquiring and imparting suitable religious instruction. In relation to each of these duties I would stir up your mind by way of re. membrance. March, 1830.


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