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In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Thereupon, either kneeling or standing, repeat the Creed and the Lord's prayer; and, if thou wilt, thou mayest repeat the following short prayer in addition thereto :

I give thanks unto Thee, Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Thy dear Son, that Thou hast protected me through the night from all danger and harm; and I beseech Thee to preserve and keep me this day also from all sin and evil; that in all my thoughts, words and deeds, I may serve and please Thee. Into Thy hands I commend my body and soul and all that is mine. Let Thy holy angel have charge concerning me, that the wicked one have no power over me. Amen.

Then, after a hymn, or the Ten Commandments, or whatever devotion may suggest, go joyfully to thy work. (Luther's Small Catechism.)


While Dressing.

LORD Jesus, Who art the second

and new Adam, clothe me with Thyself; that I put away all evil desires and lusts, and crucify and slay in me the dominion of the flesh. Be Thou unto me a strong garment against the icy coldness of this world; that I may be preserved and warmed by Thee. Without Thee, all things droop, decay and die; but in Thee we live safe, strong, and mighty. As now I cover my body with these garments, so, O Lord, cover and clothe me with Thyself; especially my soul; for Thou art the garment of my salvation and the cloak of my righteousness. And unto Thee be glory and honor and praise, together with

the Father and the Holy Ghost,

world without end.




At the Rising Of The Sun.

LORD Jesus, Creator of all things; Light of the glory of the Father in heaven: I thank Thee with my whole heart that Thou permittest me again to see the joyous sunlight. O Bright Sun of Righteousness, arise and shine in my heart, also; that, in Thy refulgence, I may walk as a child of light as in the day, and finally behold Thee blessed in the eternal light of joy everlasting. Amen.

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LORD, have mercy upon us.

Christ, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us, and save Thy people, whom Thou hast redeemed by Thy precious blood; and be not eternally wroth for our sins. O Lord, remember us according to Thy mercy and the gracious purpose which Thou hast toward Thy people. Visit us with Thy salvation, that we may behold the glory of Thine elect; rejoicing in the joy of Thy people; and praising Thee in Thine inheritance. Amen.




Daily Gloria.

GLORY be to God on high, and on


earth peace, good will toward

From the rising of the sun unto the going down thereof,

Let the Name of the Lord
be praised!

Almighty and gracious God, merciful Father, let the light of Thy countenance be upon us, Thy humble servants; and increase in us true knowledge of Thy grace and mercy which Thou hast vouchsafed unto us by Thy dear Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ. Grant this, we beseech Thee, that we be moved to praise and to confess Thee, unto the salvation of Thy people everywhere, as our Lord and our God, together with Thy dear

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