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in Massachusetts, at South Berwick

in Maine, and in numerous churches The Baptist Convention in Maine, held its annual meeting at North Yar: in the several States. We invite our mouth, Oct. 5. The state of religion friends in different sections, to comwas reported to be encouraging. The municate the state of religion for the first Monday in January was recommended to be observed as a day of Magazine, as articles of this characprayer.

ter are always peculiarly welcome. The Massachusetts Baptist Conven

The following letter to the Treastion, held its late session at Southbridge,

urer was written a few months ago, commencing at 10 o'clock, A. M. on but failed of réaching us till recentWednesday, Oct. 27. The following ly. The subject is of a pleasing officers were chosen for the current

character, and we now insert it. year: Rev. A. Samson, President, Dea.

Saratoga Springs. H. Lincoln, Vice President. Rev. J.

Dear Brother,
Going, Cor. Sec. Rev. A. Fisher, Rec.
Sec. Dea. W. Stowell, Treas.

I have the pleasure to inform you At 2 o'clock, P. M. Rev. A. Beach

that the good work of grace in this delivered an interesting discourse from place is still prospering in the hands 2 Tim. ii. 25.

of the Mediator. Reports on the state of religion, from

The work has moved on slowly the various associations, were present

from its commencement. None of ed in the evening; some of the church- that heated zeal has appeared during es had been blessed by the outpouring itself in revivals of religion.

the work, which frequently manifests of the Spirit.

We Subjects of considerable interest have meetings every evening in the were agitated during the session, in week. They are generally very full which unity of action, and harmony of and very solemn. Four persons gave feeling prevailed. The next meeting ed last week. There were six in our

evidence that their hearts were changof the Convention will be held on the last Wednesday of October, 1831, at meeting last evening, that were anxFramingham. Preacher of the intro. iously inquiring “what they should ductory sermon, Rev. Dr. Sharp.

do to be saved.'

I think the work appears as The New York Baptist State Con- couraging now as at any former pevention, met with the Palmyra church, riod. I have baptized thirty-three Wayne Co. on the 20th and 21st days since the work cornmenced. Twelve of October. Sermon by Rev. Elon have been added by letter; making Galusha. The following was among an addition in all, of forty-five. Sev. the resolutions passed :—“That this eral, 1 trust, have been born again, Convention earnestly recommend to that have not yet been buried with every member of the church of Christ, Christ by baptism. and every friend of humanity, entire The two deacons of the Univerabstinence from the use of ardent spirit, salist church, and one person who except when prescribed as a necessary had not been in a house of wormedicine, by a temperate physician.” ship, or read a chapter in his Bible,

The Vermont Baptist Convention for ten years, are subjects of the work! met at Hinesburg, Oct. 27, and 28.

Elder Wayland has taken a deep Introductory sermon by Rev. Leland interest in the revival, when he has Howard. Å Branch of the Northern been with us, and has much reliey

ed me. Education Society was formed, a resolution recommending abstinence from

I think we have reason to rejoice ardent spirit was passed, and the first for what the Lord is doing for us, as Monday in January was recommended

well as for what he is doing for poor as a day of prayer for ministers and benighted Burmah. Let us, my brothEducation Societies.

er, continue to pray that Christ may have the heathen for his inheritance,

and the uttermost parts of the earth REVIVALS OF RELIGION. for a possession. Very gratifying seasons of religious

I remain yours, most affectionately, revival are now enjoyed at Beverly



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that good intelligence will cheer you.

Yesterday, (Sunday,) was with us an Cazenovia, N.Y.Oct. 28,1830. able pleasure of leading eight young

interesting time. I had the unspeakDear Brother,

females, members of my Bible class, Last week I attended the Mission- into the water, and burying them with ary Convention of this State, at Pals Christ by baptism. These are some myra, and it was a precious season. of the first fruits of the revival in Brotherly love and à zeal for the this place, noticed in the Watchman spread of the gospel among the des. sometime since, and which continues titute, marked all its movements.-- to the present time. There are six Our missionaries have been greatly or seven more of my class, who have blessed in their labors for the good of lately indulged a hope in the pardonsouls. The wilderness and the soli- ing mercy of God; and most of the tary places have been made glad for class, which is laryo, are inquiring. them, and the desert bas blossom- As the rise and progress of the church ed like the rose. Precious revi- in this place has never been publishvals have attended their labors, and ed in any of the periodicals, perhaps many have taken the yoke of Christ a short account may be interesting. on them by being buried with him in The church was constituted and baptism. Our native school at Tona- recognized, two years ago the last of wanda is in a prosperous state.- next December. The number then Children from four different tribes was twenty-four, soon after which have been taught there the year past, was added. From that time it and they have made great progress in moved forward, under many discourtheir studies. The native church ap- agements, though it remained united. pears to move on in great union, and There was no revival, and Christians in the comfort of the Holy Ghost. To remained generally cold, till a few witness the devotions of these poor months past. The scene is now sons of the forest, that but a few years changed ; and all the glory belongs ago were in pagan dark ness, now to God. Since the work of God be. turned from darkness to light, and gan in the Bible class, six have unitfrom sin and satan to serve the living ed by letter, which, with those who and true God--who can doubt the re- united yesterday, make fourteed, and ality there is in religion, or the pow- we expect more soon. Christians er of the divine Spirit in the heart? have been revived, and many have I have served the Convention the exclaimed, What hath God wrought! year past, as their agent, six months, Your prayers are requested, that the and have obtained for it, $3365,84 in work may continue. cash and goods. Also I have collect- Yours, in Christian bonds, ed for the foreign mission and other

B. WILCOX benevolent objects, a considerable amount. I have felt much encouraged; for I do believe the Lord is with his servants, and will bless their feeble exertions for the spread of the We have been very kindly favored gospel both at home and in heathen by Dr. Sharp and Prof. Chase, with lands. Yes, only let union and energy be our motto, with a humble re- interesting communications from the liance on the Lord for success, and missionary stations of our English we may go forward and prosper. “If Baptist brethren at the island of JaGod be for us, who can be against maica, detailing the progress of the Yours, in Christian affection,

schools, and the encouraging success JOHN PECK.

of the gospel. We with pleasure inHeman Lincoln, Esq.

sert them, with extracts from the Report of Mr. Philippo, on education.





Mason Village, N. H.

Spanish Toron, Jug.10, 1830. Dear Sir,

Nov. 8, 1830.

Dear Sir, It is with pleasure I am permitted I cannot, as on a former occasion, to write you at this time, as I know inform you of the addition of up


wards of 400 to our church, during who was subsequently under the tuithe past year; but I have the happi- tion of a clergyman here, with a view ness still to state it as my conviction, to ordination, changed his sentiments that the influences of the Holy Spirit also, on the subject, whilst beneath are not withdrawn. Our increase the roof of his preceptor, and was during the year has been one hun- publicly baptized, in company with dred and forty-five. When it is con- another gentleman, who was one of sidered that I have not to include, as the Corresponding Committee of the formerly, the stations at Old Harbor Church Missionary Society on this and Ebony Savannah, they being now island; and his wife, whom he had occupied by my esteemed missiona- lately married, and who, I have unry brother, Mr. Taylor, it will at least derstood, was related to one of the be inferred, that I have no occasion most respectable families in the Colwhatsoever for discouragement. One hundred and twenty-three of this We meet with much opposition; number I baptized at one time. The but that is rather an evidence of others, with whose piety, and other God's purposes of mercy,

Satan qualifications for church fellowship I would not rage is his kingdom were was, as may be supposed, well satis- not in danger. We are persecuted fied, had been previously baptized by on every side, but not forsaken-cast an American of color.

down, but not destroyed-sorrowful,yet Our congregations, if they have always rejoicing-poor, yet making not increased in an exact ratio with many rich. If our troubles abound, former years, have acquired greater our consolations abound also. Christ stability, and are far from showing must reign, and all that has opposed any symptoms of decline. Since, in- itself to his authority, must become deed, evening service has been main- like dust beneath his feet. All that tained, I have had nearly two differ- is wanting to ensure the speedy ap, ent congregations to preach to on proach of the period of his universal the Sabbath,—the country people, of triumph is, prayer-frequent, fervent, whom our congregations were, at one sincere, and universal prayer. This time, almost wholly composed, being will do more good than speculation obliged to leave before nighifall. - in the study. Actual exertion, comOn a Sabbath evening our chapel is bined with this powerful weapon of oftentimes as full as it will well con- the holy war, will soon force the entain: it is occasionally crowded, and trenchments of the great adversary. at no period has there been so many I should be very glad to know how things of an interesting nature con- things are prospering with you in nected with the attendance altogeth- America. The intelligence which I er. Amongst the omens of a favora- communicated to our poor people reble nature, and which greatly encour- specting things with you, both astonage me in my conteinplation of the ished and delighted them. Brother future are, the increased attendance Tinson is returned. at our prayer meetings, and our week With great esteem, and earnestly day evening lecture, and the addition bespeaking your prayers, and those of of several young and more than or

your church, dinarily interesting individuals to our

I am, my dear Sir, very sincerely, classes. God has evidently very great de


yours, signs of mercy to the inhabitants of our Western Isles. Accounts from all are of a pleasing character; but TO REV. PROF. CHASE, NEWTON. from this colony they are especially Several hundred have been add

Spanish Toron, Aug. 10, 1830. ed to our own denomination alone, Dear Sir, during the last few months, and the When in your land of freedom and fields continue white unto the harvest. christian privilege, I made many en

I informed you when in Boston, gagements, of an epistolary nature, that the Rev. Mr. Taylor, from the and as I have now formed a determiChurch Missionary Society, had em- nation to fulfil them, I will endeavor braced the distinguishing tenet of to aim at a little variation of subject. our denomination, and was then la. To you, my dear Sir, I will address boring in our connection. A little an extract from my journal, which I time ago a gentleman who had been think you will not find altogether dein good practice as a solicitor, but void of interest.


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Saturday, Aug. 7, 10 o'clock. I am little garden is almost a wilderness, now writing in the midst of a tremen- The heads are lifted off our chapel, dous hurricane. It began its deso- and our dwelling house shakes to its lating course in the middle of the foundations. Every habitation around night, and, with the exception of a is closed—every crevice is stuffed up, few short intervals, when it seemed and its tenants are in total darkness. to be gathering fresh energy in order All business is, of course, suspended, to renew its assaults with greater vio- and not an individual is to be seen, lence, it has been increasing in fury except at intervals, when one appears until now. It was preceded by an aw- to acquaint himself with his situation, ful stillness, occasionally broken by and to view the desolations around. an indistinct sound, similar to the Nothing is to be seen or heard but roaring of a distant cataract, or the the pelting of the storm, and the conhowling of winds through a forest- tinued sighs of elemental tumult. by an intermission of the diurnal 11 o'clock. The storm is hushed, breeze-by an almost insupportable but I fear it is but a temporary reheat; the thermometer standing, I pose. should imagine, at between 90 and “ The low'ring element still scowls o'er the 100 degrees of Farenheit-by vast

darkened landscape.” accumulations of vapor moving off in 12. A serene and tranquil sky is the direction of the mountains-by

now seen in high relief-the birds the appearance of flocks of sea gulls, issue from their coverts-all nature at a considerable distance from their is again dressed in smiles, and the element-by a deep, portentous gloom ear is once more familiar with the gradually increasing and overspread- voice of man. It is not, however, ing the hemisphere--by all the omens, the voice of thanksgiving that I hear, indeed, which are said to be the pre- but the querulous murmur of comcursors of these awful visitations of plaint. Ó, how insensible is man to the Almighty. From 3 o'clock, A. M. until the sin has once assumed the dominion !

either judgments or mercies, when break of day, the lightning was vivid His fears are exchanged for levity, and terrific beyond description; illu- and his vows are paid by ingratitude minating the whole concave of heav- and

thoughtlessness. None en, and darting apparently in ten seem to regard the works of the Lord, thousand fantastic forms, whilst the reverberations of the thunder that they were wise!".

nor the operation of his hands. “O, echoed back by the distant mountains, seemed to shake the pillars of the of our minds on the occasion, I would

Should you wish to know the state earth, and appeared destined to seal say, they formed a perfect contrast 10 the doom of the world.

the scene without-all was peace. The rain has been, and is still de

We were indeed the subjects of susscending in torrents, and an awfully pense, but not of what might be dedark and compact gloom overshadows nominated four. I asked my dear the face of nature. The morning of the deluge could wife, when the storm raged with its

greatest fury, if she was alarmedscarcely have presented an aspect she replied, “ No, my mind is stayed more dismal. For some time I was

upon God.” We can say, I think, alternately kept running from room

experimentally, to room, to exclude the wind, and

Whentempests frown how sweet to lean on Ilear'n, looking anxiously to see if our de- To lean on him on whom archangels lean; struction was at hand. To many who A soul in commerce with her God, have not made the Lord their refuge, Smiles at the tumuits and the shocks of life. it is doubtless a period of awful sus- I remain, my dear Sir, with great pense and terror. The wind begun esteem, yours very sincerely, to blow from the North, but now be

J. M. PHILIPPO. ing apparently at the acme of its vio. lence, it blows from all points of the Extracts from the Report of the schools compass, and is winged with awful

connected with the Baptist chapel, devastation. In whatever direction

Spanish Toron, for the year ending I cast my eye, I behold dismantled

May 5, 1830. houses, shattered fences, uprooted trees; and the ground is strewed The day school now contains 152 with shingles, splinters, and with scholars-72 boys, and 80 girls. The branches, and fruit, and leaves. My clear increase during the year has


been 15. The children, with few ex- evidences of its having had a more ceptions, being objects of benevolence, sublime and a happier influence still. are educated gratuitously, or for a tri- The number in the Sabbath school fling consideration. About 70 of them has somewhat diminished; but the can read the Scriptures with distinct- decrease, I am happy to say, has been ness and accuracy. They possess al- occasioned by circumstances calcuso, a considerable knowledge of civil lated to excite joy rather than regret and sacred geography, of Biblical an--it has been owing to the recent estiquities, and of the emblems, figures, tablishment of two similar instituparables, types, and most remarkable tions; one connected with the estabpassages and chapters of the Bible, lished church, and the other with the being interrogated respecting them Wesleyans. The present number is on the Wednesday of every week; one hundred and fifty-full as many that day being devoted to the espe

as the school room will well contain. cial purpose of a general examina- And so extensive is the field in this tion.

departinent of benevolent exertion, In arithmetic, a class is advanced also, that there can exist no proper as far as Vulgar Fractions. The pro- ground for unpleasant collision.ficiency of others in writing, also, There is work enough to employ all justifies the hope of their being soon our energies, and it is surely importable to earn a comfortable livelihood, ant and promising enough to excite as clerks, in some of the numerous our highest ambition. Most of the offices in this town, which furnish a children in this school are slaves; considerable means of employment and it may be proper to say, that as to the colored population; whilst soon as they are able to read, their many, it is hoped, will be qualified employment is directly spiritual.-for the various departments of agri- Sabbath schools are emphatically the cultural or commercial industry. nursery of the church-a nursery for

There is scarcely one who, besides " trees of the Lord's right hand planthis other acquisitions, is not able to ing." recite chapters of the Bible, and In the course of the year two pubhymns, from memory: One little lic examinations of the children beboy, a slave, can repeat two hundred longing to both the schools were held and thirty-eight hymns, and three in the chapel, when rewards from chapters, comprising sixty-six verses, some benevolent friends in England almost without mistake or hesitation. were distributed; and on one of these A little slave girl can recite, with occasions, the whole of these chilequal facility and correctness, forty- dren, amounting to upwards of three nine hymns, and eight chapters of the hundred, sat down to a feast in the Bible, the chapters containing two chapel yard, beneath the shade of orhundred and forty verses. And the ange and other fruit trees, surroundability of others, in this respect, ed by hundreds of spectators. seems to be in a corresponding ratio In this, and in all institutions of a downwards to the alphabet class. similar nature, there must be no cal

Agreeably to the fundamental prin- culations on great instantaneous reciples of the British and Foreign sults. The seed time and the harSchool Society, we know of no sect vest cannot be expected together.but Christianity, and of no creed but The few ripe clusters that have been the Bible. Although it may be prop- gathered, we wish to regard merely er to state, that in this, as well as in as a pledge of a future abundant and Lancasterian schools universally, ev- never failing crop, whilst we still go ery lesson subserves the moral inter- forward under the impression, that est of the pupils, and has a particu- we are laboring for the generation lar reference to their important de- that is to come. May it be our prinsignation. So far as the advantages cipal concern, that the seed is waters of this institution have already ex- ed with our prayers—that our motives tended, I scruple not to say, that the are pure-that our “eye is single, happiest results may be anticipated, as and that our dependence upon tho it respects the moral features of soci- influence of the Spirit of God be ety. It would not be too much to perfect and entire.' Then their say, that it had already exerted a success is certain, and their ultimate practical influence on the minds, advantages are sure--then such manners, habits, and appearance of works of mercy will and must go the people. And we are not withoat forward-they must succeed against

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