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seven churches in Asia, 'He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches :' what difference is there between us and them? you are all to hear what the Spirit saith to the churches, and to your own souls. How strange and uncouth doth this look? how unusual a form and manner of speech is this? if we should go through all the churches in England, and other countries, and when we come there, we should say, you that have ears to hear, hear what the Spirit saith to you; they would be ready to scoff and deride, and say, here is a Quaker.

O that the Lord would give you to understand this, and open all your hearts, that you may hear the voice of Christ, and what the Spirit saith to you, and to the churches, least misery and calamity overtake you, and that will be very sad indeed, if the day of your visitation go over your heads, and you will not be gathered: I beseech every one of you to mind the day of your visitation; turn to the Lord your God with all your hearts, and have regard to the voice of Christ, and his Spirit within you. It was said of old, that they which are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God; and they that have not the Spirit of Christ, are none of his. This I am sure is apostolical doctrine, yet how little is this regarded and preached now a-days? how little do people mind the Spirit of God? how little are they led by the Spirit, or walk by it, as the children of God. They that have not the Spirit of Christ, are none of his,' they that are not redeemed by Christ,' by the precious blood of Christ, that have not his Spirit. The Spirit of Christ is able to wash away thine, and mine, and every body's sins. The Spirit of Christ came at the beginning into our souls, and we were baptised by it, and regenerated by it.

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Oh my Friends! if those that are called Christians up and down the world, were faithful to the

Spirit of Christ, the gospel would flourish, the Jews would be brought home; for unto this must all the nations of the world be gathered. They that come to be saved, must walk in the Spirit. They that will be eternally saved from sin and hell, must walk in the light of the Lord, and in the light of the Lamb.


And so my Friends, to this light I shall leave you; the Lord give you understanding, that you may prize the day of your visitation, and know a being gathered into the light of the Lord, and be baptized by the Spirit of God, and gathered into his kingdom; this will be an excellent portion to you butif you be not gathered, then calamity and distress will come upon you, as it did upon Jerusalem of old, and the things that belong to your peace shall be hid from your eyes. Oh that the Lord of infinite mercy would incline every heart to seek him, that they might find him, for he is not far from every one of us; for in him we live, and move, and have our being, for we are his offspring,' as certain of the old poets and philosophers did believe, and was signified unto us. So the wise men of old that did not make a profession of Christ, they did see it their duty and had some understanding of the way that God would take with the children of men. The Jews were in expectation of this; it was their own prophets that prophesied of the Messiah on this wise, That when he was come, they would despise him, and reject him, and would not have him to rule over them,' that is, in their hearts. Christ did not come into the world to rule over people's bodies only, but over their minds and hearts ;' My son give me thine heart.' He hath taught us to pray for this; Thy kingdom come; thy will be done the kingdom of God is within you.

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Many parables Christ spake and used in his preaching, but time would fail me to mention them : Christ spoke these in his gospel, that you might all

mind the day of your visitation, and be gathered into the Spirit of the Lord; gathered to the Lord God of heaven and earth, and in and through the Lord Jesus Christ have eternal life and salvation, that God may be your portion, your lot, and inheritance, when you shall go out of this world, and be no more seen of the children of men.


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