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the interesting subject of the narrative. Both the Dairyman's Daughter and the Young Cottager, are too highly appreciated, to require commendation. We cordially welcome the publication of this neat and interesting volume. It will furnish a pleasing present to the young, and is weil adapted for Sabbath School Libraries, which commonly abound too much in the works of fiction.


PROPHETIC era! blissful day!
We catch thy warm inspiring ray,

Which gleams o'er India's plains ;
We hail the dawn of morning light
That breaks upon the gloomy night,

Where superstition reigns.

We hasten thy advance to meet ;
With vivid joy the sign we greet,

That brightens in the sky,-
The peaceful sign of heavenly love,
Which, like the holy mystic dove,

Declares Messiah nigh.

Behold! he comes in triumph now :
Before him see the mountains bow,

And all the valleys rise:
He comes, with majesty and grace,
To sanctify the human race,

And raise them to the skies.

We'll aid thy triumphs, mighty King !
The glories of thy cross we'll sing,

And shout salvation round;
Till every nation, every land,
From Greenland's shore to Afric's strand

Shall echo back the sound.

Let earth commence the lofty praise ;
Let heaven prolong th' enraptured lays;

Swell every tuneful lyre :
Bright seraphs! chant th’immortal song,
And pour the bounding notes along,

From heaven's eternal choir.

FOR MARCH, 1830.

SUBSCRIPTIONs and donations to the General Convention of the Baptist Denomination in the United States, for Foreign Missions, &c. should be transmitted to Heman Lincoln, Esq. Treasurer, at the Baptist Missionary Rooms, No. 52, Washington-Street, Boston.

MR. BOARDMAN'S JOURNAL. schools, to the care of an ever kind Jan. 1, 1829.

and gracious Providence, I set out this We concluded to postpone our removal, and to unite morning, on my long expected visit to with our distant friends in prayer for the Karens. Besides myself, the comthe divine blessing on ourselves and on

pany consisted of Ko-thah-byoo, and the church of God.

another Karen, who professes to be

lieve in Christ, two of the largest boys 2. Removed to our new house. 24. Ma Ay, the wife of Ko-thah- served as cook. We left home at nine

in the school, and a Malabar man who byoo, the Karen Christian, has lately o'clock,

A. M. and directed our course manifested a deep interest in religion, eastward, towards Tshiekkoo, the viland has lately signified a desire to be

lage of Moung So. For the first baptized. Her conversation affords us

two hours and a half, we passed along encouragement to hope she is truly

a winding foot path, over hills, and converted.

rice fields, with here and there a little Karen Converts.

hamlet or a single hut, and almost as 31. Three days since, two Karens often a pagoda on the summit of a hill arrived, who had travelled three days' or cliff. In this region, almost every journey in expectation of tinding me conspicuous point of land, promontory, at the Karen settlements; but not cliff and peak, is tipped with a pagoda. tinding me there, they came three At noon we entered into the thick days' journey farther to see me at my jungle of bamboos, and pursued our own house. They appear very de. way, a little relieved by the shade sirous of receiving Christian instruc- from the scorching rays of the tropical tion; and Ko-thah-byoo is unwearicd sun. Soon after, we met a company in his efforts to impart it. One of them of men sent by the governor of the came from the Province of Mergui, city, to await the arrival of a large and he states that the Karens in Ta. party of Taleings and Karens, with voy, Mergui, and Tinasserim, have all elephants, from Bankock, the capital heard of us, and are desirous of listen- of Siam ;-for narrow, unfrequented, ing to our instructions.

and untrodden as our pathway was, it Feb. 1. Several Karens from the was the bighroad between Siam and eastern settlements arrived, who state Tavoy. At two o'clock, we were that the people are all anxiously wait. overtaken with a heavy shower, for ing our arrival. Several of thein have which we were not at all prepared, long since expressed, and still continue this being the driest and hottest season to express a desire to be baptized; but of the year. A considerable part of I feel at present inclined to defer their our baggage was wet, but providentialbaptism for a season, that they may ly my papers and books (consisting of a become better instructed in the nature Bible, Brainerd's Memoirs, and a few of the baptismal ordinance, and in portions of the Scriptures in Burman) the general principles of the gospel; were preserved. and also, that we inay have better

At five o'clock, we encamped for means of judging of the reality of their the night, having travelled about 18 conversion.

miles. As there was no house in the Mr. Boardman's visit to the Karens. the open air, which cost us another

region, we were obliged to lodge in 5. Having committed my beloved drenching much more complete than family, the little church, and the that we received in the afternoon. While we were eating our dinner, a perspiration, which our fatiguing asheavy black cloud arose in the east, cent and the intense heat of the season accompanied with lightning; and the forced through every pore, we were increasing loud peals of thunder ad- as wet as if exposed to yesterday's monished us to provide ourselves a storm. And besides, we were spent shelter. But before we could collect with hunger and fatigue. At four suitable materials, the rain began to o'clock, we left the niountains, and pour down in torrents, and we exposed having passed by several remains of our persons to the peltings of the old stockades, erected by the Burmans, shower rather than have our few books to prevent the incursions of the and remaining dry clothes injured. Siamese, we were so happy at six Having covered these things with o'clock, as to descry at a little distance leaves, we took patiently what fell a miserable hut, the first abode of man upon us. Some lay down on wet we had seen since yesterday noon. cold ground, without a covering, and It was occupied by two or three famisleep soon made them insensible of the lies of Karens, but soon as we reached peltings of the storm. Some of us it, the hospitable people gave up their kindled a fire and sat around it, wait. own rooms to us; spread a mat for my ing for the rain to cease. This afforded bed and a bamboo for my pillow, and us some opportunity for spiritual con- I threw myself down and forgot that versation, after which one of the com- my bed was hard. Seldom, if ever in pany engaged in prayer. I had been my life, have I been so much fatigued. affected during the day with thoughts Our hosts soon set before us a good of my unworthiness to be employed in plate of rice, on which we fed with carrying the tidings of salvation even thankful greediness. After worship, to the wild men of the wilderness, and in which our hosts united with us, we had appropriated to myself the lan- lay down and slept in quiet till the guage of Moses, “ If thy presence go dawn of day. not with us, carry us not up hence.” With these sentiments, after imploring

Arrival at Moung So's. a divine blessing on my dear family, 7. At eleven o'clock, we reached and the church, and our present un. the village of Moung Pyee, the chief dertaking, I prepared for rest. man of the largest district of Karens, midnight, the rain ceased, the stars in the Province of Tavoy. But as he shone forth, and I lay down and rested had been ill for several weeks, and had in quiet until the morning.

removed to another place, no prepara6. Rose early, and felt truly grate- tion had been made to receive us, ful that we had been so much refresh- and we passed on, thinking that on our ed, and had been preserved from ill. return, we might find some of the ness, and from the tigers and wild people in readiness to assemble and elephants which infest this forest. Af hear the gospel. At noon, we met a ter breakfast and worship, we proceed younger brother of Moung So and seve ed on our journey. We soon began eral others, who, hearing of our apto meet detached parts of the compa- proach, had come out to welcome us, ny from Siam, and as they had never and assist in conveying our baggage. seen a white man before, some of them At this, I “thanked God, and took were a little started at meeting me un- courage,” judging that the people felt expected. In one case an alarm was interested in our visit. Alter refreshstruck, to warn the people around to ing ourselves and receiving much hosbe on their guard. At noon we began pitality at a village called Kywai-thah. to pass the high range of mountains khoung, we proceeded, and through which separates the Karen settlements the kindness and preserving care of from the Daway villages. The ascent our heavenly Father, at three o'clock was extremely difficult and fatiguing, we arrived in safety at Tshickkar, the as our path was mostly over cliffs and village of Moung So. precipices, often also across a large This is the utmost eastern limit of our stream, which ran through the defilc journey, and indeed of the settlements in the mountains and formed the way this side of Siam. Here we found a marks of our path. The banks on each very convenient zayat, erected for our side rose mountains bigh, and shut accommodation, and large enough for out from our view the whole surround the whole village, consisting of 60 or ing world. What with frequently 70 persons to meet in, and hear the fording the stream, and what with word of God. The people soon began


to collect together, and to show us all with meekness, the engrafted word, the kindness in their power, bringing which is able to save your souls," us presents of fowls, ducks, eggs, yams, were very comforting to me. In the fish, plantains, various sorts of rice, evening preached again to the usual and everything which the village congregation, on love to God and our could furnish. The countenances of neighbor. The people listened very some of them beamed with joy at see- attentively, and seemed unwilling to ing us, and they said, “Ah, you have leave the place. Fatigued now with come at last, we have been longing the labors of the day, I prepared for to see you.” Moung So, ill as he was, rest; 'but just as I was lying down, with a few, soon came and continued five persons declared their faith in day and night with us in the zayat. Christ, and their desire to be baptized. In the evening, about 30 persons as- Three of them were Moung So, Moung sembled, and I addressed them from Kyah, and Moung Kyalı's father-inJohn iii. 16, “God so loved the world,” law. They had, several months pre&c. The people listened attentively, vious, requested baptism, and although and many of them spent the whole I had gained some evidence of their night in the zayat with me. Moung piety, I had thought best to defer their So, Moung Kyah, and Moung Kyah's baptism till I should visit them. Their father-in-law, in particular, seemed appearance and conduct since I came perfectly delighted, and gave the pro- among them, has strengthened my hopes foundest attention to the words both of respecting them. Of the other two, myself, and of Ko-thah-byoo, who in: one was A-pyah-thee, the old sorcerer, terpreted in Karen, as much of my who had been the depository and exdiscourse as he could recollect. By pounder of the Psalm Book, mentioned this means, the women and others who in former journals. The fifth, was did not fully understand Burman, were a disciple of the old man. His name enabled to learn in their own language is Shan-oung. Of these two latter, I the wonderful works of God.

have many fears that they are not ac.

tuated by good motives in desiring Public Meetings.

to be baptized. But I thought best to 8, Lord's-day. Early in the morn- suspend judgment respecting them all ing, people of both sexes and all ages, till the morning. about 50 in number, came with pres. 9. The people assembled early, and

After breakfast, I addressed I endeavored to decide on the proper them from Acts xvi. 31, “ Believe on way of acting in relation to the applithe Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt cants for baptisın. Asier much re. be saved,” &c. All were attentive. flection and prayer, I thought best to After I had done, Ko-thah-byoo in- defer the baptism. At nine o'clock, terpreted the discourse in Karen. addressed the people from Paul's disWhile he was doing this, I took up course on Mars' Hill. I hope the conBrainerd's Memoirs, and felt condemn- sciences of not a few, gave testimony ed and humbled, from the conscious. in favor of divine truth.

The atten ness that I had so little fervor of de tion was close and solemn.

Before votion, so little spiritual mindedness, services were ended, messengers arso little, in fine, of all those qualitica: rived to inform us that a zayat was tions required in a missionary to the ready, and the people waiting to reheathen. Still, I felt that I had a little ceive us at the small village, where we compassion for the poor Karens, and refreshed ourselves on the day of our some ardent desire for their conver- arrival here. as we had finished sion. Lord, increase my faith, my our business at Tshickkoo, I pro nised love, my zeal, for thy glory and for the the messengers that I would come to salvation of sinners.

their village early to morrow morning, At noon, preached froin Matt. xi. 28, and spend the day with them. With “Come unto me, all ye that labor,” &c. this arrangement, they seemed much About 50 persons were present, and pleased. May the Lord be with us the attention was better than in the there, as we trust he has been here. morning. The people seemed to un- Before preaching this morning, I had derstand and to have a relish for the a comfortable season in prayer for myword spoken. During the afternoon, sell, my dear family, the church, and the people dispersed, and I had some schools, and for the cause of Christ in pleasure in retirement and prayer. general. In the evening, discoursed The words of the Apostle, “receive to the people from the Decalogue, to. MARCH, 1830,




gether with the spiritual comment on prayer, also, I had much enlargement it given by our Lord. Much interest and pleasure. The world and all its was manifested by all, and at the close, allurements lost their charms, and I many inquired to know how they desired to live entirely to God and his could remember (recollect) the Sab- precious cause. bath-day. The interest they mani- Feb. 12. Rose early, and enjoyed fested, greatly encoura me to hope some comfort in prayer in the woods, that they are truly desirous of being also, in reading the Scriptures and conformed in their lives and conduct Brainerd's Memoirs. After a most fa. to the requisitions of God's word. Af- tiguing journey of 22 miles, over rocks ter much conversation, we composed and mountains; in ascending one of ourselves to sleep, nearly half the con- which, one of our company threw himgregation remaining in the zayat all self on the ground as if to die; we at night that they might take leave of me last reached the place of our destinain the morning.

tion, and found the zayat prepared for 10. Rose early, and addressed the our accommodation. Thah-shee was people from the 19th Psalm, after ill of a fever, but the people soon bewhich I gave them a copy of the gan to assemble, and one man who had Psalms as far as they are translated heard the gospel repeatedly from Kointo Burman. This fulfils my engage thah-byoo, presented a request for ment with the old sorcerer, on his giv. Christian baptism. Shortly after, aning up his Prayer Book with the other man made a similar request. Psalms.

I advised them to wait as I had ad

vised those at Tshickkoo. After deReturn to Kywai-thah-khoung. livering a short address to the people

and praying, we retired to rest. But On my leaving, Moung Kyah and our rest was short. Before we had all his father-in-law, accompanied me to fallen asleep, the rain began to pour the next village, to hear more of the down in torrents, and as the zayat was word of life, and to assist in carrying covered only with bamboo mats, with our baggage. Moung So would doubt- nothing to screen us from the wind and less have accompanied us, but his fever rain at the sides, we and our baggage would not allow. He was so anxious were all soon drenched in rain. It to hear all that was said, that he was in vain that we spread additional scarcely left the zayat, from the eve. mats over us. All our wearing apparel ning of my arrival at his village, till was wet, and the rain beat through I took my leave. We left Tshickkoo the mats in an incessant shower. At at 7, and at 9 o'clock arrived at Kywai- midnight, it was proposed that we thah-khoung, the village to which I should remove from the zayat to a was yesterday invited. The people small house not far distant, which the soon began to collect together, small hospitable inhabitants had vacated for and great, with presents, all seeming our use. Having removed and desirous to please and make us com- kindled a large fire, we dried a few fortable. After breakfast, Ko-thah. clothes to sleep in, and laid down again byoo discoursed to them in Karen, an and slept undisturbed till the morning. hour or two, on the being nd perfec. This is the second night we have been tions of God. They seemed_not quite without a shelter since we left home. so attentive and serious as at Tshickkoo, Each of these nights it has rained, but but the two candidates for baptism, we have great reason to be thankful who had accompanied us, set them an that we have not taken the slightest example of listening with the most pro- cold. found attention. In the afternoon, and 14. After addressing a few people, again in the evening, I discoursed to who assembled early in the morning, them on the duty and subject of prayer. I took my leave and proceeded homeThe congregation consisted of about ward. The hope of being soon in the 40, only a small number of whom un- bosoin of my dear family, gave strength derstood Burman. The attention, to my limbs and agility to my feet. however, was serious, especially in the The golden pagodas of the city soon evening.

rose in view, and at four o'clock, after During the intervals of worship, I having travelled more than a hundred had much pleasure in reading and miles in the wilderness, and preached meditating on Col. 3d chapter-the seventeen times, I had the pleasure of future glorification of the saints. In reaching home, and finding all health

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