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True—Nature and Perpetuity of the Seventh-day Sabbath-And Proof that the first day of the week is the true Christian SabbathBunyan's last Sermon—The 'Trinity and a Christian—The Law and a Christian-Instruction for the Ignorant-Justification by imputed Righteousness, or No Way to Heaven but by Jesus Christ, and thirty-seven Poetical Pieces of different lengths.

It will be perceived by the title to one of these pieces, that Bunyan was an open communionist. This and much more might certainly be admitted without detracting materially from his rare merit. It has been the misfortune of more learned, not to say wiser men, to fall into the same error. In his case, and, we doubt not, in many others, it has originated in the mistake of regarding the Lord's Supper, rather as an expression of christian charity towards our fellow men, than as an act of obedience to a specific requirement of the great Head of the church. Regarded in this latter view, any appeals on this subject from the strict example of gospel order, to the mere feelings of christian kindness towards our fellow disciples, manifests, plainly enough, the inconsistency and weakness of the cause that requires them. And yet the defence of open communion at the present day, is little more than an appeal to such feelings, with a palpable disregard of Apostolic precedent.

The perusal of Bunyan's Life will enable any one to see the source whence his uncommon success in christian delineation was derired. He wrote eminently, not to say entirely, from the rich stores of his own experience. The great Capiain of our salvation was pleased to lead him through deep waters, and expose him !0 the fiery furnace in its most territic stale, that he might be better prepared to guide other disciples of his Master. And he has guided them. Never, probably, bas any book, by an uninspired pen, been instrumental in warning and encouraging so many of the great family of the redeemed, building them up in their most holy faith, and conducting them to the celestial city, as Bunyan's Pilgrim. It has become, indeed, an indispensable part of our sacred classics ; and the christian minister who should show entire ignorance of its striking and instructive illustrations, would have little cause to felicitate himself on his more exact knowledge of heathen Mythology.

To some readers, his "Holy War” appears more interesting than the "Pilgrim's Progress." We perceive by Morris's Memoir of Fuller, that such was the preference of that great and good man. On page 310 it is stated, that Mr. Fuller "was very partial to Owen and Bunyan. The Holy War he considered as the ablest of Bunyan's works, written on true metaphysical principles, without any of the parade of argument."

That the christian public, who have, we understand, very readily taken up, by subscription, a principal part of this large edition, may derive a corresponding benefit by their judicious perusal of these writings, is our sincere desire.



SUBSCRIPTIONs and donations to the General Convention of the Baptist De. nomination in the United States, for Foreign Missions, &c. should be transmitted to Heman Lincoln, Esq. Treasurer, at the Baptist Missionary Rooms, No. 52, Washington-Street, Boston. The communications for the Corresponding Secretary should be directed to the same place, as his residence is removed to the city.


very short.


into the rice fields and sat down on the

grass near the reapers, and preached EXTRACTS FROM MR. BOARDMAN's the gospel to companies of fifteen or

twenty persons.

Were I to take a

second tour through these villages, I Tavoy, Dec. 1, 1829. Having com- should wish to allow a larger portion mitted my dear family, the church, and of time to each village; but rapid as school to the divine care, I set out on our progress was, this time, we hope my southern tour this morning at five some seed has been sown, which will o'clock.

bear fruit unto life eternal. 5. Returned in health and safety 8. An elderly Taling man from a from our tour, and found my dear fam- village across the river, twenty miles ily also in health. Some of the school from town, called at the zayat this afboys are unwell, but not dangerously. ternoon, and earnestly begged for a Many thanks are due to the Father of christian book. It appeared that severmercies, for his kindness to those who al months since, he had had sight of a went out, and those who reinained at book, (the Epistle to the Ephesians, I home. In the course of our tour, we judge, from his account of it,) which have visited ten villages, most of them condemned idolatry; and from that both in going and in returning. Of time, he says he has not dared to worcourse our stay in most of thein was ship idols or pagodas, and from a con

We have declared the viction that the book he had seen was gospel to perhaps 200 persons, some of true, he had resolved that whenever whom have listened with encouraging he should visit the city, he should call attention. I have visited six kyoungs, on me, and request the favor of a book. and preached Christ crucified to priests After an hour's serious conversation and people. In most cases, the priests with him, I gave him Ephesians and evince but little regard for me or my the Catechism, and having closed the message, but some appear favorable. door of my little room, proposed to enIn several cases, especially in the gage in prayer with him. Of his plains of Oo-too, we were urged to own accord, he knelt down, (Burman prolong our stay, or soon to repeat our fashion, prostrate,) and repeated after visit. Mah Hla, the christian matron He seemed really to feel what who accompanied us from Maulmein, he said, and to be in earnest in seeking has been of much service to me, in ex- a Saviour. He invited me to visit his plaining our object to the people, and village, promised to come and conduct removing their prejudices and fears. me on my way, and to provide for my Otherwise, they would suspect me of entertainment after my arrival. This being a spy, or a ruler anong the is not the first instance 1 have known people who had come to assess, in- since my leaving America, of the word crease, or demand taxes. It being of God without note, comment, or harvest time, most of the villagers, both preacher, being instrumental in enmen and women, are now living in lightening a benighted soul. Lord, small sheds, erected in the rice fields, perfect thy work in this man! for the occasion. This is the reason 12. Another visit from our Karen why we found so few people at home brother Moung Khway. He has visin the villages. We sometimes went ited us about once a fortnight, ever


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since our return from Maulmein. This, were examined, one of whom appeared
considering that his village is eighteen well, the other but indifferently. We
miles distant, is a pleasing circumstance advised them both to wait for a season.
in his favor. Whenever he comes to Ko-Thah-byoo has long wished to go
us, or goes away, he throws himself across the great mountains, and visit
prostrate on the floor, and, in his native the Karens in Siam; and having lately
language, implores a blessing upon us. seen some of them, who urgently in-
And surely we ought to value such a vited him over, he has laid the subject
prayer, offered up to God for us, by before us for our consideration and de-
such an untutored Karen, niore bighly cision.
than all the praises and applauses of 21. Moung Sck-kyee, the Karen
the wise and great of this world. youth who entered our school soon af-

Dec. 14. Cominenced a second south- ter our arrival in Tavoy, and was bapern tour this afternoon. Most of the tized last rainy season, has to-day way we go by water in the Mission requested leave to return and dwell in Boat, lately purchased.

liis native jungle, where he hopes to 19. Returned from our tour, during be useful to his countrymen. As he which we have visited and preached can read the Burman translation of the the gospel in five villages, besides con- Scriptures tolerably well, I felt no versing with several individuals from hesitation in disinissing him, and as he other places. Many interesting cases is a remarkably steady and exemplary have occurred during this tour, and we youth, I hope he may do much good. hope that much good will result. Sev. We have concluded to encourage Koeral persons professed themselves con- Thah-byoo's going to Siam. The vinced of their own errors, and of the journey across will occupy six or sevtruth of the Gospel. Several others en days. He expects to leave to-morappeared deeply impressed with divine row, and to be absent seven or eight truth, and many received our books wecks. with demonstrations of joy and grati- 22. Having solemnly commended tude. During the week, I have exhib- the Karens, and especially Ko-Thahited the crucified Saviour, more or less byoo, to the divine blessing, we sent fully, to perhaps one hundred and fifty him on his journey this morning. I persons. On reaching home, I was gave him an affectionate letter of introhappy and thanksul to find my dear duction and recommendation, written family in usual health. Several Ka. in both Durman and English, to the rens also were at the house, awaiting people and “the powers that be.” This, our expected arrival. I had scarcely with the word of God, is all the creseated myself, when Ko-Thah-byoo dentials he takes. Whether they will and two of the baptized, and several be sutiicient for him, we cannot tell. others from Moung So’s village, arriv. He is accompanied by many Karens, ed. After a short discourse in Burman, (Moung Sek-kyce, among the rest,) as prayers and thanks were offered to far as Tshiekkoo village; and from God, in both Burman and Karen. thence our brethren Noung So and Twelve Karens were present. Of Moung Kyah, have volunteered to acthese two had come to solicit baptism. company him across to the Siamese Two were females, who have been frontier: May the blessing of Allistening to Mrs. Boardman's instruc- mighty God go with them, and give tions for a year past. Three were them inuch prosperity! headmen of villages, among whom was 28. Several days ago, we had intiour bitherto faithful brother, Moung mation that the two sons of our late So. He and Ko-Thah-byoo represent lamented brother Price, were on their that during the heathenish ceremonies way to us. To-day they have arrived, occasioned by the recent decease of two pretty little boys, and with them his mother, (Šee Journal for Nov. 23,) numerous letters and pamphlets from Moung So and the other Christians of America, to gladden our hearts. They his village, having built a zayat near are the letters and parcels brought the grave, spent the time in listening by Mr. Bennet. The executors of to christian instruction. They felt no Dr. Price's will have requested us to reluctance, but a pleasure in abandon- take charge of the two orphan boys, ing those heathenish practices in which and we have given our consent. We they had formerly indulged.

hope they may become useful men. 20. Lord's-day. With the school They speak English a little, and Burand the visiting Karens, we had a man perfectly. large congregation to-day. After wor

GEO. D. BOARDMAN. ship, the two applicants for baptism

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Maulmein, Jan. 8, 1830.
Dear Mrs. Baldwin,

Rangoon, Feb. 20, 1830. Your kind letter of May 30, 1829,

“Before this reaches you, you will was received a few days since, and have heard that having so much to do served to remind me most sensibly of in the way of instructing female inthose very interesting circumstances under which I was first introduced into quirers, I have been obliged to send offices of love which I still remember that for some time the school has been your dear family, and those many kind away, several of our dear pupils, and

positively refuse to take new ones, so with very grateful feelings, so that I but small. There are, however, eight cannot willingly let this opportunity interesting little girls still supported by pass without dropping a few lines to

the charities of our good friends in you, though I feel every way indispos. America ; besides one fine little boy, ed for writing, on account of a slight who begs so hard to be permitted attack of fever for the last few days. to stay, and weeps so bitterly if we You have, no doubt, received our let- speak of sending him home to his ters from time to time, so that you mother, that we cannot find it in our already know that thirty natives were

hearts to do so. added to our little church here in 1829, mentioned, are now with me at this

Two of the girls above and during the year that has just closed, place, one of them, (Me Quay, who notwithstanding our dear brother Jud. son's time has been almost exclusively Maulmein, and the other is a little

was baptized last year,) I brought from devoted to the New Testament transla- girl who was given me when we first tions, God has still been carrying on his own work, so that twenty-five from us on account of the war.

arrived in Rangoon, but was separated

She natives, together with ten English has been quite serious for some time, soldiers, have been enabled to come

and we think begins to give evidence out from the world and own Christ in

of true piety. the inidst of violent opposition and re

"After having seen eight of our dear proach. You will hear all that is interesting at the Tavoy Station, from pupils, together with two women who our dear brother and sister there. And through persecution and reproach, fol.

were learning to read with the girls, O, how it delights iny heart to tell you lowing the footsteps of their crucified that twenty natives have been baptized Lord and Master, and some of them at Rangoon, by our good brother Kothah-a. Thus you see, my dear Mrs. becoming bright ornaments to the litBaldwin, that all those prayers which

tle church, and striving hard for that have been offered up in behalf of Ran- glorious prize which our dear little goon, have not been in vain. And o; attained-you will not be surprised to

suffering Me Shwayee has no doubt let this encourage you to pray much

hear me say, that I consider the ed

ucation of Burman girls, and boys too, With regard to schools, I am griev; (if we can have them placed entirely ed to say, that I have found it my duty under our care,) a most interesting to devote nearly all my time to the women, the year past, so that there and important department of missionary has been no one to look after the dear exertions. O, how I should delight to

have forty or fifty such girls as I little ones. We have, however, a small number

might soon collect, either here or at interesting scholars still under our care, and hope with Maulinein, and devote all my time to sister Bennett's assistance, that depart, attend to these poor ignorant women,

their instruction. But who would then ment may soon flourish again. And who cannot read, and who begio to be now, begging your fervent prayers anxious about their immoral souls? that I may be kept humble, and prayer. And who would go about to the vil, ful, and faithful, during my short, wearisome pilgrimage in this dark land, lages, where the poor, uncivilized permit me to subscribe myself, your teacher, and never once in their lives

women are afraid to come near a white unwcrthy sister,

heard that there is a Saviour who died D. B. L. WADE. to redeem them froin hell? Dec. 1830.


for us.

“ We came to this place a few days tions for the Mission. While they have ago on a visit, but find that our good embarked for Africa, let united prayers brother Ko-thah-a so much needs help in instructing the little church, and in ascend to the God of our mercies, that quirers, that we feel we cannot leave he may preserve their lives in an unhim at present. The female converts favorable clime, and open doors of exhere beg me to stay, and not return to

tensive usefulness, that the gospel may Maulmein ; and several fine little

umengirls are waiting and hoping that I be diffused through their ins shall open a school. Some of the tality. Christians here, even under this despotic government, are bold advocates for Christ, while others are more timid, and fear persecution. There is also

Letter to the Treasurer. a very interesting number of hopeful inquirers; and we feel that the many prayers which have been offered

Newark, Oct. 18, 1830. up are now beginning to descend,

Dear Sir, and that the set time to favor Zion is fully come; and we are look- I remit to you, by direction of the ing upward to know our duty, and feel managers of the Newark Baptist Feno unwillingness to leave all we love male Mission Society fifty dollars, for at Maulmein, to spend the rest of our the purposes of the General Convenpilgrimage under this despotic gov. tion of the Baptist Denomination for ernment, if that shall best please Him Foreign Missions. whose holy will we begin to desire

Our Society had but one dollar and to follow rather than our own.”

seventy-nine cents in the hands of the
D. B. L. WADE.

Treasurer in August last; a spirit of
exertion was awakened at that time to
the cause of missions by the Pastor of
our Church, and some female friends,
by calling our attention to the cheer-

ing intelligence from Burmah, and also Mrs. Bennett has written her father, the solicitude expressed by the Baptist Mr. Kneeland, from Maulmein, Mar. Board, ai their meeting in April last, 8, 1830, communicating the arrival of that an increasing impulse be given to herself and husband at that place, ex

the benevolent energies of our Ameri

can Churches, so as to diffuse the light
pressing their pleasure on entering on of the gospel among the millions of
the labors of the mission, and the hope Burmah.
that there may be yet further acces- We rejoice that our attention to
sions to the laborers.

missionary operations has met with
so nuch success as to enable us to
make this remittance; and it does ap-
pear to our Society, that similar suc-

cess might be expected from other On Monday, 4th of Oct. at Rich. Baptist churches, if the minds of female mond, Vir. the Rev. Mr. Skinner was members were excited to the impor

tance of missions, as a means of spreadset apart to Missionary labors in Afri

ing the kingdom of the Redeemer ca. The assembly was large, and min- throughout the world. Could this be isters of different denominations took effected, it would give us additional parts on the occasion, and the perform- joy. ances were appropriate and interest

S. VANDERPOOL, Treas. ing. On the 27th, they sailed from

Heman Lincoln, Esq. Norfolk, for the scene of their labors, accompanied with 140 emigrants. Mr. We most affectionately and reSkinner and wife received the kind spectfully urge on the sisters of other and Christian attentions of our friends churches, who have not yet engaged at the South, and obtained many dona- in missions, to “Go and do likewise.”



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