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E angels round the throne,
And saints that dwell below,

Worship the Father, praise the Son,
And bless the Spirit too.


OW to the great and sacred Three.
The Father, Son, and Spirit be
Eternal praise and glory given,

Through all the worlds where God is known,

By all the angels near the throne,

And all the saints in earth and heaven.



O God the Father's throne
Perpetual honours raise

Glory to God the Son :

To God the Spirit, praise;
With all our powers,
Eternal King,
Thy name we sing,
While faith adores.




Note. In this Table I have not directed to the several Parts or Metres of the Psalm, lest it should breed too great a con fusion of figures. What is sought in any Psalm may easily be found, by turning a leaf or two backward or forward to the distinct Parts or Metres.

If you find not what word you seek in this Table, seek another of the same signification; or seek it under some of the more general words, such as God, Christ, Church, Saints, Psalm, Prayer, Praise, Affliction, Grace, Deliverance, Death, &c.

ADAM the first and second, their dominion 8. Afflicted, pity to them 41, 35; tempted, supported 55, 145, 146; their prayer 102, 143; saints happy 73, 94, 119, 14th part.Afflictions, hope in them 42, 13, 77; support and profit 119, 14th part; instruction by them 49, 119, 18th part; sanctified 94, 119, 18th part; courage in them 119, 17th part; removed by prayer 34, 107; submission to them 123, 131, 39; from men, see persecution. In mind and body 143; trying our graces 66, 119, 17th part; without rejection 89; of saints and sinners different 94; gentle 103; moderated 125; very great 102, 143, 77. Aged saints', reflection and hope 71. All seeing God 139. Angels, guardian, 34, 91; all subject to Christ 89, 97; praise the Lord 103; present in churches 138. Appeal to God against persecutors 7; concerning our sincerity 139; humility 131; Ascension of Christ 24, 68, 47, 110. Assistance from God 144, 138. Atheism practical 24, 36, 12; punished 10. Attributes of God 36, 111, 145, 147. Authority from God 75, 82.

BACKSLIDING soul in distress and desertion 25; restored 51; pardoned 78, 130. Blessing of God on the business and comforts of life 127; of a family 128, 133; of a nation 144, 147; of the country 65, 147; of a person 1, 32, 112. Blood of Christ cleansing from sin 51, 69. Book of nature and scripture 19, 119, 4th part; prosperity 67; happiness 147. Brotherly love 133; reproof 141. Business of Tife blest 127.

CARE of God over his saints 34. Charity to the poor 37,
41, 112; and justice 15, 112; mixed with imprecations 35.
Chastisement: see afflictions. Children praising God 8; made
blessings 127, 128; instructed 34, 78. Christ the second
Adam, his incarnation, his dominion 8; his all-sufficiency
16; his ascension 24, 68, 110; the church's foundation 118;
his coming, the signs of it 12; his condescension and glorifi-
cation 8; covenant made with him 89; first and second
coming, or his incarnation, kingdom and judgment 96, 97,
98; the true David 89, 35; his death and resurrection 22,
16, 69; the eternal Creator 102; exalted to the kingdom 2,
21, 8, 72, 110; our example 109; faith in his blood 51; God
and man 89; his Godhead 102; our hope 4, 51; his incar-
nation and sacrifice 40; the king and the church his spouse
45; his kingdom among the Gentiles 72, 87, 132; his love to
enemies 109, 35; his majesty 97, 99; his glory 72; his me-
diatorial kingdom 89, 110; his obedience and death 69; his
personal glories and government 45; praised by children 8;
priest and king 110; his resurrection on the Lord's day 118;
our strength and righteousness 71; his sufferings and king-
dom 2, 22, 69; his sufferings for our salvation 69; his zeal
and reproaches 69; his sorrows. Christian qualifications
15, 24; church made of Jews and Gentiles 87. Church, its
beauty 45, 48, 122; the birth place of saints 87; built on
Jesus Christ 118; its complaint 137; against enemies 79,
83; delight and safety in it 27; destruction of enemies pro
ceeds from thence 76; gathered and settled 132; of the Gen-
tiles 45, 47; God fights for her 46, 10, 20; God's presence
there 132, 84; God's special delight 87, 132; God's garden
92; going to it 122; the house and care of God 135; of the
Jews and Gentiles 87; its increase 67; prayer in distress
83; prayer for the presence of Christ 70; persecuted, see
persecution; restored by prayer 85, 102, 107; its safety in
national desolations 46; is the safety and honour of a nation
48; the spouse of Christ 45; its worship and order 46; wrath
against enemies proceeds thence 76. Colonies planted 107.
Comfort, holiness, and pardon 4, 32, 119, 11th and 12th parts,
and support in God 94, 16; from ancient providences 77,
143; of life blest 127; and pardon 130. Company of saints
16, 106. Complaint of absence from public worship 42; of
sickness 6; desertion 13; pride, atheism, oppression, &c. 10,
12, of temptations 13; against unbelievers 59; against evil
companions 64; general 102; of quarrelsome neighbours
120; of heavy afflictions in mind and body 143; under great
trials 43. Compassion of God 103, 145, 147. Communion,
with saints 106, 133. Confession of our poverty 16; of sin,

repentance and pardon, 32, 51, 38, 130, 143. Conscience
tender 119, 13th part; its guilt relieved 38, 32, 51, 130. Con-
tention complained of 120. Converse with God 119, 2d part,.
63. Conversion and joy 126; at the ascension of Christ 110;
of Jews and Gentiles 87, 106, 96. Correction, see affliction.
Corruption of manners geueral 11, 12. Counsel and support
from God 16, 119. Courage in death 16, 17, 71; in perse-
cution 119, 17th part. Covenant made with Christ 89; of
grace unchangeable 89, 106. Creation and providence 135,
136, 33, 104, 140, 147. Creatures, no trust in them 62, 33,
146: vain and God all sufficient 33; praising God 148.

DAILY devotion 55, 139. Day of humiliation for disap-
pointments in war 60. Death and resurrection of Christ 16,
69; of saints and sinners 17, 37, 49; and sufferings of Christ.
22, 69; deliverance from it 31; and pride 49; and the res-
urrection 49, 71, 89; courage in it 16, 17, 23; the effect of
sin 90; not the end of our being 88. Defence in God 3, 121;
and salvation in God 18, 61; delaying sinners warned 95.
Delight and safety in the church 48, 27, 84; in the law of
God 119, 5th, 8th and 18th parts; in God 63, 42, 73, 84, 18.
Deliverance begun and perfected 85; from despair 18; from
death 31, 118; from oppression and falsehood 56; from per-
secution 53, 94; by prayer 34, 40, 85, 126, from shipwreck
107; from slander 31; surprising 126; from temptations 3,
6, 13, 18; from a tumult 118. Desertion and distress of soul
25, 13, 38, 143. Desire of knowledge 119, 9th part; of ho-
liness 119, 11th part; of comfort, and deliverance 119, 12th
part; of quickening grace 119, 16th part. Desolations, the
church's safety in them 46. Despair and hope in death 17,
49; deliverance from it 18, 130. Devotion daily 55, 134,
141; on a sick-bed 9, 39: see morning, evening, Lord's day.
Direction and pardon 25; and defence prayed for 5; and
hope 42; see knowledge. Disease, see sickness. Distress of
soul, or backsliding and desertion 25; relieved 51, 130.
Dominion of man over creatures 8. Doubts and fears sup-
pressed 3, 31, 143. Drunkard and glutton 107. Duty to
God and man 15, 24. Dwelling with God, see heaven,
church, &c.

EDUCATION, religious 34, 78. Egypt's plagues 105.
End of the righteous and wicked 1, 37. Enemies overcome
18; prayed for 35, 109; destroyed 12, 76, 48. Envy and
unbelief cured 37, 49. Equity and wisdom of providence 9.
Evening psalm 4, 139, 141. Evidences of grace, or self-ex-
amination 26; of sincerity 18, 19, 139. Evil times 12; neigh-
bours 120; magistrates 11, 58, 82. Exaltation of Christ to

the kingdom, 2, 21, 22, 69, 72, 110. Examination or eviden
ces of grace 26, 139. Exhortations to peace and holiness 34;

FAITH and prayer of persecuted saints 35; in the blood
of Christ 51, 32; in divine grace and power 62, 130. Faith-
fulness of God 89, 105 111, 145, 146; of man 15, 141. False-
hood, blasphemy, &c. 12; and oppression, deliverance from
them 12, 56. Family_government 101; love and worship
133; blessings 128. Fears and doubts suppressed 3, 34, 31;
in the worship of God 89, 99; of God 119, 13th part. Flat-
tery and deceit complained of 12, 36. Forgiveness, see par-
don. Formal worship 50. Frailty of man 89, 90, 144. Fret-
fulness discouraged 37. Friendship, its blessings 133. Fu-
neral psalm 89, 90.

GENTILES given to Christ 2, 22, 72; church 45, 65, 72,
87; owning the true God 96, 98, 47. Glorification and con-
descension of Christ 8, 45; glory of God in our salvation 69;
and grace promised 84, 97, 89. Glutton 78; drunkard 107.
God all in all 127; all seeing 139; all-sufficient 16, 33; his
being, attributes and providence 36, 65, 147; his care of
saints 7, 34; his creation and providence 33, 104, &c. our
defence and salvation 3, 61, 33, 115; eternal and sovereign
and holy 93; eternal and man mortal 90, 102; faithfulness
105, 111, 89; his glory in his works and word 19; glorified and
sinners saved 69. Goodness and mercy 145, 103; goodness
and truth 145, 146; governing power and goodness 66; great
and good 144, 68, 145, 147; heart searching 139; our only
hope and help 142; the judge 9, 50, 97; kind to his people
145. 146; his glory in creation and providence 104. His
kingdom and perfections 145; his majesty 97; and conde-
scension 113, 144; mercy and truth 36, 103, 136, 89, 145;
made man 8; of nature and grace 65; his perfections 111,
36, 145, 147: our portion, and Christ our hope 4; our portion
here and hereafter 73; his power and majesty 68, 89, 93, 96;
praised by children 8; our preserver 121, 128; present in his
churches 84; our refuge in national troubles 46; our shep-
herd 23; his sovereignty and goodness to man 8, 113, 144;
our support and comfort 94; supreme governor 82, 93, 75;
his vengeance and compassion 68 97; unchangeable 89, 111,
his universal dominion 103; his wisdom in his works 111,
139; worthy of all praise 145, 146, 150. Good works 15,
24, 112; profit men, not God 16; Goodness of God 8, 103,
111, 145, 146. Gospel its glory and success 19, 45, 110;
joyful sound 89, 98; worship and order 48. Government of
Christ 45; from God 75. Grace its evidences, or self-exam-
ination 26, 139; aboves riches 144; without merit 16, 32 of

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