Strange state! the dread invention of despair, O mortals, scarce more noble than the dust, The passions, demon-like, convulse mankind: In him, whose thoughts are purest, him whose breast The Tempter o'er Apostles ev'n prevail'd; From Reason think'st thou the relief can flow? And hear each reverend sage: no cure they found; Or say, can Reason sacred rites supply, Paid rites divine? Ah, no: away, return, Nor force thy cheek with generous shame to burn. Of supernatural light, and knowledge from the skies, True, thou exclaimest, weigh'd with such a creed, 'Tis easy to pretend the inspiring sound. Struck with unmanly dread, to claims divine And pour the pious prayer, and build the sacred shrine. To Reason we appeal: the unerring sign, But while, adventuring on presumptuous wing, The sun come blazing forth, and heaven and earth rejoice. Quick as the glance of thought through middle air, From world to world divine behests ye bear. Man was your care of old; for, God the theme, Ye deign'd divine discourse; and streaming light 1. The future, all must sure confess, conceal'd Jew, Jew, Pagan, Patriarch, King, and Priest, and Sage, Go on unfolding one great scheme, and trace At length the God appears; his deeds unfold (To be concluded in our next.) LITERARY INTELLIGENCE. The public are already inform ed, that the Prince had procured the sanction of the King of Naples to the unravelling of those stores of ancient literature, which were, otherwise, doomed to. perish unex¬ plored. He completely succeeded in his application, The King of Naples not only made the Prince a present of the sanie number of volumes as he had been induced to give to Buonaparte, but he also gave free leave to the Literary Agents of his Royal Highness to exert their skill to recover the hidden treasures of Literature and Science. Accordingly the Rey. Mr. Hayter has been at Naples a considerable time, engaged, with a number of assistants, in this important work, and scholars of every country will be delighted to hear. that he has made rapid progress in the task. Previously to the interference of the Prince of Wales, eighteen Manuscripts had been opened in the course of forty-six years, but under his auspices nearly ninety have been opened in little more than two years. Mr. Hayter writes from Portici, in May last, "that though the difficulties in unravelling the almost extinguished Papiri are incredible, and the operation, of course, most dilatory, as the persons employed may even yet be considered as learners, yet every day new lights are opening to them. Above fourScore Manuscripts have been unrolled under his direction, entirely or in part. Among these, seven were Latin, but these it was unfor tunately necessary to relinquish, in consequence of a fatal accident which reduced them to powder. He has discovered at the end of one Manuscript the name of Demetrius Phalereus. Fragments of four books of Epicurus are already for publication. The engravings of one book, and of six Columns of another, are complete. A Treatise on Anger; another, De Natura Deorum, as well as a Logical Essay by Philodemus, are also ready for publication; the Treatise on Anger Anger is anonymous. That De There have just appeared proposals for publishing, by subscription, Poems, suggested chiefly by scenes in Asia-Minor, Syria, and Greece; with Prefaces extracted from the author's journal. Embellished with two Views of the Source of the Scamander, and the Aqueduct over the Simois. By the late Rev. Mr. Carlyle. LIST OF NEW PUBLICATIONS IN DIVINITY. A MANUAL for the Use of tm- ton, DD. Rector of Hedsor, and learned Persons in reading the Psalms as Printed in the common Prayer Book, explaining the obscure Passages, by G. W. H. Reynell, M. A. Vicar of Hornchurch, Essex. First Principles of Christian Knowledge, consisting of an Explanation of the different Terms and Doctrines of the Church Catechism, and Office of Confirmation. The Three Church Creeds exemplified and proved from the Scriptures, to which is prefixed an Introduction on the Duty of Conforming to the Established Church, as good Subjects and good Christians. By the Rt. Rev. Thomas Burgess, D.D. Bishop of St. David's, 12mo. The Strength of Britain, a Sermon, preached July 31, 1803, at Hedsor, Bucks. By George Gret one of his Majesty's Chaplains in Ordinary, 8vo. On Christ's Descent into Hell, and the intermediate State, a Ser mon the 2d Peter iii. 18, 19, 20. by Samuel Lord Bishop of St. Asaph. Sermons on the Evils that are in the World, and on various other topics, from the German of the Rev. George Joachim Zollikoffer, Minister of the Reformed Congregation at Leipsic, by the Rev. William Tooke, F. R.S. 2 vol. 8vo. The Limit to our Enquiries with respect to the Nature and Attributes of the Deity. A Sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, on Commencement Sunday. July 1, 1804, by George Law, D. D. Prebendary of Carlisle. 4to. 1 ECCLESIASTICAL AND ACADEMICAL PREFER- HERev. George Robson, M.A. Prebendary of St. Asaph, has been collated, by the Lord Bishop of that Diocese, to the valuable Vicarage of Chirke, in Denbighshire. The Rev. Evan Davies, Rector of Ilchester, is instituted to the Vicarage of Pilton, Somerset. The Rev, Phineas Pott, D. D.. Principal of St. Mary's Hall, Oxford, is presented to the Archdeaconry of Carlisle, void by the resignation of the Rev. Dr. Paley. The Rev. William Smith, M. A. is presented to the Rectory of King's Swinford, in Staffordshire, by Lord Dudley and Ward. The Rev. Richard Thomas Gough, M. A. is instituted to the Rectory ~ of Acle, in Norfolk, on the presentation of the Right Hon. Lord · Calthorpe. The Rev. Mr. Tomlin has been presented, by Sir John Aubrey, to the donative of Brill and Burstall, in the county of Bucks. The Rey, John Peachey Francis, i M. A. of Bene't College, Cambridge, is presented by the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury to the Vicarage of Holy Cross, Westgate, with the Rectory of St. Peter, both in the city of Canterbury. The Rev. Richard Hawkin Hit chins, D. D. Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford, has been presented, by the Rector and Fellows of that society, to the Rectory of Baverstock, in the county of Wilts and Diocese of Salisbury, void by the death of the Rev. Emanuel May, B. D. The Rev. John Seagram, M. A. is presented to the perpetual Curacy of Stroud, Gloucestershire. The Rev. John Aspinshaw, LL.D. of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, is empowered, by dispensation, to hold the Vicarage of Hinkley, with Stoke and Dadlington annexed, in Leicestershire, to which he has been presented by the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, together with the Rectory of St. Peter's, in Nottingham. OXFORD. June 16. The Rev. John Tims, Bachelor of Arts, of University College, was admitted Master of Arts; Coningsby Waldo Sibthorp, Esq. of Corpus Christi College, was adinitted Bachelor of Arts. 18. The Hon. Charles Bagot, Bachelor of Arts, of Christ-Church, was admitted Master of Arts. 27. Mr. Robert Clifton, of Worcester College, was admitted Bachelor of Arts. 28. The Rev. Joseph Wells, Master of Arts, of Trinity College, and Rector of Crowton, in the county of Northampton, was admitted Bachelor and Doctor in Divinity, Grand Compounder. The Rev. Henry Jones Randolph, of St. Edmund Hall; Joseph Bardgett, of Merton College; Charles Hardinge, of University College; and Peter Monamy Cornwall, of Oriel College; Messrs. Thomas Wynniatt, of Christ-Church; Robert Hooper, of Pembroke College; and John Bright, of Wadham College, Bachelors of Arts, were admitted Masters of Arts; Messrs. John Worrall Grove, of St. Edmund Hall; John Pomery, and John Bowle, of Exeter College; John Radford, of Lincoln College; and Samuel Selwood, of Magdalen Col lege, were admitted Bachelors of Arts. July 2. Mr. John Worrall Grove, A. B. late of Edmund Hall. was elected Junior Fellow of Hertford College. 6. Thomas Hume, Doctor in Medicine, from the University of Dublin, was incorporated in the same faculty of University College., The Rev. Philip Homer, M. A. of Magdalen College, was admitted B. D. The Rev. J. Rowley, of Queen's College, and Mr. Samuel Roper, of Wadham College, B. A. were admitted Masters of Arts." Mr. Henry Torie, of University College, was admitted Bachelor of Arts. 21. The Rev. J. Vaughan, B. A. of St. Edmund Hall, was admitted M. A. Grand Compounder. 12. Robert Hooper, M. A. and Student in Medicine, of Pembroke College, was admitted Bachelor, and to practise in Medicine. 21. The number of Degrees in Act Term was one Doctor in Divinity, two Doctors in Medicine, two Bachelors in Divinity, two Bachelors in Civil Law, one Bachelor in Medicine, twenty-two Masters of Arts, and thirty-nine Bachelors of Arts. Matriculations twentynine. Regents at the Act seventyfive. CAMBRIDGE. June 30. The Members' four Prizes of fifteen guineas each are this year adjudged to Mr. William Paley, of Pembroke Hall, and Mr. George Macfarlan, of Trinity Col lege, Senior Bachelors; and to Mr. George Pryme, and Mr. James Parke, of Trinity College, Middle Bachelors.-The late Sir William Browne's three gold medals, value? |