Imágenes de páginas

sirable to deposit property. It is doubtful whether on any other of the East and West streets such lateral facilities could be afforded, and whether the benefit of the improvement would not be in a great measure con. fined to the Delaware end of the line. This capacity to diffuse its benefits over a considerable extent of the City, has been deemed by the Commissioners a most important advantage-nor could they close their eyes to the fact, that the vacant space at the Drawbridge af. fords the only ground within the limits of the City, where a Rail-Road track passing from West to East, can be conveniently and properly curved into the contemplated Avenue along the Delaware front. This Avenue when completed will have a spacious entrance with an easy graduation into Dock street, and thus the revolving platforms which would be necessary in any other situation may be dispensed with.

3. A Rail-Road upon the route recommended will interfere less than any other with the convenience of private dwellings, and with private travel. Throughout its whole length, there are very few buildings which are not occupied wholly or in part for purposes of trade, and which would not be directly accommodated in the way of such trade. In this respect none of the East and West streets are similarly situated with Market street. As to the travel on Market street, it is chiefly of that sort which the Rail-Road would better accommodate, or which under the arrangements resulting from its construction, would naturally take a different direction.

4. Another consideration which has had great weight with the Commissioners is, that the route by Market, Third and Dock streets, will abundantly accommodate that portion of the City, which heretofore has been connected with the Western business, and in which property has become valuable in consequence of that connection. They deem it impolitic suddenly to change the great channels of business, so as to enhance the value of property in one part of a City, at the expense of another, and unjust to do so without great necessity. In the present instance they believe there is no plausible pretext for such a change.

It is impracticable for the Commissioners within the proper limits of a report, to do more than sketch the views by which they have been governed in the selec. tion of a route. They are of a kind however to require little explanation, as they will readily occur to any practical mind when once directed to the subject. Among the plans which have been suggested for the construction of the Rail-Road, the Committee prefer that recommended in the able communication from W. Strickland, Esq., Civil Engineer, a copy of which accompanies this report. He proposes to curve the Broad street Rail-Road into High street with four separate tracks, two tracks six feet apart on the centre or crown of the street, and one track within five feet of the present curb-stone on each side of the way-that the foot pavements be increased five feet in width, and that in every square there be a turn-out from the tracks in the centre, to those near the curbstones on each side-or, in other words, branch tracks from the right and left on each side of the central railways; that wrought iron edge rails of the common construction be used, fixed by chains upon stone blocks three feet apart, the top of the rail being flush with the surface of the pebble pavement, and protected longitudinally on each side by granite flag-stones of one foot in width? These stones are to be laid close to the rails, on the outside of the tracks, and from two to three inches from the rails on the inside so as to allow sufficient play for the dip of the flange of the car wheels.

The cost of the improvement above described, including its continuation out High street from Broad to Ashton, is estimated by the engineer at 8270,000, which estimate also includes a continuation of the tracks down High street from Third to a point on the West side of Front, where he proposes to fix pivots for the

return of cars towards Broad street, so as to give the merchants on Market below Third street a direct com. munication with the Rail Road on Broad street.

The Commissioners are aware that two prominent objections may be started, to the plan and route, which they have felt it their duty to recommend—namely, that the removal of the Market houses from High street to other localities will be inconvenient, and that it will cause much expense over and above the actual cost of the rail road. They believe, however, that the more these objections are examined, the less important they will appear, and that they are insignificant in comparison with the broad and general interests to be advanced by the contemplated improvement. To recommend other scites for the erection of Market houses, forms no part of the duty prescribed to the Commissioners. They have nevertheless made such enquiries as to satisfy themselves, that suitable positions can be obtained and several markets erected at no exhorbitant expense, which would accommodate the public quite as well if not better than the present. They deem it important, moreover, to relieve the wholesale business of High street from the obstructions created by the markets, and by the removal of those buildings to restore the original plan of the city. A considerable portion of the expense may no doubt be defrayed by voluntary contributions from those who own property on the line of the Rail Road, and who will be benefited at once by a new accommodation to trade, and by the removal of a long standing inconvenience.

If the Commissioners are right in their estimate of the importance of the proposed communication to the pros. perity of the city, it follows as a corollary, that no time should be lost in carrying it into complete effect. Every day's delay will deprive Philadelphia of some portion of the advantages to which she is fairly entitled, and increase the difficulty of recalling business to those channels from which, by the superior foresight or activity of other districts, it may have been diverted. They would therefore respectfully recommend to the Councils of the City, if the plan herein submitted shall meet their approbation, forthwith to commence the construc. tion of the Rail Road along the Market street from Broad to Eighth street, and frem Broad to Ashton and along Third and Dock streets, and also to take immedi ate measures for procuring other scites on which to erect suitable market buildings. In accomplishing the latter object, they confidently believe that no great difficulty will be experienced, and that the markets may be removed from High street between Eighth and Third streets, by the time the other portions of the line shall have been completed. If however any unexpect ed obstacles should occur, so as materially to delay the completion of an entire line from Broad street to the Delaware, they regard prompt action as of so much im. portance as to justify the construction of a cheap temporary line to be used until the better and more per manent one can be finished. For this purpose a route leaving High street at Eighth street, passing down Eighth to Walnut, down Walnut to Dock, and down Dock to the river, appears most convenient, although as a permanent location it is liable to serious objections, and is in no respect comparable to that which the Commissioners have recommended.

To obviate any objections to the location of Rail Roads through the City on the ground of general inconve nience, the Commissioners respectfully submit the following extract of a communication received from Baltimore, and from a source entitled to the highest credit:

"Railways can be constructed along the streets of a City on which produce and merchandize may be con veyed, with more economy and less interruption to the ordinary intercourse thereof than by any other mode whatever. They can be so laid down as to be crossed every where freely, and turn-outs are not required ex cept where the streets are very narrow indeed. opposition to the extension of rail ways in this City has


proceeded from a few individuals who were large property holders in the Western section of the city, and who were desirous of monopolising the whole trade of the Rail Road. Their representations have been shown to be groundless, and our Councils have almost unanimously affirmed the general convenience and advantages of their introduction."

As a summary of their views upon the interesting questions presented for their consideration, the Commissioners submit a copy of certain resolutions which they unanimously adopted, and which proved the basis of this report:

1. Resolved, That in the opinion of this Board the best plan for connecting the Columbia Rail Roal with the wharves on the Delaware and Schuylkill, is by a rail way beginning at Broad street and extending to both rivers, to be connected with other rail ways along Delaware Avenue and the Schuylkill front, from Cedar to Vine streets.

2. Resolved, That High street, on account of its central position, superior width, and established character as the principal seat of business with the West, presents the only eligible scite for the line of connexion between Broad street and the Delaware wharves, and that such line should pass down High to Third, down

matter of general interest and of public record, and the Moyamensing Bank from the Cashier of which no statement has been obtained. This table presents, at a sin. gle view, the annual dividends-the aggregate amount, and the yearly average of each Bank; from which it will be seen that the highest average is over 18, while the lowest is less than 6 per cent. per anuum.

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Third to Dock, and down Dock to the Drawbridge | ACOGNAGY landing.

3. Resolved, That it be recommended to Councils forthwith to commence the construction of a rail road in High street from Eighth to Broad and from Broad to Ashton, and also in Third and Dock streets, and further to take immediate measures for the removal of the markets from High street, and the establishment of suitable accommodations elsewhere.

4. Resolved, That it is not expedient for Councils to erect a public depository for merchandize on the Delaware, it being deemed better that stores for the reception of country produce and other articles of commerce on the rail way, be erected by individual enter. prise, as the same may be required.

All which is respectfully submitted.
By order of the Board,

THOS. P. COPE, Chairman.

Attest, J. M. WRIGHT, Secretary.

Philadelphia, May 15th, 1835.

(Engineer's Report and views of minority next week.)


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1831. 1832. 1833. 1834. 1835. Total. Yearly

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1830, to May 1835, inclusive.
Statement of the Dividends declared by the different Banks in PHILADELPHIA, from January


Navigation on Lake Ontario has been open for 88 several weeks. On Sunday last the schooner William Buckley, from Sackets Harbor, arrived at this port through the Welland Canal with over sixty passengers, emigrants. About thirty of the number stopped here -the remainder went to Cleveland. The W. B. was the first vessel that came through the canal this season. Several others, however, were in the canal at the same time, and one laden with merchandize from New York, came through immediately astern of the W. B., for which the Captain received a premium of $100, it being the first vesse! laden with New York goods that has come into Lake Erie.—Erie Observer, May 9.

From the Commercial Herald.

We have heretofore neglected to notice the daily line of packet boats between Wilkesbarre and North umberland. These splendid and convenient boats, the "Geo. Dennison," snd "Gertrude," are owned principally by our enterprising citizens, Messrs. Horton and Dean, and arrive and depart from this place daily. For comfort and expedition, they surpass every other mode of travelling.

The opening of the canal this season has created an activity in business at this place, hitherto unknown since its completion. Many have engaged extensively in the coal business, and the Baltimore Coal Company BANK DIVIDENDS. have re-commenced their works with vigor. This Believing that the following statement would prove Company are now constructing a Rail-road from their satisfactory to our subscribers, we have presented in a extensive beds, to the canal, which improvement will tabular form, the annual dividends declared by the dif. serve materially to extend and enlarge their operations. ferent Banking Institutions in Philadelphia; from Ja- Our town is soon destined to become a place of active nuary 1830, to May 1835, embracing a period of nearly and permanent business, and our entire Valley is open. five and a half years. The dividends declared by the ing a prospect where capitalists can invest their funds Banks incorporated since 1830, are also given. All the with great profit and advantage. Our steam boatBanks in Philadelphia are included in this statement, our canal-our contemplated Rail-road to the Lehighexcept the Southwark Bank, the Cashier of which, re- will all shower their favors upon us, and reward infused to furnish a statement of its demands; although a | dustry and enterprise with competence and wealth,

W. Democrat.

[blocks in formation]

Draba Verna-Shad Blossom.

Claytonia Virginica-Spring Beauty.
Glechoma Hederacea-Ground Ivy.
Leontodon Taraxacum-Dandelion.
Viola Scabriuscula.

Erythronium Americanum--Adder's Tongue.
Stellaria Media-Common Chickweed.
Anemone Nemorosa-Wind-flower.
Panax Trifolium-Dwarf Ginseng.
Houstonia Coerulea-Innocence.
Luzula Campestris-Field Rush.
Ranunculus Abortivus.

Fagus Sylvatica-White Beech.
Carpinus Americana-Water Beech.
Ostrya Virginica-Iron Wood.

Saxifraga Virginica-Early Saxifrage.
Sanguinaria Canadensis-Blood Root.
Viola Debilis.

Dentaria Laciniata-Tooth Wort.

Hepatiea Triloba-Liverwort.

Symplocarpus Foetida-Skunk Cabbage.

was dug up a few days since, in Wrightsville, York County, Pa.-It bears on one side a head with the in scription, "George, King of Great Britain," and on the other, an Indian with his bow and arrow, in the act of shooting a deer. It appears to have been worn as an ornament for the nose or ears. There were found al so two others of similar description-a brass kettle-s string of white beads, one and a half yards in lengthsome red paint and twenty-five rings, one of which was dated 1716.-Columbia Spy.

SCHUYLKILL CANAL-From twelve o'clock on Sunday till five o'clock, P. M. on Monday, one hundred and twenty-six boats, including Coal, with various articles of Produce, arrived at Fairmount Locks, exclusive of those freighted with Lime, Limestone, and Stone. This is by far the largest number of arrivals that has ever taken place in the same period of time, and clearly proves the astonishingly rapid growth of our trade with the West. The trade of a great portion of that immense region must and will unquestionably come to Philadelphia. Among the various articles composing the cargoes of this fleet of Boats were, Flour 3304 bbls. 10,391 Bushels Wheat and Rye, 1728 do Corn; Oats 1000; 166,663 lbs. Bacon; Tobac co 21,640 lbs, Whiskey 126 bbls; Leather 54,847 lbs; Castings 204,820 lbs; 95,803 lbs. Pig Metal and Blooms, and 3768 tons of Coal.—Herald.

Interesting Fact.-The following from a correspond

Gnaphalium Plantagineum-Early Life ever-lastingent at Harrisburg, is the commencement of our trade

Ranunculus Pennsylvanica.

Camlophyllum Thalictroides-Blue Cohosh.

Viola Cucullata-Common blue Violet.

Anemone Thalictroides-Rue Anemone.
Asarum Canadense-Wild Ginger.
Mitella Diphylla-Bishop's Cap.
Potentilla Canadensis-Cinque foil.
Cerastium Oblongifolium.

Cardamine Pennsylvanica-Water Cress.
Polemonium Reptans—Jacob's Ladder.
Veronica Agrestis.

Fragaria Virginiana-Wild Straw Berry.
Aronia Botryapium-Service Berry.
Orontium Aquaticum-Golden Club.

The Corallorhiza Hyemalis grows in great abundance in a woodland south east of this place. The Canlop. hyllum Thalictroides grows in two or three localities pear here, and also the Staphylœa Trifolia.


C. H.

going to Pennsylvania:

"A boat arrived here yesterday from Utica, in the state of New York, via the canal to Newtown, and from thence down the Susquehanna to the Pennsylva nia Canal at the Big Island, and so on to Columbia— with a full load of produce.-N. Y. Star.

COLUMBIA RAIL ROAD.-During the month of Novem ber, 688 cars passed from Philadelphia; December 761; January 749; February 842; March 1142; April 1315averaging upwards of 43 per day during the last month.Com. List.

From the Kingston Republican and Herald. May 13.

DIED, in Eaton, on the 7th inst. Mr. Israel Harding, in the 80th year of his age, a Soldier of the Revolu tion. Mr. Harding was a native of Colchester in the State of Connecticut, and in early life emigrated to the The new steam boat "Susquehanna" arrived at valley of Wyoming. At the breaking out of the war this place from Owego, on Thursday last, amidst the he was one among the many young men of Wyoming, general acclammations of our citizens. She was built at who animated by the love of freedom, enlisted in the Owego, N. Y. on a new plan, admirably adapted to the service of his country, and joined the main army, un navigation of the Susquehanna river, and thus far has der the great Washington, and during a period of fully realized the expectations of her projectors.-She seven years continued to combat the foes of liberty, made her first trip to this place, a distance of about participating in the battles of Trenton, Redbank, 130 miles, in ten hours, without the aid of her two Monmouth, and many others not recollected by the side wheels, and with the disadvantage of new mawriter. On the disbanding of the army, Mr. Harding chinery. Capt. Toby, who built the boat, command-return ed to enjoy the society of his numerous relatives ed her in her first voyage, and several citizens of and friends, who had survived the bloody massacre of Owego, and of the intermediate villages accompanied. the savages at Wyoming, two of his brothers having On Friday she returned, and marched up the rapid fallen under their tomahawk during his absence in the current with a strength and velocity that afford a rea- army, and has continued to reside in the county sonable belief of her entire success. since, and enjoyed the reputation of an honest upright and quiet citizen.

She is designed, as we are informed, both for passengers and for towing, and should she answer present expectation, will be of great advantage to the business of this Valley.-Wilkesbarre Democrat, May 13.


A brass Medal has been left at this office, which together with several other articles and a human skull,

Printed every Saturday morning by WILLIAM F. GEDDES, No. 9 Library street.

The publication office of the Register has been removed from Franklin Place, to No, 61, in the Arcade, West Avenue, up stairs.




VOL. XV.--NO. 22.




4. An act relative to the election of Managers of the Loyalbanna Bridge Company.

6. A supplement to an act entitled An act for incorporating the Methodist Episcopal church, known by the name of Saint George's Church, in the city of Philadelphia, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, passed the eighth day of December, one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine.

No. 386.

ing the collection of a debt due to the Commonwealth, passed the ninth April, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three.

31. A further supplement to an act for acknowledging and recording deeds.

33. An act to alter the time of holding the courts in Washington county.

34. An act providing for the use of horses on parts of the Allegheny Portage rail road, and Philadelphia and Columbia rail road.

35. An act providing for the payment of the ex8. An act to vest certain real estate in the Seventh-penses incurred by the contracts made for the purchase day Baptist Monastical society of Snowhill.

9. An act to authorize a temporary loan for the use of the Commonwealth.

of locomotive engines, and for other purposes.

36. A supplement to the act providing for the laying the rails on the Columbia bridge.

10. A supplement to an act extending the time for 37. A supplement to ille act relating to county rates closing the concerns of the Bank of Washington, pass-and levies, and township rates and levies, and to the ed the eighteenth day of December, Anno Domini, act relating to counties and townships, and county and one thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine. township officers. 11. A supplement to an act entitled An act to provide for the erection of a house for the employment and support of the poor in the county of Fayette.

12. A supplement to an act entitled An act to incorporate the Chambersburg Insurance Company, passed the third day of April, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three.

14. An act to alter the time of holding the Courts in Susquehanna county.

16. An act to repeal so much of the act passed on the eighth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three, for incorporating certain bridge and turnpike companies, and for other purposes, as relates to the roads of St. Clair township, in Allegheny county. 18. An act providing for the maintenance of motive power on the rail roads of this Commonwealth.

19. An act to authorize the commissioners of Tioga county to borrow money for the use of said county. 20. An act to alter the time of holding township elections in Buckingham township, Wayne county, and for the election of a constable in the borough of Brookville, in Jefferson county.

21. An act to increase the compensation of the judge of the District Court of the city and county of


22. A supplement to the act incorporating the Southwark Fire Insurance company of the county of Philadelphia.

23. An act to authorize the Philadelphia and Trenton rail road company, to construct a viaduct across the

river Delaware.

38. An act to authorize the Governor to incorporate a company to make a turnpike road from the borough of Ligonier town, in Westmoreland county, to Donegall town in said county.

39. A further supplement to an act to regulate fisheries in the river Su quehanna and its branches, passed the thirtieth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two.

40. A supplement to an act relative to the Butler and Freeport turnpike road company.

41. An act to supply the borough of Harrisburg with water, and for other purposes.

42. An act relative to the election of constables in Carroll and Nottingham townships, in Washington county, and election districts in Sewickly township, in Westmoreland county, and Carroll township, in Perry county.

43. An act to authorise the Canal Commissioners to fill up the Deep Cut at the Grant's Hill Tunnel.

44. A supplement to the act incorporating the Portsmouth and Lancaster Rail Road Company.

45. An act authorising the election and appointment of an additional constable in the township of North Sewickly, in the county of Beaver, and for other pur


46. A supplement to the act entitled "An act vacating certain streets, lanes and alleys in Williamsport and in Williamsburg."

47. An act to authorize the Governor to incorporate a company to erect a toll bridge over the West Branch of the river Susquehanna, at Walton's landing.

24. A supplement to the act entitled, an act to pro- 48. A supplement to act entitled "An act to incorvide for the education of children at the public ex-porate the Moyamensing Bank in the county of Phila pense, in the city and county of Philadelphia.

25. An act to incorporate the West Philadelphia rail road company;

26. An act authorising the trustees of the Se ond Presbyterian church, in the city of Philadelphia, and the trustees of the Methodist Episcopal church of the Wyoming circuit, and Wilkesbarre station to sell and convey certain real estate, and for other purposes. 29. An act for the vacation of a part of Cherry alley, in the borough of Washington, in the county of Washington.

30. A supplement to the act entitled an act directVOL. XV. 43

delphia," passed the thirtieth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two.

49. An act to authorize the Supreme Court to take cognizance of certain proceedings in the Court of Common Pleas of Fayette county.

52. A supplement to an act entitled An act to alter An act entitled An act for erecting the town of Carlisle, in the county of Cumberland, into a borough, &c.

55. An act providing for the repair of the bridges erected over the canals and rail roads of this Common wealth.

56. A supplement to the act entitled An act to incorporate the Lycoming Coal company.

57. A supplement to an act entiled An act authorising the Governor to incorporate the Lackawanna and Susquehanna rail road company.

58. An act for erecting Trinity Church and All Saints Church, in the county of Philadelphia, and St. Thomas's Church, in the county of Montgomery, into three separate corporations.

87. A supplement to an act entitled an act for the better regulation of the city of Philadelphia and districts adjoining, and preserving the navigation of the river Schuylkill, passed 25th March, 1835.

88. An act to incorporate the Neversink Fire Engine company.

89. An act to incorporate the Resolution company in York.

90. A supplement to an act entitled an act to incor

59. A supplement to an act entitled an act author-porate the subscribers to the articles of association, for ising the Governor to incorporate the Philadelphia and Trenton Rail road company.

60. An act authorising the removal of a certain action of ejectment brought by Jacob Hoffman against John G. Coster and others, in the court of Schuylkill county to an adjacent county for trial.

61. An act to incorporate the Philadelphia Association for the relief of disabled Firemen,

62. An act to alter the charters of the boroughs of Liverpool, Gettysburg, and Hanover, and to repeal the law incorporating the borough of Dundaff.

63. An act to establish the District Court for the city and county of Philadelphia.

66. An act to authorise the canal commissioners to

the purpose of establishing and conducting an institution for the confinement and reformation of youthful delinquents, under the title of the House of Refuge, passed March 23d, 1835.

92. An act to authorise the Governor to incorporate a company to erect a bridge over Stony Creek, at Johnstown, in Cambria county.

93. An act to incorporate the Farmers' and Drovers' Bank of Waynesburg.

94 An act to incorparate the bank of Lewistown. 95. An act to graduate the lands on which money is due and unpaid to the commonwealth of Pennsylva


96. A supplement to the act entitled an act perpetsettle and adjust the claim of damages of Samuel Tal-uating and enlarging the corporate powers of the bom: dge, Robert Criswell, Hugh Bingham, and the heirs rough of Uniontown, in the county of Fayette. of Daniel Cary.

67. A supplement to an act for the preservation and repair of the Cumberland road.

68. An act relative to Banks.

69. An act relative to bonds of county treasurers in the auditor general's office.

70. A supplement to the act incorporating the Schuylkill valley navigation and rail road company, and the several supplements thereto, and to extend the time of commencing and completing the Tuscarora and Cold run tunnel and rail road.

71. An act to recharter the Farmers' bank of Lan


72. An act to recharter the bank of Chester county. 73. An act to recharter the Easton bank.

74. An act to recharter the bank of Germantown. 75. An act to authorise the appraisers of damages on the Pennsylvania canal, to settle and adjust the claims for damages of Daniel Brenneman, William Cochran and Lewis Brenneman.

76. A further supplement to the act, entitled an act to incorporate the York and Maryland line rail road


77. An act to authorise the appraisers of damages on the Pennsylvania canal, to settle and adjust the claim of damages of James Rodgers and John M'

[blocks in formation]

80. An act to authorise the trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Carlisle, Cumberland county, to sell and convey certain real estate.

81. An act to incorporate the Lumberville Delaware bridge company.

82. A supplement to the act entitled an act authorising the Governor to incorporate the Bald Eagle and Spring Creek navigation company, passed the 14th day of April, 1834.

84. Au act authorising the election of assessor and assistant assessors in the borough of Tamaqua, in the county of Schuylkill, and to erect said borough into a separate election district.

85. An act to authorise the increase of the annual in

come of the Roman Catholic Society of St. Joseph, for educating and maintaining poor orphan children gratis.

97. An act to authorise the Governor to incorporate a company for making a turnpike road, at or near the road to Edward Harford's mill, through Newfoundland, to the Belmont and Easton turnpike, near to the line of Wayne and Pike counties.

98. An act for the relief of Benjamin Spayd and Isaac Beck, late overseers of the poor of the borough of Pottsville, and for other purposes.

99. An act to alter the time of holding the courts in Beaver and Montgomery counties.

102. An act authorising the election of assessors and assistant assessors, in the borough of Indiana, in the county of Indiana.

103. An act authorising the laying out of a state road, from the Bethlehem and Sumneytown road in Lehigh county, to the Bethlehem and Philadelphia road, in Bucks county.

104. A supplement to an act entitled, an act to incorporate the American insurance company of Philadel phia.

106. An act authorising the laying out a state road from Smethport, in M'Kean county, to the Allegheny river where the turnpike road leading from Warren to Ridgeway crosses the same.

107. An act to incorporate the Attleborough Fire Company of Bucks county.

108. An act authorising the Governor to incorporate the Hollidaysburg and Bedford turnpike road company To incorporate a company to make a turnpike road from the borough of Blairsville, in Indiana county, to Mount Pleasant, in Westmoreland county. To incorporate a company for making a turnpike road in Pike county, to the Bethany and Dingman's choice turnpike road, at or near Kimber's Mills, in Wayne county, and to incorporate the Germantown and Wissahickon turnpike road company.

109. A further supplement to the several acts relative to partitions.

110. An act to erect Adams and York counties into a separate judicial district, to be called the nineteenth district, and for other purposes.

111. An act to authorise the opening of an alley in the city of Pittsburgh from St. Clair, to Irvin street.

112. A supplement to the act entitled an act to incorporate sundry boroughs, and for other purposes, passed 8th April, A. D 1833.

113. An act authorizing the laying out of a state road from Henry Pearson's Mill, in Mercer county, to the New Castle and Zelinople road, in Beaver county.

114. An act altering the time of holding the annual

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