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embarrassed, and certainly corrupted the spiritual-the result being a patchwork of church and state. In Scotland, the moral element took the lead. Here the reformation was reform of the lives and habits of the clerical body, which, more than was the case any where else, had filled up the measure of scandal, profligacy, and corruption. The " representative men"-the leaders of the reformation-were each fitted to his special work. Luther was bold, defiant, reckless—a man of impulse rather than of plan. Calvin was cool, calculating, speculative,-an organizer in whom impulse was subordinate to plan. Latimer "represented those qualities of earnestness, and yet of moderation, of scriptural faithfulness, and yet traditionary respect,-at once reforming and conservative,-which peculiarly distinguished the English character, and have stamped their impress more than any other upon the spirit of the Church of England." Knox was pre-eminently a man of conscience; fierce in combating sin, and not unfrequently confounding sin with the sinner; sometimes coarse in his invective, never polished in his speech. He saw less of heresy, of false doctrine, of senseless ritual, than of the immorality of the priestly class. At this particular point he directed. his wonderful energy; and his measure of success was the salvation of Scotland as a nation.

We have thus indicated the purpose and plan of Tulloch's book. The reader will find in it the true historic spirit. The plan is sutained by the facts; though, as a general rule, historians are more methodical than history. The several features of a great revolution are seldom as broadly distinguished as narrators, more in love with art than fact, are prone to make them. Macaulay and even Grote would be better historians if they were not such consummate artists. One hates to have his system spoilt by a fact. We think however, that Tulloch has avoided, in a great measure, the evils to which his method of classification too frequently leads. His pages are tersely written, and will profit any appreciative reader.

18. The Anastasis of the Dead: or, Philosophy of Human Immortality, as deduced from the Teachings of the Scripture Writers in reference to "The Resurrection." By Jason Lewis. Boston: Abel

Tompkins. 1860. pp. 352.

Under the general subject announced on the title-page, the author discusses, on purely Scripture grounds, all the vital questions pertaining to the subject of human destiny. Jewish opinions respecting the future life; definition of Scripture terms bearing, directly or indirectly, on the general subject; the question of the annihilation of the wicked; the condition of the soul subsequent to the death of the body; the order of the resurrec

tion, whether simultaneous with all men or consecutive; the manner of the resurrection; angelic existences; proofs of a future life; and kindred topics,-all are made the themes of much ingenious and learned exposition, the views generally deduced being in harmony with received Universalist conceptions on the several subjects. The author has been a careful and patient student of the Scriptures; and has availed himself of the light which commentators and legicographers have thrown on the sacred text. The plan of the book is good, and is scholarly in its execution. The style is transparent, sometimes quaint, never equivocal. The book has a kind and degree of merit that will make it a classic in our denominational literature. We regret that we cannot give a review instead of a notice.

19. The Life and Correspondence of Thomas Arnold, D. D. Late Head Master of Rugby School, and Regius Professor of Modern History in the University of Oxford. By Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, M. A. In two volumes. Boston: Ticknor & Fields.

It is with us truly a labor of love to commend these noble volumes-noble, as faithfully bringing before every reader's eye, one of the choicest spirits that the good Father has ever given to bless mankind. Dr. Arnold, the teacher of youth, the lecturer, the preacher, the historian, has a hold upon our esteem and reverence such as very few can ever have. We have read his histories of Rome and the Commonwealth, his Lectures upon Modern History, very many of his Sermons, and his Life and Correspondence, and feel that we thoroughly know the man; and we can truly say that, knowing what was Dr. Arnold, we can but have a reverence for the race of which he was an individual. In reading his sermons we find all distinctions of creed banished from thought. While in communion with such a spirit, it is impossible to wrangle about points of belief. He was an honored divine of the Church of England, a believer in the Trinity, and in kindred dogmas. Yet he had a Catholic spirit. In his heart he was no sectarian. It was indeed the great desire of his soul that in matters of worship, there should be but one fold; and to secure this end he was ready to make any sacrifice consistent with personal integrity. Indeed his anxiety to banish sectarianism from England was so ardent, that it made him utterly oblivious of the flaws in the logic by which he hoped to secure the result. Arnold is most affectionately remembered in connection with his school-labors at Rugby. Before his removal to this place, the morals of English schools were shameful, and the reputation of the Rugby school was lowest of all. Arnold made it the model-school intellectually, morally, and religiously.

Among his pupils he was a magnet. They loved, reverenced, and obeyed him. His influence over them was unbounded. In his presence they seemed to lack even the power to be insubordinate. The chaplaincy of the School Chapel fell vacant. He took the place, and, without money or price, preached to his pupils with an ardor that could not fail to make the deepest impression on the youthful mind. Arnold was generous both of money and labor, was always at work or play-that is, was never idle, was genial, frank, confiding. And he was truthful-he hated a lie whether in the individual, in the party, in the sect, or in history. Seldom has it happened that so many noble qualities have been blended in a single individual.

To all who can appreciate human excellence, whether preacher, teacher, lawyer, or whatever calling, we say, You cannot afford to be without the two volumes which give the Life and Correspondence of Dr. Arnold. The Correspondence in particular is a mine of wisdom, displayed on a great variety of subjects, such as history, theology, forms of worship, education, and general literature. The labors of the biographer have been performed with sound discretion, perfect taste, and a thorough appreciation of the beautiful character his pages portray.

20. The White Hills: Their Legends, Landscapes, and Poetry. By Thomas Starr King. With Sixty Illustrations. Boston: Crosby, Nichols and Company. 1860.

It is a rare instance to have what is technically called a "giftbook," finding its market chiefly in the holidays, that has something to commend it save handsome type, costly binding, and gilt edging. A very large proportion of the books and annuals got up for such occasions, are intrinsically worthless. Indeed, they are intended for centre-tables, not for useful reading. To the readers of this periodical, we need not say how far is the above-named volume from coming under such a category. The style which gave its first brilliancy to these pages, and which so felicitously set off æsthetic and even theological subjects, now perfected by years of experience, could not fail to achieve a master-piece with the beauty and grandeur of nature for a theme. Strangely gifted in the power to describe natural scenery, and also to detect its spiritual significance and analogies, the author could not have selected a more inspiring subject. For several years the White Mountains and vicinities have been his summer home. And no day-laborer has been more free of muscle and toil, than has he climbing the shoulders of the majestic peaks which make New Hampshire the Switzerland of America. He has wooed the hills with the ardor of a lover, and there is hardly a

locality commanding some peculiarity of prospect, that he has not explored. These labors and enjoyments were not destined to be merely for his own pleasure and profit, and now we have their fruits in the superb volume already named. The illustrations and the text make the permanent value of the book, but the slightly tinted paper, clear type and exquisite binding make it by all odds the handsomest book issued for many seasons. are glad to learn that the volume is meeting with an unprecedented sale; we are glad, because it will prove no ephemeral affair -will have an intrinsic worth in years to come. It would be a pleasure to give in detail some of the excellencies of the work, but our limited space forbids it. We will simply refer the reader to the book itself.


21. The Monarchies of Continental Europe. 1. The Empire of Russia; from the Remotest Periods to the Present Time. 2. The Empire of Austria; its Rise and Present Power. By John S. C. Abbott. New York: Mason Brothers. 1859.

We name these two volumes together, they being uniform in size, plan, and general execution. It is the author's purpose to abridge the voluminous facts of European history, but to give sufficiency of detail to enable a reader to form a complete conception of the special history narrated. In fact, there has never been a history of Russia and of Austria adapted to the popular want. Mr. Abbott's works will prove acceptable to that numerous class who would know something, but cannot know every thing of history in the old world. The style which made the Life of Napoleon so fascinating to the common reader has lost nothing of its power. The histories of Russia and Austria will not fail of readers; the author's reputation will guarantee so much. Of course, those who aim to master the subject will look into more voluminous records. Indeed, no history can be thoroughly mastered without a resort to the original sources. For example, we may in considerable measure, get the facts of American history from Hildreth and Bancroft, but to get at the life of these facts to make ourselves, as it were, a contemporary of the persons and events described-we must resort to the less rhetorical pages of antiquated documents and annals. Of course, there are but few who can spare the time for so great an amount of labor. None but professed historians will undertake it. The ordinary reader will be content to take a few specimen facts, and such pictures of the particular period as his author can portray for him; and such a reader will welcome the volumes of European history now in course of preparation by Mr. Abbott. The mechanical execution is creditable to the publishers.


Charles Lamb.

Essays of Elia. By Charles Lamb. A new edition. Boston: William A. Veazie. 1860. 12mo. pp, 466.

THE appearance of a new edition of the Essays of Elia, and Popular Fallacies,-an edition so superior to any preceding one in all that pertains to the mechanical appearance, particularly paper and print, as to compel us to renew our acquaintance with its welcome pages-gives us an occasion to present a sketch, literary and social, of the genial author. In passing, we will simply add that we hope the pecuniary success of this handsome edition will encourage the publishers to issue the "Letters" in similar style.

As in every day life, among those with whom we are brought in contact, there are many whom we respect and esteem, but few whom we love and admit to terms of strict intimacy, so in literature; of the hundreds to whom we acknowledge our obligations for instruction and delight, in one or another department, there is now and then one whom we come to regard with feelings akin to personal friendship.

Perhaps no author has inspired these feelings in his readers more than Charles Lamb. Not that Lamb's popularity has been as extensive as that of many others, or that he is so universal a favorite with those who have known something of his writings. Indeed, it may be as De Quincey says, that his writings can never be popular in the sense in which that term is generally used; if so, however, it is for reasons rather creditable to him than complimentary to that public on which one's popularity depends.

His personal relations while living, foreshadowed his position in the world of letters. Surrounded by a few friends who knew him intimately, appreciated his genius, and loved him as few men are loved, he had no general acquaintances. He could not sport with a man at arm's length; his genius was of that shy and delicate character, that avoided exposure in presence of an imperfect sym



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