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much has been already done by yourselves; -but there is much still to be effected. From the expense incurred in the erection and repair of the school-house, twelve boys only can at present be admitted on the establishment: there are even now applications for more than twenty, and of these many are above eleven years of age!

"Stay not, then, your hands, I beseech you, until you can lie down on your beds with the comfortable reflection, that not one child in the parish remains uneducated through inability of obtaining instruction. All have an equal claim-all have equal need: their very salvation may depend on their admission into these schools! How can you better employ a portion of the wealth with which it has pleased God to bless you, than in thus training up children devoted to his service-dutiful to their parents-obedient to their superiors-honest, sober, and industrious in their habits-holy in their lives-and full of hope through Christ in the hour of their deaths? Weigh all these consequences, under God, of a religious and suitable education-cast your eyes on these children who are enjoying it; think of the number of children who are still without it; and then say, shall these still suffer need?-need, not of the body cnly, but of every thing that can make them valuable in this life, and ensure their everlasting happiness, through Christ, in the next. Let the abundance of your alms give the answer; and may that God, whose kingdom and righteousness you are thus seeking for yourselves, and for the children of your poorer brethren, return your alms tenfold into your bosom and so increase and multiply upon you his mercy, that He being your Ruler and Guide, you may, with them, so pass through things temporal, that you finally lose not the things eternal, which God hath of his goodness promised to his faithful servants, for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord!"


As an interesting accompaniment to these papers from the Bishop, we cannot refrain from gratifying our readers with the subjoined extract from a private letter, dated Barbados, April 3, 1828.

"On Saturday, we had a very great treat at the Central School, it being the anniversary of that Institution. The numbers are increased, and our children improved in every respect. They had a very excellent dinner provided for them, and passed a good examination; and I hear there is an excellent Report about to be put forth. Several specimens of book

binding done by the boys, and several articles of common useful cheap clothing made by the girls, were exhibited. Indeed, it was a most gratifying meeting, and we had many visitors; although, I regret to say, not one member of Council or Assembly, or other influential person, was present. However, the establishment goes on, and, thank God! prospers to our utmost wishes. Our schools for the coloured and slave population in Bridge Town are also thriving well. At Christmas we succeeded in getting a new schoolmistress, a very nice white young woman, of a most respectable family. She has good sense and good principles; and, to the astonishment of many, has actually placed herself under the direction of a committee of coloured ladies, who superintend their own school, and they go on famously together. Mrs. Coleridge, Mrs. Eliot, and Mrs. Pinder, are constant visitors there, and every thing is precisely what any good member of our Church could wish. You who live in England can have little idea of the difficulties thus overcome in this arrangement, nor of the great merit which our new school-mistress has in thus submitting, with so much propriety, to those who, although many of them her superiors in acquirements (for some of them have been very well educated), are still considered in this country as decidedly her inferiors, and to whom common civility is not supposed to be due. Of other matters I will say nothing, having nothing very satisfactory to report, except that we cannot get books fast enough from England, from the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, to answer the quick demand for them here."

We look upon these papers as extremely valuable and important; affording, as they do, the most convincing proof of the steadiness with which his Lordship proceeds in ameliorating the condition of the slaves, and doing in good earnest what sectarists and antislavery societies only talk about, for the purpose of producing a feverish, or rather factious, excitement. It is a curious fact that the Anti-slavery Society, who publish periodical details from the West Indies, have passed over in almost utter silence the case of Mr. Harte, the early circumstances of which we gave at full in a former Number-a case, which places the conduct of the Bishop and Mr. Harte in the highest point of view, and shows

the effectual measures which they have taken to prevent the confusion, which it is the palpable object of these pretended philanthropists to promote. We have the defence which Mr. Harte has


We are sorry to observe that the spirit of mistaken liberality and false refinement, is abroad in our colonies, as well as at home. We print the following Act of the House of Assembly, in Nova Scotia, and leave it to speak for itself. Another Bill is also in progress, relative to the granting of marriage licences, which will pair well with the precious Unitarian Marriage Bill, which, we trust, will never be passed into a law. As a set off to these, however, we subjoin a document of a different character, which abundantly proves that attachment to the establishment Church is not only greatly predominant in the settlement, but considerably in the increase. This document is an extract from the late Census, showing the relative proportion of sects in Nova Scotia; and it will afford an unanswerable refutation of a late assertion of Mr. Hume from his seat in Parliament, relative to the waste of money in providing new Churches in our colonial establishments.

An Act concerning Religious Congregations and Societies.

Whereas, for the promotion of religion and piety in this province, and for remedying the inconveniences under which divers congregations and societies of Christians now labour, in regard to the tenure, management, and disposition of the lands, monies, and chattels, to them for religious purposes belonging; and in regard to the management of their affairs, respectively, it is expedient to confer upon them, the powers and privileges in this Act contained.

Be it therefore enacted, That when and so often, as any number of persons in this province, not less than twenty, who are capable of legally contracting, shall intend to form themselves under the authority of this Act, into a society or congregation of Christians for religious public worship, and the performance of their peculiar rites and ceremonies, and to avail themselves of the benefits of this Act, it shall and may be lawful for such persons, by deed or

lately published in our hands, and we shall shame these worthies by its insertion next month. Our limits will not admit of so long a document in the present Number.


writing, under their respective hands and seals, duly executed in the presence of two or more witnesses, and to be entered in a proper book, for this purpose to be provided, to declare and constitute themselves, and each and every of them, members of a congregation of Christians for public worship, and other religious purposes, and in such deed or writing, to adopt a suitable name or designation for such congregation, and to declare the place where the same is established, and the particular sect, denomination or persuasion, of Christians, with whose doctrines, rites, ceremonies, belief, and religious observances, such congregation is connected, or which the persons constituting the same principally observe or adopt-and further, to name and designate any two or more persons, being members of the said congregation, to be the trustees thereof, and to give to such trustees a name of office, and likewise, to describe and set forth in such deed or writing, by metes and bounds, the particular situation and description of all lands and tenements conveyed to the said congregation, or any person or persons in trust for the same, or there held and enjoyed by such congregation, either for the scite of their church, chapel, or place of meeting for public worship, or for places of interment, or for the house, manse, or residence of the pastor, minister, or clergyman, of such congregation, or for and as a glebe, or for the support and maintenance of the said congregation and the ministers, officers, and members thereof, or in aid or support of other lawful objects connected with such religious establishments, and moreover to declare and set forth in such deed or writing so much and such parts of the constitution of the said congregation or society, as the parties to such deed or writing shall think proper; but particularly the mode by which future members can or may be admitted into such congregations, and by whom the right of voting at its meeting shall be enjoyed, and how the votes of the members shall be ascertained and given, and the manner in which all vacancies in the trust shall be from time to time supplied.

II. And be it further enacted, That the deed or writing so to be executed, shall be registered on the oath of the sub

scribing witnesses, in the office of the Registrar of Deeds, of the county or district where the congregation is established, and in like manner as other deeds, and the registry thereof shall be certified by the registrar upon the said deed or writing.

III. And be it further enacted, That after the registry of such deed or writing, all the lands and tenements therein described, with their respective appurtenances, and all other lands and real estate granted or conveyed to the said congregation, or any persons in trust thereof, or for all or any of the aforesaid objects and purposes thereof, saving nevertheless, the estate, right, and interest, whatsoever, therein, of any person not claiming as or under any trustees of any such congregation, and also all monies, goods, chattels, and effects whatsoever, and all securities for money, or other obligatory instruments, evidences, muniments, and all other effects whatsoever, and all rights, or claims, belonging to, or had by, such congregation or its trustees, shall be and become absolutely the property of such congregation, and be and become vested in the trustees named in such deed or writing for the time being, for the use and benefit of such congregation; and, after the death or removal of any trustee or trustees, shall vest in the succeeding trustee or trustees, for the same estate and interest as the former trustee or trustees had therein, and subject to the same trust, without any assignment or conveyance whatsoever, except the transfer of stock or securities in the public funds. And also shall, for all the purposes of action or suit, as well criminal as civil, at law or in equity, in anywise touching or concerning the same, be deemed and taken to be, and shall in every such proceeding, when necessary, be stated to be, the property of the persons appointed to the office of trustees of such congregation for the time being, by their name of office, designated in such deed or writing as aforesaid.


IV. And be it further enacted, That such trustees shall, and they are hereby respectively authorised in their name of office, to bring or defend, or cause to be brought or defended, any action, suit, or prosecution, criminal as well as civil, in law or equity, touching or concerning the lands, real or personal estate, debts, claims, rights and property of the said congregation; and such trustees, by their said name of office, shall and may, in all cases concerning the respective lands, real or personal estate, debts, claims, rights, and property of such congregation, sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, as trustees under their designation of office, and no

such suit, action, or prosecution, shall be discontinued or abate, by the death of such trustees, or any of them, or by their respective removal from office; but the same shall and may be proceeded in by the succeeding trustees respectively, any law, usage, or custom, to the contrary notwithstanding; and the trustees for the time being shall pay or receive the like monies, costs, and expenses, as if the action or suit had been prosecuted in the names of those who shall be trustees at the time of the award thereof, and for the benefit of, or to be reimbursed from, the funds of such congregation.

V. And be it further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for every congregation established under this Act, to have, hold, receive, take, and enjoy, in the names of the trustees thereof, lands, tenements, and real estate whatsoever, to any amount not exceeding the yearly value of two thousand pounds; and also, all monies, securities for monies, goods, chattels, and effects, legacies and bequests, to any amount, not exceeding in the whole, at any one time, ten thousand pounds, and such real and personal estate to use, apply, sell, lease, or dispose of, as to the said congregation shall appear expedient.

VI. And be it further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the members of every such congregation to meet together at any time or times when they shall think proper, and at such meetings, by the votes of the majority of members present, to make, establish, and put in execution, all such rules and regulations as to the majority of the members shall appear necessary for declaring and establishing the constitution and government of the congregation, and such rules and regulations to change, alter, and amend, as they shall think proper; and also to choose trustees to supply any vacancy in the trust, and to remove from office any of their trustees for the time being; and generally to conduct, manage, and superintend, the affairs and business of the congregation. Provided always, That the time and place of meeting shall be duly notified as shall be prescribed by their rules in that behalf, and that some fit person shall be chosen moderator or chairman at every meeting; and that all the proceedings thereat shall be duly entered in the books of the congregation for that purpose to be provided; and the entries respectively shall be signed by the person presiding and by the clerk of the meeting, and proof of such entry so signed shall be deemed sufficient evidence of such proceedings, and of the regularity of the meetings respectively.

VII. And be it further enacted, That every person admitted a member of the

congregation after the registry of the deed or writing aforesaid, shall execute the same in the presence of two witnesses, before he shall be deemed a member thereof.

VII. And be it further enacted, That all lands, tenements, and real estate, which, at the formation of any congregation under this Act, shall be held in trust for the same society, church, or congregation, by any persons whomsoever, shall and may, by such trustees, or by the survivors of them, or by such trustees as then remain in this province, be for the like estate and interest, whereof such trustees are seized, granted, conveyed, and transferred unto, and to the use of, the trustees named in such deed or writing, by their names of office, or to their successors; and upon such conveyance being made and registered, all the estate, right, title, and interest, of the original trustees, or the survivors of them and their heirs, shall absolutely vest in and become the estate and property of the said congregation, and as fully and effectually as if all the original trustees had joined in the said conveyance.

IX. And be it further enacted, That by the vote and direction of the majority of the subscribing members of any congregation present at any lawful meeting, the trustees for the time being shall, and they are hereby required and empowered to, grant, sell, mortgage, lease, or convey, to such purchaser or purchasers, or other persons, and for such price, sums, rents, or terms, as by the meeting shall be agreed on, any lands or real estate of the congregation which its members shall think proper to sell, mortgage, lease, or dispose of; and every such deed, mortgage, lease, or conveyance thereof, executed by the trustees for the time being in their names of office, and signed by the chairman or moderator of the meeting which shall order the sale, mortgage, or other disposition, shall be sufficient and valid in law, to convey to the grantee, mortgagee, lessee, or purchasers respectively, either in perpetuity or by way of mortgage or of lease for years, or otherwise, as the case may be, all such estate, title, and interest therein, as the said congregation or the trustees thereof had, held, or was entitled to, in, to, or out of such real estate, with the appurtenances so granted, mortgaged, demised, or disposed of, or as the said congregation designed by such deed, mortgage, lease, or conveyance, to vest in the grantee, mortgagee, or lessee named therein.

X. And be it further enacted, That under the order and direction of any of the congregation, the trustees

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shall, and they are hereby empowered to, enter into contracts and agreements in writing, with any clergyman, minister, or pastor, whom the congregation shall think proper to select for, and appoint to, the spiritual charge of the said congregation, and for such periods and times, and at such salary and stipend, as shall be agreed on in these particulars.

XI. And be it further enacted, That the moderator and trustees of any such congregation, who shall have agreed with and settled any minister, pastor, or clergyman, shall, without delay, cause the execution of every such contract or agreement to be duly proved, by the oath of one of the subscribing witnesses, and to be registered in the registry of deeds for the county or district where such congregation is established, and thereupon such person shall be deemed the settled minister of such congregation for the time being.

XII. And be it further enacted, That the trustees for the time being, by the vote and direction of the majority of the subscribing members of any congregation, and not otherwise, shall, and they are hereby authorised, in all cases where the funds of the congregation in their hands, or at their disposal, shall be inadequate to the discharge of the claims paid or payable by the said trustees, to sue for and recover a rateable share and proportion from such subscribing members, to be fixed according to the rules of the congregation in this behalf established of such amount or deficiency; and also of all or any other the legal claims of the trustees against the congregation, by the distinct and separate suit for their respectable rateable proportion or contribution of the whole amount claimed, to be prosecuted against the several and respective surviving and solvent subscribing members of the said congregation, or the representatives of deceased members, competent and liable to such payment; and every such suit, against such individual member, or representatives of a member, shall and may be prosecuted before such justice of the peace or court, as, under the laws from time to time in force, shall have jurisdiction over suits for the recovery of simple contract debts of the like sum and amount as the defendant shall be liable to pay and contribute to such trustees.

XIII. And be it further enacted, That nothing in this Act contained, shall extend, or be construed to extend, to change, diminish, impair, or affect the parishes, rights, privileges, and immunities, of the clergymen, ministers, officers, and parishioners, of the Church of England, as by law established, in this provinces

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Abstract of the Census Roll lately issued in Nova Scotia.



No. of

Males in No. of the County Females in exclusive ditto, exof labour-clusive of ers or ser


No. of No. of Labourers Female or Male Servants in servants.




Total No. of Souls

in the Country.


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Dis. from Estab.

Ch. of England.

Do. do. Scotland.







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