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the munificent patron of the society, that its library should embrace as perfect a collection of American literature as possible. To assist in attaining this object, he presented the society between four and five thousand volumes of books, among which are many valuable works illustrating the history of the country, as well as many rare and interesting specimens of early printing. The library of the society now contains about 12,000 volumes, and is increasing. Visiters can have easy access to it, and it is open to those who have occasion to use the books. As it is national in its objects, this institution bids fair to have the largest, as well as the most valuable, collection of books and manuscripts in this country.

Isaiah Thomas, the gentleman to whom this institution is so deeply indebted, was born in Boston, January 19th, 1749. At the age of less than six years he was bound apprentice to a Mr. Fowle, who carried on the printing business in a small way in Boston. Having purchased the printing materials of Mr. Fowle, Mr. Thomas issued a newspaper on March 7th, 1771, called the "Massachusetts Spy." The revolutionary contest was then impending, and Mr. Thomas being a warm friend of American freedom, his paper became the favorite champion of the rights of the people. Such a course rendered Mr. Thomas obnoxious to the royal officers of the government. He was put on the list of the proscribed, and was threatened with personal violence. Having been solicited by the whigs of Worcester to establish a newspaper in that place, he privately had his types and press conveyed thither, and the Spy made its appearance in this place May 3, 1775, after a suspension of three weeks. After the revolutionary war, Mr. Thomas, uniting the employments of printer, publisher, and bookseller, the manufacture of paper and binding, he was able to accomplish a great amount of business. At one period he had under his personal direction, and that of his partners, sixteen presses in constant motion. In 1802 Mr. Thomas relinquished a prosperous business to his son. He, however, did not remain idle. In 1810, his "History of Printing," in two octavo volumes, was published, evincing great research and fidelity of narrative, and is a standard work of the kind. In 1814 he received the honorary degree of Master of Arts from Dartmouth college-that of Doctor of Laws from Alleghany college, in 1818. He was president of the Antiquarian Society from its foundation until his decease, April 4, 1831, at the age of 82 years.

LUNATIC HOSPITAL. "This monument of the charity of the state is situated on a beautiful eminence eastward of the town. The buildings of the west front, erected in 1831, consist of a center, 76 feet long, 40 feet wide, and four stories high, projecting 22 feet forward of the wings, which extend to the north and south ninety feet each on the front and 100 feet in the rear, are 36 feet wide, and three stories high. This arrangement was adopted so as to secure free communication with the central structure, occupied by the superintendent, steward, attendants, and domestics, and to

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permit the ventilation and lighting of the long halls reaching through the wings. The ranges of apartments for the insane, 8 feet by 10, have each a window, with the upper sash of cast-iron and lower sash of wood, both glazed; on the exterior of the wooden sash is a false sash of iron, corresponding in its appearance and dimensions, but firmly set into the frame, giving the reality of a grate without its gloomy aspect. In 1835, a building 134 feet in length and 34 feet in width was attached to the southern extremity of the hospital, of equal height, and extending eastward at right angles with the front; in 1836, another edifice of the same magnitude was placed at the north end. Three sides of a great square are now enclosed by these immense structures of brick. Provision is made for the diffusion of heat, the circulation of air, the supply of water; and the most judicious regulations promote the health and comfort of the inmates.

"In this hospital, those are placed under restraint by public authority who are so furiously mad that their liberty would endanger the safety of the community. To feel its value, one must have heard the chained maniacs howling in the dungeons of the common gaols, in frantic excitement and hopeless misery, and seen the quiet of the great establishment where the insane receive every alleviation of their mental diseases which fit accommodations, remedial treatment, and high skill can bestow. The institution has been under the superintendence of Dr. Samuel B. Woodward since its commencement. Its statistics are fully detailed in the reports annually made by the trustees to the legislature."

A number of the streams which form the head waters of Blackstone river meet in this town, and furnish a considerable water power. The Blackstone Canal extends from Worcester to Providence, a distance of about 45 miles. It is 18 feet wide at the bottom, 36 at the top of the banks. It is built alternately on both sides of the Blackstone river, and passes nearly all the great manufacturing establishments in the valley of the Blackstone. The first boat which passed through the whole extent arrived at the upper basin Oct. 7, 1828. The expense of the work was about 750,000 dollars; of this amount more than half a million of dollars was paid by the citizens of Rhode Island. The canal has been more useful to the public than to the owners; the amount of transportation, however, has increased.

"The BOSTON AND WORCESTER RAILROAD was incorporated June 23, 1831. The road, extending 44 miles eastward, is laid with a single track of edge rails, on cast-iron chairs, resting on wooden sleepers, bedded in trenches filled with stones. The cost of construction has been $1,500,000, including land, labor, cars, engines, and buildings.


Passenger cars go in each direction three times daily during the warm months, and twice in the cold season, except on Sundays. The time is from 2 to 3 hours, including stops at ten places; the fare has been $1 50, but in the autumn of 1836 was raised to $2. The freight of merchandise from Boston to Worcester, by the ton, is $3 50; from Worcester to Boston, $3. A branch railroad is soon to be laid to Millbury. About a mile from the depot on Main street, the road passes through a deep cutting of the slate rock, about 30 feet in its greatest depth, and extending about 30 rods. The strata are almost perpendicular, and were removed from their beds by a laborious process of blasting."

"The NORWICH AND WORCESTER RAILROAD COMPANY was incorporated March 26, 1833. A charter had been previously obtained in Connecticut, for the route within her jurisdiction, at the May session, 1832. By an act of this commonwealth, April 10, and of that state, May, 1836, the two companies were united. From Norwich to Worcester is 58 miles; to Boston, 102. The work of construction is now advancing. The capital stock is $1,500,000."

"The WESTERN RAILROAD CORPORATION was established March 15, 1833, for the purpose of building a railroad from the western termination of the Boston and Worcester railroad to Connecticut river in Springfield, and thence across the stream to the western boundary of the state, where it will connect with railroads in progress, one to Albany, one to Troy, and one to Hudson. ed, two thirds by individuals, and one third by the state, and a portion of the road The stock of $3,000,000 has been subscriblocated."

During the first movements of the Revolution, Worcester was the central point whence the animating influences in favor of American freedom were diffused over the surrounding country. In March, 1775, the company of minute men in this place were directed to train half a day in each week. daily for months, and, under the instruction of Capt. Bigelow, they This company had met almost attained great proficiency in military science.

"Their services were soon to be required for the defence of the country. Before noon on the 19th of April, an express came to the town, shouting, as he passed through the street at full speed, 'To arms! to arms! the war is begun!' with spurring and dripping with sweat, fell exhausted by the church. Another was His white horse, bloody instantly procured, and the tidings went on. mounted on his white steed, and gathering the population to battle, made vivid imThe passage of the messenger of war, pression on memory. The tradition of his appearance is preserved in many of our villages. In the animated description of the aged, it seems like the representation of death on the pale horse careering through the land with his terrific summons to the grave. The bell rang out the alarm, cannon were fired, and messengers sent to every part of the town to collect the soldiery. As the news spread, the implements of husbandry were thrown by in the field, and the citizens left their homes with no longer delay than to seize their arms. green, under Capt. Timothy Bigelow; after fervent prayer by the Rev. Mr. Maccarty, In a short time, the minute men were paraded on the they took up the line of march. They were soon followed by as many of the train bands as could be gathered, under Capt. Benjamin Flagg. On that day, 110 men marched from the town of Worcester for Concord. Intelligence of the retreat of the enemy met them after they advanced, and they turned towards Boston. When Capt. Bigelow reached the ancient Howe tavern, in Sudbury, he halted to rest his men. Capt. Benjamin Flagg, who had commenced his march an hour or two later, came up, and insisting on pushing forward without loss of time, both officers moved on to Cambridge."

On Saturday, July 14, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was received at Worcester. Thomas from the porch of the old south meeting-house to the asIt was first publicly read by Isaiah sembled crowd. On Sunday, after divine service, it was read in the church. On the Monday following, the event which separated the colonies from the mother country was celebrated with formal solemnities.

The following occurrences took place in Worcester during the insurrectionary period called "Shays' Rebellion." The following account is taken from the History of Worcester, by William Lincoln, Esq., an octavo volume containing 384 pages, published at Worcester, in 1837, by Messrs. Moses D. Philips & Co. This work is one of great research, is most ably written, and full of interesting details, and the author of this work is deeply indebted to it for the foregoing account of Worcester.

"Although warning of danger had been given, confiding in the loyalty of the people, their love of order, and respect for the laws, the officers of government had made no preparations to support the court, to be held in Worcester, in September, 1786. On Monday night, of the first week in that month, a body of eighty armed men, under Capt. Adam Wheeler of Hubbardston, entered the town, and took possession of the court-house. Early the next morning, their numbers were augmented to nearly one hundred, and as many more collected without fire-arms. The judges of the common pleas had assembled at the house of the Hon. Joseph Allen. At the usual hour, with the justices of the sessions and the members of the bar, attended by the clerk and sheriff, they moved towards the court-house. Chief Justice Artemas Ward, a general of the Revolution, united intrepid firmness with prudent moderation. His resolute and manly bearing on that day of difficulty and embarrassment sustained the dignity of the office he bore, and commanded the respect even of his opponents. On him devolved the responsibility of an occasion affecting deeply the future peace of the community; and it was supported well and ably.

"On the verge of the crowd thronging the hill, a sentinel was pacing on his round, who challenged the procession as it approached his post. Gen. Ward sternly ordered the soldier, formerly a subaltern of his own particular regiment, to recover his levelled musket. The man, awed by the voice he had been accustomed to obey, instantly complied, and presented his piece in military salute to his old commander. The court, having received the honors of war from him who was planted to oppose their advance, went on. The multitude, receding to the right and left, made way in sullen silence, till the judicial officers reached the court-house. On the steps was stationed a file of men with fixed bayonets; on the front stood Captain Wheeler, with his drawn sword. The crier was directed to open the doors, and permitted to throw them back, displaying a party of infantry with their guns levelled, as if ready to fire. Judge Ward then advanced, and the bayonets were turned against his breast. He demanded, repeatedly, who commanded the people there; by what authority, and for what purpose, they had met in hostile array. Wheeler at length replied. After disclaiming the rank of leader, he stated, that they had come to relieve the distresses of the country, by preventing the sittings of courts until they could obtain redress of grievances. The chief justice answered, that he would satisfy them their complaints were without just foundation. He was told by Capt. Smith of Barre, that any communication he had to make must be reduced to writing. Julge Ward indignantly refused to do this; he said he did not value their bayonets; they might plunge them to his heart; but while that heart beat he would do his duty: when opposed to it, his life was of little consequence: if they would take away their bayonets and give him some position where he could be heard by his fellowcitizens, and not by the leaders alone who had deceived and deluded them, he would speak, but not otherwise.' The insurgent officers, fearful of the effect of his determined manner on the minds of their followers, interrupted. They did not come there, they said, to listen to long speeches, but to resist oppression: they had the power to compel submission; and they demanded an adjournment without day. Judge Ward peremptorily refused to answer any proposition, unless it was accompanied by the name of him by whom it was made. They then desired him to fall back; the drum was beat, and the guard ordered to charge. The soldiers advanced, until the points of their bayonets pressed hard upon the breast of the chief justice, who stood as immovable as a statue, without stirring a limb or yielding an inch, although the steel in the hands of desperate men penetrated his dress. Struck with admiration by his intrepidity, and shrinking from the sacrifice of life, the guns were removed, and Judge Ward, ascending the steps, addressed the assembly. In a style of clear and forcible argument, he examined their supposed grievances; exposed their fallacy; explained the dangerous tendency of their rash measures; admonished them that they were placing in peril the liberty acquired by the efforts and sufferings of years, plunging the country in civil war, and involving themselves and their families in misery: that the measures they had taken must defeat their own wishes; for the government would never yield that to force, which would be readily accorded to respectful representations: and warned them that the majesty of the laws would be vindicated, and their resist. ance of its power avenged. He spoke nearly two hours, not without frequent interruption. But admonition and argument were unavailing: the insurgents declared they would maintain their ground until satisfaction was obtained. Judge Ward, addressing himself to Wheeler, advised him to suffer the troops to disperse : 'they were waging war, which was treason, and its end would be,' he added, after a momentary pause, 'the gallows.' The judges then retired unmolested, through armed files. Soon after the court was opened at the United States Arms Tavern, and immediately adjourned to the next day."

In 1837, there were 3 cotton mills; 3,424 spindles; 546,521 yards of cotton goods were manufactured; value, $62,182; males employed, 34; females, 47; there were 8 woollen mills; 16 sets of machinery; 326,790 yards of cloth manufactured; value, $360,352; males employed, 112; females, 113; there were 18,697 pairs of boots and 27,075 pairs of shoes manufactured; value, $59,020 34; males employed, 89; females, 33. Nine manufactories of woollen machinery; value of machinery manufactured, $240,000; hands employed, 160. Four hat manufactories; 8,300 hats manufactured; value, $33,200. Two paper-mills; value of paper manufactured, $54,815. One air and cupola furnace; 300 tons of castings made; value, $30,000. Wire manufactory; value of wire, $45,000; straw bonnets manufactured, 12,500; value, $25,000. Two coach and chaise manufactories; value of coaches and chaises, $60,000; hands employed, forty.

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