genius, learning, and piety, erected a monument to the memory of Relph in Sebergham Church in. 1794. Relph died in 1743, at the age of 34, of a hectic complaint. In recording the death of a person eminent for learning we announced a loss which only impove→ rishes the publick stock of learning, and affects a very circumscribed class; but in recording the death of a man whose benevolence and piety were unceasingly employed in their best duties, we announce a loss which can only be repaired by the exertions of those who, profiting by Mr. Boucher's example, may imitate his conduct. The Rev. James Davis, minister of St. James, Clerkenwell, and of Pentonville Chapel, to which he was elected in 1790. The patronage of the living is in the parish, and generally occasions much discord. On the present occasion the Curate, who has served the parish with general satisfaction these fourteen years, is opposed by a popu lar clergyman of the Methodistical persuasion, though he was rejected on the former vacancy. It is rather remarkable that Mr. Garth who had been many years clerk of the same, almost died just about the same time with Mr. Davies. Lately at Orton on the Hill, in Leicestershire, the Rev. William Churchill, rector of that parish. This gentleman was the youngest brother of Charles Churchill, the profligate satirist; but he was himself a man of merit, ingenuity, learning, and probity, and benevolent even to his own prejudice. The Rev. Thomas Muchall of Longdon, Staffordshire, vicar of Brewood in that county, and chaplain to the Right Hon. the Earl of Uxbridge. He was formerly of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, where he proceeded B. A. in 1752. The vicarage is in the gift of the Dean of Litchfield. At St Mary's Parsonage House, Jersey, the Rev. F. Valpy, rector of that parish. The The Rev. Giles Knightley, rector of Charwelton, in Northamptonshire, and Vicar of Exhall, near Coventry. The following awful instance of sudden death, occurred lately on the race ground, near Carlisie: A person of the name of Joshua Norman, an inhabitant of Penrith, who used to travel the country, attending horse racing, &c. was offered three tankards of ale by an acquaintance, on condition that he should drink them at three draughts otherwise he (Norman) should pay for them. The offer was accordingly accepted; and Norman, after drinking the last tankard, walked off apparently in good health, but was shortly after discovered in one of the tents, with his head reclined on a table, quite dead. A Coroner's jury sat upon the body the same evening, and brought in their verdict-Died by the Visitation of God. The Rev. Thomas Merchant, Rector of Patcham, Sussex. At Bath, the Rev. Thomas Collin's, late second master of Winchester College. The Rev. Mr. Hawkins, Rector of Halstead, and Vicar of Willinghall Spain, in Essex, and a magistrate for that county. At Paris, on the 25th of June, under the axe of the guillotine, the celebrated GEORGES, and eleven other loyal Frenchmen, who were tried and condemned for an alleged conspiracy against the tyrant and usurper Buonaparte. They were taken from the Bicetre to the Conciergerie, where they heard the terrific decision of Gallic Justice!!! They only desired that a Priest might be permitted to attend them in their last moments, and this was readily granted them. Georges was particularly devout, and remained two hours with his Confessor, Between eleven and twelve they were put into four carts, and conveyed to the Place de Greve, where they were guillotined, Every one of them it is said, was distinguished by a dignified firmness, the noble result of a loyalty that could not be subdued by misfortune or death. As they were on the eve of being launched into eternity, they exclaimed with heroic intrepidity, "Vive le Roi, Vive LOUIS XVIII." Georges was the first of these victims of Corsican usurpation, and his firm and manly example gave spirit to the whole, if any of them, indeed, could want resolution to support them in a cause so honourable to their principles as Loyal French men. The fate of Georges deserves particular regret, as he had been so long and so actively engag ed in attempting to resist the regicide Governors of France, and to restore his unfortunate Sovereign to the Throne of his ancestors, The sacrifice of this gallant Loyalist has made a great impression on the people, though they dare not at present avow their feelings. The wretched slavery, however, which the French endure, after so much blood has been shed, to change a lawful Monarch for a foreign usurper, cannot render them much longer blind to the enormities of their Tyrant, however he may attempt to dazzle them with the splendor of a coronation. Let not the life of Georges be lost to mankind: let it be enquired into by all our countrymen; let them see it in a glorious example of what so many Britons have shewn; let them see that loyalty is not, as the Jacobin faction would represent it, a stupid, slavish, and debasing principle; let them see it in its full activity, overcoming obstacles, persevering to the end; and when failing to ensure success, ultimately obtaining a crown of martyrdom. Let our rights and liberties, our happiness, our wealth, our Constitution and our King, be defended and supported by this spirit of loyalty, and then we may bid defiance to every enemy that the envy of surrounding nations may at any time raise up against us, At At Hemingford, Abbots, Huntingdonshire, in the 37th year of his age, Lieutenant Francis Haslewood, late of the 52d regiment of foot. He never recovered of the excessive fatigue and hurts he had received in the East Indies. At Huntscombe, Berkshire, Sir B. Gore, Bart. At Edge Hill, near Liverpool, aged 23 years, George Dunbar, Esq. second son of Sir George Dunbar, of Mockrum, Bart. Mr. Oldfield, Master in Chancery for fifty years; he is supposed to have died worth half a million of money. Miss M. Winter, a young lady of Stamford. She arose in good health, but soon after complained of a pain in her head, and died in a few minutes. In consequence of an accident received by the overturning of a stage coach near Worcester, Miss Caroline Hand, of Birmingham. Mr. Simpson, of Wiltesham, Suffolk. Having fallen from his horse and his foot hanging in the stirrup, he was dashed against a gate-post leading into the farm yard, and so dreadfully bruised as to expire in sight of his parents, who had witnessed the accident. At Achmetachet, in Crim Tartary, the celebrated traveller and naturalist M. Pallas. To Correspondents. The Letter from JUVENIS is received. Our Devonshire Correspondent may be assured, that if he states to us the particulars of the Case to which he alludes, the same shall be maturely considered, and if proper, will be, with his consent, laid before the Public. His farther Correspondence will be acceptable. To the railing accusations of the person who signs himself a CHRISTIAN, we have only to reply, that, “He knows not what manner of spirit he is of." It is surprising that those who pretend to so much of Evange lical purity, should possess so little of Christian Humility and Candour. The "Enquirer" on the State of the Dead is informed, that a Gentleman not unknown to the correspondents and readers of the Orthodox Churchman's Magazine, is actually engaged on a separate Treatise on this Subject, which we learn will appear in the course of the ensuing winter. THE ORTHODOX CHURCHMAN's MAGAZINE AND REVIEW, FOR AUGUST 1804. Whilst the Orthodox part in this whole realm hath (to the praise of their patience) been quietly silent, as securely conscious of their own right and innocence, how many furious and malignant spirits every where have burst forth into slanderous libels, bitter pasquils, railing pamphlets? (under which more presses than one have groaned) wherein they have endeavoured, through the sides of some misliked persons, to wound that sacred Government, which by the joint confession of all reformed Divines, derives itself from the times of the blessed Apostles, without any interruption, without the contradiction of any one congregation in the Christian world unto the present age. Bishop Hall's Humble Remonstrance. BIOGRAPHY. THE LIFE OF THE MOST REV. WILLIAM LAUD, ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY: (CONCLUDED FROM PAGE 13.) N the death of archbishop Abbot, in August 1633, Dr. Laud was promoted to the primacy; and about the same time he had two secret offers made him of a cardinal's hat, which he rufused with contempt. If his grace had not recorded the fact in his diary, we might have supposed that the whole was only an invention of his enemies. That such an offer was made is certain, but by whom? The Pope would never have given the distinction without recovering the supremacy of the Church of England, and of that there could be no possible expectation. But the truth is, the Papists knew Laud's principles too well to hope for a re-establishment of their religion under his auspices. Arthur Wilson, who was a bitter enemy to the archbishop, and to the whole of his function, relates a conference that happened between him and a learned Romanist at Bruges, wherein the latter made use of the following expressions concerning the archbishop of Canterbury: "No he is too subtle to be yoked; too ambitious to have a superior; he will never Fol. VII. Churchm. Mag. Aug. 1804. M submit submit to Rome. He means to frame a motley religion of his own, and be lord of it himself." And by two unexceptionable testimonials of Mr. Jonathan Whiston and John Evelyn, esq. it appears "that the archbishop was looked upon at Rome as the greatest enemy of the Church of Rome in England. And that the English Papists there, looked upon him as one that was a great enemy to them, and stood in their way; whilst one of the blackest crimes imputed to him was his being popishly affected." Even the historian Rapin has had the candour to refute the idle calumny of the archbishop's inclination to popery, and strongly censures the Presbyterians for their hypocrisy in inventing and propagating what they did not themselves believe t. To that deep hypocrisy may we not attribute this pretended offer of a cardinal's hat to the archbishop, by way of sounding his inclinations, and of bringing the more odium upon him? To us there appears a complete mixture of Presbyterian knavery with Jesuitical craft in the whole business. But to return to the narrative: September 14th of this year he was elected chancellor of the university of Dub-, lin at the instance of that great prelate, archbishop Usher. One of his first acts after his advancement to the primacy was an injunction, pursuant to the king's letter, that no clergyman should be ordained without a title, that is, without a certainty of some immediate maintenance. At the same time came out his majesty's declaration about lawful sports on Sundays. This, indeed, was only a revival of that which had been made in the preceding reign; and it is not clear that the present measure was the result of the archbishop's advice, for no one could be more strict in the observance of the Sabbath than himself. Yet it must be admitted, the revival of the Book of Sports was impolitic, to say the least of it, and it was hard to force conscientious clergymen to read in their churches what they were perhaps justly apprehensive would produce licentiousness among the people. In the year 1633-4-5, &c. the archbishop, by his vicar-general, performed his metropolitical visitation: wherein, *Peck's Desiderata Curiosa, vol. ii. book 12, p. 22. among |