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well deferved for their Endeavours to inform and edify the People thereby.

But among them all, none excel this little Catechifm of the Affembly, for Orthodoxy, Fulnefs, and Method.

And because the Anfwers therein are fome of them pretty large, and Treat of the most profound Myfteries of our Religion; therefore feveral Perfons have beftowed their good and laudable Pains, fome in defcanting more largely, and proving by Scriptural Reafons the Particulars: and one has fhewn the Harmony thereof with the Articles and Homilies of the Church of England (defigned, I fuppofe, to remove the Prejudice which fome have taken against it). Others have parted the Questions and Anfwers into feveral little ones, under each, to make them more intelligible to younger Ones, and more eafy to be


Among whom, Worthy, Orthodox, and Excellent Mr. John Flavel may be ranked, who among other of his many and most profitable Labours, applied himfelf to the chewing of this Bread of Life, or crumbling it into finaller Pieces, for the Conveniency of Children and (indeed) of all; wherein (as in all his other Works) he hath fhewn himself a Workman that needs not to be afhamed.

There needs no other Recommendations to this Pofthumous Piece, but the worthy Author's Name; he was removed before he had compleat


ly finished it; he had prepared his Questions and Answers upon the fecond Petition of the Lord's Prayer; but lived not to propose them in the publick Congregation. God then tranflated him into. his Kingdom of Glory above, while he was fo induftrioully endeavouring to promote the Kingdom of Grace below.

The other five remaining Questions and Anfwers (to compleat the Work) were done by a ruder hand; as may easily be difcerned by any obfervant Reader, who will find himself transfer'd from a plain, clear, and delightful Stile, Method, and Manner, into more rough, diforderly, and unpleasant ones; for who, indeed, could equal this Divine Labourer? Not the Compleater: who would account himself to have made very great Attainments in Divinity and Ufefulness, if he were left but a few Furlongs behind him.

Let the Reader ufe and perufe this Piece, and he will fee Caufe to blefs God for the Author.



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