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The Lament of Tasso; by Lord Byron, 8vo. 1s. 6d.

Sibylline Leaves, a Collection of Poems; by S. T. Coleridge, 8vo. 10s. 6d.

De Courci, a Tale, in two Cantos, with other Poems; by James Thomson, Svo. 10s. 6d.

Greece, a Poem, in Three Parts, with Notes, Classical Illustrations, and Sketches of the Scenery; by William Haygarth, A. M. 4to. £2, 12s. 6d.

The Hours, a Poem, in Four Idylls; by Henry Hudson, Esq. 8vo. 7s.


Observations on the Causes of the Depression of Agriculture and Home Trade, containing brief Remarks on Taxation, Tithe, Poor's Rate, Rent, and Emigration. 2s. 6d. Observations on the Importance of Gibraltar to Great Britain, as the means of promoting the Intercourse with the States of the Mediterranean, particularly with Mo

rocco; by Captain Christopher Clarke, Roy. al Artillery. 3s.


Observations, Critical, Explanatory, and Practical, on the Canonical Scriptures; by Mrs Cornwallis of Wittersham, 4 vols 8vo. £2, 2s.

On the Rule of Faith, in Reply to Mr Jos. Fletcher, Minister of the Independents at Blackburn; by Jos. Fairclough, 8vo. 18. 6d.

Sermons on various Subjects; by the Rev. John Nance, D. D. 2 vols. 18s.

Considerations on the Doctrines of the Evangelical Clergy, and on the probable Effects of Evangelical Preaching; a Sermon, by the Rev. Richard Warner, Vicar of Norton St Philip's, Somerset, and Rector of Great Chalfield, Wilts, 8vo. 4s.

Sermons Translated from the French of Daniel de Superville, formerly Pastor of the French Protestant Church at Rotterdam, with Memoirs of his Life; by John Allen, 8vo. 9s.


Lacunar Strevelinense. A Collection of Heads etched and engraved after the Carved Work which formerly decorated the Roof of the King's Room in Stirling Castle. Splendidly printed, Imperial Quarto, with forty plates. £2, 12s. 6d.

The History of Ireland, from the Earliest Ages to the Union; by the Rev. Samuel Burdy, 8vo. 10s. 6d.

Summary of the Law relating to New Trials in Civil Suits, by Courts of Justice in England; by John Peter Grant, Esq. 8vo. 10s. 6d.

An Attempt to establish Physiognomy upon Scientific Principles; by John Cross, M. D. 8vo. 8s.

Pictures of War from Authentic Narra tives, with Reflections on the Practice of National Hostilities, some of them Original, but chiefly extracted from eminent Writers; by Irenicus, 8vo. 7s. 6d.

The Trial of James Watson the Elder for High Treason, 8vo. 4s. 6d.

The Student, a Periodical Paper, 12mo. 5s. 6d. (Glasgow.)


Notice Historique sur la Calabre pendant les dernières révolutions de Naples; par A. de Rivarol, Capitaine de la Garde Royale, 8vo.

Liste des prix des livres de la Bibliothêque de feu M. le Comte de Mac-CarthyReagh, vendue à l'enchère par Debure frères, 8vo.

Abrégé de la vie et des miracles de l'illustre Confesseur de J. C. Saint Léonard, premier saint de la Couronne de France,


Questions sur la Législation actuelle de la Presse en France, et sur la doctrine du ministère public, relativement à la saisie des écrits, et à la responsabilité des auteurs et imprimeurs; par M. Benjamin de Constant, 8vo.

Des Trois derniers mois de l'Amérique méridionale et du Brésil, suivis des Personnalités et incivilités de la Quotidienne et du Journal des Débats; par M. de Pradt, ancien Archevêque de Malines, 8vo.

La France; par Lady Morgan, 2 vols Яvo.

Observations sur l'Ouvrage intitulé “ La France, par Lady Morgan ;" par l'auteur de Quinze jours et de Six mois à Londres, Svo.

Recherches Anatomiques sur les hernies de l'Abdomen; par Jules Cloquet, 4to.

Voyage sur le Mont Blanc, entrepris le 15 Septembre 1816; par le Comte de Lusi, officier des Gardes de S. M. le Roi de Prusse, 8vo.

Considérations philosophiques et morales sur le Magnétisme Animal, ses principes et ses rapports avec le fluide nerveux, les esprits animaux, le galvanisme et l'électricité; par Charles Cadot, Svo. Imprimé d Brunswick.

Nouvelles expériences sur la Nature et les Variations de l'aimant relatives à la navigation, où l'on propose un nouveau magnétomètre universel; par J. P. Sarrazin de Montferrier, 8vo.

Chenier, Tableau Historique de la Littérature Française, depuis 1789, 2d Edit.


Lullin de Chateauvieux, Lettres écrites d'Italie en 1812 et 13, 2 vols 12mo.





AN extraordinary document has just appeared, which, if genuine, may at some future period be the source of important events in this country. It is a representation of Maria Louisa, late Empress of France, protesting against the occupation of the throne by the Bourbons, and claiming it for her son Charles Francis Napoleon. This instrument is dated February 19, 1815, and addressed to the Congress then sitting at Vienna; and it bears, that the Powers there assembled ordered it to be registered among the acts of Congress, with the concurrence of the Emperors of Russia and Austria. The French minister protested against this decision, and refused to sign it. The London Courier, however, asserts that the document is a fabrication.

The French Government, it is said, has succeeded in raising another loan to the amount of three millions sterling. The contractors are the houses of Baring and others. We understand it was finally concluded on the 23d July at Paris, at the rate of 62.50, being about 2 or 3 below the preceding fortnight.

Letters from Cambray say, that it is now considered as quite certain that the Duke of Wellington is gone to Paris, entirely on account of the negotiation for relieving France from a second fifth of the allied army. It is added, that all the allied powers do not approve of this measure; but Russia and England have expressed themselves not disinclined to it.

The Duke De Richelieu has addressed a letter to the Chapter of Toulouse, requesting their assent to a plan for restoring the Church of France to as much of its ancient splendour as possible, by creating new Sees, and re-establishing some of the most ancient. This is to take place with the concurrence of the Pope. The Chapter immediately agreed to the measure as far as it affected their jurisdiction.

The Duchess of Berri was safely delivered of a daughter, at Paris, on the 13th July; but the joy of the royal family upon this occasion was of short duration, as the child died two days after.


The Paris papers of the 2d instant contain an article from Madrid, stating, that Ferdinand has been advised to grant a general amnesty to his subjects; which wise

measure originated with the Finance Minister, Don Martin Garay, who, having made the proposition to the Council of Finance, received from them a report, strongly recommending the measure, and containing various reflections, agreeable both to sound policy and humanity.

Letters of the 15th ult. from Madrid mention, that the finance decree of 30th May, notwithstanding the opposition of the clergy, both by inuendoes in the pulpit, and elaborate pieces in the papers, had been favourably received in the provinces.

The letters from Spain state, that nearly the whole of the Spanish cavalry, to the number of 2000, were about to be sent to South America. Another article states, that eleven men are to be taken by lot from each regiment of the line in Spain, and the whole force thus assembled, amounting to about 6000, is to be sent to South America.

The unfortunate General Lacy, it appears, has been shot at Majorca. A letter from Perpignan, dated July 13, gives the following account of this event:-When the Spanish government sent orders, after the sentence passed on General Lacy, to send him to Majorca, it was because fears were entertained that the numerous friends whom Lacy had at Barcelona, might be able to excite a commotion in his favour. The most urgent representations were made in favour of the General by several officers of the highest distinction, in order to obtain a mitigation of the sentence of death, but they were ineffectual. On the arrival of General Lacy at Majorca, his sentence was read to him, and he was shot on the morning of the 5th. This officer, who had so many times shed his blood for the service of his country, died with equal composure and firmness. "All that I request (said he) is to die by the hands of my ancient brethren in arms it was on the field of honour, and while combating the enemies of Spain, that a warrior like me ought to have finished his career." After these words he said to the soldiers-" Fire!"


We learn from Lisbon, by a letter of a recent date, that thirty of the conspirators have been condemned. General Gomez Friere is to be banished. Baron Eben's fate was undecided: No confessions have been made by him; but a number of papers, which he had confided to a young woman, to whom he was under an engage. ment of marriage, have been sccured, and it is said their contents furnish much im

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The project of a new constitution for the states of Wurtemberg has been brought forward. It has met with much opposition, and occasioned a great deal of discussion. The people insist upon the re-establishment of their former rights; and the King, who is said to be goaded on by the Emperor of Russia, seems determined to oppose them. Russian influence is said to be so great in these states, since the marriage of the King with the sister of the Emperor, that the whole of the military are now attired in Russian uniforms.

The new Council of State of Prussia have, by a great majority, rejected the plan of finance submitted to them by M. Bulow, the minister of finance, and have petitioned the king to assemble the provincial estates, whose proper business it is to determine on all matters of supply.

The Paris papers contain, under the head of Frankfort, a long memorial or remonstrance to the Diet from the free towns of Hamburgh, Lubeck, and Bremen, on the subject of the visit paid to the British Channel and the North Seas by the Tunisian pirates. The memorialists state, that the captain and crew of one of the Hamburgh vessels have been carried into slavery, and they have appointed a committee of five to report upon the best means of securing the trade of Germany against these depredators.

The state of the organization of the Austrian army has been published in the Belgian journals, from which it appears that there are 564 generals and 380 colonels, of whom 321 of the former, and 163 of the latter, are unemployed. The forces are composed of fifty-eight regiments of infantry of the line, of which six are in France, and three in the Neapolitan dominions. There are twenty

one battalions of grenadiers, seventeen frontier regiments, a battalion of czaikistes, a regiment of Tyrolean chasseurs, composed of four battalions; twelve battalions of chasseurs, of which two are in France, and five battalions are in garrison. Besides these, there are the cavalry, the artillery, the miners, sappers, &c.

A letter from Vienna, of the 2d July, says, that the mountain called the Hunsruck, in Upper Austria, has disappeared, and its place been supplied by a lake. This mountain was very high, and the country around took its name from it. Since the preceding month several phenomena had warned the inhabitants that something awful would happen, and there were frequent subterraneous noises heard. About a dozen cottages, which were built on various parts of the hill, have of course disappeared; but it was not known whether any person perished in them.

In the course of last month Switzerland sustained dreadful damage in many parts by inundations. Several rivers broke their dykes; houses and bridges were destroyed in many places; and on the banks of the Lake of Constance many communes were laid under water. In the Oberland, the fields, meadows, and plantations, were entirely submerged, and masses of the soil were seen floating about, torn up by the fury of the waters, covered with potatoes, vegetables, and hay. The storm had caused great misery to the poor peasantry, already suffering severely from the dearth of provisions.


The Hamburgh papers contain a singular letter from Stockholm, describing the meas ures adopted by Government for the sup pression of Foreign trade, by bringing back the manners of the people from modern refinements to the standard of their ancient simplicity. Voluntary associations are forming in the different provinces, for laying aside the use of all foreign articles,-for wearing no clothes of foreign manufacture,-for using no liquors except such as are made at home, and for retrenching all superfluous expenses at weddings, christenings, burials, &c. This system is too artificial to last, and we may be assured that, however strictly it may be enforced for a time, it will soon be evaded in all points.

The Hereditary Prince, Oscar, was admitted a member of the Council of State on 15th July.

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grape shot, were brought down and fired upon them. The ringleaders were tried on the 27th by a Council of War, and several of them were executed. The damage done by the fire is estimated at from 3 to 400,000




The letters from America speak of the continued exertions of the Government of the United States in building a formidable navy.

The new President commenced in June a tour through the States, and was every where received with the most cordial demonstrations of satisfaction. To judge from the answers made by him to the various addresses which were presented to him as he passed, his views are decidedly pacific. He seems averse from showing himself too much in public, and has uniformly declined to accept of any invitation to the public dinners which were offered him.


The insurrection at Pernambuco never extended beyond the limits of that province, and the authority of the insurgents was not of long duration. While a naval force was instantly despatched to blockade the port, an army marched over land from Bahia. This force was met by the insurgents at some distance from Pernambuco, on the 15th May, and, after an action which lasted till night, the latter were totally defeated and dispersed. On the 16th, Martins, the chief of the insurgents, at the head of a small column, was attacked by the royal troops, He was sent defeated, and taken prisoner.

to Bahia, and accounts from that place, of the 12th June, state, that he had been executed there. the day preceding. About seventy other prisoners, who had been sent there along with him, all persons of some consideration, were about to be tried, and it was expected would share the same fate. While the insurgent army was engaged with the royal troops, the sailors and marines from the fleet landed, and hoisted the royal flag at Pernambuco, and the latest intelligence from that place states that tranquillity was completely restored, and the royal authority firmly re-established in the province.

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whole country, Augustura excepted, where
the king's troops are closely besieged and
reduced to great extremities. Women and
children, to the amount of 1500, had left the
city, and all sorts of unclean animals had
been resorted to for food. It is affirmed,
on the authority of a gentleman arrived at
Baltimore from St Thomas's, that the
patriots had actually obtained possession of
the place, as well as of all the country on
the Oronoko. With a view to strike some
effectual blow against the royal party, before
the arrival of reinforcements from Spain,
they had collected all their forces on the
River Oronoko; and, according to an aecount
in a Boston paper, the decisive battle had
already taken place. The royalists are said
to have sustained the impetuosity of repeat-
ed attacks with great firmness, but were in
the end overpowered, and compelled to fly
in all directions, leaving 549 slain, and about
The capture of the two
500 prisoners.
Guayanas was expected to be the result of
this battle, the date of which is not however

There appears to be seven patriotic armies in Caraccas and New Andalusia, whose united numbers amount to 23,300 men. The naval force, commanded by Admiral Brion, consists of 32 vessels of war.

Sir Gregor M'Gregor is positively asserted to have sailed with a considerable force from Charleston, and to have commenced his operations by seizing Amelia Island; a capture which may expose the movements of the Spaniards in the adjacent quarters to serious difficulty.

Mina is said to have been joined by 7 or 800 militia in his march from Soto la Marina, a small town where he landed, to St Ander.

The Independent Government of Caraccas has issued a decree permitting English and American goods to be imported for a duty of 8 per cent, instead of the 17 exacted from other nations; but promising to these other nations the same mitigation of impost whenever they shall shew to the patriots the same conciliatory disposition.


Newfoundland papers, to the 11th June, mention, that the scarcity of provisions was no longer felt. There had been extensive arrivals of provisions from Halifax and from Ireland. The Royal Gazette, of the 27th of May, states, that his Excellency, General Lord Dalhousie, governor of Halifax, adopted measures immediately to afford relief, and that they were carried into effect in the most prompt manner by Captain Baldwin of his Majesty's ship Fly, every officer attached to government using the greatest exertion to alleviate their wants.

Letters from Halifax, of the 16th, state, that numerous vessels continued to arrive there with emigrants from Great Britain. Within the three weeks immediately preceding that date, about 1000 individuals 3 Y

had been landed, and immense numbers were on their way to Canada. The brig Traveller, from Leith, with 60 emigrants, foundered at sea in the month of May, but the passengers and crew were saved by the ship Valiant, and landed at Prince Edward's Island in the gulph of St Lawrence.


The Jamaica papers, of the 2d June, contain details relative to the predatory vessels with which the West Indies is infested. At Jamaica they give the appellation of pirates to their crews, and denounced vengeance against them. The trade of that island seems to have suffered most severely from their depredations. Nor is the evil likely to be lessened speedily, for Commodore Taylor, as he is styled, a bold and adventurous leader, has collected no less than 13 armed vessels in these seas. His immediate object was represented to be an attack on Porto Rico, the richest of the Spanish West India islands, and close to St Domingo. It has sustained several attacks from well appointed expeditions during the last three centuries, and Commodore Taylor may therefore find himself baffled. Much, of course, depends upon the dispositions of the troops and inhabitants. The Jamaica Courant, of the 16th of May, says, "Information from home states, that Lord Melville had forwarded to this island positive instructions to check in every instance the piratical depredations of any flag which may be found annoying the commerce of this colony."



Despatches overland from India have been received at the East India House, from the Governor of Bombay, dated March 22, and communicating the important intelligence of the taking of the fortress of Hattrass by the British army The circumstances which led to this event are as follows: A chief, named Rio Doss, had for some time past manifested a spirit of restlessness and encroachment towards the British,, and, by taking possession of this strong fortress, his hostile designs against the British possessions bordering on the Mahratta territories, became obvious. Remonstrances and explanations proving unsatisfactory, recourse was had by our Govern ment to more effectual measures, by prompt and vigorous military operations. Our army, composed of British and native troops, immediately took the field under the command of Colonel Marshal, au officer of high military reputation. Arrived before the place, he summoned it to surrender; but the enemy, confiding in his strength and means of defence, refused to capitulate. It was then determined to carry it by storma heavy bombardment was commenced; and bombs and Congreve rockets were used with ter

rible effect. A bomb falling on the magazine, occasioned a tremendous explosion, which destroyed numbers in the garrison of Hattrass. Our loss, by the fire of the ene my, was inconsiderable. Lieutenant Courtland was the only officer wounded. The conduct of Scindia, in the countenance he has given Rio Doss in his hostile dispositions towards the British, is much blamed. A probability might be entertained of a Mahratta war, were it not for the impression which the British arms may have made on the councils of the Mahratta confederates.

We are concerned to announce a melancholy accident, which occurred in Columbo harbour on the 27th of January, by the upsetting of one of the boats belonging to his Majesty's ship Iphigenia. From the ac counts received, it appears, that a party of officers belonging to his Majesty's 73d regi ment had proceeded on board the Iphigenis on that day, to dine with the officers of the ship, and that on their return in the evening the boat unfortunately upset, by which distressing occurrence no less than seven lives were lost. Ensigns Campbell, Coane and Hanwell, of his Majesty's 73d Regi ment; and Lieutenant Sanders of his Majesty's ship Iphigenia, two seamen, and one boy, were drowned; the remaining seven got safe on shore.

The letters from the Mauritius by the Pallas, which sailed the 8th of April last, convey very gloomy intelligence of the state of that colony. In consequence of the dreadful fire, houses of the highest commercial character have required six and ten years to meet their engagements. All metallic meney had disappeared; and the Local Treasu ry had been compelled to issue notes for sums as low as a rupee. These are depreciated in the Bazaar, and, even in exchange for brass money, the holder is compelled to allow a premium. The second expedition to Madagascar has experienced as disastrous a result as the first. Before the Pallas sailed, the Musquito sloop of war was despatched from Port Louis to bring back the survivors; but it was feared, from the dreadful mortality, that all the new settlers had perished, amongst whom was Governor Farquhar's Aide-de-Camp, Lieutenant-Governor Le Sage.


**!, *

By an edict published by the Chinese Emperor, the failure of Lord Amherst's embassy to Pekin is ascribed to certain m positions practised by the minister Hoshe tay. An hour of audience had been sp pointed, but the envoys having travelled all night, and their dresses of ceremony not having arrived, they could not present themselves; and the Chinese minister made a report to the Emperor, couched in disre spectful language, in consequence of which, the embassy was sent back without an su dience. Had the minister, says the decree. "addressed to me a true-report, 1, the Bm

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