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afhamed, as indeed he might well be. At last he refolves upon this artful, and, as the world goes, most effectual expedient; viz. to call unto him his Lord's debtors, and take a favourable account of their debts; for inftance, where an hundred meafures of oil were due, to allow fifty; and instead of an hundred measures of wheat, to make an entry only of fourfcore; that by fo doing he might ingratiate himself with them, and engage their kindness in return, when he fhould fo foon ftand in need of it.. Now this coming to his Lord's ears, he commended the unjuft Steward, because he had done wifely: i. e. He took notice. of his dishonefty, and without doubt difcarded him for ever upon that ac-. count; but at the fame time could not help admiring his fhrewdnefs and fagacity, in that he had acted fo craftily for himself, though he had not dealt honestly by Him.

This is the whole of the parable; upon which our Saviour forms the obfervation in my text, that "The Children of this World are in their generation wiser than the Children of Light.",

The truth is, the end of this allufion was to upraid those who pretend to Religion, and the expectation of a future happy ftate, called here" the Children of Light," for not fhewing as much forefight, in order to infure to themfelves those heavenly and eternal joys; as cunning, worldly-minded men, called here" the Children of this World," commonly exert, for the procuring only a more comfortable fubfiftence in this tranfitory life.

And, it must be owned, the reproach is at this day, as it has been in every age, but too juft, the application but too feasonable. For among the many


that believe the gospel, nay that make it their principle and profeffion to secure the everlasting advantages of another world, how few are there who pursue that great end with half fo much earneftness and perfeverance, as the wife of this world do whatsoever they fet their hearts upon? The further use then I would make of the Text, is,

First, To point out to you in general, how far we are concerned to imitate the Wisdom of this Unjust Steward: And,

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Secondly, To make an application of fome particulars fuggefted in this Parable, for our excitement to virtuous Wifdom.

1. Now it cannot be that we are required to imitate the injustice of this Steward, though commended by his Lord,

Lord, i.e. commended by him in a manner not unusual with good men, who are apt to admire the tricks and artifices of defigning knaves, though they by no means approve of them. For dishonesty, how craftily foever conducted, is certainly no point of true wifdom, but on the contrary the worst policy in the world; always attended with present inconvenience, fear, and danger: And though, fometimes it may be fuccessful to the obtaining it's propofed end, yet is it feldom effectual to maintain it long, never without fome lofs far more confiderable than it's acquifition. However, fince we are fent by Solomon to the ant, bid to confider her ways and be wife and are likewise taught by our Blessed Lord, a greater than Solomon, to learn wisdom, not only from the irrational part of God's creation, the fowls of the air, but from the inanimate alfo, the lilies of the field; let it neither furprize



nor offend us, though we be here inftructed by the fame heavenly Teacher, to promote our real interefts by obferving with what ingenuity and cunning wicked men carry on their's, how falfe and deftructive foever at the laft. For it is very poffible to make a good use of a bad example; nor is it to be doubted but that ferpent-like defenfive prudence, fo visible, and indeed fo neceffary in the world, is in great measure owing to the bafer arts of injurious and offenfive men. Our point then is carefully to separate the wisdom and forefight of this Steward from the iniquity of his proceeding; that fo we may improve upon his better part, and become as wife at least as he was, to a much nobler purpose.

Indeed if we reflect a little on the behaviour of thofe, who are commonly and deservedly called the Wife of this World, it is to be feared the very best VOL. II. Christians


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