Imágenes de páginas


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Dining Out Many Tongues, but no Confusion-A Merry Dinner-Party-Angling
-Thingvalla, and place of Meeting of the Ancient Althing-Daring Act of a
Criminal-" If you Hang a Rogue, you must Catch him First"-Old Customs-

Journey towards Mount Hekla-Iceland Rivers-Haying-An Iceland Meadow-
How the Horses Live-Beautiful Birds-The Pochard-Playing Mazeppa-
Swimming a River on Horseback-A Hospitable Icelander-Herre Johann Briem
-Madame Pfeiffer

Productions of Iceland-White Clover-A singular Ferry-Horses Swimming-
Sleeping Under the Bed-Sleeping in a Church-An Iceland Salute-Iceland
Horses-An Icelander with a Brick in his Hat-Boyish Sports-Rolling Stones
down Hill-" Guess " a certain Yankee had to pay for it, too

Ascent of Mount Hekla-Preparations and "Victualling" for the Trip-Mountain
Gorges-Hard Climbing for Ponies-Obliged to Dismount, and leave our Horses-
Streams of Lava-Smoke and Fire-Variegated Appearance and Colour of the
Lava-Almost an Accident-Up, up the Mountain-Hard Climbing-A Lonely
Flower on Mount Hekla-Beautiful Weather-Snow-Craters of the Late Erup-
tion-Fire and Brimstone-Awful Scene, and Dangerous Travelling-Arrive on the

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Leave Hraungerthi-A Pretty Girl, and a Man not so Pretty-Crossing a Ferry-
The Reykir Springs-Singular Group of Boiling Fountains and Geysers-Nero

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Northern Mythology-The Chaotic World, and Scandinavian idea of Creation-
Surtur and Surturbrand-Ymir-The Myth of the Ash-Mimir's Well--Odin,
Thor, and Baldur-Forseti, the God of Justice-Bragi, the God of Poetry-Frey
-Freyja, Heimdal and Hödur-The Goddesses, the Valkyrjor, and the Norns


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