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SEC. 10. These written apologies, as well as all other letters and papers intended for the Synod or Ministerium, ought to be addressed to the President.

SEC. 11. The minister of the place in which the Synod is held, with the church council, shall endeavour to provide for the entertainment of the ministers, candidates and lay-delegates, by Christian friends.

SEC. 12. All the members of the Synod shall endeavour to assemble on the evening preceding the day appointed.

SEC. 13. Divine worship shall be celebrated, during the meeting of the Synod, as often as may be convenient, and consistent with the business of the Synod.

SEC. 14. Ministers in good standing in other Synods, or in any sister churches, who may happen to be present, or who appear as delegates from said bodies, may be received as advisory members, but cannot vote in any decisions of the Synod.


Officers of the Synod.

SEC. 1. The officers of each Synod shall be a President, Secretary and Treasurer, who are also the officers of the Ministerium.

SEC. 2. All these officers are annually chosen by ballot, from among the ordained ministers regularly belonging to the Synod, by a majority of the votes of the ministers, licentiates and lay-delegates present. The same persons shall not be eligible for more than three successive years.


SEC. 3. The President shall deliver a synodical discourse at the meeting of every Synod: and he shall, in connexion with the pastor of the place, appoint the other individuals who are to preach during the session.

Sec. 4. He shall at the beginning of every Synod, make a written report of all the official business transacted and letters received by him since the last meeting, and of all the important events which have occurred relating to his Synod, and may recommend for their consideration any measures, which he may deem necessary or calculated to promote the cause of God. This report shall be laid on the table, and dealt with as with all other papers coming before the body.

SEC. 5. He presides at all the meetings of the Synod and Ministerium.

SEC. 6. The President has a right to take part in the discussions as well as any other member. When the house is equally divided on any question, he has the casting vote. In all other cases he has no suffrage, except when an election is made by ballot, and then he has not the casting vote.

SEC. 7. The President shall preserve order, not suffer more than one member to speak at a time, secure to each person liberty to speak without interruption from others, and shall prevent a speaker from deviating from the subject before the house.

SEC. 8. The President shall take care that each subject be duly considered before a decision be made. He shall distinctly rehearse each motion, when no one has any further observations to offer, and take the votes of the house on the same.

SEC. 9. When the votes are called for, they are to be given simply by Yea and Nay, and no further observations are then admissible.

SEC. 10. The President has the appointment of all committees which are not to be elected by ballot, or otherwise and every motion for the formation of a committee shall specify in what way it is to be formed.

SEC. 11. It is an important part of his duty to give council to every member of the Synod when he deems it expedient, and particularly to admonish and advise every erring brother. If accusation has been lodged against any member of this body according to Ch. III. Sec. 5. or if he has reason to believe that any minister or licentiate is living in any material violation of the

rules of this Formula, it shall be his duty to call upon the individual to relieve his character from said imputation, before the Synod or Ministerium.

SEC. 12. Should the President remove from the limits of the Synod or depart this life, then the Secretary shall succeed him, and discharge the duties of the President, until the next Synod.


SEC. 13. The Secretary shall keep a faithful and accurate account of all the proceedings of the Synod and Ministerium; carefully preserve all the papers, the seal, &c. of the Synod subject to their direction, and shall do all the official writing of the Synod not otherwise provided for.

SEC. 14. He shall give notice (either by circular or in the public papers, as each Synod may direct,) to each minister and licentiate belonging to the Synod, of the time and place of the synodical meeting, at least six weeks previous to the time appointed.

SEC. 15. He is to keep a register of the names of all the ministers and licensed candidates, arranged according to their age in office, and also of the congregations whether vacant or not, connected with the Synod.

SEC. 16. If the accumulation of business should render it necessary, the President may appoint an assistant Secretary, whose office shall expire at the close of the meeting of the Synod.

SEC. 17. If in the recess of the Synod, the Secretary should remove into the bounds of another Synod, or should depart this life, the President shall require the Archives, the seal, and all other property of the Synod to be delivered to him, and shall retain the charge of them until the next session of the Synod, when he shall appoint a Secretary pro tem.

SEC. 18. Unless the Archives are otherwise disposed of by the Synod, they shall be in the charge and custody of the Secre tary. Any minister or delegate of a congregation connected with

said Synod shall have free access to them; but no part of them shall be allowed to be taken away or destroyed.


SEC. 19. The Treasurer shall take charge of all the monies belonging to the Synod, and shall keep them subject to its order. He shall keep, and present at each annual meeting, a detailed and faithful account of the state of the Treasury.

SEC. 20. Should the Treasurer, during the recess of the Synod, remove out of the bounds of the Synod, or be removed by death, the President shall have all the monies, certificates, bonds and documents belonging to the Synod, delivered into his hands, and shall have the charge of them until the next Synodical ses



Other Members of a Synod.

SEC. 1. It is the duty of every ordained minister, licentiate and lay-delegate of every Synod, not only to observe the provisions of this Constitution himself; but also, as far as is in his power, see that it is obeyed by all connected with it.


SEC. 2. It is recommended to every ordained minister and licentiate, to aid in circulating among the members of his charge, the books proposed by the Synod and General Synod for use.

SEC. 3. No minister or licentiate shall interfere with the congregations of another, by preaching or performing other ministerial duties in them, except by his request or consent, if present; nor in his absence, if he have reason to think that any evil would result to said church.

SEC. 4. Any minister or licentiate in good standing, who removes from the bounds of one Synod into those of another, shall, on application to the President, receive a certificate under his signature, of his honorable dismission; and such a certificate shall be required by the Synod into which he removes, when he applies for admission into it.

SEC. 5. Every ordained minister has the right to leave his charge and remove to another whenever he believes it is his duty to do so; yet he must give the President timely notice of his intended removal.

SEC. 6. A licensed candidate shall have liberty to visit vacant congregations, either upon receiving an invitation from them, or upon the advice of the Synod or President.

SEC. 7. After a licentiate has a stated charge he shall be restricted to it, and shall not resign it without the consent of the Ministerium, or, in its recess, of the President.

SEC. 8. A licentiate has power to perform all the ministerial functions during the time specified in his license.

SEC. 9. In addition to the obligations of ministers specified Ch. III. Sec. 1. it is the duty of licentiates particularly to devote all their leisure time to their personal improvement and knowledge and grace, to receive counsel from the President, and to apply to him for advice in cases of difficulty.

SEC. 10. Every licentiate must keep a general journal of his ministerial acts, which, with a few sermons of his own composition, he must deliver, or send annually for the inspection of the Ministerium.


SEC. 11. Each lay-delegate, entitled to a seat by this Constitution, shall have equal rights with the ministers in all business belonging to the Synod; that is, may take part in the debates, of fer resolutions and vote on all Synodical questions.

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