BOOKS Printed for D. MIDWINTER, A. BETTESWORTH and C. HITCH, J. and J. PEMBERTON, R. WARE, C. RIVINGTON, F. CLAY, A. WARD, J. and P. KNAPΤΟΝ, Τ. LONGMAN, R. HETT, and J. WOOD. 1. COMMENTARY upon the Historical Books of the OLD TESTAMENT, viz. Genefis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiab and Eftber. er. In Two Volumes. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Dr. SYMON PATRICK, late Lord Bishop of Ely. The fourth Edition corrected. To which is added, a compleat Alphabetical Table. 2. An Historical, Critical, Geographical, Chronological, and Etymological DICTIONARY of the HOLY BIBLE, in three Volumes. Wherein are explained all the Proper Names mentioned in the Old or New Testament, whether of Men, Women, Cities, Countries, Rivers, Mountains, &c. As also most of the fignificant and remarkable Appellatives that any where occur therein. With Accounts of all the natural Productions, as Animals, Vegetables, Minerals, Stones, Gems, &c. The Whole digefted into Alphabetical Order, and illustrated with above one Hundred and Sixty Copper-Plates; representing the Antiquities, Habits, Buildings, Sepulchres, and other Curiofities of the Jews. To which is annexed, BIBLIOTHECA SACRA, or a copious Catalogue of the best Editions and Versions of the Bible; with a large Account of the most valuable Commentaries, Expositions, and Paraphrafes upon the Whole, or any Part thereof, and the Authors of the fame. And an ample Chronological Table of the History of the Bible, a Jewish Calendar, Tables of all the Hebrew Coins, Weights, and Measures, reduced to our own. A Differtation upon Jewish Coins and Medals; another upon the Tacticks of the ancient Hebrews, by the Chevalier FOLARD; concluding with a literal Tranflation of all the Hebrew, Chaldee, Syriac, and Greek Names in the Bible. With Prefaces proper to each Part. Written originally in French, by the Reverend Father Dom AUGUSTIN CALMET, a Benedictine Monk, Abbot of Senones. And now translated into English from the Author's last Edition, with occafional Remarks, by SAMUEL D'OYLY, M. A. late Fellow of Trinity-College in Cambridge, and Vicar of St. Nicolas, Rochester: And JOHN COLSON, M. A. F. R. S. and Vicar of Cbalk in Kent. 3. A Compleat HISTORY of the HOLY BIBLE, contained in the OLD and NEW TESTAMENTS. In which are inferted, the Occurrences that happened during the Space of about four hundred Years, from the Days of the Prophet Malachi, to the Birth of our blessed Saviour; and have been omitted in all, or most of the Works of this Nature. The Whole illustrated with Notes, explaining several difficult Texts, and reconciling many feeming Contradictions in the Translations, as well English as others, of the facred Scriptures, &c. Adorned with one hundred and fifty curious Copper-Plates, engraven by Mr. Sturt. In three Volumes. By LAURENCE HOWELL, A. M. The fixth Edition, corrected and improved. 4. The WORKS of FLAVIUS JOSEPHUS, translated into English by Sir ROGER L'ESTRANGE, Knight, viz. 1. The Antiquities of the Jews, in twenty Books. 2. Their Wars with the Romans, in seven Books. 3. The Life of Jofepbus, written by himself. 4. His Book against Apion, in Defence of the Antiquities of the Jews, in two Parts. 5. The Martyrdom of the Maccabees. 6. Philo's Embassy from the Jerus of Alexandria to Caius Caligula. All carefully revised, and compared with the Original Greek. To which are added, two Discourses, and several Remarks and Observations upon Jofepbus: Together with Maps, Sculptures, and accurate Indexes. The fifth Edition, with the Addition of a new Map of Palestine, the Temple of Jerufalem, and the Genealogy of Herod the Great. Taken from Vallalpandus, Reland, &c. A, PARAPHRASE With NOTES, on the ACTS of the Apostles, And upon all the EPISTLES OF THЕ New Testament. Being a compleat SUPPLEMENT to WITH A short PREFACE to each EPISTLE, shewing For the Use of Families. By THOMAS PYLE, M. A. Cathedral Church of Sarum. The THIRD EDITION, Review'd and Corrected by the AUTHOR. LONDON: Printed for D. MIDWINTER, A. BETTESWORTH and C. HITCH, |