five guineas each, are adjudged as follows: One to Mr. William Edward Prettyman Tomline, of Trinity College, for the Greek Ode; and two to Mr. Benjamin Heath Drury, of King's College, for the Latin Ode and the Epigrams. July 1. The Rev. Mr. Waller, of Pembroke Hall, was admitted to the Degree of Bachelor in Divinity. The Rev. Mr. Davies, of Magdalen College, and Mr. Henry Finch, of Christ's College, were admitted to the degree of Bachelor of Arts. Mr. Joseph Shaw and Mr. John Buck are elected Tancred Students in Divinity. Mr. Benjamin Heath Drury, of King's College, is admitted a Fellow of that society. Dr. Thomas Sampson, of Trinity College, Minister of Camberwell Chapel, Lambeth, Dr. George Law, of Queen's College, Prebendary of Carlisle, and Rector of Willingham in this county. 5 Doctors of Physic. Dr. Richard Patrick Satterley, of Caius College, Dr. Charles Dalston Nevinson, of Emmanuel College. Dr. Thomas Turner, of Trinity College. Dr. Edward Nat. Bancroft, af St. John's College. Dr. Johnson, of Birmingham, M. D. of Oxford, admitted ad cundem, 2 Doctors in Civil Law, Dr. John Aspinshaw, of Emmanuel College, Rector of St. Peter's, Nottingham, and Vicar of Hinkley, Leicestershire. Dr. Edward Daniel Clarke, Fellow of Jesus College, (by royal mandate.) 3 Bachelors in Divinity. The Rev. William Augustus Pem→ berton, Fellow of Emmanuel College. The Rev. William Noddins, Fellow of Magdalen. The Rev. George Butler, Fellow of Sidney. 3 Bachelors of Physic. Mr. Thomas Charles Morgan, of Peterhouse; Mr. Thomas Woodhouse, of Caius College; Mr. Anthony White, of Emmanuel College. 10 Bachelors in Civil Law. Mr. James Henry Cotton, of Trinity College; Mr. John Marten Longmire, of Peterhouse; Mr. John Buce of Jesus College; Mr. James Cradocke, of Trinity Hall; Mr. Henry James Davidson, of Trinity Hall; Mr. Edward Rogers, of Emmanuel College; Mr. Raby, of Trinity College; Mr. Tomkinson, and Mr. Humphreys, of Trinity Hall; and Mr. Harwood, of Queen's College. 7 Honorary Masters of Arts.`. The Right Hon. Lord Primrose, and the Hon. Francis Edward Primrose, of Pembroke Hall, sons of the Earl of Roseberry. The Hon, William Reede Ginkel, of Trinity College, son of the Earl of Athlone, The Hon. William Augustus Irby, of St. John's, third son of Lord Boston. The Right Hon. Lord Clanmell, of Trinity College. The Right Hon. the Earl of Aberdeen, of St. John's College. The Right Hon, Lord Henry Moore, of St. John's College, se‐ cond son of the Marquis of Drogheda. Sir Henry Fitzherbert, Bart. of Tissington, Derbyshire, Fellowcommoner of St. John's College, 86 Masters of Arts, King's College, Messrs. Freeman, Morphew, Whitfield, Coulton, Wilkinson, Woodbine, Aylmer, Drury 8 Trinity College, Messrs. Gale, Burgh, Vol. VII. Churchm. Mag. July, 1804. University College, Oxford, was on Saturday admitted ad eundem in this university. The Sermon at Great St. Mary's Church, on Sunday morning, was preached by the Rev. Dr. Law, Rector of Willingham in this coun ty, from John iii. 12. The afternoon Sermon was preached by the Rev. Dr. Parr, of Hatton in Warwickshire from Heb. ii. 6. and took up an hour and three quarters in delivery. His Royal Highness Prince William of Gloucester honoured the Rev. Dr. Mansel with a visit, and arrived with his suite at Trinity College lodge on Saturday evening. On Sunday he dined with the Vicechancellor at Caius College, and attended divine service at Great St. Mary's Church both morning and afternoon. On Monday morn ing his Royal Highness held a levee at Trinity lodge, and in the evening set off, with his suite, for Liverpool. John Martin Cripps, Esq. of Jesus College, presided as Steward of the Commencement Ball. On Wednesday the Gentlemen of Jesus College gave a public breakfast in the Fellows' Garden, which was attended by a very numerous and genteel company, who expressed the highest satisfaction at their entertainment. MONTHLY OBITUARY. Farther particulars of the Rev. JONATHAN BOUCHER, A. M. (see Vol. VI. page 372) taken from the Gentleman's Magazine, for June 1804, the County of Cumberland; and educated at the Grammar School at Wigton, under the Rev. Joseph Blaine. At the age of 16 he went to North America, and on entering into Orders continued faithfully and zealously to discharge the duties of a Minister of the Church, in that Country till the year 1775, when the distracted state of the British Colonies obliged him (after his property there, which was his all, was confiscated, and himself proscribed as a Traitor) to return to Great Britain. Of his exemplary conduct in the discharge of his ministerial functions in the Western Hemisphere, abundant proof will be furnished by a work published by him in the year 1797, intituled, "A View of the Causes and Consequences of the American Revolution, in Thirteen Discourses, preached in North America, between the years 1763 and 1775." In the preface to that work which contains anecdotes and observations respecting the writers and most eminent persons concerned in the American Revolution, he observes, that, "cast as his lot was, by Providence, in a situation of difficult duty, in such an hour of danger, it would have been highly reproachful to have slept on his post. Investigation on the important subjects of religion and government, when conducted with sobriety and decorum, can never be unseasonable; but they seem to be particularly called for in times like those in which these Discourses were written times when the kings of the earth stood up, and the rulers took counsel against the Lord and against his anointed, saging, Let us break their bonds asunder, and cast away their cords from us." He adds, in the words of Bishop Wettenhall's preface to his Royal Sermons, printed in Ireland in 1695, that his Discourses in America were preached by him " with a sincere intention of con scientiously performing his Duty, and approving himself to God, in his station, by doing what lay in him (at a time of exigence) to confirm the wavering, to animate the diffident, to confirm, excite, and advance all in their loyalty and firm adhesion to his gracious Majesty, our present, alone, rightful liege Lord and Sovereign." Indeed, these Sermons unequivocally demonstrate that their pious author was not to be deterred, by the personal difficulties in which the schism and faction that then prevailed had placed him, from main, taining with undaunted resolution, those doctrines, political and religious, in which he had been educated. We cannot refrain from presenting to our readers a passage from Mr. Boucher's Farewell Ser mon, preached in Maryland in the year 1775, being assured that, to our loyal readers, it will afford much gratification. At the close of this Discourse he says, "Sincerely do I wish it were not now necessary to crave your indulgence a few minutes longer-it shall be but a few-to speak of myself. If I am to credit some surmises, which have been kindly whispered in my ear (and I am proud thus publicly to acknowledge that it is to a man whose political tenets are the opposite of mine that I owe this information, communicated, no doubt, from motives of good-will and humanity) unless I will forbear to pray for the King, you are to hear me pray no longer. No intimation could possibly have been less welcome to me. Distressing, however, as the dilemma confessedly is, it is not one that either requires or will admit of a moment's hesitation. Entertaining all due respect for my ordination vows, I am firm in my resolution, whilst I pray in public at all, to conform to the unmutilated Liturgy of my Church; and reverencing the injunctions of an Apostle I will continue to pray for the King and all that are in authority under him; and I will do so, not only because I am so commanded, but that, as the Apostle adds, we may continue to lead quiet and peaceable Lives in all godliness and honesty, inclination, as well as duty confirms me in this purpose. As long as I live therefore yea, whilst I have my being, will I, with Zadok the Priest; and Nathan the Pro phet, proclaim, God save the King! British Monarchy is founded, but in critical enquiries, and in theolo gical duties. Of his discourses from the pulpit in Great Britain, two Assize Sermons, preached in 1798, have been printed, and fully justify the request of the Grand Juries to whom we are indebted for their publication. During the last fourteen years Mr. Boucher's Of Mr. Boucher's preferments literary labours were chiefly dedithe following short account is given cated to the completion of a Glosby himself, at the close of the sary of Provincial and Archæolopreface to his sermons: "The Ves- gical Words, intended as " A Suptry of the parish of Hanover, in plement to Dr. Johnson's Dictio the County of King George, in that part of Virginia which is call-ly looked forward to the appearnary." The public has long anxioused "The Northern Neck," did me the honour to nominate me to the rectory of the parish in 1761, before I was in orders. Tempted by the convenience of a better house and a glebe, I afterwards held the parish of St. Mary's in Caroline County, Virginia, lying on the navigable river of Rappahanock.When the late Sir Robert Eden, bart, became Governor of Maryland, he was pleased to appoint me rector of St. Anne's in Anapolis and afterwards of Queen Anne's in Prince George's County, from which I was ejected at the Revolution. This list of my preferments is not large; but they were honourably obtained, and I reflect on them with gratitude. All I have to add to this list is, the small living which I now hold, bestowed on me thirteen years ago, without solicitation, by an eminent scholart, who then knew me only by character." Through life Mr. Boucher enjoyed the society and friendship of men of erudition and science; and on various occasions employed his pen, not only in defence of those principles on which the * Sermons, p. 587. The Rev. John Parkhurst, editor of the Greek and Hebrew Lexi ance of this work, fully confident, from the known abilities of its author, that the Supplement would in every respect be worthy of shining on the self same shelf" with its great prototype. We ardently hope that the philological labours of Mr. Boucher (which, from the specimens we have seenble addition to the most interesting we are persuaded will be a valuabranches of Lexicography) will yet meet the public eye. Mr. Boucher was an ample contributor to Mr. Hutchinson's compilation of the History of Cumberland. The account of the parish of Bromfield, and the very interesting biographical sketches of eminent Cumberland men, published in the same work, and marked "Biographia Cumbriensis," were written by him. Mr. Boucher was a Patriot in the best sense of the word: he was ever anxious to promote the happiness of his fellow countrymen; and, in many instances, personally contributed, either by pecuniary or literary exertions, to meliorate the condition of seciety. In 1792 he published an anonymous pamphlet, subscribed "A Cumberland Man," which was re-printed in the Appendix to Sir Frederick Morton Eden's "State of the Poor," published in 1797. This pamphlet is cons, whose father had the presenta-addressed to the inhabitants of tion before him, and who left it to him. Cumberlaud, and has for its ob ject Ject the improvement of that county in every point which can render a country opulent and happy. It may, perhaps, be doubted whether its plans are practicable in the extent proposed. It is, however, observed, by a modern Cumberland author, that, "that they are in their principles, the same by which, in all ages, empires have advanced, from their first barbarous rudiments, to refinement and distinction; and, to execute them, it requires only the form and vigorous co-operation of the landholders; that, under their patronage, all the spirit, integrity, ingenuity and industry of the country may be called forth and directed to one point. Every one who is able to make comparisons must observe this inferiority and wretchedness of Cumberland. It is the fug end, the ultima Thule of the kingdom; where, with opportunities of improving their situation, men are contented to live, like their rude forefathers, in wretched hovels, on the edge of moors and mosses, amidst dust, smoke, and indigence! We pay (says the author of the pamphlet) to the county-rate; but, if one were asked what we have to shew for the sums thus collected, I should be at a loss to mention any thing but a few mean bridges, and a still meaner county-jail. I cannot at present, recollect a single public work of any kind among us, set on foot by voluntary contribution. We have no poor-houses, nor work-houses; no county infirmary nor hospital, no agricultural societies; no canals, no public libraries; no institution to promote arts and sciences; nor even any great trading company, on any large and liberal scale, to promote either fisheries or manufactories." The author concludes his pamphlet with the following warm and patriotic wish: O that I might but live to see this my native country, now deformed by bare and barren moors, and disgraced by an unsightly and unprofitable husbandry, and, in various other respects, lying neglected and forlorn, restored to that rank and consequence among her sister counties, for which the bounteous AUTHOR of NATURE has so eminently quali fied her! I should then, with St SIMEON, "depart in peace;" and close the scene in the valedictory words of a Roman Emperor, Sat viri mihi, sat gloriæ." (Note XIV.) The above extract is taken from the notes to an Epistle addressed to Mr. Boucher, by Thomas Sanderson, a bard, who, though placed in a sequestered village in the North of Cumberland, appears to have cultivated the Muses with success. His address to Mr. Boucher, on his return from America, pays so just a compliment to this respectable clergyman, that we shall make no apology for transscribing the introductory lines: The rural Musc, in warm, though homely strains, Greets thee, my BOUCHER, on thy native plains; And, in that honest welcome, bids thee live To ev'ry praise a grateful heart can give. In that great field, where brighter garlands grow Than those with which AMBITION decks its brow, Long hast thou toil'd, nor hast thou toil'd in vain, If what the bosom feels be present gain What it feels when grateful minds declare, That to thy toils they owe the bliss they share Owe those undying hopes that bring · relief To the torn heart when sinking with us grief Religion's friend the noblest lot is thine, To draw pure doctrines from a source divine; To mend the heart by sacred Wrs DOM's lore, And the long Wand'rer to his soul restore; To |