Imágenes de páginas
[graphic][merged small]



abide, 186.
aboard him, 207.
abused (deceived), 167.
access (accent), 168, 208.
action, 166.

adheres (pertains), 182.
adventure (verb), 149, 172,

201, 209.

afar off guilty, 166.
afeard, 200.

affection (disposition), 210.
affection (lust), 154.
affects (form), 200.
affront (meet), 208.
aired, 182.

allow (of this), 182.
allowed (=allowable), 158.
allowing (approving), 156.
amazedness, 210.

an it like (if it please), 205.
ancient, 189.
ancientry, 180.

angle (attraction), 183.
another (the other), 179,
195, 211.

ape, 211.
ape-bearer, 186.

apparent (=heir apparent),

appear (=appear so), 203.
appoint myself, 160.
apprehend, 188.

approbation (=proof), 167.
approved (=proved, 183.
argument (subject, 182.
as (as if), 160, 182, 212.
as (omitted), 205.
aspect (accent), 166.
at door, 199.
at friend, 209.

at palace, 205.
attach (=arrest), 209.
attorneyed, 148.

aunts (mistresses), 184.
avoid (=begone), 163.

baits (attacks), 170.
barne, 180.

basilisk, 161.
bawcock, 153.
bearing-cloth, 181.
becoming (comely), 179.
benched, 159.
best in picture, 204.
Best, the (=Christ), 162.
betwixt us three, 202.
bide upon, 158.
blank (target), 168.
blench, 160.

bless me from, 198.
block, 157.

blood (=passions), 151.
blossom, 179.
Bohemia, 148, 179.
boiled brains, 180.
boot, to, 151, 204.
borrow (noun), 149.
bosom (inmost thoughts),

bourn, 154.

braid (deceitful), 196.
brave (fine), 196.
break up, 176.
break-neck, 160.
breed, 179.

bring (accompany), 186.
bug (bugbear), 176.
but (but that), 209.
but (only), 165.
but (peculiar use), 183, 195.

caddisses, 196.
callat, 170.
came home, 157.
cap-a-pe, 206.
carbonadoed, 198.
carnations, 189.
carriage (conduct), 174.
case (skin), 204, 207.
caught (impressed, 174.
censure (judgment), 164.
centre (earth), 165.
chamber-counsels, 158.
changed (exchanged), 151,


changeling, 181, 205.

character, 179, 210.
charge (value), 197.
charm your tongues, 197.
chase, 180.
cheat, 184.

child (girl), 180.
childness, 156.
choughs, 204.

clap thyself my love, 152.
clerk-like, 161.
climate (verb), 209.
clipping, 210.

cock (woodcock), 184.
collop, 154.

colour (pretext), 202.
come into grace, 207.
comforting (aiding). 169.
comforts (consolations),

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

heavy matters, 180.
hefts, 165.

hence (adjective), 163.
hent, 186.

hold (have), 155.
holy (good), 209, 214.
home (adverbial), 158, 212.
honey-mouthed, 168.
hot (ardent), 205:
hovering (=wavering', 159.
hoxes, 158.

i' fecks! 153.

i' the name of me, 186.
I list not prophesy, 182.
I'll keep my stables, etc,


immodest, 176.
importance (=import), 210.
imposition cleared, the, 151.
in breath, 208.
in good time, 195.
in post, 168.
in question, 209.
in skill, 167.
incense, 208.
incertain, 2c7.
incertainties, 177.
incidency, 161.

industriously, 158.

influences, 162.

inkles, 196.
insinuate, 206.
intelligencing, 170.
intelligent, 161.
intention, 154.
into my note, 148.

is grown into an unspeaka-
ble estate, 183.

it (possessive), 155, 176.
it is, 148.

it own, 172.

grafted in my serious trust, it's, 155, 158.


growth untried, 182.
guilty to, 202.

gust (=perceive), 157.

had like, 205.
haled, 176.
hammered of, 168.
hand (verb), 169, 199.
hand-fast, 206.
hangman, 201.
happily (haply), 210.
happy man be's dole! 155.
harlot (adjective', 168.
hath (plural), 148.
have at it, 198.
have of, 196.

having (=property), 205.
heat (run a heat), 152.
heavings, 169.

jar (=tick), 150.
jewel, 159, 210.
Julio Romano, 211.
justified, 214.

kills my heart, 186.
kiln-hole, 197.
knack, 199, 200.

lady Fortune, 188.
land-damn, 167.
lasting wink, 159.
lavender, 190.
lays it on, 185.
leash, 201.
leave me solely, 169.
let him there, 150.
level, 168, 175.
lewd-tongued, 172.

limber (weak), 150.
lively, 212.

longs (belongs), 176.
look upon, 200, 213.

look upon his removedness,

looks on alike, 200.
lordings, 151.
loss, 173, 179.
loud weather, 179.
lower messes, 157.
lozel, 172.
lunes, 168.

made, 181.

made fault, 178.
maidenheads, 191.

makes her blood look out,

maliciously, 159.
mankind (adjective), 169.
mannerly distinguishment,
marigold, 191.
marjoram, 190.
marted, 199.

masters, 212.
material, 157.
me (for me), 182.
me (I), 161.
mean (noun), 190.
meaner form, 159.
means (tenors), 185.
measure, 206.
medal, 159.
medicinal (accent), 169.
medicine (physician), 203.
men of hair, 198.

[blocks in formation]

o'er-dyed blacks, 153.
o'erween, 183.

of, 148.
of a fool, 178.
officed, 156.

on (in consequence of),

on (of), 157, 187, 202.
one self-born, 182.
opportune (accent), 201.
oppose against, 208.
out, alas! 191.

out of circumstance, 208.
over, 204.

owe (=own), 174.
oxlips, 193.

pace softly, 186.
paddling palms, 153.
pale (=paleness), 184.
pale primroses, 192.
pantler, 188.

part (depart), 149.
part (divide), 149.
partake (impart), 214.
parts (actions), 161.
pash, 153.

passing (adverb), 198.
peer (=appear), 184, 187.
perfect (certain), 179.
petition (appeal), 178.
pettitoes, 204.
pheasant, 206.
physics the subject, 148.
picking on 's teeth, 206.
picture (painted statue),


piece (=add to), 211.
piece up, 213.
piedness, 190.
pin and web, 158.
pinched, 165.
places (honours), 162.
plucks, 183, 201.
point forth, 202.
points (laces), 196.
poking-sticks, 196.
pomander, 203.
ponderous, 202.

posterns, 162.

motion (=puppet-show), 186. pound (plural), 185.

mort o' the deer, 153.

most worst, 178.

[blocks in formation]

practice (=plot), 177.
pranked up, 187.
predominant, 157.
pregnant by circumstance,


preposterous, 211.
present (=instant), 173, 179.
presently, 168.

pretence (intention), 174.
prig, 186.

professed, 163.

proper (=own), 172.

Proserpina, 191.
pugging, 185.
purgation, 174.
Puritan, 185.

push (=impulse), 214.
put us to 't, 149, 194.
putter-on, 167.

queen it, 200.

queens (figurative), 194.
question (talk), 183.
quick (=alive), 194.
quoifs, 196.

race (root), 186.
raisins o' the sun, 186.
rash (=quick-acting), 159.
reared to worship, 159.
reason (there is reason),

red-looked, 168.
regard (look), 161.
relish, 167, 211.

remember thee, 178.
removed (remote), 211.
repair (noun), 207.
replenished, 165.

require (deserve), 173, 175.
resolve you, 212.
respecting, 207.
rest (remain), 179.
review, 205.
rheums, 199.
rift, 208.

ripe (urgent), 160.
rosemary, 189.

round (whisper), 157.
royally attorneyed, 148.
rue, 189.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

uneasy, 183.

unfurnish, 209.
unintelligent, 148.
unkindness, 202.
unrolled, 186.

unsphere the stars, 150.
unthought-on, 202.

sworn to show myself a glass, unthrifty to our knowledge,


table-book, 204.
take (=captivate), 174.

take eggs for money, 155.
take in (=conquer), 203.

vessel of like sorrow, 179.
vice (verb), 162.
villain, 154.
violets dim, 192.
virginalling, 153.
visible an enemy, 210.
visitation, 148, 202, 208.
vulgars, 165.

wafting his eyes, 160.
waits upon worn times, 209.
want (be without), 183.
wanted less impudence, etc.,

ward, 149.

warden pies, 185.

watery star, 148.
weak-hinged, 172.
wearing (dress), 187.
weather-bitten, 210.
weeds (garments), 187.
welkin (adjective', 154.
well (of the dead), 207.
what lady she, 150.
whiles, 209.

whisper (transitive), 162.
whistle off, 197.
Whitsun pastorals, 194.
who (=which), 203.
who (=whom), 204.
whoo-bub, 204.
wild (rash), 167.
wilful-negligent, 158.

wit (=inventive power), 206.
wit (wisdom), 168.
with (by), 209, 213.

with a custom, 187.
without-door, 165.

without more overture, 167.
woe the while! 177.
woman-tired, 170.
wondering, 182.
worst, 169.

worth (fortune), 210.
worthy (=valuable), 195
wotting, 175.

wracked, 211.


utter (=cause to pass), 198.

wrought, 213.

[blocks in formation]

yellow, 170.
yest, 180.

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