Imágenes de páginas


199 The efficacy of prayer, mira-225 For deliverance from ene
Page 253

cles wrought by it. Pag.240

200 Armies defeated by prayer, 226 Honour due to God, and claim-

and God's people delivered.

ed by him.

worship, praise and thanks.

207 Praise from the wicked un-233 Glorifying God.

acceptable to God.

234 Christ glorified God on earth
208 The wicked, their unthank-235 Men glorify God by praise
and thankfulness. Page 256


[blocks in formation]

218 For God's will revealed.


CHAP. XV. Characters good and 27 The ministry, a mean of per-

bad, with promises and threats.

28 Promises to the perfect.

29 Instances of persons called


Page 268

30 Hypocrisy forbidden.

Page 260 31 Marks of hypocrites. Pa. 269

5 Ungodly described by their 33

6 Threats against the ungodly.

7 Righteousness required.

36 Perfect heart.

Page 262 37 Upright heart.

Page 270

Page 271

ed from enemies.
11 The death of the righteous

Page 272

10 The righteous shall be deliver-42 God taketh notice of the heart.

43 God influenceth the hearts of

the religious. Page 273

God's judgments on the hearts
of the wicked. Page 274
Satan influences the hearts of
the wicked, instances thereof


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

59 Obedience to God commanded.
Page 290

[blocks in formation]

73 God will render to mankind 101 Confession of uncleanness.

good or bad. Page 286

according to their works, 102 Promises against uncleanness.
Page 295

103 Directions against it.

Page 287 104 Threats against it.

74 Good works commanded.

prayers for them. Page 297

Page 289115 The unjust hurtful in the

Page 296

80 Promises to them that do
good, that do well.

Page 298

84 Darkness and the works 117 Promises to the good.


85 Threats against them.

118 Evil men.

119 Perverseness.

Page 299

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