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all that is adverse to their progress. sionary. About the same time, sim Success in ordinary enterprises is ilar Societies were formed, which lacalculated on to follow perseverance bored by the side of this, with much and the application of suitable means; efficiency, and before the close of the but these are works sanctified by the year, these Societies took measures example, and enjoined by the author. to excite a Missionary spirit abroad, ity, of the Redeemer_ Go ye, and and forwarded circulars to our brethteach all nations.". The mere advo- ren at the South “on the subject cates for social order will sometimes of uniting in this Mission." In affirm, that the extension of moral December following Dr. Baldwin and religious truth is founded on the was appointed a delegate from this principles of the philosophy of the Society, to repair to Philadelphia human mind, and that all efforts on the 18th day of May, 1814, there for its extension must therefore be ul- to unite with delegates from other timately triumphant. But its blessed Societies of a similar nature, as a effects and universal influence, are

General Committee, to act in behalf also guaranteed by the promises of of the various Societies, on the MisGod. "In due season we shall reap, sionary concerns.”

That meeting if we faint not."

was the first of the General Triennial T. M. PHILIPPO.

Convention of the Baptist denomination in the United States for Foreign Missions. The Baptist Board for For.

eign Missions was organized during BOSTON SOCIETY,

the sitting of this Convention. From that time, this Society has been constantly represented at each session of

the Convention. The annual meeting of this Society At a meeting of the Board in Dec. was held in the Meeting- House of 1814,“ brother WILLARD WHEELOCK, the first Baptist Church on Wednes- a member of the 2d Church in Boston, day evening, Oct. 20. Several breth attended and stated the exercises of ren made animating remarks and his mod in relation to Missionary lastatements on the subject of Missions, bors among the heathen, and that he tending to excite gratitude to God for had sacredly dedicated himself to the the blessings which have been grant- service, if a door in Providence should ed, and to encourage a more vigorous be opened for him. From various inpersecution of the holy work.

quiries and examinations, it was the We take the following extracts opinion of the Board, that the Lord from the

intended him as a laborer in the

heathen world; and as it appeared Report of the Board.

desirable that he should acquire an Nearly eighteen years since, on education, it was voted to pledge the the evening of Feb. 8, 1813," a num- funds of this Society for his support ber of brethren met at the house of in attending to study till the next anRev. Dr. BALDWIN, to form a plan nual meeting of the Society; and a for the support of a Mission in India committee was appointed to procure a and other foreign parts., From that place, and direct respecting his studevening, this Society takes its date. ies.' Mr. Colinan, missionary to Its original name was The Baptist Burmah, also received the attention Society for propagating the gospel in of this Society. India and other foreign parts. At the Those “ brethren who met in annual meeting in 1825, it became 1813 to form a plan for the support of auxiliary to the Baptist Board, and a Mission," did not meet in vain. assumed its present name and ar. With the exception of the venerable rangement, with the exceptioa of a Baldwin and two others, they still further amendment to the Constitu- live, to behold a result from their ef. tion made at the annual meeting in forts and prayers, which, while they 1826.

ascribe the honor and praise to God The first act of the Society after its alone, must be matter of encourageorganization, was, to open a corres- ment to them, and to all who would pondence with the Secretary of the assist in promoting the cause of our Baptist Missionary Society in Eng- Saviour. land, and the Rev. Mr. Jubson in In- When this Society was first insti. dia, appointing Mr. Judson their Mis- tuted, Foreign Missions had just be



gan to excite public attention in this ren look to it; " let us all look to it;" country. Nothing had been done, if and may a new and better spirit perwe except Missions among the Indi- vade us! Let us, one and all, who ans, and the sending of a few Mis- profess to love the Lord Jesus, " show sionaries, as pioneers, by our Pedo- our faith by our works;" and practisbaptist brethren. The bare idea of ing on the method of the primitive Foreign Missions was derided and op- disciples, as directed by an apostle, posed, not only by the profane, but "lay by of our earnings” at stated periby men of fair pretensions to candor ods, for this and other holy charities. and intelligence; and by many of the We have placed all due stress on evangelical Christians was viewed the general subjects of contributions as relating to a doubtful enterprise. and efforts. We cannot forbear now The Missionary spirit was then a lan- to advert to the duty of Christians to guid flame. At that time also our pray earnestly for a supply of the men, Baptist Churches were comparatively who shall be eminently qualified as feeble.—But how changed is the view Missionaries to the benighted heathat this time! Missions and Mission- en. This is an object to which our aries, in this part of the country at attention should be constantly directleast, rank high in the public estima- ed as of the first magnitude ; for of tion. The friends of Christ have what use will be the silver and the been greatly encouraged in 'witness- gold, if men of the right stamp are ing the success of Missions, the re- not found“ who will go for us” to the moval of prejudices, and the discom- heathen? And nothing would have fiture of unprincipled opposition. The a more powerful effect in stimulating increase of our denomination in this Christians to contribute freely, than city has been considerable. The pros- to know that young men were ofpects of the Mission at Burmah are fering themselves as Missionaries, full of promise and encouragement and that means for their support, as Prayers on its behalf have evidently such, were needed. May we not been heard and answered.–Our faith- even venture to recommend that the ful Missionaries among the Indians several Male and Female Societies, have labored with considerable suc- in their separate capacity, should

meet statedly for prayer, with this Yet notwithstanding these exhilar- object singly in view ? ating facts, it is obvious that our ef- În conclusion, it is our hope, as it is forts and contributions, though great- our belief, that brighter days are comer in the aggregate than in former ing for the Christian Church. Fayears, have not kept pace with the cilities for the spread of the gospel growth and prosperity of our church- are multiplying ; truth and error are es, the extension of our Missionary coming into more frequent and closer establishments, and perhaps we may contact, and the spirii of religious insay, with the spirit and movements of quiry is abroad. We cannot and do the times. Will it not be our aim to not fear for the result. We have a do according to our ability, and by sure word of prophecy, from which liberal contributions, by active labors we derive a confidence that cannot and fervent prayers, to perform the be shaken. Let every one who loves part clearly assigned us by the the Saviour and his cause inquire word and providence of God? There each day, “ Lord, what wilt thou have is much truth and force in the remark me to do?" and act in the spirit of this often made, that if a system of equal. prayer; and happy, thrice happy will ity in payments for the support of the be the speedy as well as the ultimate various religious institutions could results. be so carried into effect, that each professor or friend of religion should Account of receipts by the Treasurer of govern his contributions by a strict

the Boston Society Auriliary to the sense of religious duty, the necessity

Baptist Board of Foreign Missions, for repeated appeals to the religious

from Dec. 1, 1828, to Nov. 6, 1829, public would, in a great measure, if not altogether, cease. Undoubtedly,

not before published.* when a decided tone of piety shall Collection at Rev. Mr. Knowles' become prevalent, this most desirable prayer meeting,

9,14 state of things will be one among the Collection at Rev. Mr. Malcom's many blessed effects. Let our breth

prayer meeting,

17,09 Dec. 1830.



Receipts for the present year will be published next month.






Col. at Dr. Sharp's prayer meet. 11,00 The Boston Bap. Female Society for Do. Mr. Grosvenor's, Do.

7,84 Cash from Miss Margaret B.

Missionary Purposes, bas labored for a Doyle, Treas. 2d. Bap. Miss.

number of years with commendable Soc. Boston, for Mrs. Wade's zeal in the support of missionaries in

Fem. school, at Maulmein, 69,02 the city, and we hope its means of Cash by Rev.Dr. Sharp, fruits of the self-denial of a friend, 2,00

doing good will greatly augmented. Col. Mr. Knowles' prayer meet. 12,56 It would give us pleasure to insert the

Dr. Sharp's Do. 9,13 whole of their late excellent Annual
Mr. Grosvenor's Do. 8,68 Report. But we can only present the
Mr. Knowles' Do. 10,65
Mr. Malcom's Do. 21,13

following extracts, which we hope Male Prim. Soc. of Charles- will excite increased interest in favor St. Bap. Cong. by Dr. Sharp, 88,00 of the Society, and enable it per: Col. at Dr. Sharp's, ann. sermon, preached by him,


manently to support at least one misPrim. Fem. Aux. Soc. of Fed'rl.

sionary. St. church for Bur. Miss. by

Mrs. Heman Lincoln, Treas. *100,00 EXTRACTS FROM THE ANNUAL RE-
Col.Mr. Grosvenor's prayer meet. 3,43
Dr. Sharp's, Do. 4,95

Mr. Knowles' Do. 10,21
Mr. Malcom's

Oct. 4, 1830.
Do. 19,02
Cash from Dr. Caleb H. Snow,

being balance remaining in his Thirty years having elapsed since hands as Treas. Gent. 1st Bap.

the commencement of this Society in For. Mission Society, 1,00 its original form, we are admonished Col.Mr.Grosvenor's prayer meet. 9,34 by innumerable providences, to express

Dr. Sharp's Do. 11,21 our warınest gratitude for the past, and
Mr. Knowles' Do. 10,29 to place an unshaken reliance for the
Mr. Malcom's

11,96 future, on Him who has said, “ Cast Mr. Grosvenor's Do. 8,17 thy burden on the Lord, and he will Dr. Sharp's Do.

12,88 sustain thee."
Mr. Malcom's Do. 21,90 By the original form of this Society,
Mr. Knowles' Do. 7,51 we mean that it then consisted of Bap-
Mr. Grosvenor's

6,40 tist and Congregational members toDr. Sharp's

Do. 9,79 gether, and for the benefit of a ConCash from Mr. Daniel Cum

gregational Missionary Society. Two mings, Treas. of Prim. Soc. years after its formation, it was divided of Federal Street

into two distinct societies, each to aid and congregation,

70,00 its respective denomination, but stilt

meeting together for religious exercis

665,63 es and business, and having but one JAMES LORING, Treas.

Treasurer and Secretary for both. This pleasing connection continued, as stated in our last report, more than 29

years; when it was agreed to meet CITY MISSIONS.

separately, with the express desire of

attempting such an enlargement as While various efforts are made to would enable each to support permasend the gospel to the heathen, we nently, a missionary in this city.

Our esteemed brother, Rev. William should not lose sight of the thousands Collier, of this city, was invited to enin our populous cities, who are strangers gage as a missionary, and on the 6th to the way of life. An immense in- of February, having accepted the apcrease of effort is called for in this de. pointment, he commenced his labors.

At the expiration of six months from partment of christian benevolence. that time, Mr. Collier made a semiThe attention of Christians, we are annual report to the Society. He happy to say, is turned to the subject; remarks:

“As the Lord's day is especially set and we hope enlarged and liberal plans

apart for religious purposes, and is pe. will be adopted to effect the object. culiarly favorable to missionary opera.



tions, I have felt anxious that its sacred On Thursday evenings, have held hours should be judiciously devoted to a meeting in Peck Lane, regularly the appropriate duties of my office: since the 1st of April. This is the reAnd have endeavored to perform an vival of one of my predecessor's meet. amount of labor equal to three public ings, Mr. Conant, and I trust is attended services. This has been done in a va- with good to the neighbors who have riety of ways.—By preaching in the availed themselves of the privilege. day or evening, at the hail in Milton “I make a practice of visiting in the Street, which I have engaged to sup. vicinity of my meetings, the same or ply myself, or obtain other preachers, preceding day, with a view to encourevery Lord's day evening; for the age attendance. In these, as well as African church, the Penitent Females' other visits, to the sick, &c. I have deRefuge, the Primary school-room, in rived very essential assistance from Ann-street, the House of Correction, female friends, who have accompanied and, in a few instances, have aided our me, and who, I hope, will not be weary ministering brothers with my services. in well doing in this respect. Have held occasional meetings in dif. “I have once visited the Marine ferent sections of the city, visited Hospital, at Chelsca. By permission, many vessels at our wharves, convers. prayed with the sick in the several ed and prayed with the seamen, dis wards, and was happy to learn that they tributed tracts among them, and urged were so well supplied with religious them forward to the temple of the visits, and occasional preaching, by a Lord. Have likewise visited families pious Episcopal minister, Mr. Fenner, in secluded situations; and conversed Chaplain at ihe Navy Yard, Charlesand prayed with them. This I have town.” done in several instances, in company After attending to the foregoing statewith our respected brother Sheldon, ments, it may seem superfluous to sub. the present Congregational missionary; join any arguments in support of the finding, as expressed in Scripture, that claims of this Society on the patronage two are better than one.

of our churches. As, however, inqui“In the week time, as privileges im- ries are not unfrequently made as to portant to my own spiritual comfort the result of our efforts, permit us to reand refreshment, I have united with a mark, that the work of a domestic misfew brethren in a prayer ineeting, on sionary, like every other, has trials peMonday mornings, with particular ref- culiar to itself. One of these is, that the erence to the mission. A part of the real amount of good effected, and of evil time, have conducted a circular meet- restrained, is less obvious than in many ing of christian friends, where the other cases. And the obstacles and neighbors, who are not accustomed to discouragements, are more apparent such meetings, are invited. The re- to our view than are those attending maining time, on these, as well as other missions more foreign. A thousand days, is occupied in the customary du- little offices are performed, which can ties of my missionary calling.

not be made extensively known. It “Wednesday afternoons, i have a would be manifestly improper to deBible class of colored people, at the tail very many interesting particulars north part of the city ; to whom, with occurring among our own citizens, others, I preach in the evening, in their which a foreign missionary might with Sabbath school room. And on the same the greatest propriety report to his evening have conducted family wor- constituents at home. The actual reship at the Penitent Females' Refuge. sults will not be seen until we arrive A few times I have attended a Biblical at heaven. But if we faithfully disexercise at the same place, for Rev. charge our duty, and can say, “Lord, Mr. Greenleaf, on Friday evening, it is done as thou hast commanded," which has been very interesting to my we may safely leave the event of sucown mind, and I hope some benefit to cess with him who alone is able to the inmates of that Institution. Since grant it. the latter part of July, I have likewise, Another trial is that the field is so with the grateful approbation of the extensive and laborers are so few. If Directors and Superintendant, (part of every christian church could support a the time in company with a benevolent missionary, so that the labors of one friend,) conducted morning worship, should meet those of another, our fatwice a week, and afforded some liter- vored city would no doubt exhibit ary instructions, which it is hoped may an aspect widely different from that be useful.

which it now wears. It is earnestly

hoped that this will one day be the case. to whom a call from a christian female The pastors of our churches find it im- is a source of much comfort. practicable to visit even their own But it is time that we should hasten to parishioners so frequently as is desired lay before the society the necessity of by many; consequently they cannot making some special exertion to inlook after the thousands of individuals crease our means for the support of the who are attached to no religious socie- mission. The design of the effort inade ty whatever, and have no stronger last autumn, as expressed above, was claim upon one minister than another. its permanent establishment. As great And in what way can those destitute an interest, perhaps, was excited at thousands be furnished with ministerial that time, as could be expected. Risinstruction, but by labors of this char. ing of two hundred members have acter?

been added since the middle of DecemThe importance and utility of the ber. But the means are still inade. work increases in view of the fact, quate, notwithstanding the salary of that many persons remove into the city, Mr. Collier is smaller than was Mr. from various places where they have Conant's. The Society has paid no ex. enjoyed the society of good people, and penses incident to the meetings conwho in some instances are themselves ducted by Mr. Collier: rooms, lights, professors of religion : but who, from &c. having been furnished either by poverty, from the circumstances of their the hearers themselves, or gratuitously families, from being wholly unknown by friends. “The Evangelical Socieby christians, and not knowing where ty” has defrayed the expenses at the to find such as they think would feel Hall in Milton Street; and the attend. interested for them, make no attempts ance of the sexton, in making preparato attend public worship, mix with tions for the monthly meetings of this neighbors who are far from being Society, has been gratuitous during the beneficial, and thus settle down in a six summer months. For all these fadangerous state, unless prevented by vors, we tender our grateful acknowl. some peculiar providence. Permit here edgments. the recital of a case given verbally by Constant and untiring efforts must be Mr. S. the gentleman mentioned above. made on the part of the Society. Every He says:

member should consider it her duty to “Soon after engaging in the mission, I do something in addition to her own subone day called at a house where I found scription, by soliciting subscribers and the mother of a family who, in the donations. Can there be a female in course of conversation, informed me any of our congregations, who would that she was a Baptist professor, but withhold her mite, if she knew our that since her residence in Boston she need of pecuniary assistance ? had not been to meeting at all. That We should deprecate a suspension of her husband objected both to going the mission as a very serious evil. himself and to her going. On taking Many would be left almost wholly leave I desired that she would kindly without religious instruction, and the remember me to her husband, and work would be more difficult to comhand him a Tract I had with me, on mence again. New opportunities of the subject of public worship.

usefulness are daily opening, and the “ About three months after, passing prejudices on the part of the ignorant, the same way, I called again. She ob- against receiving instruction, are di. served that on first receiving the Tract, minishing. Hence the importarce of her busband was quite offended, and re- speedily adopting measures which will marked that I should not have left that result in a sufficiency to cover the exTract if he had been in the habit of penses. attending worship. But, further, that A powerful inducement, it would from that time, he had himself been seem, to the female members of our half the day, and taken care of their churches to contribute to this ohject, children the other part, that she might is the pleasure of meeting on the first

Monday of the month, for devotional It is the delight of the benevolent exercises. Were it our lot to live in heart to do good. Opportunities are some remote region, where we must constantly presenting to the members travel miles to meet two or three be. of this Society in which they may be loved friends, how invaluable would highly useful by visiting with our mis.. appear the privilege of stepping a short sionary, the aged and infirm, who are distance to unite with many such unable to go abroad for privileges, and friends, at a time set apart by thousands



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