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field for an Heretick. This is the fift Time the Holy Scriptures were printed in English, (and that was only the New Testament) but written Copies thereof, of Wickliff's Tranflation, there were long before, and many: This was printed in fome Foreign Parts, perhaps at Hamborough or Antwerp, about the Year 1526; for in this Year Cardinal Wolfey and the Bifhops confulted together for the prohibiting the New Teftament of Tyndal's Tranflation to be read, and published a Prohibition against it in all their Diocefes; alledging, that fome of Luther's Followers had erroneously tranflated the New Teftament, and had corrupted the Word of God by a falfe Tranflation and Heretical Gloffes: therefore they required all Incumbents to charge all within their Parishes, that had any of thefe, to bring them in to the Vicar General, within Thirty Days after that Premonition, under the Pains of Excommunication, and incurring the Sufpicion of Herefy. This Year alfo Tonftal Bishop of London, and Sir Tho. More, bought up almoft the whole Impreffion, and burnt them at Paul's Crofs. This firft Tranflation of Tyndal's, Garrat (alias Garrard) Curate of Honey-Lane (afterwards burnt for Herefy) difperfed in London and Oxford among the Scholars.

After this Tyndal took in hand to tranflate the Old Teftament, and finishing the Five Books of Mofes, with Prologues prefixed before every one, and minding to print the fame at Hamborough, failed thitherward; but by the Way, on the Coaft of Holland fuffered Shipwreck, where he loft all his Books, Writings, and Copies, which doubled his Pains. He came in another Ship to Hamborough, where he lighted on the Help of Miles Coverdale, a Yorkshire Man born, who had fome time been Fryer of the Order of St. Auftin, but being convinced of the Errors and Superftition of that Church and Fraternity, went into Germany, and for the moft Part lived at Tubing, an Univerfity belonging to the Duke of Saxony, where he received the Degree of Doctor; but returning into England the first Year of King Edward the 6th, and growing into great Efteem for Piety and diligent Preaching, he was made Bishop of Exeter Anno 1551. In Queen Mary's Time he was taken into Cuftody, and there remained a confiderable Time; but at the Interceffion of the King of Denmark, he was fet at Liberty, and permitted to go beyond Sea: Settling at Geneva, he there became fo fond of Calvin and his Opinions, that upon his Return under Queen Elizabeth, though he affifted at the Confecration of Archbishop Parker, yet he refufed to conform to the Liturgy and Ceremonies, and not returning to his Bishoprick, fettled himfelf in London, and there leading a private Life, died a very old Man, and was buried in St. Magnus Church near London Bridge. This Man affifted Tyndal in tranflating the whole Five Books of Alofes, from Eafter till December, about the Year 1529, and they went fafely through their Work.

Tyndal's Tranflation of the New Teftament had great Authority and Influence, of which the Bifhops made great Complaints, and faid it was full of Errors. And Tenflal being at Antwerp in the Year 1529, as be returned from his Embaffy at the Treaty of Cambray, fent for one Auftin Packington, an English Merchant there, and defired him to fee how many New Tejlaments of Tyndal's Tranflation he might have for Money. Packington, who was a fecret Favourer of Tyndal, told him what the


Bishop propofed. Tyndal was very glad of it, for being fenfible of fome Faults in his Work, he was defigning a new and more correct Edition; but wanting Money, and the former Impreffion being not fold off, he could not go about it. So he gave Packington all the Copies that lay in his Hands, for which the Bishop paid the Price, brought them over, and burnt them publickly in Cheapfide. This Collier calls an odd Story, and makes this Reflection on it: Thus Packington cheated Bishop Tonftal of his Money, and Tyndal received it. Coll. Ecclef. Hift. Vol. 2. p. 22.

The Burning of thefe Books had fuch an hateful Appearance in it, being generally called the Burning of the Word of God, that People concluded from thence, that there must be a vifible Contrariety between this Book, and the Doctrines of those who fo ufed it; by which both their Prejudice against the Clergy and their Defire of reading the New Teftament were increased.

Upon this Tyndal revifed his Tranflation of the New Testament, corrected it, and caufed it again to be printed, Anno 1530. The Books finished, were privately fent over to Tyndal's Brother, John Tyndal and Thomas Patmore, Merchants, and another young Man, and were received and difperfed by them; for which having been taken up by the Bifhop of London, they were adjudged in the Star Chamber, Sir Thomas More being then Lord Chancellor, to ride with their Faces to the Horfe Tail, having Papers on their Heads, and the New Teftament and other Books, which they had difperfed, to be hanged about them, and at the Standard in Cheapfile, themfelves to throw them into a Fire made for that Purpofe, and then to be fined at the King's Pleature, which Penance they obferved; the Fine fet upon them was heavy enough, 18840 Pounds and 10 Pence.

At the fame Time Conftantine, one of Tyndal's Affociates, being taken in England, the Lord Chancellor More, in a private Examination, promifed that no Hurt fhould be done him, if he would reveal who encouraged and fupported them at Antwerp; which he accepted of, and told him that the greateft Encouragement they had, was from the Bishop of Londen, who had bought up Half the Impreffion.

When the Clergy condemned Tyndal's Tranflation of the New Teftament, they declared they intended to fet out a new Tranflation of it, which many thought was truly never defigned, but only pretended, that they might reftrain the Curiofity of teeing Tyndal's works, with the Hopes of one that fhould be authorized. For on the 24th of May 1530, there was a Form of a Writing drawn and agreed to by Archbishop Worham, Chancellor More, Bishop Ton/tal, and many Canonifts and Divines, which every Incumbent was commanded to read to his Parish, as a Warning to prevent the Contagion of Herefy; the Contents of which were, (as far as concerns this Bufinefs) That the King have ing called together many of the Prelates, with other learned Men out of both Univerfities to examine fome Books lately fet out in the English Tongue, they had agreed to condemn them, as containing feveral Points of Herefy in them; and it being propofed to them, whether it was neceffary to fet forth the Scriptures in the Vulgar Tongue, they were of Opinion, that though it had been fometimes

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done, and the Holy Fathers of the Church thought meet and convenient to put them into the common People's Hands, yet at this Time it was not neceffary, and that the King and the Prelates, in not fuffering the Scriptures to be divulged and communicated to the People in the English Tongue, did well, but that the King would cause the New Tef tament to be by learned Men faithfully and purely tranflated, to the Intent he might have it in his Hands, ready to give to his People, as he might fee their Manners and Behaviour meet, apt, and convenient to receive the fame,

This Year alfo the Bishops had procured of the King a Proclamation to be fet forth for the prohibiting and abolishing of divers Books, among which is the New Teftament of Tyndal.

Tyndal having difpofed his Bufinefs at Hamborough, and returned to Antwerp, proceeded in tranflating the Old Teftament, and did as far as Nehemiah inclufively, but tranflated none of the Prophets, fave Jonah, being prevented by Death. Probably he rendered the Old Testament out of the Latin, having little or no Skill in the Hebrew. None will deny that many Faults needing Amendment are found in this Tranflation, which is no wonder to thofe that confider, 1ft, That fuch an Undertaking was not a Task for a Man, but Men. 2dly, Tyndal being an Exile, wanted many Accommodations. 3dly, His Skill in Hebrew was not confiderable; yea, generally, Learning in Languages was then but in its Infancy. 4thly, Our English Tongue was not improved to that Expreffiveness at which it is now arrived. But yet what he undertook, was to be commended as profitable; wherein be failed, to be excused as pardonable, and to be attributed rather to the Account of that Age, than of the Author himfelf: His Pains were useful, had his Translation no other Good, but to help towards the making of a better, our laft Tranflators having it in exprefs Charge from King James to confult Tyndal's Tranflation.

When the Teftament of Tyndal's Tranflation came over into England, the Popish Clergy were extremely incenfed; fome faid, It was not poffible to tranflate the Scriptures into English; Some, That it was not lawful for the Lay People to have them in their Mother Tongue; Some, That it would make them all Hereticks. And to the Intent to induce the Temporal Rulers alfo to their Purpose, they faid, That the tranflating thereof would make Men rebel against the King. Moreover they fcanned and examined every Tittle and Point in the faid Tranflation in fuch fort, and fo narrowly, that there was not one [i] therein, but if it lacked a Tittle over its Head, they did note it, and number it to the ignorant People for an Herefy. But yet fome were not fo much angry with the Text, as with Tyndal's Comment, his Preface before, and Notes upon the fame. In fine, they did not only procure his Book to be burnt in St. Paul's Church-Yard, (for Stakefly Bishop of London caufed all the New Teftaments of Tyndal, and many other Books which he had bought up, to be openly burnt) but alfo their Malice contrived and effected the ftrangling and burning of Tyndal in Flanders, Anno 1536. So that this Work met with great Difcouragements; which was not strange, efpecially confidering that it happened in fuch a Time, when many printed Pamphlets did difturb the State (and fome of them of Tyndal's


making) which feemed to tend unto Sedition, and the Change of Go


The Papal Power being taken out of the Way, and the King's Supremacy fettled in Parliament, in November 1534, a Way was opened for Reformation of Errors and Abuses in Religion. Archbishop Cranmer, upon his firft Entrance upon his Dignity, had it much in his Mind to get the Holy Scriptures put into the Vulgar Language, and a Liberty for all to read them; for the accomplishing of which he let flip no Opportunity; and one was fhortly afforded him. The Clergy (as was before obferved) when they procured Tyndal's Tranflation to be condemned and fuppreffed, gave out, that they intended to make a Tranflation into the Vulgar Tongue; yet it was afterwards, upon a long Confultation, refolved, that it was free for the Church to give the Bible in a Vulgar Tongue, or not, as they pleafed, and that the King was not obliged to it. Upon which thofe that promoted a Refor mation, made great Complaints, and faid, That it was visible the Clergy knew there was an Oppofition between the Scriptures, and their Doctrines; that they had firft condemned Wickliff's Tranflation, and then Tyndal's. And though they ought to teach Men the Word of God, yet they did all they could to fupprefs it. It was now therefore generally defired, that if there were juft Exceptions against what Tyndal had done, these might be mended in a new Tranflation. These, and the like Arguments, were very plaufible, and wrought much on all that heard them, who plainly concluded that those who denied the People the Ufe of the Scriptures in the Vulgar Tongue, muft needs know their Doctrine and Practices to be inconfiftent with them. Upon thefe Grounds, Cranmer, who was projecting the most effectual Means for promoting a Reformation of Doctrine, moved in Convocation Anno 1535, that they fhould petition the King for Leave to make a Tranflation of the Bible, by fome learned Men of his Highness's Nomination. Gardiner Bishop of Winchester and all his Party oppofed it, both in Convocation, and in Secret with the King, But Cranmer's Party prevailed in the two Houfes of Convocation, and fo they petitioned the King, that he should give Order to fome to set about it. And as this good Motion was made in the House by the Archbishop, fo they agreed upon him to carry their Petition. To this again great Oppofition was made at Court. Some on the one Hand told the King, That a Diversity of Opinions would rife out of it, and that be could no more govern his Subjects, if he gave Way to that. But on the other Hand it was reprefented, That nothing would make his Supremacy fo acceptable to the Nation, and make the Pope more hateful, than to let them fee, that whereas the Popes had governed them by a blind Obedience, and kept them in Darkness, the King brought them into Light, and gave them the free Use of the Word of God; and that nothing would more effectually extirpate the Pope's Authority, and difcover the Impoftures of the Monks, than the Bible in English, in which all People would clearly difcern there was no Foundation for thofe Things. Thefe Arguments, joined with the Power Queen Ann had in his Affections, were fo much confidered by the King, that he gave Orders for fetting about it immediately. The Archbifhop, whofe Mind ran very much upon bringing in the free Use of the Scriptures among the People, and by Cromwell's Means having got

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Leave (as we have heard) from the King, that it might be done and printed, put on vigorously the Tranflation. And that it might not be prohibited, as it had been before, upon Pretence of the Ignorance or Unfaithfulness of the Tranflators, he proceeded in this Manner. Firft he began with the Tranflation of the New Teftament, taking an old English Tranflation thereof, which he divided into Nine or Ten Parts, caufing each Part to be written at large in a Paper Book, and then to be fent to the best learned Bifhops and others, to the Intent that they should make a perfect Correction thereof: And when they had done, he required them to fend back their Parts, fo corrected, to him to Lambeth, by a Day limited for that Purpose. And the fame Course it is probable he took with the Old Testament. The Acts of the Apostles was fent to Stokefly Bishop of London, to overfee and correct. When the Day came, every Man fent to Lambeth their Parts corrected, only Stokefly's Portion was wanting. My Lord of Canterbury wrote to the Bifhop a Letter for his Part, requiring him to deliver it unto the Meffenger his Secretary. He received the Archbishop's Letter at Fulham, unto which he made this Anfwer, I marvel what my Lord of Canterbury meaneth, that thus abufeth the People, in giving them Liberty to read the Scriptures, which doth nothing else but infect them with Herely. I have beflowed never an Hour upon my Portion, nor ever will, and therefore my Lord fhall have this Book again, for I will never be guilty of bringing the fimple Folk into Error. My Lord of Canterbury's Servant took the Book, and brought the fame to Lambeth unto my Lord, declaring my Lord of London's Anfwer. When the Archbishop perceived that Stokely had done nothing therein, I marvel, faith he, that my Lora of London is fo froward, that he will not do as other Men do. Mr. Thomas Lawney, Chaplain to the Old Duke of Norfolk, standing by, and hearing the Archbishop fpeak of Stokefly's Untowardliness, faid, I can tell your Grace, why my Lord of London will not beflow any Labour or Pains this Way; your Grace knoweth well, that his Portion is a Piece of the New Teftament: But he being perfuaded that Chrift had not bequeathed him any Thing in his Teftament, thought it mere Madness to bejtow any Labour or Pains where no Gain was to be gotten. And befides this, it is the Acts of the Apoftles, which were fimple poor Fellows, and therefore my Lord of London difdained to have to do with any of them. The Archbifhop could not fee his Define effected by thofe Men, 'till it was happily done by other Hands.

Anno 1537, the Bible, containing the Old and New Teftament, called Matthews's Bible, of Tyndal's and Rogers's Tranflation, came forth. It was printed by Grafton and Whitchurch, at Hambrough, to the Number of 1500 Copics, amounting to 500 Pounds, a great Sum in thofe Days. The Corrector of the Preis was John Rogers, a learned Divine; he had his Education in Cambridge; was afterwards Chaplain to the English Factory at Antuerp; flourished a great while in Germany, and was Superintendant of a Church there: he was afterwards Prebendary of St. Paul's in King Edward the 6th's Time, but being tinctured with a Foreign Leaven, was unconformable to the Liturgy, and Ceremonies of our Church; however he became the firft Martyr in the next Reign. William Tyndal, with the Help of Miles Coverdalt, had translated Part of

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