Imágenes de páginas

Anointed. Perfons anointed were, Priefts, Exod. 28. 41. Exod. 29. 7. Exod. 30. 30. Lev. 4. 3, 16. Prophets, 1 King. 9. 16. Kings, 1 Sam. 9. 16. 1 Sam. 10. I. I Sam. 15. 17. 1 King. 1. 39. 1 King. 19. 15, 16. 2 King. 9. 6.

Jefus Chrift was anointed with the holy Spirit, which he had with. out measure, 511, b, 28. Our Lord nointed by Mary, 140, b, 3. Antichrift,

857, b, 13.858, a, 8.


Anxious and folicitous Care unbecoming a Chriftian, on Mat. 6. 25. We should caft all our Care upon God, 32, b, 18.

The Apostleship ftyled, a Grace,
Rom. 1. 1. A Ministry, 832, b, 15.
The Apostles were immediately
chofen and fent by Chrift, 50, b, 13.
452, b, 13. Joh. 15. 16. Acts 1. 2.
IC. 41. Gal, I. I.
The Apostles were not confined to
any one Place, but fent to all Na-
tions, Mar. 16. 15. Acts 1. 8.


The Apoftles had all an equal Authority, Mat. 20. 26, 27. 2 Cor. 11. 5. 2 Cor. 12. 11. being all chofen by Christ. See above. They were all called Apostles, Mat. 10. 2. Luk. 6. 13. They had all the fame Miflion, 452, b, 13. All the Apoftles had the fame Spirit, Joh. 20. 22. and the fame Gifts of the Spirit, and Power from above, Acts 2. 3, 4. They had all the fame Power of binding and loofing, Mat. 18. 18.'

A pochrypha, Not a Part of the Canonical Scrie Joh. 20. 23. ptures, on Rom. 3.2.


Some made Shipwrack of the Faith n the Apoftles Time, 1 Tim. I.

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The Word Apoftle fignifies fent; t was given to Chrift, Heb. 3. 1. Apostle was a Name common to he Minifters of Chrift; given to Barnabas and Paul, A&ts 14. 14 to Andronicus and Junia, Rom. 16. 7. The Word tranflared Meffenger, 2 Cor. 8. 23. and Phil. 2. 25. is in the Greek Apostle.

Our Lord gave this Name to The Twelve whom he chofe, 50, b, 13. Given to St. Paul, 7. Thefe were called by other Names in common with those of lower Dignity, as Minifters of Chrift, 1 Cor. 4. 1. Elders, & Pet. 5.1. Servants of Chrift, Rcm. 1.1. 2 Pet. 1, I.

The Office of the Apostles: They
preached the Word, Mar. 3. 14.
Mar. 16. 15. They planted Church-
es, 1 Cor. 3.6. They ordained El-
ders, Acts 14. 23. They exercised
Discipline, 738. a, 2.

vils, and to cure Difeases, 166, a,
The Apoftles had Power over De-
4. Were Witnesses of our Lord's Re-
furre&tion, 342, b, 2. Were Witnesses
of the Glory and Majefty of Chrift,
986, a,


The Apoftles had not dominion over the Faith of Chriftians, 738,b,5. Armour

Of a Chriftian, what, 653, b, 29, 815, a, 13, 13.


Of Chrift, 343, b, 11. 910, b, 18..

Chrift afcended into Heaven, to interceed and appear in our behalf, 629, b, 19. anfwering whatever can be laid to the Charge of his true Difciples and Followers, Rom. 8. 33, 34. To fend down the holy Ghoft, 342, b, 45.


See Shame.

Put on the Head in token of HuKk 3 anmiliation,

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miliation, 1079, b, 7.


Divine, promifed, Pfal. 32. 8. Prov. 1. 20, &c. Luk. 11.13. 706, b, s. 766, a, 2.

Affiftance afforded by God, 726, a, 2. To all Men, to all Chriftians, but especially to good Chriftians, Pfal. 37 23. on Rom.8.9. This is evident from Chriftians being faid to be the Temple of God, 622, a,


The Neceffity of divine Aftance arifes from our weaknefs and inability, Prov. 16. 9. Prov. 20. 24. Jer. 10. 23. Joh. 15.4, 5. 1 Pet. 1.5. on 1 Cor.2. 14. 971,a, 4.

We fhould apply our felves to God for it, 860, b, 3. Pfal. 27. 14. Pfal. 43. 34 Pfal. 86. 11. In the Name of Jefus Chrift, 610, b, 28. See Grace. Our Strength is in God, 885, a, I.


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Backbiters Condemned, 767, b, 6. Motives to avoid this Sin, 767, b, 8, 14.

Backbiting mentioned with other grievous Sins, fome of which are the Caufes, fome the Effects of it, Rom. 1. 29, 30. 2 Cor. 12. 20. Baptifm


Was inftituted by Chrift, Mat.28. 19. In pursuance of the Command of Chrift, the Apostles, and others commiffioned by them, Baptized all who embraced the Doctrine of Chrift, Acts 2. 38, 41. A&s 8. 12, 13, 38. A&ts 9. 18. A&ts 10.47. Acts 16. 15,33. A&ts 18. 8. Aas 19.5. Acts 22. 16. Rom. 6. 3. Cor. 1. 13, &c. And that they were Baptized with Water is plain, be caufe Water is exprefly mentioned, fee A&ts 8. 36, 38. Acts 10. 47. Eph. 5. 26. Heb. 10. 22. Which is fur ther confirm'd, by the Apoftles commanding thofe to be baptized with Water who had already received the holy Ghoft, on Acts 10.48.

Baptifm was ufed by the Apostles among the Jews by the Command of Chrift, before they were ordered to baptize all Nations, on Joh. 3. 22. Joh. 4. 1, 2.

The Holy Spirit given in Bap tifm, 354, b, 12. 355, a, 2. A&s 2. 38.

Baptifm was adminiftred to Per fons as foon as they were convert ed, Acts 2. 41. Acts 8.38. Acts 16. 15,33. A&ts 18. 8. Whole Families baptized, A&s 16. 15, 33. 1 Cor.

... 16.

Baptifm neceffary for the Forgive nefs of Sins, 568, a, 9. and to Sal vation in the ordinary Way, on Joh. 3. 5. The faved were by Bap tifm added, or admitted into the Church, Acts 2.41,47. When effe&ual to Salvation, on 1Pet.3.21.lts farther efficacy, Eph. 5. 25. Tit.3. 5. Acts 2. 38. Rom. 6.3, &. Cor. 6. 11. Heb. 10. 22. 3. 21.1 1159.

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Or,fpeaking reproachfully against God, Numb. 21. 5. 2 Chron. 32. 19. Pfal. 78, 19. Ifa. 37. 23, &c. Dan. 11. 36. It is ufually put for fpeaking any unholy, derogatory Words against God, or what has an immediate Relation to him. Against God, 1 King. 21. 10, 13Rev. 3. 6. Rev. 16. 11, 21. Againit his Name, Rom. 2. 24. Against his Word, Tit. 2. 5. Againit Chrift, and his Name, A&ts 26. 1. Jam.

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Of Corn, and Mildew, fent as a Punishment for fin, 1 King. 8. 37, &c. Amos 4. 9. Hag. 2. 17, 18. The Eaft-wind a means whereby it is effected, Gen. 41.6, 23, 27. Bleifed.

Perfons declared bleffed; whofe Sins are pardoned, 6c8, a, 1. Who delight in, and do the Commandments of God, Pfal 112. 1. Pfal. 119.1, 2. Prov. 8. 32. Luk. 11. 28. Joh. 13. 17. The Merciful, Meek, &c. Mat. 5. 3, &c. He whofe Strength, Hope, and Truft is in God, Pfal. 34. 8. Pfal. 40. 4. Pfal, 84. 5. Ifa. 30. 18. The Charitable,

The Place where Chrift was born, Pfal. 41. 1. Prov. 14. 21. Who 5, b, 21. on Mat. 2. 6.


This Word is put for Chrift him elf, Pet. 2. 25. For the chief Teachers and Governours Ecclefia ftical, whofe Qualifications are deTcribed, 1 Tim, 3. 1, &c. Tit. 7. For fuch as were called Elders, Acts 20. 17, 28. For fuch as were above Deacons, Phil. I. I.


Some ought to he fet apart to feed and govern the Church, 560, 5, 13 Bitterness

Must be put away, 808, b, 8,

walk not in the Counfel of the Ungodly, Pfal. 1. 1. Who fuffer for righteoufnefs fake, 17, b, 19. Whofe God is the Lord, Pfal. 144. 15. Who have part in the first Refurrection, Rev. 20. 6.


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Blood forbidden, because thereby Attonement was made, 143, a, 39. Without fhedding of Blood there is no remiffion, 143, a, 35.


And Glorying used in a bad Senfe, 1 King. 20. II. 2 Chron. 24. 19. Pfal 10. 3. Pfal. 49. 6 Pfal. 52. 1. Prov. 20. 14. Ezek. 35. 13. Rom. 11. 18. 1 Cor. 3 21.

Boafting and glorying used in a good Senfe, Pfal 44. 8. Rom. 5.3. 2 Cor. 7. 4, 14. 2 Cor. 9. 2. 2 Cor. II. 10, 18. 2 Cor. 12. 5, 6. We should not boast of our good Works, 27, a, 3. Nor of to mor row, 961, b, 9. Of fuch Boasting as is not forbid. den, 854, b, 11.

Our boasting and glorying should be in the Lord, 674, a, 8.


This Word is ufed in a proper Senfe, Mat. 27. 58. 1 Cor. 6. 20. Heb. 10. 5. In a figurative Sense, for the whole Man, Rom. 12. 1. For the unregenerate Part of Man, or the Body of Sin, Rom. 6. 6. Rom. 7. 24. Rom 8. 10. For the myftical Body of Chrift, the Church, 646, b, 4. In a Sacramental Senfe, for the Sign or reprefentation of Chrift's Body, 142, b, 3.

Our Bodies ftyled a Houfe of Clay, &c. 746, a, 7. The Temple of the holy Ghoft, 622, a, 15.

The Body of Chrift ftyled a Ta

bernacle of God, Rev. 13. 6.

The Refurrection of the Body proved, I Cor. 15 20, &c. That the fame Body fhall arife appears not only from the Nature of a Refurrection, and from the Refurrection of Chrift, who rofe with the fame Body, but from plain Teftimonies of Scripture, Job 19. 25, &c. Joh. 5. 28, 29. Rom. 8. 11. 1 Thef. 4. 16, 17. 746, b, 6.

At the Refurrection the Body will be made fpiritual and incorrupti ble, 1 Cor. 15. 44, 52, &c. The Bodies of the Righteous fhall then

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The Gift of God, Pfal. 127.3. Among the Jews, Children were accounted the Children of those who were removed feveral Generations from them, on Mat. 1.8.

The Duty of Children to their Parents, 86, a, 31.

God our Father to be obeyed before our natural Parents, Luk. 2. 48, &c. 296, b, 17.

Children fhould apply to their Pa rents for Inftruction, Exod. 13. 14. Josh. 7. 21.

Children of God, 624, a, 24. They are thofe who imitate God in his divine and moral Perfections, 26, a, 24. 809, a, 14. 984, a, 26.

Children of Light, and their Duty, 301, a, 1. 549, b, 7.

Children of Abraham, 783,b, 16. Children in Understanding, 722, b, 1. 804, b, 5.

Children of the Devil,who?80,a,15.
Children flain by Herod,Mat.2.16.

Joh. 1. 45. Meffias, and Christ, Joh. Called Jefus,and why? Mat.1.21. 4.25. both which Names fignifie anointed, Joh. 1. 41.

and the dear Son of God, 11,b, 19. Chrift ftyled the Son, the Beloved, 793, a, 6. 902, a, 19. Own'd to be the Son of God by the Devils, 161, a, 11. See Son.

Christ was conceived by the holy

God chaftneth his Servants for Ghoft, Luk. 1. 35heir good, 715, a, 14.


A Duty, 1 Thef. 4. 3, &c. An Ability to live chaftly without Marriage, a fpecial Gift of God, 91, b, 3.

Examples of Chastity: Jofeph, en. 39. 7, &c. Ruth, Chap. 3. 0, 11. Tamar, 2 Sam. 13. 12. ob, Chap. 31. 1.

To preferve Chastity, avoid all ocaficns of committing the Sin of npurity, Gen. 39. 10. Prov. 5. 8. rov. 7 24, &c.

The Unchaft and Impure exclued the Kingdom of Heaven, 686,


Christ fubordinate to the Father, Joh. 5. 26. Joh. 7. 29. 710, b, 13. The Father ftyled his God,792,b,5. Sent into the World by the Father, 437, a, 27. On this Subject, the Subordination of the Son, the Reader may confult Bp. Bull's Defence of the Nicene Faith, Sect. 4. alfo Bp. Pearfon on the Creed, p. 105,&c. and 134, &c. of the fixth Edition, Printed 1692.

Divinity of Chrift, 1012, a, 10. on Mar.13. 33. on Joh. 1. 3. 14. on Joh. 3. 13. on Joh. 8. 58. on Rom. 8. 29. on 1 Cor. 15. 51. on 2 Cor. 13. 14. on Phil. 2. 6. on 1 Joh. 5. 7. on Rev. 1. 8.


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