They saw the prison shake, the massy door No error can be here: who found their creed May deem that midnight gloom involves the sky, Or think that mortals but of winter dream, When snows o'erspread the hill, and frost hath bound the stream. (To be concluded in our next.) LITERARY INTELLIGENCE. DR. Hales, the learned Rector of Killesandra, Ireland, has in the press two works:-1. Letters to Dr. Troy, titular Archbishop of Dublin: in which, if we may judge from the specimen which appeared in the Dublin Journal of some of these letters, the controversy on the Pope's primacy, transubstantiation, and the uncharitableness of the church of Rome, will be exhausted. 2. Methodism Inspected, Part II. including Remarks on Mr. Ben son's abusive Pamphlet, "The Inspector of Methodism Inspected;" in this work, if we mistake not, Mr. Benson will sorely repent his having interfered in the matter. A Selection from the Spectators, Tatlers, and Guardians, with critical Prefaces by Mrs. Barbauld, may shortly be expected. TH LIST OF NEW PUBLICATIONS IN DIVINITY. HE Sword of the Lord, a Sermon preached on Friday May 25, 1804, being the day appointed by his Majesty's proclamation for a General Fast, by the Rev. G. H. Glasse, A. M. Rector of Hanwell, Middlesex, &c. &c. 8vo. ing of the bill, intituled, An Act for the Relief of certain Incum→ bents of Livings in the City of London, 8vo. The Restoration of Family Worship recommended, in two Discourses, selected, with alterations and additions from Dr. Doddridge's plain and serious Address to the Master of a Family; to which is prefixed, an Address to his Parishioners, by John Brewster, M. A. 8vo. Substance of the Bishop of St. Asaph's Speech, in the House of Peers, on Monday July 23, 1804, upon the motion for the third read Vol. VII. Churchm. Mag. Aug. War not inconsistent with Christianity, a Discourse from John xviii. 36, intended to have been delivered at the parish church of St. Augustine, Bristol, by the Rev. J. Evans, 8vo. The Faith and Duty of a Christian, digested under proper heads, and expressed in words of Scripture, chiefly selected from the Christian Institutes of Bp. Gastrell, designed for the use of young people, 12mo. Sermons, by Charles Peter Layard, D. D. late Dean of Bristol, 8vo. A Sermon preached at the visi1804. tation X 罪 1 tation of the venerable the Archdeacon of Norwich, holden May 3, 1804, and printed at the desire of the clergy present; by Matthew Skinner, M. A. F. A. S. Rector of Wood Norton, with Swanton Novers, &c. &c. 8vo. A Sermon preached before the Lords, in the Abbey Church, Westninster, 25th May, 1804, being the day appointed for a General Fast, by G. H. Huntingford, D. D. Lord Bishop of Gloucester, 4to. A Visitation Sermon on Isaiah xi. 9, preached at Nottingham, April 23, 1804, and published at the request of the clergy present. By E. Pearson, B. D. Rector of Rempstone, Nottinghamshire, 8vo. The Obligation and Mode of keeping a Public Fast, a Sermon preached at the parish church of Rempstone, Nottinghamshire, on Friday, May 25, 1804, by E. Pearson, B. D. Rector, 12mo. Discourses on the whole Book of Esther; to which are added, Sermons on Parental Duties, on Military Courage, and on the Improvement to be made on the Alarm of War, by the Rev. Professor Lawson, Selkirk, 12mo. The Harmony of the Four Gospels, in which the natural order of each is preserved. With a Paraphrase and Notes, by James M'Knight, D. D. To which is prefixed, an Account of the Life and Character of the Author. 4to. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the late reverend and learned Hugh Farmer. To which is added a piece of his never before published, printed from the only remaining manuscripts of the Author. Also several original Letters and Extracts from his Essay on the Case of Balaam, taken from his MS. since destroyed. By the late Michael Dodson, Esq. 8vo. ECCLESIASTICAL PREFERMENTS. IS Majesty has been pleased by His Royal Letters Patent, passed under the Great Seal of Ireland, to promote the Rev. Dr. Christopher Betson, Dean of Waterford, to the united Bishoprics of Clonfert and Kilmacduagh, void by the translation of the Right Rev. Dr. N. Alexander to the bishopric of Killaloe and Kilianora. The Rev. Edward M. Peck, B. A. of St. John's College, Cambridge, and Chaplain to the Right Hon. Lord Rokeby, is presented by his Lordship to the rectory of Coveney with Manea, in the Isle of Ely. The Rev. John Cross Morphew, M. A. late of King's College, Cambridge, Chaplain to the Dowager Duchess of Leeds, is instituted to the rectory of Cley next the Sea, in Norfolk, on the presentation of J. W. Thourlinson, Esq. The Rev. Samuel Weston, D. D. Canon Residentiary of St. Paul's, and formerly Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, is instituted to the rectory of Kelshall near Royston, on the presentation of the Lord Bishop of Ely, by which the rectory of Marwood in Devonshire, in the gift of the Masters and Fellows of St. John's, becomes vacant. The Rev. Samuel Downes, B. A. of Wadham College, Oxford, is appointed by the Dean and Chap tor of Durhamn to succeed the Rev. James Manisty, B. D. as Second Master of the Grammar School in that city. His Majesty has been pleased to present the Rev. Mr. Hook to the living of Hartingfordbury, and to the rectory of St. Andrew, Hertford, void by the death of the Hon. and Rev. Mr. Cholmondeley. The Rev. H. Philpotts is presented by the Lord Chancellor to the vicarage of Kilmersdon, Somersetshire. The Rev. Robert Rolfe, B. A. formerly of Cains College, Cambridge, bridge, is collated to the rectory of Thurgaston, in Norfolk, on the presentation of the Lord Bishop of Norwich; and is also instituted to the rectory of Cockley Cley, in that county, on the presentation of John Richard Dashwood, Esq. The Rev. Richard Riley, B. D. Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, is presented by the Masters and Fellows of that society to the rectory of Marwood in Devonshire, vacated by the resignation of the Rev. Samuel Ryder Weston. The Rev. Philip Bayles, formerly of Bene't College, Cambridge, has been presented by the Lord Bishop of London to the rectory of St. Mary at the Walls, Colchester, vacated by the death of the Rev. Thomas Twining. The Rev. CharlesWicksted Ethelston, M. A. Rector of Worthenbury, and late of Trinity College, Cambridge, is elected Fellow of the Collegiate Church in Manches ter, in the room of the late Rev. Dorning Rasbotham. ! The Earl of Cadogan has ap pointed the Rev. C. D. Aplin, A. B. of Lincoln College, Oxford, to be. one of his Lordship's Chaplains. The Rev. John Michell, LL. B. Prebendary of Gloucestet, is preferred, on his own presentation, to the vicarage of Compton-Dundon, in Somersetshire. The Lord Bishop of Bristol has instituted the Rev. Thomas Johnes, to the vicarage of Ashelworth, Gloucestershire. The Rev. Thomas Wickham, vicar of Karburton, Yorkshire, is instituted by the Lord Bishop of Salisbury to the prebend of Beaminster Secunda, void by the death of the Rev. William Gilpin, M. A. The Rev. W. Cockin is instituted to the rectory of Cherington, Gloucestershire, void by the death of the Rev. Samuel Sysons, August 4. MONTHLY OBITUARY UDDENLY at a place called Corn hill, on his way to Edinburgh, ADAM Lord Viscount DUNCAN, of the second attack of the apoplectic fit, with which he was a few weeks since seized in London. This distinguished veteran, born at Dundee, in Scotland, July 1, 1751, was the younger son of an ancient family, which, for a series of years, held the lordship of Lundie, in the shire of Perth. The family estate, the rental of which is about 5001. came to Lord Duncan about 1796, in consequence of the death of his elder brother the Colonel. The younger branches, even of a respectable family, must generally force their way in life by their own merits and exertions. Lord Duncan accordingly owed but little to his relations. He was early sent to sea, a profession attended with but small expence after the young adventurer is thus disposed. Much is not known of his early services; but that they must have been meritorious, by his attaining the rank of post captain, February 25, 1761, at which time he was appointed to the command of the Valiant, by means of that excellent officer Lord Keppel, and was ever after honoured with the friendship of this gallant commander of the old school. X @ During the American war, he was with his friend at the taking of the Havannah; and when Keppel was appointed to a flag, he chose Duncan to be his captain. He was also a member of the court-martial which sat upon the trial of that distinguished veteran; and continued attached to him by the strongest ties of intimacy and friendship till his death. In 1787, he was made a rearadm'ral; admiral; in 1793, he was promoted to the rank of vice-admiral; and in 1795, he became admiral of the blue. Hitherto he had moved on in his profession regularly, but with little notice, for it had not been his lot to get employed on any service likely to bring him forward to public view. His appointment, at last, to that station, in which he all at once obtained laurels equal to those which adorn the brows of men who have been more extensively employed, seems to have been owing to his relationship to Mr. Secretary Dundas, whose niece he married, and by whom he had several children. This alliance procured him an appointment for which he was admirably fitted, that of the North Sea station. The scene of action which he chose was an arduous one. The severity of the winter season, in that latitude, must also have been very trying to a man of his time of life. He had, moreover, to encounter with difficulties still more troublesome and painful to a British officer: we allude to the mutinous spirit which prevailed in his fleet, in common with the other naval squadrons in the Channel. In the midst of these unpleasant circumstances he manifested a cool and steady mind. He kept his station with such persevering ardour, in the most boisterous season of the year, that the enemy could not by any means effect their design of escaping from their ports. The indefatigable admiral continued blockading them till the summer of 1797, when the mutiny raged in his squadron in a most alarming manner. When he was even left with only three ships, he still remained firm in his station off the Texel, and succeeded in keeping the Dutch navý from proceeding to sea; a circumstance, in all probability, of as high consequence to the nation as his subsequent victory. His behaviour, at the time of the mutiny, will be best seen from the speech which he made to the crew of his own ship, on the 3d of June, 1797, and which, as a piece of artless and affecting oratory, caunot but be admired. His men being assembled, the Admiral thus addressed them; "My lads-I once more call you together, with a sorrowful heart, from what I have lately seen of the disaffection of the fleets; I call it disaffection, for the crews have no grievances. To be deserted by my fleet, in the face of an enemy, is a disgrace which, I believe, never before happened to a British Admiral: nor could I have supposed it possible. My greatest comfort, under God, is, that I have been supported by the officers, seamen, and marines of this ship; for which, with a heart overflowing with gratitude, I request you to accept my sincere thanks. "I flatter myself much good may result from your example, by bringing those deluded people to a sense of the duty which they owe, not only to their King and country, but to themselves. The British Navy has ever been the support of that Liberty which has been handed down to us by our ancestors, and which, I trust, we shall maintain to the latest posterity; and that can only be done by unanimity and obedience. "The ship's company, and others who have distinguished themselves by their loyalty and good order, deserve to be, and doubtless will be, the favourites of a grateful country; they will also have, from their inward feelings, a comfort which must be lasting, and not like the fleeting and false confidence of those who have swerved from their duty! "It has often been my pride with you to look into the Texel, and see a foe which dreaded com ing out to meet us-My pride is now humbled indeed!-My feelings are not easy to be expressed!-Our cup has overflowed, and made us wanton. The all-wise PROVIDENCE has given us this check as a warn ing, and I hope we shall improve by it. On him, then, let us trust, where our only security can be found. "I find there are many good men among us: for my own part, I have had full confidence of all in this ship; and once more beg to express my approbation of your conduct. May GoD, who has thus far conducted you, continue to do so! -and may the British navy, the glory and support of our country, be restored to its wonted splendour, and be not only the bulwark of Britain, but the terror of the world! -But this can only be effected by a strict adherence to our duty and obedience; and let us pray that the Almighty GoD may keep us in the right way of thinking. GOD bless you all!" The crew of the Venerable were so affected by this impressive address, that, on retiring, there was not a dry eye among them. On the suppression of the mutiny, the Adiniral resumed his station off the coast of Holland, either to keep the Dutch squadron in the Texel, or to attack them if they should attempt to come out. After a long and vigilant attention to the important trust reposed in him, he was necessitated to repair to Yarmouth-roads to refit. The Batavian commander seized this favourable interval, and proceeded to sea. That active officer Captain, flying for an enemy to the leeward. By a masterly manœuvre, the Admiral placed himself between them and the Texel, so as to prevent them from re-entering without risking an engagement. An action accordingly took place between Camperdown and Egmont, in nine fathoms water, and within five miles of the coast. The Admiral's own ship broke the enemy's line, and engaged the Dutch Admiral de Winter, who, after a most gallant defence, was obliged to strike. Eight ships were taken, two of which carried flags! now Sir H. Trollope, however, discovered the enemy, and immediately dispatched a vessel with the intelligence to Adiniral Duncan, who pushed out at once, and in the morning of the 11th of October fell in with Captain Trollope's squadron, with the signal The nation was fully sensible of the merit and consequence of this glorious victory: politicians beheld in it the annihilation of the designs of our combined enemies; naval men admired the address and skill which were displayed by the English commander in his approaches to the attack; and the people at large were transported with joy and gratitude. The honours which were instantly conferred upon the VENERABLE Admiral, received the approbation of men of all parties. October 21, 1797, he was created Viscount Duncan of Camperdown, and Baron Duncan of Lundie in the shire of Perth. On his being introduced into the House of Peers, on November the 8th, the Lord Chancellor communicated to him the thanks of the House, and in his speech said: "He congratulated his Lordship upon his accession to the honour of a distinguished scat in that place, to which his very meritorious and unparalleled professional conduct had deservedly raised him; that conduct (the Chancellor added) was so much as not only merited the thanks of their Lordships' House, but the gratitude and applause of the country at large: it had been instrumental, under the auspices of Providence, in establishing the security of his Majesty's dominions |